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I'm surprised global beat china, usually it's the other way around


they meme the living soul out of its cause bad optimize for mobile which is their main focus


I keep hearing how bad the optimization is but the game runs beautifully on my brother's hella old ipad at 60fps. I honestly feel like its mobile optimization is better than its PC optimization.


I think CN uses different phones altogether that are generally lower powered.


The big issue isn't even that it's lower powered, the android version is just a lot less consistently optimized than the apple version. Like it worked fine on my old s10 (albeit not on the highest settings), but barely runs on my s24. Regardless, China is still really apple friendly, apple is consistently in tje top 3 vendors in China. Not quite as popular as in America, but still far more popular than a lot of the world, so it shouldn't matter


Yeah the optimization for android is hella weird. I've seen people with ancient phones and people with very modern phone, both having issues. In the meanwhile my Samsung Galaxy A30s (2019, android 11, no snapdragon, but a crappy samsung exynos chip) just runs super smoothly at minimum settings. Sure, it takes a minute to "fast travel" and loading in general, but game's smooth. Maybe Android 11 is the stable os for this release lol, older phones are android 10 or earlier, all newer phones are android 13+


Nah, it's optimization gacha. Optimization will be random because not all phones run with the same graphics, storage capacity, and memory. That variation will be the variable that makes or breaks optimization for mobile device Even though it may be running smooth on mobile, the camera is fekked up and so your camera goes all over the place, especially for Jiyan and sometimes for Jinhsi.


Yeah this. I was wondering how and why I can play using my Android when I can't play consistently on my laptop even at lowest settings. Laptop can play GI at med settings at best tho so I dunno if it's that.


prob because china's main audience is mobile and they got wrecked with the poor optimization at launch and just quit


Isn't sensory tower mobile only


Yup, it's likely that global has on average maybe better phones that can actually handle the game, so the numbers are higher there.


This is only mobile though, including global. Guess we have better phones on average? Lol


I might be onto nothing here but I myself downloaded the mobile version only because it's easier to do purchases, but I play PC only maybe global players instead of quitting altogether just decided to switch to PC and do purchases on phone also lol


Genshin Impact is played by a majority on phones. Last time they disclosed this info, it was 70% of the pb as mobile users, but as a mobile player myself, I can say that wuwa is terrible to play on phone compared to everything else


HSR,Snowbreak, WW i always purchase on PC with Paypal. In some Games the Playstore price is higher.


Wuwa had a much bigger hate trend in China around launch/1.0 than it did in Global. Their official accounts had like 40k comments under every post flaming them over every tiny thing. Though not sure if this actually plays a part in the sales difference or not though, since Genshin also had a much bigger hate trend (one of the biggest I’ve seen for a video game in China) than global during launch.


I've seen some of the Wuwa forums in CN, my god that shit was somehow more toxic than reddit


Yeah it probably does affect like if someone searches up wuwa for just like a review or stuff and they all these shit talking/criticism etc its obviously going to turn some players from even giving it a chance.Still tho the biggest issue is still the mobile optimisation till they don't fix that' cn revenue will probably stay low like this sadly.


I know their first anniversary created a major hate trend, but I was not aware they had one at their launch?


Oh nah. Anniversary was the Genshin players getting mad at the company. Launch was the entire internet hunting down anything Genshin for existing. If you made a comment under a completely unrelated video with no mentions of Genshin in your comment you could still get like 20 replies attacking you because they clicked into your profile and saw you had Genshin in there. There were also bunch of streamers/content creators got that received mass harassment and death threats for simply showing the game. The anniversary wasn’t even on the same scale as the launch hate.


Kuro has a bad reputation in China cause of the drama they had before wuwa release and China is majority mobile players so probably most of them quit after the awful launch


most likely because this is mobile numbers, if we include pc it would be very different


i wish there was a way to see pc earnings cos while i know that most earnings are on mobile, i feel like with all the optimization issues wuwa has, a bigger proportion than usual would be on pc vs something like hsr which runs fine on mobile


CN players conducted a community poll for version 1.1, showing that the number of PC users is several times higher than that of mobile users. More and more people are encouraging others to play WuWa on PC to enjoy the best graphics. Therefore, it is generally believed that PC revenue accounts for the majority. In fact, there are quite a few people in China who play games on PC, but only mobile revenue is visible.


Source please for the community poll.


Interesting that it's like that in China too... I mean, in the west, I expected that, but not in China.


after what is happening on launch wuwa now catch up on top 3 holy


Before Wuwa existed who was in the top 3? GI, HSR and?


\#3 is always bouncing around because gacha games tend to have different peaks. HSR and Genshin are just way ahead so they don't move.


I'm expecting ZZZ joining the top 3 in the future


At launch almost certainly just due to hoyo brand recognition. Hard to say if it’ll have the staying power of their big names.


Zzz is either gonna be top 3 or top 4, there a lot of mixed opinions on the game, but I wanna give it a try


Wasn’t my cup of tea when I played one of the betas last year, but I’m curious to see how it does


Everchanging, most often Nikke


Kuro shortening the 1.0 period is probably their smartest decision yet. They knew downtime would cause many to quit so bring forth their waifu banners asap plus the 1.1 story and region are much better. Biggest concern now is how long it takes for them to create new characters. Their characters and combat arguably have more move sets and animations so the dry patch could be longer than Genshin’s.


We can pretty much assume 1.2 will have male banner(although I highly doubt it'll be Scar) so kinda up to husbando enjoyers to show their strength. Might be interesting to see the result and will allow to save some pulls for waifu chasers.


I've seen predictions for Geshu Lin, who is pretty popular. People doompost about husbando enjoyers all the time, but I don't see Love and Deepspace having this issue lmao.


Love and Deepspace is more dating-sim than actual action RPG, its not really comparable.


Yeah, I don't think Scar will release that soon, I can only expect Camellya


I am not one of those wife or husband chasers. I am a "cool" chaser so if they offer a male which is cool and has fun gameplay i am all over that. But i feel the next 2 which come out i might have to sit out on coz i don't feel we will have enough saved up pulls before they come out.


I don't think the audience for this game will be able to carry a husbando banner


They release new characters just fine on PGR their other game and they are fairly complex like in WuWa so i think it will be okay


Movement is more diverse in WuWa so climbing, interacting, double jumping. And other open world animations take more effort and time so it could mean longer dry patches


Lol what are you all meaning by "dry patches" If you look at the battle pass timer, that is the timer for the 1.1 update. When that runs out, 1.2 comes. When 1.2 comes, 2 new characters come! Woooahh. Right now it's about 40 days, like genshin does. They aren't going to go 40 days, then 60, then 80.... It will be 40. They almost guaranteed have multiple characters in progress even as the game released. As those finish more get added to the queue. There are always characters in the works. And like genshin they are probably sticking to just a handful of models, which reduces issues like: interacting with the world, certain animations, and clipping.


People are so ridiculously quick to scream dry patches when we literally have like 2 patches so far lmao. And dry patches are kinda inevitable anyway. Genshin has them from time to time too and theres nothing inherently wrong with that. Games of this scale just arent easy to produce compared the usual gacha slop


Movement animation are done with basically templates for the character skeleton model, so no problem there. What they need to animate is just the attacks, ults, idles, and not much else.


I think 1.2 is going to be the dry patch as yk no expected character is gonna be there. I hope 1.3 is a banger though


I think this is good for the Global Community. It was clearly shown that a bulk of the money for this game is to be made in the Global Community unlike other games so I expect better translations in the future.


You are kinda forgetting that Global also count Japan and SEA who are also the main spenders of gachas.


All the better, since our records go straight into one. We also get all the benefits from it. Hopefully, it doesn't end up with the same situation as Mihoyo pleasing the Chinese market first above global. It already happened on Honkai Impact(anniversary), Genshin(KFC and other events). so far, none for HSR(But I assume we won't ever get some fanservice catered to the global community because of what happened to Honkai Impact)


> fanservice catered to the global community because of what happened to Honkai Impact) What does "fanservice catered to the global community" look like? How is it different than fanservice catered to China?


>All the better, since our records go straight into one. Kuro is perfectly able to separate income by country but yeah


I mean PGR still has translation and typo issues...


Considering the mobile performance of this game, this is VERY good result. There is probably tons more coming from PC, considering Global seems to be the biggest spender and we play on PCs more than in China. Actually beating Genshin in Global is also crazy. I knew WuWa will be top5 but didn't expect those numbers. Hope Changli will carry this month.


These numbers are only for Mobile only so things are even better in PC


I think genshins numbers are low cause sigewinne isnt really the most popular unit. Shes just another healer with her own gimmick so her pull value for both new and old accounts are low so kinda makes sense that wuwa surpassed genshins global sales


I am honestly more surprised at WuWa's performance in CN


They catered to the CN public so much that they changed designs and major plots for them, just for them to not pull their weight in return 😅


Yeah fck them, story changes, no onigiri pants, etc. Zero respect for them


Yinlin carried me thinks.


I'll take that, since WuWa whales don't need to spend as much in WuWa to max characters & weapons due to guaranteed rate up and wavebands from coral shop.


Oh right i forgor weapon has guaranteed so yeah that also means less spending so that would also explain the lower sales numbers (though its still higher than genshin all things considered its very impressive). Thanks for reminding


Not to mention, WW in June had 3 different characters. I know Jinshi was released on 28, but the first few days of a banner generally are peak money making days. Not trying to incite any hate, but just something to take consideration upon Edit: Also apparently there's a bug that didn't track revenue for all gachas from 20th onwards (which undermines my Jinshi statement lmao), so take all the above revenues with a grain of salt


Oh yeah no you are right. Theres also the fact that as of now there arent a lot of units in wuwa so players are definitely trying to expand their rosters. Tho i do hope not every new unit is a dps as we arent really lacking dpses and moreso actual proper supports. Sure we have some supports but like they feel more like mixtures of dps or other classes like healers with some supprting capabilities. Like verina for example. Shes definitely a support but shes also a healer. When i say i want supports i mean actual dmg boosting units that provide more buffs than verina at the cost of not providing healing.


Sigewinne is not a big draw but she is with Furina, who may be a rerun but is insanely popular and has busted-ass constellations


Clorinde came out in June as well, she is a popular character.


Ehhhh... The hype on her died down considerably over the life of 4.X patches. If she was released when she was more relevant, I think she would have done much better.


I can confirm this personally. I was really hyped for her in the beginning but it took so absurdly long for her to release, now I didn't pull for her at all despite having more than enough primogems to guarantee her and then some. I'd rather wait for the upcoming Natlan characters. Also at this point she couldn't compete with many other characters from Fontaine, especially Arlecchino, so I already knew that I would probably barely play her. My gf did exactly the same. She was super hyped for her in the beginning and now skipped her completely. Her bad release timing *definitely* had an impact.


She is basically this patch’s alhaitham, and he didnt suffer that. I think it was because of many doompost regarding her damage.


How's she this patch's Alhaitham? He was the best damage dealer in the game when he came out. Neuvi was Fontaine's Alhaitham. Clorinde's like a slightly better Keqing, aka a pretty decent character who's not going to shake the meta or anything. And she wasn't particularly important story wise, either.


that duration nerf on her E really knecapped her and her sales tbh.


This, and I feel like her raw dmg is also somewhat lacking as Fontaine character. I cancelled my pull for her, but comparing her to Arle in IT, Arle is far more superior in dps. Both are trial characters, with exact same shitty party IT gave me. My friend who have her said she needs multiple support to max her dmg, unlike Arle who's already strong as solo. Hoyo really destroyed her "Champion Duelist" title.


She is so much worse in the meta than Al Haitham who is still top 5 easily.


Yeah i know shes popular (im not downplaying wuwa here mind you) im just saying that sigewinnes being low priority definitely brings the sales numbers down. Like compared that to hsr right now. Both firefly and ruan mei are high priority units for old and new accounts and as we can see based on revenue they certainly have a higher earning cause of it and the second half of hsr has jade (for all my fellow dommy mommy dgens out there) and argenti ( i dont think hes that popular but i dunno i could be wrong)


I'm not saying that you're wrong, but usually Genshin does really good numbers with 1 new character banner in the whole patch. This time it was with 2 new characters, its surprising Wuwa beat it in global.


Yeah but Archon reruns do numbers and Furina not carrying it is hella surprising


You forget that sigewinne also has one of the most sought after units running with her, furina, so it's a pretty damn impressive achievement still


I think wuwa has a lot more pc players because only good pc can run it smoothly so the overall revenue should be higher


JP probably played a big part, as they seem to be mostly happy with the game


True, the PC version is by far their greatest selling point imo. The graphics there are beyond what I experienced in many games. <3


Seeing global did so well, I hope that kuro doesnt neglect porting wuwa to console considering that most western country tends to use PS or Xbox for playing these kind of open world game. Also seeing how detail new map can be at max graphic option, I think wuwa is skipping a big pie of revenue by not releasing console version fast.


That would be great I hope they are working on it and not as a side thing


I agree, I think they should release it at 1.2 considering 1.1 is a long patch and 1.2 may not have a big map. Therefore, they should focus on refining existing gaming experience and expanding it to console. Also I dont know why wuwa not following snowbeak path, releasing the game through steam tho? Isnt steam the gaming platform in PC?


A lot of gacha games are kinda weird. I'm guessing they don't want to take cut on IAPs on Steam so they avoid it or delay it as much as possible. Snowbreak don't even have a Steam version until very recently even though they have a PC client since launch. Hoyoverse only has HI3rd on Steam, and the rest are only available through EGS or standalone.


That would be amazing if we can get it on consoles as well. I wanna experience the game on a big ass screen lol


They need to help and fix our mobile bros first, I heard the optimization there is still hardass, hoping for them to work them out fast cuz I know cn players tend to be only mobile.


i think it's also really important for JP (i read people there play mostly on playstation and switch)


The main concern about putting Wuthering waves about how shitty Sony is, They are very hard on censorship, somehow Nikke Devs stood their ground and managed to launch Stellar blade.


I purchase the monthly thing and battle pass on mobile but play on pc.


Same. A huge % of GL will be on PC as well, I'd love to know the numbers.


Pretty much what I thought. WuWa did everything they could to have a big June after that rocky start with the performance of the game. Yinlin at the start of the month and moved up the patch by a week so Jinhsi also made it in. Genshin had Clorinde, but hype for her died waaaaayyyy down a long time ago. She's one of the first characters we see in 4.0 and she isn't released until 4.7 when the game is in its sleepy stages. I find this trend to not be a good one. Sigewinne is doing about what I expected, which is not much. I did think Furina might pull more though.


Wont be surprised if Furina ends up being the one that will carry july as well.


She will probably need to. Emilie comes out in the middle of the month and I just don't see her doing that well especially with the odd hate she got during the drip marketing reveal.


Issue I have with Émilie is that she came out of nowhere, like who are you woman ? And where were you when fontaine was about to be submerged ?


She's gonna be Fontaine Eula. Comes out of nowhere as a filler banner shortly before new region and is basically forgotten about by Hoyo.


At least for Eula, we knew about her family and their importance in the history of mondstadt. Émilie is a perfumer.....


Exactly why I’m skipping her. I love burning and burgeon but her lack of total relevance plus her having a number of concepts all increasingly better than the last…. And they chose the worst one.


Eula debut in 1.5. If anything your description fitting kazuha more which is no way forgotten by hoyo lol


making a 5 star with 4 stars limitations and 0 versatility was a bad idea to start with. I wanted her but i refuse to get cheated by hoyo. thus i m redirecting my funds towards wuwa for now.


after the drip marketing, they've been buffing up her kit every update, from range increase to dmg increase to removing the atk% drop from using electro along with her dendro. Still though, she doesn't seem that interesting


She honestly looks very strong as far as a damage dealer : but the combo of Natlan soon+kinda boring kit+don't really like the design doesn't help.


She was most likely made to work with Nathan burning-centered other char


I hope they optimize the game for mobile phones. They are losing the Chinese community.


I'm a global, mobile-only player. I honestly only kept playing because I had good luck in the gacha + great rewards and if that stops I'm out, so...yeah. I want to like the game but it does expect you to have a bit of skill instead of just mashing, and I can't do that when the game is stuttering. I still don't know whether the lampylumen myriad boss is supposed to phase in and out, or if that's just my device lol.


If you’re talking about Lampy’s invincible mode during the fight then it’s part of its gimmick , not a bug .


Unsurprising. Firefly was always going to decimate everyone. Good solid number for wuwa here.


I did spend on Firefly though I am done for a while on HSR personally WW is so nice that I am going to take my main spending on WW




Firefly did well, but like not as well as everyone thought she would?


Someone mentioned that Firefly banner first couple of days are not counted. If so, I'm not surprised if the revenue is 100M+


I thought she might top Acheron


Acheron was going to be a tough beat, especially seeing as she had the top-up reset bonus, just like with Ei in Genshin. By and large, first month banners, annies and resets (which usually are an annie or other holiday like CNY) are the highest earning banners.


There was a "freeze" on Google/Sensor Tower during the first 5 days of Firefly's banner, so the numbers you see are actually way bigger


She highly likely did alot better, but android sensor tower froze for alot of days and didn't record when she peaked, here [an example](https://i.imgur.com/PY3sl2s.png) or [another one](https://i.imgur.com/VBgEVpn.png), frozen between the 14th to around the 22nd-24th, so missing her first 5 days, but considering that it still did alot as an estimate


I had a feeling firefly will hit even higher revenue if Wuwa did not exist. I think wuwa has eaten quite a bit of the pie for firefly in global, which is why the global sales isnt as good as i expected. I thought firefly would hit 100m combined at least.


This is because unlike Acheron banner, Firefly didn't have the benefit of Top-up bonuses being reset. 90m is absolutely crazy without that bonus.


Apparently there's also bug,so the second half of June sales have not been recorded properly.


No is because Lot of days of ff banner werent included as sensor tower was bugged , and the most importante days to top it off as it was the first 5 days


decently competently made open world gacha games with high production values and anime net you lots of money and JP devs just twiddle their thumbs watching all this unfold for years lmao serves them right tbh. they had all the time in the world to get it right


They're too old fashioned tied by tradition that prevent younger generation make breakthroughs. I for sure can't remember when the last time I heard new gacha game release from JP company. 


they release them all the time but like 99% goes kaput in less than a year these days


Agreed. After spending money on two JP gachas (Nier Reincarnation and Sinoalice), only to see JP devs treat GL like utter dogshit and then EoS the games randomly, I am done with JP gachas forever. Fuck them and fuck their greediness. Nevermind banner changes, just straight up never getting certain QoL features, entire game modes and fucking Drakengard collabs.


Only JP gachas I've played were Cygames ones, and only Granblue seriously for a few years. In that game there is only the one JP version with an official English translation so everyone is playing the exact same game just with different ping, which only really matters for ultra tryhards. Dunno about others, but if there is a difference in treatment between different regions it sometimes boils down to publisher and not the developer.


Not too shabby considering the issues that plagued (well still plaguing some users) the game Also players please remember that this doesn’t count PC I have topped up via PC when possible though it seems they are still having issues with payments I was unable to process payments via PC thru their systems when Jinhsi dropped So I had use mobile Hopefully they get that sorted soon because if on each banner they are going to have issues processing payments it’s going to get irritating Let’s see next month cause 1.1 is such a huge improvement it’s crazy and we have two very wanted units this patch


Yeah I play on PC and could not get any card payments to go thru for a week straight and I have never heard back from support about it to this day. I had to use PayPal. I’m sure many people would’ve just given up on it and said screw it I’m not going to buy anything. I really hope they get this fixed. They should not make it so difficult to spend money in their game.




Honestly if Kuro pander more to the GL audience than CN, we'll end up with a much better, much better written and much healthier game.


Yeah chinese players just destroy gacha games for us global folks. Their demands are dogsht most of the time.


Sometimes they destroy gacha games even for themselves. Girls' Frontline 2 for example.


The HI3 bunny suit incident lmao


Would be great if that happened, but I'm 99% sure Kuro isn't a company that would have the balls to stop catering primarily to CN players.


Populism is prevalent in China now. If game companies cater to global players, they will attack them as traitors to China. In China, everyone is afraid of the CCP, including game companies, but now the Chinese will use people's fear of the CCP to achieve their own goals. (Google Translate


?? Absolutely nothing 😅. I may have to revisit my definition of nothing when a game get 10+ millions 


I don't think 16M dollars is "absolutely nothing" my friend.


I'm actually surprise the comments are so tame. Sees name of subreddit oh it's wuwa sub. That's why lol


Well, I think it's mostly bcz many of the controversial phrases were blocked by Reddit. But I can still see many players can't get rid of the other games from their head. YouTube have it worse though. Just wanted a peaceful community without a sh*t shows and comparisons.


I said it already, but i say it again: It's crazy to me how good WuWa does on Global and yet Kuro keeps treating GL as second-rate players and pandering to CN, despite completely bombing here. I hope Kuro learns some lessons from it and gives more budget to GL localization teams, so we can say goodbye to poor localization, constant translation mistakes and outright AI translation slop. I swear, AK puts much more effort in Global than WuWa, despite AK Global revenue being negligible compared to CN. I don't see any logic or reason behind it all.


It's a surprising amount that GL has spent, and more will be being spent on PC as WuWa is seen as a PC game by many. If Kuro follows the money, then it's obvious they should try harder with GL.


personally, I don't fault then for listening to CN first, it is the people closer to them and also that they could get in trouble if some funny CN guy pulls a funny and tries to report them to the ccp because kuro treats GL better ans CN as second-rate, I know how they are, you know how they are, bunny suit incident is proof of that.


i wouldnt call 16.5 million as completely bombing but okay


I hope they pay the dev well with this cuz god damn that one intern kun must be suffering rolling out constant hot fixes


Nah, they would fire the intern and hire a new one. Free labour with zero cost. /j


Good numbers for the first full month, considering lots of issues/bad word of mouth for the game. The damning thing is that CN region usually carries gacha games HARD, and Global was the carry this month. Global will likely drop like a rock like it always does, so if they can't get CN interested, they're gonna drop big in July, just my guess.


In just its first month, Wuwa has already jumped right into the fight with Hoyoverse, something PGR never came close to achieving. It can be said, without a doubt, that it is a total success.


The CN market is very concerning since most people there play on mobile. Making 2m more in the month of June compared to May which only had 1 week of data means that the game is bleeding players in China and Kuro could lose the CN market altogether


Well good news is that general CN sentiment of 1.1 is that they are quite happy with it, the game ratings on bilibili have gone up also. Jinhsi's first day in CN exceeded launch day's peak but second day dipped about 50%. We will just have to wait and see.


CN players conducted an unofficial poll for the 1.1 version, which showed that the number of people using PCs is several times that of mobile users. More and more people are encouraging others to play WuWa on PC to enjoy the best graphics. Actually, there are quite a few people in China who play games on PC, but only mobile revenue is visible. Snowbreak seems to generate very little revenue, but the official figures reveal an astonishingly high proportion of PC revenue, reaching a ratio of 3:7.


Note that Android count was bugged for a while and Sensor Tower didn't fix or compensate for that. I don't know why it ended up even being released in this state


Yea but all games suffered. The freeze was in 1st three days of firefly banner. Wuwa sales were barely affected in comparison


Yes, but it still reflects inaccurate data for the highlighted period. Just a disclaimer for those interested, not to imply that other games would make significantly less/more


Considering the mobile performance issues 45 million is crazy, I’d have to assume most people play on PC


On pc is by far another game


Magia record 10k 😭😭


Definitely didn't surprise me at all. I'm excited to see where WuWa goes from here!


50% of HSR on Firefly banner? Thats actually very good!


Sensor Tower was frozen and didn't record the first 3 days of Firefly's banner on Android


Was the first 5 days , as it was until they 22 but yeah


So is it even higher? Like 140 million 💀


Probably, Firefly is very popular.


You love to see, I hope WuWa keeps improving with every patch


Decent numbers, i would expect both genshin and wuwa to reduce their numbers next month, Genshin with Natlan around corner and Emilie feeling like a filler character, while WuWa only has changli, plus zzz release will take some of the hype away depending on how good it is. the biggest takeaway though is the china revenue, that is concerning.


>WuWa only has changli Dude have you seen her Personally I think her sales might cross yinlin sales


Doubt it tbh. The June sales are from yinlin + jinhsi and July will be Changli alone. 


Changli will lack the "first Waifu" banner bonus however.


Feels like Changli's gonna carry


Wuwa need something more to deviate from Genshin. For someone that already burnt out from Genshin, the same starts happen with WuWa.




Yeah I'm quite shock at how much global is spending for this game. If this is just mobile data I have no doubts that global play this more on pc too.


Holyshit firefly sold way too hard


Time to bring out the skins Kuro


Wuwas 45 mil mobile launch means the previously report for kuro recouping the entire cost is true. Seems like if you actually include the other platform, wuwa did indeed hit over 110m+ in revenue


Proud of Kuro games, man. After the quality content in 1.1 they deserve this. Hoping they continue cooking and also resolve all the performance issues on all platforms.


I hope they get CN player but zzz coming I don't know if they will get new player happy for love and deepspace


I honestly expected even higher for Firefly. July is Argenti + Jade for HSR and two OK rerun characters for Genshin(dont spoil in case someone doesnt want toknow who, but Emilie is suppossed second half, so August) and Changli for Wuwa. Not counting ZZZ, which is a big factor here but an unknown one for now. Wuwa should easily win Global in July(among the three Known ones) On the other hand, Wuwa won Genshin global in July just by one million. In a month where Wuwa is still in Honeymoon phase this is a phyrric victory. Genshin latter patches are when people spend less and wait for the top up offers(plus not so hyped new characters, just Furina this month). And CN numbers are just awful. I hope realize that. But well, at someone who play all three, i am happy to see some competition is possible. But still to soon to have a fair measure, IMO.


some people say theres a bug and sensor tower didnt record the first 3 days of firefly's banner


from what i heard its first 5 days and character makes most of the money in first 2 days or 3 so yeah i think its alot higher than it showed


Top 3 is freaking amazing for WuWa. And it's only mobile (and we know about the optimization). I am certain it's like 100 milion revenue with PC/Steam/Epic. I can see in the future a stable top 5 every month. Especially if the next updates will have the same quality of 1.1 update. LETKUROCOOK. Game looks promising


Is there a way to know how the mobile revenue is compared to pc? As of now the game isn't really playable on mobile if you don't have a high end phone


not really, there is no way to accurately track PC sales hence even reports about purported PC revenue needs to be taken with a grain of salt. hence most people rely on the android and IOS sales as thats atleast got some data to back it up.


Pc revenue isnt disclose for public most the time only kuro themselves know


Now they better spent some of that revenue to optimize mobile. They'll only benefit in the long run doing so anyway.


So that's why most of my friend list have E6S5 Firefly eh


Is it only for the first 15 days of the month?


I am incredibly skeptical of that. If we assume thats true than almost every game saw massive increase in revenue which is nonsense to me. Like lets put Wuwa and Genshin to the side so no biases. All the other small games would see massive increases almost all of them seeing Gains if we roughly double their revenue. And for the other games I play it would make no sense. Heck lets look at HSR. That would mean the 1st 15 days beat out all of Last Month of HSR and this is without their valued Firefly Banner (Only coming in the 18th). That makes 0 sense to me --- Like lets think about this HSR in May had 3 Banners The later end of Adventurine, All of Robin, and the first few days of Boothill + all 3 reruns. June 1 to 15 only had the later half of Boothill + his 1 rerun. I dont think it be possible for the Later part of the Boothill banner to beat the 1st part of its own Banner (Normally most whaling happens when a banner goes out) the entirety of Robin's and the later end of Adventurine.


I'll say that the 6 month event in Reverse 1999 made me step away from that game. haven't heard of most of these. The Arknights dip is surprising.


Hope with this info they might start fixing some of the localization issues and voice acting, and maybe they might start listening to more feedback from global instead


Also remember that yinlin could be pulled free to play. But now you have to start spending if you want jinshi and changli.


WuWa already in top 3, LEZ GOOOOOOOOOOOO-


Im pretty certain the reason why honkai star rail ranks so high every time is (besides being a good game) that it is turn based and thus way easier to play on mobile


Well good for WuWa


So this game did something that no other *gacha game* did become popular outside of CN. usually it CN that it's popular but this time around global should be the main market now. ☕


Wow, WuWa catching up on top 3.


So happy to see that Wuwa is KILLING it! I didn't expect such high numbers after the initial banner. We can't stop winning.


Not great, not terrible. Idk why China doesn't like the game that much. But there is still quite a lot of jank going on, and smartphone performance still has issues. I wouldn't expect WuWa to reach income level of Genshin any time soon anyway. WuWa is serious action RPG that actually requires some effort from the player. Genshin is very casual game that borders visual novel genre, it basically plays itself, so it has wider target audience. And Mihoyo is really good at polishing their games, I like WuWa a lot but Genshin still has more attention to detail.


Well WW is more demanding and China is big on mobile I am not sure how widespread the technical issues are but I’d say that may perhaps be some of the problems. The game still doesn’t have native controller support either which would help as this is more mechanical than Genshin


They are mobile focus and game performance is terrible not much to say


Building a PC here in Asia is expensive regional pricing for tech differ from each Asia/Sea country & its better to game on the go & for why China has low sale simple don't use UE4 on mobile not everyone has a top of the line phone. And even with that its a 50/50 if your phone can run it its weird & if the reports are true high end PC are also having problems.


Mostly CN and JPN is mobile phone focus region unlike the rest of us. so if your game is running bad on mobile then its hard for them tho


I think we can officially say that Wuthering Waves is a huge success for Kuro Games