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Well this is how you would do it - 1. Get the CPU key from Xell. 2. Dump the NAND using Simple NAND Flasher or a NAND programmer. 3. Open the NAND with JRunner, enter the CPU key, build a retail NAND. 4. Write retail NAND to console using Xell or NAND programmer. 5. Open console, remove all RGH hardware (desolder wires, glitch chip, etc.) 6. Hope it hasn't been banned while it was RGH'ed. But why would you? A modded console is worth more than a stock console, so you could easily sell this and buy an unmodded console for less than what you'd get for it. Less effort, more money.


Yeah I’m gonna stick with it now that I’m beginning to learn how this works


Lil bit of rubbing alcohol and some patience?


on the sticker it says "rgh" maybe it's a modded xb and op wants to remove it for some reason? idk op gave no details lol


Yeah seems like a old Xbox from a yestercades type place (here in the us primarily New Jersey when I go with friends, yestercades is a retro place with arcades and old consoles to mess around with, think back to the future part 2 with the 80’s throwback restaurant) and chances have it, might be modded, but most likely not. Mostly if this was a Wii it’s modded, not a 360


It literally says the system is RGH modded on the sticker on the back


That sticker literally looks like a logo for a gaming store or something


No, you cant, just configure it to play on stealth servers