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You have spectacular taste. Happy birthday!


Cheers mate, really gotta thank my mum for it since I said not too worry too much about getting the bigs one and that one would suffice. She ended up getting all three of the models I wanted.


happy birhday! have a blast with those 2 mg kits. please update us on your konig wolf. i've always wondered how it's different than older kotobukiya kits.


About to start it now, I just finished the Barbados and want to spread the builds apart abit.


I've been building the HMM Fang Tiger... Compared to the older Liger kits, the inner frame is rock solid, so hopefully the Konig Wolf is similar


That Barbatos is such an amazing kit, enjoy!


My only complaint is the backpack for it, I wish the moveable parts for it were more stable and didn’t fall off.


It shines on an action base. So does Wing Zero Custom. I have my MG Zero Ver Ka next to my MG Tallgeese Fluegel. They’re some of my favorite kits behind my mega RX-78 and mega Zaku II.


Happy birthday, it's my birthday too! Gf bought me the gojulas and paid for my anime tattoo


She bought you a FUCKING GOJULAS…. Bruh, you better put a ring even more expensive than that kit on her finger. She’s a keeper.


Damn, where'd you get the K Wolf? I've had that damn thing on pre-order for months and it still isn't available! Happy birthday, looks like a lot of fun!


Where'd you order from? I got mine early March


A site called Big Bad Toy Store. Got openly of other kits from them, the K Wolf just wasn't available at the time (and hasn't been yet). If it takes too much longer I might look somewhere else.


Message them. Had mine pre ordered too, got it from koto store. They had a few extra too when it finally shipped i think


Well my mum ordered mine from Frontline Hobbies, it’s an Australian site but I’m pretty sure they do overseas as well. Theirs also HobbyCo I saw that zoid (along with the heavy arms one l their a few times.


I love how a good birthday is sitting and making model robots. Genuinely you are all my kind of ppl ❤️


Bro, I have those 3 kits as well!


I won't say I'm jealous, but I'm jealous. Happy birthday!


Ah zoids, I had so much back then till we got hit by a flood, from the tiny molgas to the bigass long neck one, even lost my full metal steel bison :(


Jealous 😩😂


Question...do people buy old Gundam model kits that were bought but never put together still in the boxes Ive got two from the wing and fighter series


I’m sorry I don’t understand your question, are you asking if people buy second hand model kits that haven’t been built (if so, yes) or are you asking if people buy Gundam kits to put together (if so, yes again).