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Hi! I'm new people! I want to finally jump into AOS and figured a new edition was the perfect time. I play 40k but this game always looks like fun, and the models are gorgeous. The Kharadron Overlords look awesome but I'll admit I don't know much about them outside of being "steampunk Navy Dwarves." I'm excited to learn a new system and read the new lore!


I know there are a couple of drekki flynt novels that will get you into the spirit of KO. And after reading the new command abilities today I'm really curious how they'll rework KO in the new edition. They've always had a unique play style in the game and unusual rules interactions.


My guess is Fly High (9" deepstrike) will be a command ability as usual, and it will again be limited to one ship. I don't think we will see much difference in their playstyle tbh, which is to punish poor positioning, hope to push through enough wounds to cause the damage needed on a critical unit, and to score tactics a bit more easily than most armies. That said, who knows!? I play KO primarily so I'm hopeful for good news and fun, dynamic games!


Thats all you need to know to have some fun with the sky dwarves


Nobody is ready for the KO turning the battlefield into a nuclear wastelands. Joke aside, they fleed Chaos and took the direction of the skies in their own apocalypse during the first era of AoS, they almost disappeared because their god left them and nobody answered when they were attacked by forces of Tzeentch Their lore is pretty nice and their models are damn awesome


They're amazingly fun. You'll have a blast. I'm using the new edition to start a new army! I can't wait, I snagged the spearhead box so I can paint that up for the new edition.


Kharadron are fantastic and are so much fun to build and paint


Welcome to AoS! there's a bit of tension right now about models getting retired (with completely good reason I might add) but don't let that bum down your spirit! I'm likely not in your area but don't hesitate to reach out to nearby areas for any game opportunities, AoS players are very friendly :)


KO was my first army when I returned to the hobby 3 years ago. They are a lot of fun to paint, and it feels great having all those ships on the board.


Not hating on KO but they do have a reputation as a faction with not a lot of interaction (they're primarily a shooting army), kind of like Tau. Theyre not melee fighters or casters. If you're into that sort of thing all the more power to you! Their mechanics have always been interesting to me, being basically the only faction with transports in the entire game. Also they look great too!


New player here ! I went with Soulblight, I’m in the middle of painting some Dire Wolves from the Battlebox. I’m trying to achieve 1k for the release, to participate day one in the initiation sessions and try to keep up with my local players ! The painting is…daunting, I’m not used to this much of plastic (I’m a KT player). The local IRL community is so welcoming, same from the Discord AOS coach. But here on Reddit…yeah I won’t comment and participate on threads not designed for beginners, it’s…bad.


It can get bad, but I feel 40k subreddits are worst. I stopped playing 40k cause of how bad the community is compared to AoS. Granted AoS has their problem children to lol


I always hear this but I've never really had an issue at events with the 40k community. I swear there must be FLGS where these "that guy" types flock to. Lol Reddit always kinda sucks, but the 40k community, at least the ones that frequent events, are actually pretty cool.


Well my experience with 40k players are my local area and online. My local area I feel is toxic. People bring these massive models that are hard to kill against new players who are trying the game out. Or they bring these massively competitive lists that destroys people's will to play cause they are new and just want to play what they like. I have had people talk to me like I am a baby cause they think they know better. You try and say a unit, that they think sucks, is good. You better run for the hills cause they will try and degrade you and put you down until you concede. But the AoS community around me is this happy go lucky community. People ask if they want competitive or casual lists. New players come in and everyone dumb down their lists when playing them so they can learn and have a chance at winning. They talk about what units people enjoy instead of what is meta lol. It is night and day


That's rough, sorry your area is like that, man. I have noticed that, while I've had positive experiences with both, the AoS community seems far more "casual." Which I've really been enjoying as I haven't had the time for competitive 40k as of late. I will also say that events are much more laid back than pickup games at a store, however counterintuitive that is.


Enjoy playing soulblight and there is a soulblight Reddit specifically you can join. Dire wolves always good. You can also look for models on eBay to save money too. There is a vengorian lord box set with lots of the units you can use and you can always find a vampire lord too.


I bought that box ! So many minies ! I’m gonna take my time and join the subreddit for inspiration ! I’m trying to do a winter themed army !


On painting you could opt for just battle ready to start. Perfectionism is also my problem. I have to make them perfect. Maybe do a few then battle ready the rest. You can come back to finish them off in the future!


Yeah I’m gonna do that ! Thx for the advice !


I jumped into AOS like month ago. Had no idea about new edition and Im so glad I get to meet new version with old one in mind. Cool community and very wholesome post brother!


I’m big on skirmish games (played a lot of Mordheim, kill team, frostgrave, spectre) but am taking the new edition opportunity to give AoS a go. Now the big question is do I go for Ogor Mawtribes, Nighthaunt, or Cities of Sigmar?!


My advice is to choose the models that call to you most! The models will always be cool whether or not your army is performing well in a current meta or not!


On a budget? Mawtribes. With a little creativity you can easily make a 2k army with 200 bucks.


If you play a lot of games, be aware that Nighthaunt are VERY spindly and often get broken in transit, even with foam carry cases. Ogors or Cities do not have this problem. I love my spooky bois but their fragility drives me mad!


Magnetic cases for the win, I'd never stick a Nighthaunt model in foam. Thats just asking for trouble. Lol


You might consider starting with Warcry or Underworlds models: Ogor Mawtribes: Gorger Mawpack Nighthaunt: Pyregheists, Headsmen's Curse, Thorns of the Briar Queen Cities of Sigmar: Wildercorps Hunters, Saviours of Cinderfall, Hexbane's Hunters, Brethren of the Bolt


Be aware though the warcry models wont be supported in AoS in the new edition and not confirmed but I would not expect Underworlds either.


Can you give a source for this? I don't believe any of the Warcry or Underworlds products I listed have been listed as unsupported for AoS 4th Edition.


I think I might be wrong on this looking back it does say earlier releases. I’d still say careful with it though as they’ve def shown they can remove them whenever they want


Only the first edition warbands were announced to be squatted. Nothing has been said about second edition stuff which all of those warbands fit under.


I just started building/painting my army a few months ago, can't wait to play with other new players cause honestly it's hard breaking in to a new hobby in a new place.


Has there been any spearhead news? (Basically since the announcement video of AOS 4e.) Also I'm assuming the starter box will have 2 spearheads from the included factions like the leviathan box did. But my first choice faction is probably SBGL so I'm thinking of picking up that vanguard in the mean time.


No info yet


Don’t bully me or my Freeguild Fusiliers. We’ll cry and eat your dice.


Hullo. New people here. I got drawn in by some of the models and the idea of narrative play. Hoping to start up a regular dawnbringer crusade or a twin tailed crusade before long to get used to messing with these tiny bits of plastic


Another new person here. I have played 40k and tbh my main issue looking at AoS is that there are too many armies I like. Stormcast are just better looking space marines/custodes to me (dear God the Praetors look so good). Kharadron Overlords are cool steampunk dwarves and I love their ships. Seraphon are awesome lizards riding awesome dinosaurs. I also love the new Cities of Sigmar models I have seen, and griffons are one of my favorite creatures and Cities seems to have them.


I’m yet to play a proper tabletop game because I keep getting more models, there are too many nice ones to look at. Currently got some Stormcast, Lumineth, Seraphon and some Skaven. The new box is looking like it’ll be dangerous for my wallet with the Stormcast and Skaven being featured. In my opinion the new Seraphon sculpts are the most fun to paint because of how well the contrast paints work with them.


I am the same, not new but love all the armies. I currently have stormcast, Idoneth deepkin, daughters of khain, fyreslayers, sylvaneth, blades of khorne, hedonites of slaanesh, kruleboyz, and I am looking to get another army before 4th lol. I am gonna get skaven as well rofl. I would suggest starting with stormcast cause of the new edition and the spearhead box is a great buy.


I "started" AoS last year. Skaven to the bone-marrow yes-yes!! It was really confusing for me just starting so I decided to wait because of the rumors of 4th (buying and building my vermintide). And here I am, new rats new edition! Really excited for the new units and the refresh!


Will the core rules be online for free? I'm splitting a starter box with a friend anyway, so I imagine that will come with a rulebook regardless, but it'd be nice if there are online rules available.


Every edition in the past has had some form of the rules online for free, but it usually is missing parts that come in the full rulebook. There are always alternatives to buying from GW, however, if you are willing to wait.... no I cannot elaborate further


Unknown at this time, but considering how they handled the 40k 10th edition launch, it's likely that the core rules will not be free but the army indexes (rules unique to individual factions) will be posted on the community site.


Hi! I WANT to be new people but seriously reconsidering it after just going through the forums here and the fact that you had to make a post telling people to be friendly.  I left 40k years ago due to the crazy toxic community, and see it seems the same.   :(


I find the people who always say the Warhammer community sucks are the ones who have only ever experienced the "community" on *Reddit*. Lol 99% of wargamers I've met in real life are all cool, down to earth people. They have their quirks, as the hobby tends to draw some of the more socially inept, but often those situations are just honest misunderstandings and don't reflect anyone's character and we're usually laughing about it 5 minutes later. I've met one or two people at events that were dicks, but that's one or two people having played in many events and leagues over the course of years.


I think that's a reasonable observation... unfortunately, GW messed up pretty big with their decision to Legends a few product lines at once, and everybody is still processing what that means for them emotionally. Some of them don't know how to process that emotion and are lashing out at easy targets. The sad fact is that as the popularity of AoS goes up, the further we will get from the small but inclusive community that made it great in the first place. As a 40k refugee myself, I am just trying to do my part to not be one of those letting it happen to AoS.. I would just say, be very clear in what is ok at your game table. Don't let people bring their bad attitudes or bigotry to your table. It isn't a place of government or the press where speech needs to be free. No warhammer is better than bad warhammer.


I've just started. We've been playing path to glory and now the dawnbringer crusades


I bought in to Seraphon last edition and picked up the basics but never got to actually play a game, focusing on 40k. I'd love to take this time to actually get in to playing, and I know I'm going to be confused and sloppy for a while, especially with 40k primary in my brain.


Hey there, newish seraphon collector here. Been picking up seraphon models as painting projects over the last 6 or so months. A new edition of the game will motivate me to learn how to play!


This is so true. I took the plunge into the hobby with the start of third due to the hype and excitement. I was a little bummed with the rule changes since it was my “first edition” but this was a great reminder to welcome those who will be joining the same way I did! Definitely helps me view it in a new light and be excited too :)


I will say I plan to be among them. Bought an assembled but not painted nighthaunt army ages ago that I have been trying to get finished before this edition. I do intend to pick up another army as well but I have wanted to play for a long time. My buddies are more into 40k so I have some armies for that already and that's where my attention had been.


I'm just trying to recruit new nagash followers. Who wants to join bone daddy supreme?


Everybody gets recruited by nagash eventually! Unless they are chaos tainted, that is. Even Bone daddy has standards!


I’ve been a big fan of Fantasy and AOS for a while now, and with the new edition, I’ll finally get into actually playing the game, looking really forward to it!


I’m new! I started with 40K but last month I started building a squig army! I honestly don’t know how to play, so any advice or tips is welcome!


Squigs are great. Until we know the new ruleset, just collect what you like!


I mean, that’s all I’ve been doing 😂 I’m not competitive in painting or playing, it’s all just for fun


Once I learned about adding allies to my armies, I stopped trying to decide on a particular army and figured I'll narrow it down to the alliance. For example I figured that I could main Hedonites but still pick up some cool Maggotkin. Or for Death, main the vampires, but pick up some flesh eaters or nighthaunt models. I figured that I could just collect the things I liked and still be able to build an army. But would that make my army worse than just sticking to the same one?


I was just painting my first army (FEC) and I saw the news about the new edition .


How do you think. Dwarf, dark elves and remants of empire from cities of sigmar. They ll go to legends or stay next edition? Are they worth their points in the current edition or weak and useless?


I think if they can be used in the Old World game, they aren't safe. My Beastmen army already got cut... I would just think about that before spending money on any models. But as long as you have the models already... may as well use them! Can't speak on the balance as I don't have the battletome though.




I love the positivity of this thread. A friend and myself are going to be jumping into AOS and I must admit, I am very excited. We have both bought vanguard? Boxes I am going soulblight gravelords, because let's face it, vampires and the undead are just cool. He has gone with sylvaneth because it will put him out of his comfort zone as a painter. No idea how good or bad these armies are, we are just going with the rule of cool.


I will admit when I see all these “will these models be okay” or other questions about 4th. That those posts do tend to get annoying. Most of the times the answer is we don’t know yet. Then some people get mad because we’re not a bunch of psychics who know what changes are coming. I’m like, be patient like the rest of us and wait. No but I want an answer nooowwwww……. Ug, I just want to slap those people.


I understand your frustration, but I also understand theirs. This hooby isn't cheap, and if you aren't financially able to take a $100/200 loss, it can be a bit enerving not knowing if the models of the box you just purchased will not be supported on board (which is why most people buy models). Same goes for models that costed a lot like Heros or monsters. Money loss is one of the main reason people can go crazy with AoS (See what happened to some SCE, BoC and BoneSpliterz players...). So yeah, it isn't right for some of them to act untitled and uncivilized, but you also have to restrain from judging them.


I am a former Warmachine player. So I know this pain and frustration all to well. I started playing warmachine when it first started and we had a healthy gaming group. All went well for years until shortly after MK3/3rd edition happened. Then the gaming community went POOF! It wasn’t just in my local meta. It just seemed like it dried up all over the place. I personally liked the MK3 rule set, and couldn’t understand why it got so much hate. I know the newest 40k edition also came out about the same time (8th I think) which seemed to attract back many old 40k players. So I had 3 armies that I (insert depressed sigh) spent A LOT of money and time on that was now sitting around unused. I’ve ended up selling off 2 of those armies a year later after they sat around unused. Not because I didn’t want to play, but mainly because I couldn’t find anyone to play against. I got back a small fraction of what I spent on it because the Warmachine after market was just flooded with people trying to sell what they had. I ended up selling the last army I had a few years after that because it sat for over 5 years gathering dust.


Can’t believe I clicked on this. You don’t need to tell people this.  Garbage post


Garbage comment. But it drives the engagement up so thanks for being proof that we need it!


Your post was needed. I received some bad DM just because I, as a new player, found the new Warscroll « clumsy » and difficult to read and understand. For ….. sake ! I’m a new player, I never played the game, it’s normal to have some difficulties. I know it’s not a lot of people like that, but going in a new hobby can be intimidating, it’s a social game : one hainous person is enough to drive away new people.


The new warscrolls for new players will seem weird. Even veteran players will need some adjusting to them. So anyone getting mad at you for that observation is stupid lol. I left 40k cause of the player base being toxic. The toxic players drown out the good players. Post like this reminds us vets that we need to always be welcoming to the new players or how else will we be able to keep playing.


Well played. And I agree that the post is needed even if we wish it wasn't. There's been a lot of rage around the changes that 4th is bringing, and unfortunately, the new entrants with their optimism or enthusiasm become easy targets.


Ah so I fell for the clickbait. Nightmare.  Good luck to you sir! 


Not just once but twice! Seriously though, if you had read the post I mentioned how I keep seeing new player questions getting downvoted. So although I really wish a post wasn't necessary, clearly it was.