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I have that game still! It’s not very fun and I love it


Me too!




https://preview.redd.it/io3zqmisda0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c23278ce814e69dc064234447d840d3339cd9b5c I’ve somehow hung on to Battlecat for all these years.




I know I used to have this! May still, shoved in a closet or drawer somewhere 


I lost mine at my grandmother's house when I was 3 or 4 years old, outside. Every few years, I would find it again and put it in a new spot. Fifteen years went by. Then, 6 years ago, I took my daughter to visit her great-grandmother, and it was still there! Sadly, my grandmother died 3 years ago, and we all met up at her house after the funeral. It was winter, and the snow was particularly thick. I searched everywhere but couldn’t find my battle cat. The house and yard were cleared out sometime later and the house sold. For 35+ years my battle cat lived outside at my grandmothers house and stayed relatively in good condition.




Mumm-Ra got drafted into being the baby not too long ago. https://preview.redd.it/4ek378y33a0d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58ca5d71df3a4dcfcc4193d650d9ab91b795b08b


And what a beautiful baby he is.


Haha. He's the only one that looks a thing like me 😫


The ever-liviiiiiiiiinggggg!!!!




oh shit! i had that case and completely forgot it existed.


Memory unlocked.


I have a box full of old MUSCLE figures that's somehow survived all this time.


Me too. I have them in an old pumpkin hallowenn bucket that I think McDonald's gave out.


I used to keep Little Debbie's in mine and hide them so I could eat them whenever. My folks fortunately kept my MUSCLE figuribes and now my kids get them. I wish I could tell my younger self not to donate all of my old toys (Transformers, Mask, Voltron, many other cool things) because today's toys a crap and expensive in comparison.


I have this cassingle, a box of X-Men figures and a few comic books and I think that's about it. https://preview.redd.it/y0d8v28x1a0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aecaaa925378d97492f2611b8ca176caea9bcb4


Generational trauma from my mom mostly. Also I have some Super Nintendo stuff.


My son bought me a Super Nintendo and a couple games for Father's Day last year. Great kid


Got all the trauma from my dad so I feel ya there.




WWII? That was 1945...how old was your dad? Mine was barely Vietnam, grandfather was WWII/Korea. We're only a couple years apart birth wise




My grandmother grew up under Nazi occupation and her father was part of the Dutch Resistance. She survived the hunger winter. We have some generational trauma from that too. WWII was so brutal and fucked up so many people.


Yeah could be that's way my grandfather was from the little amount I heard. He died in 1966 so was before me and he was young himself. Grandmother didn't say much but probably the reason. I remember the occasional whack and door being kicked in on my head. Yeah it's only thing we can do. Seems to be a big part of our age group. Hang in there bro you got this.


Someone always has to mention "trauma." Geez.


I have all my baseball cards still. I didn’t collect long but I sure kept them in order and in decent shape.


When I was around 6, my older brother collected baseball cards. He was really into it. So of course, I tried to be too. He recently gave me my all-time favorite card, framed. It’s still a joke about how excited I was, when I got the “Janitor” card Sparky Anderson, Detroit Tigers “Janitor” (manager)


We had a NBA basketball card craze sweep through Australia in 93-94 and 94-95 seasons. Still have my complete sets of both seasons and a few rarer cards. Nothing else from my childhood survived.


my wife has her Original Gameboy and tetris. still works.


Nice! I've got the Gameboy somewhere but I have no idea if it would work now.


There's a really really good chance it still works.


Oh I'm definitely trying it out as soon as I find it. I've managed to hold onto 3 other games for it.


I have a bunch of original NES games... my parents only let me have Mario 1 (that it came with) and Tetris. Got nostalgic at an antique store one day and bought every game they had 🫣


Some NES games are worth a little bit of money these days. Hold them if you love them but never throw them out, sell on eBay or offload at a retro gaming shop if you ever want to get rid of them.


I have a Super Nintendo, baseball cards, P.O.G.S, and a few basketball jerseys from middle school that I still wear(luckily I wore huge back then)


Do you have ALF pogs? Is Alf back in pog form?




All the treasures lie in my treasure chest that has not been opened in many moons


That treasure chest is totally awesome!!


I'm pretty sure She-Ra and her castle are looming somewhere in my garage. I think I probably have a quilt my aunt made for me. She made one for each child born for a long time. Miss her. Maybe my Strawberry Shortcake dolls? Definitely time to clean out my garage.


I had that game. Boy, did it suck.


That game had the suckiest bunch of sucks that ever did suck


Gotta go. My damn wiener kids are listening


We’re not wieners!


Haha agreed. It wasn't great.


Side scrolling games on original game boy were terrible. The whole point was it was portable, but unless you were sitting under a light that didn’t move - anything side scrolling was awful. Tetris and dr Mario were the most played games in my collection.


Not having a backlight did hurt the Game Boy experience. I had a reading lamp by my bed and played that way. There were some great side-scrollers on GB, though. The Super Mario Land series. Metroid 2. Bionic Commando. Heck, I think the first Game Boy Battletoads game is the best of the whole franchise. Having said that, I probably played Donkey Kong 94 more than anything else.


Mario Land series was fantastic. Contra was a notable side-scroller for GB too.


Ha! I have Bart Vs The Juggernauts in my bin of old games.


I have my She-Ra pink castle, a few of the figures, the swan, swift wind, and the blue horse (I forgot his mane!) they’re packed away in the back of a closet and the only toys that didn’t get given away or tossed (beca my grandmother saved them at her house for a decade)


I'm probably most jealous about this. I loved She-Ra when I was little.


I had the she-ra with the crystal pink horse.


this was one of those 'well, it sucks but its the only game i have so i might as well spend most of this year trying to beat it'


https://preview.redd.it/5t6lvd26ka0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6367fc2b2a9f3064c3bbf9c83dcd092cd6136646 1993 X-Men trading cards Edit: 1994


All my classmates had these and I was so jealous. Now looking back I don’t really get the point of cards for fictional characters, but before the internet you couldn’t just read a Wikipedia on an interesting character and so I guess that’s the appeal. Plus they look cool!


They were definitely of a time. I had movie ones too, like Batman, TMNT, even Desert Storm trading cards.


That game was so freaking hard. And had a terrible save system…if it had one at all. Never beat it. Then again, I never beat most my Gameboy games. Why were they made so ridiculously hard?


Harder to beat meant took longer to beat. Which meant if you were renting it, you'd have to rent it more than once to beat it. But, also, game design was still evolving and they hadn't yet sorted out fun hard from frustrating hard. Especially on the earlier game boy games, where the games had to be quite small to fit on the cartridges, and so they just made them really difficult so you didn't beat them in half an hour. (a la Super Mario Land)


I also think there was a massive hand/ eye coordination and skill level issue when I was 9. Also factor in carsickness and a brother, who would spontaneously put his hand over the screen, because it was”funny” and “Gameboy is stupid”.


And unless you had an add on light it was so hard to play gameboy in a moving vehicle. The wrist power I developed holding my game boy and light attachment with 8 double A batteries.


I have a Legend of Zelda gold cart with my name on the back from 88. I got that shortly before my parents divorced. I played the hell out of it. It is still in great shape considering its been through hell and back.


Found my sack of pogs not long ago, still deciding whether to toss em or not. Still have my ColecoVision game console from the early 80's. Its so old the r/F adapter needs bare wires to wrap around the screws to even work. Smurf Paint and Cabbage Patch Kids Adventure were awesome games.


https://preview.redd.it/u75bn77nma0d1.jpeg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c09911e859822047e2029cdf38e4374710aebc5a I have a small shelf in my room devoted to bits of my youth. Included are: 5 oversized cards from Magic: the Gathering, some Battletech miniatures from when I played tabletop in my early teens, Star Trek Micromachines (I have more stashed in a drawer) and a couple of Star Wars McDonalds toys. The shelf below that has a bunch of my favourite stuffed toys including a couple of beanie babies and a pair of Wrinkles plush dog puppets.


A giant bag of legos. Played with them with my daughter for the first time the other week. Found about $7 in change, 3 batteries, FOURTEEN gum wrappers balled up, couple of warhead wrappers, and a sock…


I have a Gameboy my husband bought for me 10 years ago but it never really worked. Tetris on the phone just can't compare.


My dad lost a storage unit when I was about 18 or 20 so everything is gone. With the exception of my baseball card collection somehow that has remained with me and is stuffed in the back of my closet even though they will probably never be worth any money because they are mostly from the early 90s when they Mass printed these things.


Still using my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles wastebasket.




Oh wow, I had the porsch! One of the last funs things to do at the mall is window shopping the collectibles store. So many memories!


https://preview.redd.it/ivrdxga2ua0d1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=95cfbb884e225420d9b23ef623f5e3c97572d0d7 I’ve got most of my 1st and 2nd Ed AD&D books and boxed sets. Still have my old Marlin bolt action .22LR that went to many a Boy Scout summer camp in the safe. There an N64 with four controllers and Perfect Dark around some place as well.


https://preview.redd.it/amopqapw0c0d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cc0fe37d3ed15a35ea861c793449c57f29707a0 My daughter loves him now


https://preview.redd.it/02mt4hbhpf0d1.jpeg?width=3202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e79443a199c4839387194d0067a4f617dad68c5 The box and the toy are falling apart. But I still hold on to them.




Sadly, I have nothing older than a few years old.


I still have my entire NES, SNES, and N64 collection, minus a few games that were lost to bad friends borrowing them. I still collect old gaming systems.


My OG Gameboy sits by the toilet loaded with Tetris


I have a #1 Spawn and the hilarious parody ~~Spewn~~ actually it was called [Stupid ](https://twitter.com/spawnarchive/status/1624830776876343298?s=46&t=nR3AH5R0cQ2B3rK_votr7g)his name was Spewn in it. Spewn's cape was always dummy long.


Have my color Gameboy and some artifact final fantasy games. Original secret of mana 1.


This game was so fucking hard


Not much thanks to the “good luck when you turn 18” mentality..


I had that game. Played it a lot. Or, I played the first level a lot


Temp Super Bowl for the NES and it’s still my favorite game. That and my old football and basketball cards. There is something both nostalgic and calming to look at them as I did so many times before.


TMNT Scuba Michelangelo, from the 90s toys...among others.


I had this game. It was pretty terrible.


Anxiety, Depression.




I have a still packaged Keith from Voltron from the 80s. It's not in mint condition, but I have it.


I have a small box of dirty Micromachines and those small city sets they made.


https://preview.redd.it/pcdyqhzzsa0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3c8a3fe2d75327974266731eeee4ba43039299f It still works! I have 3 CD games. College Football… meh. Sewer Sharks… sucks. Third World War… amazing.


Sewer shark is fun! 


I still have like 5 Atari’s and a TON of games.


Fuck every Simpsons game except Hit and Run.


My oldest possession is a set of Golden Dragon fantasy gamebooks. Think Choose Your Own Adventure but with combat and inventory management.


5,000 baseball cards that never see the light of day (hard to throw something away that you’ve collected for 35 years).


I have [some stuff.](https://imgur.com/a/62Xq3nq) My wife has way more than me, though!


Damn, I never played that one! Is it any good?




SNES, GameBoy, Playmobil, Lego Thank God my parents got a big Basement and kept it all


I still have pretty much retro games from my childhood but I had an oversized ALF coloring book that is still my favorite thing to look back on.


Why was every Simpsons game so freaking hard?


What's left of GI Joe and He-Man is at my parents getting destroyed by my nephews. Snake mountain and Greyskull are there too.


I have my original NES set, the one that came with the gun and the power pad. It all still works although the power pad is getting glitchy. I have a whole tub of games too. My kids like to play the Mario games and Boy and His Blob.


A lot of Garbage Pail Kids, baseball cards, and He-Man action figures.


I have a box full of Construx. I liked those much better than Legos. Also a case full of He-Man action figures. I've got the 2 big My Pet Monsters plus one of the little ones. I wish I still had my Gameboy.


Still have Disney animated films on VHS from my childhood.


https://preview.redd.it/gy6pbg69sg0d1.jpeg?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=388567060bf4fbc9bbaab54e04087af46523b73a Much better Simpsons game!


Ohhh I had forgotten about this game. Much better!


I have a box of games and gameboys in various states of disrepair.