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I know people hate Ubisoft, but I gotta love this company for showing that you can still make bank from single player games. Yeah they still have the multiplayer series but I love how they do both. They’re aren’t even bad, just bare minimum for a solid AAA game but shit, the way the sell clearly that’s good for most people


Ubisoft has MTX in their single-player games. If that's what it takes for them to continue to make single-player games, I'm not opposed to it. Generally speaking, single-player games cost more to make than multi-player games. Yet, gamers allow (begrudgingly) mp games to have MTX and usually throw a fit if there are any in a single-player game.


Yeah especially cuz Ubisoft MTX are more for the bigger fans or people that buy mtx. You can still fully experience the game day 1, just if you want more then you can look at their shop or get dlc. Better than a game like 2k where you need to spend money to experience any part of the game


Look at their stock price. They're not making 'bank'; the company has lost around 80% of its total value since 2018, due to them pumping out mediocre soulless sludge that is ideologically driven. Good games sell well regardless if they're focused on being either multi- or single-player experiences. It is worth pointing out that we're slowly entering a time period where there are now too many online games, which will result in the vast majority of them not being able to turn a profit due to oversaturation. Hopefully, the people making AAA games will notice that this is the case and pivot more to solo experiences, which has been the backbone of the industry for the last 20+ years.


Alan Wake 2 still hasn't turned a profit and Remedy lost money in their latest quarter. So, no, just making good games doesn't ensure profitability.


Alan Wake 2 had a whole set of different issues tied to injecting politics into their games, as well as not making the game accessible to the widest range of people possible.


>Alan Wake 2 had a whole set of different issues tied to injecting politics into their games I think that's one of the most stupid takes I read on reddit in a while


I would argue that the situation with Alan Wake 2 not making profit is a little bit different because of no Physical Release and Epic Exclusive. The game just couldn’t sell that much because of it.


Physical has no effect, even in PS5 most people are now buying digital. The Epic exclusive thing might have an effect but obviously it didn't sell a lot on PS5 and Xbox either.


Ubisoft currently has 19,011 employees. A good deal more than even Activsion I think. That is wild.


Microsoft Gaming has 20,000 including Acti-Blizz. Can an organization of that size remain mostly exclusive to one console? I doubt it.


Microsoft is a giant corp so of course they can. Microsoft has 221,000 employees world wide. Sony has has 113,000 employees world wide. 13,000 are from PS. Which is also crazy to me considering Microsoft is worth like 30x Sony.


>Microsoft is a giant corp so of course they can. That has nothing to do with what I said. Microsoft Gaming needs to stand on its own. And all their recent actions point to a future of multi-platform publishing which includes games released on competing consoles. Do you seriously think they will just stop after releasing those 4 games on Playstation? Microsoft gave Xbox overall nearly $100 billion to buy studios starting in 2018 and culminating in Acti-Blizz deal. They're now expecting results. And since Xbox hasn't grown as they expected, they need to find the growth from somewhere else.


Nope. Very specific games will be on other platforms (live service game, small niche games and only after a few years) Only game that did well was the live service sea Pirate game. People love their multiplayer games. Sony need to release Helldiver on Xbox too and not play dumb. PC gamers are carrying that game for them. Phil convince Microsoft to not shut down Xbox. Xbox during that time had barely any studios so Phil got them to spend some money to start buying studios. Minecraft, Zenimax, and ActiBlizzKing. Now they have studios. And yes I didn't agree with shutting down the HiFi Rush studio. It was their one Japanese studio. The main thing they care about from ActivisonBlizzKing is Candy Crush and mobile expertise **(go Google Candy Crush revenue since 2012 or 2013)**. Call of Duty was icing on the cake. Barely anyone talk about Candy Crush.


Spencer didn't specifically rule out Starfield when he was asked about it. From the Verge: > You mentioned that Starfield and Indiana Jones aren’t part of the four despite rumors, but will those ever come to PS5? Can you rule that out? > I don’t think we should as an industry ever rule out a game going to any other platform. We’re focused on these four games and learning from the experience. Source: https://www.theverge.com/24073666/microsoft-gaming-phil-spencer-interview-ps5-switch-games Their dancing around this is what keeps speculation alive and it also affects their brand image. Playstation outsold Xbox 5 to 1 this latest quarter. Wouldn't be too surprised if their awful messaging around exclusivity wouldn't be partly to blame for dropping sales. Helldivers 2 already sold 12 million and was fastest selling Playstation exclusive. Sony doesn't really need to throw a lifeline to Xbox. At this point they can twiddle their thumbs and look Xbox drown on their own incompetence.


"**As an industry**" he is talking about Nintendo and Sony keeping their shit exclusives forever. Yes they should stop dancing around the subjects I do agree there. Why in the fuck would you use "throw a lifeline" when talking about .....motherfucking MICROSOFT. **Microsoft do not NEED Xbox to exist. Sony absolutely NEED Playstation to exist.** You do understand this, right ???? I'm more talking about Sony playing dumb and not make even more money from putting live service game everywhere. PC gamer are carrying that game HARD.


He can't talk for Sony and Nintendo even if he uses such a vague phrase. It's obvious he's talking about Microsoft and Xbox. > Why in the fuck would you use "throw a lifeline" when talking about .....motherfucking MICROSOFT. If we're talking about motherfucking MICROSOFT, why would they need to shut down 4 studios or release any games on competing platforms? Right? You do understand that, right? After all, they're the motherfucking Microsoft and can afford it... Well, Microsoft might be able to absorb the cost but they clearly aren't going to and are expecting results from Microsoft Gaming. As in, they're waiting similar results with similarly wide profit margins like their other divisions are bringing in. > PC gamer are carrying that game HARD. So what? If Sony is content with how the game is doing, there's no need for them to release on Xbox. They'd rather have you play it on PC or buy a Playstation.


Because they are motherfucking MICROSOFT and can do whatever the fuck they want. And have you been living under a rock somewhere? the gaming industry has been fuck in the ass with layoff everwhere. **SONY layoff 10% of their workforce.** haha, don't lose sleep about "throwing a lifeline" to MICROSOFT. I think they will be quite ok, bud. 😉


I won’t be buying the new assassins creed shadows because it requires an always online connection