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It's because he never cheated. Sheldon just misinterpreted a situation like he is prone to do.


Honestly I would fall for it also.


TBBT literally confirmed it was a completely different woman who would buy Sheldon things to keep him happy. It's a retcon. Enjoy your slop.


Omg dude. 😂😂😂 Do you do this kind of mental gymnastics for everything? Sheldon was wrong, as are you, the end.


I just watched the TBBT episode where Sheldon says George cheated with a waitress who bought him stuff. You are the wrong one, sweetheart. 😘


Again. Sheldon's interpretation. Jesus christ.....


Sheldon literally says it's a different person. A different person who bought him things to make him happy. Not Mary in role-play. A different person. Sound it out to yourself it helps for maximum retention. A diff-er-ent p-er-son. Jesus Christ.


Till this date he has no idea whether it was her mom or not


So who bought him the toys?


probably got mixed up, sheldon saw a blond woman on top his father. and interpreted a blond waitress that was nice to him and his father and bought him toys as the woman on his father.


Didn't TBBT Mary hate on George when she spoke about him? She was more than happy to hook up with new men when the opportunities presented. Dr. Gablehauser: "Nice to meet you. His father's dead. Etc


He did cheat though until he didn’t. It was very likely a retcon. It wasn’t shown not because he didn’t cheat but because they decided to not go in that direction with it.


It was from Sheldon's perspective though. This is the way its always been.


They explained what happened. It was Mary in a wig and Sheldon mistook her for someone else.


Did Mary ever explain that to Sheldon or did she let him think that his father cheated?


It never came up either way


Apart from the episode where sheldon says mum mentions having to give sheldons dad the talk, and his dad's girlfriend the talk even tho there was language involved


Yeah but like many other "non canon" things in TBBT, this could've been just for the joke.


it couldve been her and brenda fighting and stuff. Mary was always very dramatic about George in TBBT. and her behavior after the funeral explains it all


Guess the creaters made this on a bike ride, cause they back pedalled hard


What I meant is that there are many time where things were said for the joke "continuity" of the scene and that isn't real. For example Sheldon asking the others if they know how to open a toolbox when we know he built a reactor as a child or the others like that


🤣🤣🤣☠️☠️☠️☠️ Totally. I guess a lot of people don't realize how hard it is to make a serialized prequel dovetail with a serialized original. They call us weirdos because we have good memories , but would it kill showrunners to hire a single person to fact check against the original? Especially for a character with an eidetic memory🤦🏻‍♀️


I doubt Mary ever knew that Sheldon saw her with George that day. Her back was to the door when he looked in and then silently backed out and closed the door.


Unless George told her afterwards and they had a little laugh over it


Lol, could be! But knowing how overprotective Mary always was of Sheldon, she probably would have felt the need to explain herself to him — “Don’t worry about what you saw Shelly, I was just acting out scenes from my trip to Germany for your dad, while wearing their official dress, the dirndl!” 🤣😂🤣😂


But Sheldon was an awkward teenager at that point. Maybe she didn’t feel comfortable about doing it and asked George to do it but he didn’t bother or didn’t get a chance too because Sheldon was spending so much time in his college dorm due to the living situation (remember she asked George to talk to Georgie about the birds and the bees when he was interested in Veronica).


I feel like by the time Sheldon was writing his memoir he found out the truth about it (probably from an off hand comment Mary made at some point).


yea in the show he said he never spoke abt what he saw


Marry didnt know but in tbbt sheldon said him and his dad met eyes and never talked about it


george probably just assumed he knew it was his mother and decided not to bring it up


But she never corrected his misunderstanding though. We know George Sr cheated due to Sheldon saying so. But that was Mary role playing, did YS ever show or state George Sr cheated or was George’s cheating based off Sheldons comment which would mean that George never cheated and Mary let Sheldon think that he did.


He emotionally cheated with the neighbour if that counts


Did he though, I know the neighbourhood tried to, but didn’t George Sr have his first cardiac event at that point.


Him and Brenda would hang out and he stated to develop feeling keeping it from Mary and he even said they needed to stop in the chicken coop he never physically cheated but could be deemed emotional especially since he felt guilty over his relationship with Brenda


She likely never realized he thought that as it isn't something he'd have told her.


Sheldon never told anyone


Surprisingly wholesome retcon


Still doesn’t match up at all with BBT


TBBT was a show that they created well before YS. Sheldon was the main character and they introduced his family as side characters that were brought in for comedic relief and character development to show how Sheldon's family works and how he became who he is. They retconned the original show is the real answer. Not everything has to match up with the canon, especially when you have to jump through so many hoops to make it work.


George didn't cheat Sheldon thought he cheated Sheldon still believes he cheated and doesn't now george didn't cheat


Sheldon specifically said his father "*cheated his mother with a barista who tried to buy his love with action fugures*" and didn't want to tell his mother he went to live with his girlfriend because his muther always got angry when people did "*she was when his brother and his girlfriend did, she was when his sister and her boyfriend did... And she also was when his father and his girlfriend did. She also said a bunch of un-Christian words that time*". When did all of this happen? **At first it looked like Sheldon did not understand but sided with his mother**. But they kind of **changed idea mid-series** after George became favourite character


What episode is this from in TBBT?


The first one I do not have a clue. But you can find on YouTube montages of any time Sheldon mentions his father. The second one I don't know but they should talk about Sheldon not wanting to go to Texas in the summary. It is a few episodes after he has started living with Amy


*Herb Garden Germination* and *The Holiday Summation*.


He says “Bottle-blond bartender.”


Sheldon has mentioned he met the affair partner in BBT


I don’t understand the need to come up with these grand theories on why the writers made certain editorial decisions regarding the Cooper family. George wasn’t created with the intention that he’d become a fully fleshed out main character. He existed solely to explain aspects of Sheldon’s character. I think the writers did a wonderful job turning George into a redeemable main character without greatly compromising Sheldon’s narrative. And if a theory needs to exist to explain any discrepancies, the writers have consistently relied on the fact that Sheldon isn’t infallible. Expecting someone to recall childhood memories without any misunderstandings or biases would be unreasonable.


Definitely so. His perfect memory can't recall what it never registered. We know he can put pieces together after the fact (the brisket recipe) and that he may not have understood something happening when he initially saw it happen. Sometimes he remembers something very clearly but needs a second to reprocess it through his adult lens.


I think only the narration was part of Sheldon’s memoir and the rest was part of the actual continuity. He wouldn’t have known a lot of the stuff that happened in the show like the whole Brenda and Pastor Robb scandal or a lot of the Georgie and Mandy stuff. Also if we were to say that the memoir was more science/academia focused and not personal, why include the Mandy and Georgie stuff, his parents both being on the verge of cheating, his parents doing role play, his sister always being left out of stuff, his memaw owning a gambling room and a lot more.


Sheldon specifically said his father "*cheated his mother with a barista who tried to buy his love with action fugures*" and didn't want to tell his mother he went to live with his girlfriend because his muther always got angry when people did "*she was when his brother and his girlfriend did, she was when his sister and her boyfriend did... And she also was when his father and his girlfriend did. She also said a bunch of un-Christian words that time*". When did all of this happen? **At first it looked like Sheldon did not understand but sided with his mother**. But they kind of **changed idea mid-series** after George became favourite character


They changed the canon yes, and I'd like to think the memoir was written in a way that Sheldon kept this stuff personal. And thank you for mentioning the other instances where Sheldon mentions the cheating. The walk in incident was not the only mention of George cheating.


As for the bartender who tried to give him toys... he's referring to Brenda. Not something we've seen on the show, but after what happened at CeeCee's birth, Sheldon may very well think the woman with George was Brenda. In doing so he reconnected an event that happened even before the series, to a clandestine relationship between the two. You misinterpreted the second statement. Sheldon wasn't referring to moving in together at that point in the conversation, but to relationships in general and sinful carnality. And so, again, it can relate to the arguments that George and Mary had in season 6, regarding Brenda


You’re forgetting what Sheldon says prior to that part in the first one. “In that case, the woman dives into religion, and the man dives into a bottle-blond bartender who tries to buy my love with action figures.” I highly doubt Sheldon of all people would make that kind of a statement if it were based on one, single incident. He was comparing what the two leaned on (metaphorically), with Mary choosing religion and George choosing infidelity. The fact that Sheldon saw the two as comparable proves George was really into what he leaned on. I don’t even know for sure what you’re saying with the second point. I already debunked the Brenda hypothesis, although Sheldon may have thought his father was sleeping with her as well. Sheldon: Do we have to? I really don’t want to hear the religious lecture. Amy: Maybe there won’t be one. Sheldon: There’s always one. She gave it to my sister about her boyfriend, my brother about his girlfriend, my father about his girlfriend. That one had some un-Christian words in it. You can ignore that the entire point of the joke was to say George had a girlfriend while married to Mary and that she was mad about it, but that’s just more gymnastics to fit your broken narrative. There’s also when Sheldon said, “Every time my dad stayed out all night, my mom put hamster poop in his chewing tobacco.” Please don’t say, “Sheldon may have thought it was hamster poop.” :’<


>I highly doubt Sheldon of all people would make that kind of a statement if it were based on one, single incident. Too bad that's all what Old Sheldon does in Young Sheldon. >You can ignore that the entire point of the joke was to say George had a girlfriend while married to Mary and that she was mad about it, but that’s just more gymnastics to fit your broken narrative. Why are you talking as if Sheldon knows everything you know? Sheldon saw the fight between George, Mary and Brenda at the hospital. Rob was also there, but Sheldon is not led to believe that there is anything between the two, while discussions regarding Brenda continue at home. Mary was out of the house for a while because of that argument, so the fact that Sheldon (in TBBT) was referring to those arguments is super plausible


>I highly doubt Sheldon of all people would make that kind of a statement if it were based on one, single incident. Too bad that's all what Old Sheldon does in Young Sheldon. >You can ignore that the entire point of the joke was to say George had a girlfriend while married to Mary and that she was mad about it, but that’s just more gymnastics to fit your broken narrative. Why are you talking as if Sheldon knows everything you know? Sheldon saw the fight between George, Mary and Brenda at the hospital. Rob was also there, but Sheldon is not led to believe that there is anything between the two, while discussions regarding Brenda continue at home. Mary was out of the house for a while because of that argument, so the fact that Sheldon (in TBBT) was referring to those arguments is super plausible


> Too bad that’s all what Old Sheldon does in Young Sheldon. You ignored how Sheldon was using the infidelity as a direct comparison with Mary’s religion. And I said that next bit because the whole point of the joke was for us to think that George had at least one girlfriend when he and Mary were together. Sheldon saying, “My father about his girlfriend,” implies he knows the same lecture, because the same one was given to his siblings. When you know the same lecture, the odds are you know of the details, and that’s where the possibility of Sheldon being confused about it goes out the window… he had to have known the specifics because it was the *same lecture.* Keep in mind Sheldon has an incredible eidetic memory, so he will remember that it is the same lecture.


Yes, this is what I believe too. And for everyone saying the walking in on his dad was a misunderstanding, that was not the only time Sheldon mentions the cheating. In Season 10 Episode 12 of TBBT, Sheldon mentions that his mother gave a speech to "my dad and his girlfriend". He mentions his cheating in other episodes as well, not just the one where he walks in on him. When Sheldon reaches the age he is writing the memoir, he makes sure to portray his parents' marriage as much more stable and makes sure to focus on his mom's shortcomings as well, because we see in YS that he is far more attached to his mother which could be the reason he was so overly critical of his dad all those years.


He mentioned his father dating a waitress while his mother found religion. And that waitress tried to buy Sheldon love with action figures


It’s not like TBBT was ever consistent anyway. Sheldon has asthma in the beginning, then doesn’t. Leonard does not snore but later it’s a big plot line Bernadette suddenly develops a squeaky voice. Sheldon knocks once in early seasons. Writers did not care about sacrificing consistency for sake of the story. Seems to have worked out.


Yeah, I think that works. It's true to the character and to the circumstances, and neatly resolves the continuity.


The whole time of BBT they made George out to be a total asshole. Drunk all the time, verbally abusive, and fooling around on Mary. We had such a negative view of him it makes you wonder why they would make a show about him. Granted, much of what was said about him was written before he existed on screen, but still.


I remember in one episode of tbbt s4 or s5, Sheldon said something about this female blonde, bar keep who showered him with "superhero action figures" to gain his sympathy. The closest character in YS is brenda sparks. But of course they prolly forgot about this already


His misconstrued recollection was typed out in his memoir, and everything else was part of the continuity to explain to the viewers what actually happened.


In universe, sure. But we all know the real reason is that they've decided to make him a good guy and thus changed it.


They explained what happened: Mary was playing dress up and Sheldon got the wrong end of the stick and thought George was having an affair. It’s likely that between when Sheldon told the story to Penny on the TBBT and he was writing his memoirs, Sheldon found out the truth. Maybe Mary mentioned it in a joking kind of way “there was a time after I’d been in Germany with Shelly, George and I were role playing in bed and Sheldon walked in on us and we scared him half to death” probably to Amy and Sheldon realised his mistake.


My head canon is that Young Sheldon takes place in a alternate universe where Sheldon's parents were in a more stable marriage. Both of them thought of cheating, yet neither did. Georgie was supposed to have his first child at 19, and in Young Sheldon, he was 18. Couldn't be 19, because he was 17 when he got Mandy pregnant. Adding 9 months to that, and you can't magically age 2 years. Lol


>Georgie was supposed to have his first child at 19, and in Young Sheldon, he was 18. Couldn't be 19, because he was 17 when he got Mandy pregnant. Adding 9 months to that, and you can't magically age 2 years. Lol I might sound extremely rude, but its astonishing how many people have actually upvoted your comment. It was said in S1 that Georgie got married at 19, which he actually did in the show also, maybe a few months before he turned 19 at best. It was never mentioned what age he had his first child till it was revealed Mandy was pregnant.


He was 18 shortly after cee cee was born. Adding few months to that as mandy didn't want to get married and when she agreed the tornado came. Furthermore, Mary and s Sheldon were in Germany. After adding everything up he did get married at around 19. Might be rounded up.


He wasn’t supposed to have his first child at 19 he was married at 19 which he was at the time he married Mandy.


Sheldon’s just an idiot and jumped to conclusions. He thought very little of his father. At least, he did in that moment.


So do I. Money. Another show means more money, and by retconning George Sr, you get a more palatable slop for the masses. Well, eat your slurry, everyone. Slurp it up.


Can we stop with the, he never cheated Sheldon just misunderstood comments. They’re inaccurate. George Sr cheated. Point blank. Sheldon talks about his girlfriend trying to buy his affection with toys Young Sheldon George Sr however didn’t cheat because they retconned it because they made him a loveable sitcom dad.


I would like to extend this theory as to why he didn't mention Paige in the end.


Maybe it’s because she wasn’t an important part of his life.


Why bother mentioning her when she wasn't important? The fact that he mentions her every now and then but leaves her at the end suggests that its something he doesn't want everyone to know.


If we’re to believe that every episode is Sheldon recounting events of his childhood for his memoir, then the reason he mentions her is because she was there for that event. But she wasn’t there for the funeral and Sheldon didn’t feel the need to mention someone who wasn’t there, especially someone who was not important to him.


Because Paige pertained to the story, Sheldon was telling. You know he gets descriptive, so it'd be weird if he didn't mention a person that taught him things, or was a childhood rival. It's the same with Veronica. Sheldon really only mentioned her, because she taught him some kind of lessons, or he learned something from her. She was going to be Georgie's first baby mama, but the actress had previous engagements, she they wrote her out, and wrote in Many, later.


Was Paige even all the important to Sheldon tho?


McKenna grace wasn't free for the finale, so she wasn't in it


Bc the producers already said she wasn’t available




They really didn’t want to destroy his good Dad image.


I wish people would quit treating YS like a prequel.


What do you think it is then? Lol


It’s a sitcom in its own right. It’s so different and so much more in depth, it can only be based loosely on some stories told by a completely self absorbed character. If the show was exactly as “big” Sheldon recalled, it would be unwatchable crap. lol


That is quite literally what the show is my man


I guess for simple minds it is the easy answer, yes. Maybe it’s how the show was conceived, but it became a show in its own universe… “my man”