• By -


Poor Verina's delicate back is probably broken by now from carrying all the roster. We need a limited support asap


she won't get any taller at this rate


I mean, plants are pretty strong. Maybe she can channel that


She already has plants inside her spine. I think channeling that will do a little bit od damage


give me a gun healer


1000% this. I hate having to switch teams just to shoot a bell…


"Ana, checking in!"


Anti nade as ability, and sleep dart as forte gauge, and nano to next switched character as ult lol


Fr tho I want more gun users


Sharla from Xenoblade moment


Gun with sniper rifle that is also sleepy basicly just wanshi


Child labour


Player : If we Lose 50/50, please lose to Verina please Kuro : Best i can do is Lingyang.


I lost my Jhinsi to Verina. Is it a loss tho. Idk.


Hopefully one that doesn't just replace Verina in every team comp


Even if they did, Verina is still so good she would be worth running since you need 3 teams. We would need 3 characters to come out that powercreep Verina before we stop using her.


They'll just replace Baizhi instead. Or become the healer for the 3rd tower


It does bother me they would release so many dps' this fast. And also 0 4 stars. Genshin kept releasing 4 stars alongside 5 stars. We're getting less characters.


The first limited support 5 star is going to be cracked.


To be able to replace Verina, that support will have to be either better than Verina or similar but with abooba


Where is the Verina copypasta?


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Verina. I try to play Baizhi. My Verina does more heal. I try to play Taoqi. My Verina gets more concerto. I try to play S6 Mortefi. My Verina gives more team buff. I want to play Jinhsi. Her best team has Verina. I want to play Calcharo, and Jiyan. They both want Verina. She grabs me by the throat. I water the plants for her. I tend the garden for her. I give her 5 pc of rejuvenating glow. She isn't satisfied. I give her a 25+ ER echo. "I need more of this" She tells me. "Give me less field time." She grabs Yuanwu and forces him to throw himself off enemies. "You just need to tank the hits, while I quickly build concerto with R5 Variation." I can't pull for R5 Variation, I don't have enough astrite. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She pushed me where the enemies are. She says "Ohno~ my grace of life cooldown is still on." But there is no hint of sadness in her eyes. Nothing but pure, no more photosynthesis energy left. What a cruel world.


So basically Verina is WuWa's Bennet


Wasn't the copypasta for Xiangling?




Verina’s much more universal and better because she has a 15% bonus damage to all elements and doesn’t need a stupid circle to stand on.


Counterpoint, 146% base attack share is kinda crazy. If i could get that here i wouldn't mind obeying the mighty circle.


Plus like 7k heal ticks. And the dmg bonus at C6.


Non attack scalers is the reason I said she’s much more universal than him


But you also said better


So WuWa's Zhongli? Universal damage buff and you no longer die mechanic.


Nope, Wuwa\`s Zhong-dong is Jianxin, except just like how they dont make food healing insanely abusive by putting actual cooldowns on, they dont make shields extremely abusive strong and Jianxin\`s more of a mix between Venti\`s ultimate, Noelle\`s E.skill except instead of exploding after a while, it converts into healing over time and Beidou\`s counter mechanic, except actually useful in the gameplay\`s design since you arent relying on some reaction system for damage and likely if you have all your gear, skills and echoes fully leveled up, even a support or sub-dps can still do rather good damage, instead of how \`supports\` if i recall in Genshi is likely not that impressive and often times you just simply pop the switch in burst, pop whatever buff the E.skill provides and instantly leave to your other units. Atleast with WuWa, your having each unit get a presence much longer and thanks to intro/outro massive stun gauge damage, they actually promote giving stage time for all 3 party members then spam switch them after something as little as one skill use only.


Kinda? Lmao


Well she's definitely worse in terms of how much she actually buffs though compared to Bennett (and most supports in genshin). Frankly her buff is pretty mid and she's good for lack of options rather than being a significant amplifier. Fwiw Baizhi is a pretty decent replacement for her for jinhsi due to off element coordinated, and if we get a cryo DPS her s6 could help too. She is a 4 star and has some issues, like taking awhile to stack concerto, but I'm more talking about a smaller gap than I am saying she is better than verina in these teams. I believe the gap is sufficiently small that it's not worth worrying about, since you'll probably end up using Baizhi for tower it's worth discerning which teams she is adequate for.


Yeah, Baizhi is absolutely workable especially if you're doing Yuanwu healer and her on moonlit. If you're able to trigger her ult with moderate consistency her concerto builiding isn't awful and gives the tower some time to tick away anyway. Verina is better in every category but I honestly have run Baizhi lately just for the variety and waifu factor.


Baizhi’s coord attacks are so slow that Verina’s same element coord attacks give way more stacks


I literally said verina is still better in these teams. You have limited vigor. You can't use her in every team.


Bennett’s not universal and it doesn’t matter if Verina is mid because she has no competition, there are tons of supports in game but Verina dominates them all. Basically all team comps want Verina because she buffs everyone regardless of their scalings and on/off field.


There aren't tons of supports whose main role is buffing. I would argue probably none. Verina is a healer primarily, her buffs are marginally better than Baizhi but they're both healers. Bennett is widely usable enough to call him universal, the handful of characters who don't want Bennett are just exceptions. It's notable if a character can't run Bennett. If you can't run verina with a character you'll barely notice. Half of what she offers is the bell echo and healer set which anyone can use, her buff on top of that isn't really impressive, it's just better than nothing. It just kind of doesn't matter if the buff is universal but mid, she'll very easily be replaced soon.






We need a meme with a 0 vigor tower of adversity Verina.


I’m tired boss..


Patch 1.2 better be double support banner 💀


> 💀 💀💀


But I want to skip though. Jinshi drained me. Although I feel that at least one of 1.2 is a support unit for sure after releasing damage dealers for two patches straight.


yinlin and Changli are technically sub-dps engines for Electro and Fusion specifically. Though we technically already got Havoc and Aero engines sub-dps, i dont believe we have one for Glacio sub-dps or even a dedicated pistol specific 5 star main dps. Since Sanhua technically buffs basic attacks if i recall correctly despite being a glacio sub-dps. honestly with 1.2. i hope they slow down to just 1 limited new character a month and have the later half just rotate older ones and have a new 4 star in the former\`s banner and do that for atleast 2 months atleast so they can take time to build up a pile of 5 stars when they wanna switch back to back to back 5 stars for maybe one or two months after that 2 month slow period.


True. Outro buffs their corresponding elements and liberation dmg. Yes, Sanhua buffs basic attack dmg. I would actually want slowing down to 1 character per update and then rerun another character for the second half of the update, but it will be unlikely at this point in time because there’s too few to cycle for a rerun. What I want was that near the end of 1.x version we get reruns of the previous characters to hopefully serve as a buffer for 2.x or as a chance to get the character and/or weapon. Hopefully one of these scenarios happens. Hahaha


Please no. My wallet needs a rest after Changli.


Imagine it's scar as a havoc buffer💀 I now have a extremely unholy image of him cheerleading for Havoc rover in my mind


With the NPC cheering animations 


Na we need more 4 stars added to the roster so we got budget picks to take a break from limited overloads shenigans. I already put changli on the backburner list and i gotta trudge thru a flop 50/50 to continue punching Jue who flew into the heavens, to let Jinshi enjoy some ski\`ing on mount Firmament instead, aka let her come back down to the mountain.\~ Tiger Bro may of came on the flop but till ToA decides todo a stage that benefits using Glacio specific units, aint no way im gonna work on leveling him any time soon, so he can enjoy his hiberation instead.


We have the same teams, just replace jianxin with yinlin


I am sad I didn't get yinlin but no way I was getting jiyan, yinlin, jinhsi *and* changli without spending a hit of $$$. Even now changli is basically praying on winning 50/50 or some early pulls


Feel your pain also lost my 50/50 for yinlin, but at least I can get changli without spending now




F2P here. Didn’t get jiyan or yinlin but got jihnsi and her weapon in 60 pulls


We desperately need a limited support. 4 dps in a row is a bit much imo


Should call child services for how much were all working the poor girl. She doesn’t even have time for her plants anymore.


I would use Baizhi instead of Verina if her 1st inherent skill wasn't so unbelievably annoying. If you user her E to spawn the little orb and then intro with your next character then usually you will teleport next to the enemy so you are forced to run back to pick up the orb for the ATK buff. Kuro somehow managed to make this mechanic even more annoying than in Genshin (Xiangling's pepper)


As a mobile player, I don't even bother picking it up. I decided to just pretend that her outro is her only buff.


As a PC player I also pretend it doesnt exist


Just like XiangLing pepper


Ow she drops something? I didnt even notice lol


With that first sentence, are you referring to the moment you swap her in and she just jumps backwards while unable to attack for a second FOR NO REASON? Or do you mean when her pet is out on the field and instead of *attacking* the enemy as ordered, it just hits the air a few times like a fish flopping on dry land while awkwardly trying to get closer to the enemy?


Lmao yeah, the pick that shit up mechanic is way too clunky in a game with rotations as tight as these.


Baizhi's outro also only applies to the person you swap into, so you have to choose between Baizhi buffing your dps or the other support buffing your dps (depending on who the other two characters are). Baizhi is actually a very solid alternative in Jinhsi teams, due to how the rotations work, but... Yeah, it's unfortunate. I just wish that their designs were swapped. Baizhi looks so much better than Verina it's actually ridiculous. Hopefully we'll get a good (and good looking) limited dmg amp + healer sometime in the near-ish future.


No that just wrong the 15% DMG buff applies when the character receives the healing which is every 3 seconds for 30secs. There's also a mistranslation because her outro skill sticks to the character that swaps onto the field. It doesn't go away. So no matter what character is on field. They still get that 15% damage buff


Oh, maybe I was thinking of the atk buff that is almost impossible to make use of regardless.


I hope they release more sustain units soon, because Verina to me feels like Bailu felt in HSR on release. She got the job done back then, but I was sick of having her on EVERY FUCKING TEAM. Specially because I didn't get Gepard. Verina is of course better than Bailu was, but by this point I'm aching for some variety


Bailu got powercrept fast though


Yeah, but i didn't pull Luocha. So I only completely replaced her after getting both Fu Xuan and Lynx.


still using Bailu to this day... Coping for that Huohuo re-run


And somehow she is still good


i just got her, but i absolutely have no idea how to build her....


Use the healer set, main echo is the big turtle boss that gives shield then go with Healing bonus/energy regen/energy regen/atk/atk, her weapon is the 4 star one that give energy regen and concerto energy


thx dude 💙


Good luck farming turtle bro. It's gonna be hell.


The turtle was impossible to get healing bonus on 💀 I gave up and settled with atk.


My turtle has Crit Damage, with all the rolls going to DPS stats. On the rare occasion that Verina's 5% CR actually procs, her slide just deletes the 10% or so HP from any small enemies I was fighting, it's pretty fun.


The healer set is for if you don't have another character using the healing set. There are some rotations like the Jinhsi, Xuanwu, Verina team where putting the healing set on Xuanwu and having the ER buff set on Verina leads to faster tighter rotations.


i play 3 main dps, we are not the same


I was looking for this comment bc same lmaooo if I die I die


This, poor Verina is benched over 80% of the time. Especially since I main Jainxin as Aero DPS and the healing part of her kit still does just fine.


cant die if u kill it fast enough


It's a Verina world, we're simply allowed to exist here.


Baizhi for Jinhsi (she also does some coordinated attacks plus healing... Yuanwu is already gonna carry you in defense and building up stacks) Jianxin is also sometimes pretty good, especially for an Encore+Sanhua Team, as she offers one of the best grouping so far, perfect for Encore


I'm planning to build Baizhi... That is, after I financially recovered from farming echoes for Jinhsi. Economy status is forcing me to implement child labor. I'm sorry Verina.




Baizhi over verina? Verina gives attack and coordinated attacks as well no?


I mean, yeah she does, but after Yuanwu, you aren't really that much dependent on them anyway. And while Baizhi does less attacks, there is the bonus that it's also a different Element. But the biggest point for most is just the fact that Verina is the best Healer Buffer on almost any Team, so you would rather want to use her on teams that can make most use of it, or specifically ones that can't Substitute her well. (For example a Jiyan Team with Mortefi almost always wants Verina, as she buffes both, and can't really be Substituted, as Baizhi's Support buff only works when specifically switching into the Hypercarry, which means it doesn't really work with Mortefi at the end, etc. etc.)


Just regretting I picked jianxin instead of picking verina for the ticket


nah dont jianxin is cooler


True, but team composition with verina is so much better


its almost as if there's no better healer wow


The worst part is how both Baizhi and Verina have annoying problems when playing, Baizhi buff you have to pick it off the floor so if you play any melee character + enemies move a way a lot of times do the walk of shame to pick it. And Verina is very clunky when you intro into her you are very vulnerable and get killed while airborne.


The worst part of Verina imo is how she doesn't have an air dodge counter. Usually, dodges on her are a neat way to build forte when the opportunity surges, but dodgeing in the air doesn't do that, and it is really disappointing.


You can cancel that slide on her intro by swapping and then going back to her for her and start the rotation again. This works particularly well in a Jinhsi-Yuanwu-Verina team as you can intro with Verina (to get the forte stack) cancelled into Yuanwu BA-Echo-Pillar back into Verina BA3-4-5 then concerto fill combo.


I don’t intro into Verina unless forced to burn stacks. Otherwise you do the normal swap to get the easy 345 combo.


You don't really have a choice sometimes.


Ideal if you can time Verina intro for parry. Guaranteed parry tks to teleporting close and safe entry. Only problem is waiting for parry window is a dps loss.


> And Verina is very clunky when you intro into her you are very vulnerable and get killed while airborne. I intro into her and immediately swap to Yuanwu then swap back for the B3 energy since you can't get it while airborne.


This made me realize that they should release a QOL to make it super easy to swap between shareable echoes


This but baizhi instead of Verina, I have both but I don't really like Verinas design


that's why verina is the goat🗣️🔥


Genuine question, is jianxin better than sanhua?


Very different characters? Outros-jianxin is resonance liberation buff, sanhua is basic attack buff (which doesn't include heavy attacks) Sanhua can get her concerto maxed really fast, as well as charge her resonance liberation (and the team's) really fast. I don't love having to use her basic attacks but they're not that bad. Charged attacks are easier to hit than initially though, basically hold for 1 second and let go. Jianxin can provide chunky shields and heals, but it takes a lot of field time, something like 5 to 6 seconds of the enemy not using interrupt skills. It does impressive damage too, but when it gets interrupted you hate yourself. She also has a fun E skill that negates an instance of damage received, and gathers enemies in a larger aoe than YangYang.


Same, trully Wuthering Verina. Only my Encore team is using Jianxin.


Verina: I'm tired Boss... Players: Nuh Uh!


Big brain idea: use spectro Rover as your healer 🤓


My Yinlin or Jinhsi both have around 15-16k health in their on-element sets (Electro and Spectro). Obviously this can vary based on substats, but nobody pays attention to HP subs, so it's pure happenstance they have similar health pools. Rover's sequence that allows their liberation to heal is 20% of their attack stat. 2000 attack is considered a "solid" amount of attack. If your Rover has 2000 attack, that heal only heals for 400 HP. Spectrover is not a viable sustain unit unless you just play in a way that requires no healer to begin with (which, fair enough, is a thing). They'll be wearing the rejuv set, so they won't be doing very good damage either.


Just to clarify for others, Rover's S4 heals 20% of her attack stat once a second for five seconds. This means that if you have 2000 attack, Rover's Res. Lib. will heal 2000 health.


The illusion of choice


we need more defensive supports that can buff, let Verina rest god damn it


So true, especially now that I have an S1 Verina


Only true supports are Baizhi and Verina (characters with a lingering outro buff). Bazhi being worse, Verina being better while for DPS and Sub DPS we have a lot of options. I currently Run Jiyan team with Baizhi and Encore + Rover team with Verina


The day we get a limited banner verina is the day Kuro makes more money than HSR.


almost like Ruan Mei in HSR, nearly every team wants her. I think even early days Bronya was like this last year as well. such is the fate of being a top tier support.


Always gotta have that healer on the team


First defensive limited unit is probably gonna be the first must pull in the game lmao


Wuwa's Ruan Mei 😅


Why is Rover named Roger![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31621)


And the funniest is that you barely have to use her


where's your yinlin brother


Baizhi giving you mean looks


My Baizhi's intimacy lvl is max now compared to Verina lol. I just didn't put her in my teams for now so I could max Verina's intimacy next.


fair fair 😂


U better explain why Jinshi and Rover are both level 69🤣


I mean, atk buff, heal and get out of jail card all in one loli? ( and for me already have her on c2 because that was my way of losing 50/50)


Same I will be skipping Changli if they're going to introduce limited support in 1.2


never would i use that


Yeah, after Changli im saving for a potential limited Healer.


every gacha starts like this, Genshin had that with Bennett for a long while


i feel like 5 isn't enough. give us 10.. lol.


Is Baizhi that much worse ? I am getting tired of Verina :D


hh,we only have one 5 star sup




I did this but with Verina in the center. I now need a sscond Verina for clear the other side!


My teams are the same but replace Verina with jianxin(I am verinaless)


Got exactly 4.5 (Spectro/Havoc Rover is the .5) Characters built to avoid the issue others have. It's a pitfall for most first time gacha players... to waste their resources on to many characters at once.


I just use Jianxin with my Jiyan team now still works as good as before.


I started playing late, so I got the free 5* on day one. She was my pick. Why? The game looked enough like genshin impact that I was sure. Yeah yeah. Skill. Dodges. Actual mechanics for swapping in characters. Yada yada. You have a health bar and no other way to heal, you want a healer. I'm not at all shocked that she's in all of my teams as well.


I'm not even worried about Verina or Baizhi. I don't play with them.


Def need more healer supports. Issue is Verina's kit feels kind of perfect already. Co-ordinated attack (That when proc does a considerable amount of damage mostly since she scales off Attack) Team wide heals. Super fast concerto energy build up. Quick rotations. A revive/get out jail free card x1. Like I just find it hard to imagine anything *better* than Verina. Feels like outside of Jinhsi teams in particular there couldnt be any better of a support than her outside of just printing the exact same character again with a different element or maybe giving her a sub-DPS type of outro skill which just would invalidate even more.


She will end up regulated to only being for TOA once we get the limited 5 star healer. I just hope they end up having a coordinated attack for my Jinhsi.


I have seen everyone use her, honestly I never looked too much into her kit but I just assume she's a general healer? Like is that all the utility she provides? I'd much rather run another sub dps since you can heal at any tower whenever you want.




And she's not that good either, requires a bit of activity to activate the healing, at least her liberation helps a bit


I'm hoping to eventually get Jianxin as a support for my Jiyan team. I used my free pull thing on Verina, then got Verina from beginner banner, should've waited my bad, then I wanted a standard DPS and got Encore. I now 100% need a limited healer. Which if that is next patch then I'd say bye to Changli...


I'm mad at Verina. I pulled her instead of Jinhsi after finally hitting pity... Although having her skill give you two photosynthesis is quite nice- still mad.


cant do that in tower, but yes she's the best offensive sustain in the game.


You do choose to pick Verina over Baizhi. While I understand why, there IS another choice.


You guys use healers?


"Stay away from my Sanhua, Lingyang"- Encore.


That's really odd that my experience playing this game is so wildly different than everyone else's. Outside of the tower and maybe holograms, I greatly prefer Jianxin as the healer. I barely use Verina at all. Frankly, I find her really annoying because of her floaty intro. Jianxin hits decently hard, so, building and using her forte doesn't feel like wasting my time the way Verina's turn feels. Maybe the secret is to just build Verina for DPS, I don't know...


On one hand, I like that there are 4 hard floors and Verina can only participate in 2 so the other 2 are more challenging. On the other hand, Baizhi works fine but is awkward to play but the 3rd slot on the 3rd team is the most awkward. Jianxin and Yangyang are fine but not great options. I hope they release a 4 or 5 star that feels more specialized to be the 3rd man on the team.


I use Monk lady instead. No issues.


I see to much jinhsi with yuanwu, probably gonna build yuanwu myself


Randomly got her in 20 pulls playing has never been better


damn, and here i was hoping to get her in a 5050 so i can pick calcaro for the free tix....


Verina just hard carrying every single wuwa player out there haha


The way my Baizhi is leveled but I haven't bothered investing in her Echoes yet because why bother? I have Verina. And I just spent all my echo tubes kitting out my Jinhsi. Baizhi shall remain on the bench.


I do feel like healers would be less needed when everyone have lv90 x3 characters and only have to survive 2 minutes. Consider the threat of holograms, 2 minutes isn't too bad. Wouldn't really happen until fully team buffs no longer tied to healer type character though.


we picked Verina doesn't have anything to do with healing. Mostly because her buff.


or just let us have four characters


I've been using Jianxin as my sustain (originite weapon/healer set) since the beginning and benched Verina. Now I'm building Verina for Changli.


If Verina is so good, why isn't there a Verina 2?


Everyone else is saving up for antagonists who are not behaving like future playable characters (Scar and Phrolova) or literal GHOSTS (Geshu Lin), and I’m out here saving for “whoever the next broken support turns out to be.”


I dint have Verina, Baizhi work well for me...


Tall Male limited support healer in 1.2,  I beg


Can't really replace my Verina, with only 2-3 sec to charge full concerto, it's really hard to find alternative unless there is a way to make baizhi concerto charge faster.


It's why I'm not pulling any of the new characters and waiting on a suppprt


well speak for yourself. im using baizhi, no offence to verina shes cute and all but i rather look at baizhi's hot thighs.


I really hope there's a new 5 star support next patch. Not complaining but it is getting a little tiring using verina in every team


I benched Verina for Jianxin in overworld but she's still useful in tower of adversity


This is why I use Jianxin. I can give Verina a break, mainly because I don't have her.


We need a new support tbh cuz almost all of my teams uses verina


She has the highest intimacy of all my resonators, gee I wonder why




i think jinhsi - yuanwu - taoqi is better


It's like early day of HSR, every team either have Natasha or Bailu. Hope that we get a new healer soon, im kinda sick of have to use Verina everywhere.


I just simply don’t use her.


Verina is overworked. This is a child abuse!


sorry, my verina is the carrying me.


shes the one carrying herself. [sorry guys, my verina is the one carrying my whole team](https://youtu.be/ENQghcmahlU?si=eAPDoLehkzc4b9XE)


> Level 1 Sanhua Why? She's best gril


My Baizhi can rez to 100% hp so nah


the Little sunflower that everyone wants


lvl 60 💀


Is it worth leveling up yuanwu for Jinhsi team? Right now I’m using yinlin but maybe I need her for my calcharo team in tower


Not rlly, i just like the QoL that his 2nd passive gives.


Jinshi ,sustain yuanwu and mortefi tho 😮‍💨


yeah like verina is always there no matter what which is just sad