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As some who both regresses and age dreams,, I really don’t like how some people put a wall between them, imo they should be (and for the most part are) within the same community, it’s not problematic, and the existence of age dreaming certainly doesnt belittle or lessen the existence of regression, they’re both equally valid, you’re okay to use the term if it makes *you* comfy, because at the end of the day that’s all that matters <3


I am so happy for this, it made me fell much better/pos


As someone who primarily technically age dreams/semi-regresses because the Big-Brain doesn't want to ever let go of complete control, don't feel bad over the label. There will always be people who will see things differently and people who will nitpick labels and what each label means. Don't feel bad because you use a label that does no actual harm to anyone, and that makes you feel the most comfortable.


Thank you for the comment, it makes me feel valid, I am glad I am not alone/pos


Imo they are part of the same community. I always thought age dreaming was under the agere umbrella. Don’t feel bad, it’s not hurting anyone and there’s plenty of people who agree with you. <3


This is random but I love your pfp/pos


Thank you! I love draculara and watching MH while little hehe


ooooooo I like watching Bluey, My Little Pony, Carebears, and Strawberry Shortcake. And I wanna find Dragon Tales and The Magic Schoolbus to watch again


To me, I think age dreaming and age regressing are the same. To be honest, I don't know why some people would put a wall between these two terms. To some people not all, to some, those two terms can have separate meanings. I'm not trying to bully or be mean here with this, but it is true. Like I said, to me these two terms should be under the same umbrella 🌂 and if some people think otherwise, then they don't know what these terms mean in full.


Yeah, I feel like its kind of a "square is always a rectangle but a rectangle isn't always a square" concept. Where age-dreaming would be the square and age-regression would be the rectangle. {age-dreaming is always age-regression but age-regression isn't always age-dreaming} Does that sound correct?


That's kind of correct. You have the right idea 💡


I kinda thought age regression was an umbrella term and then under age-regression was the subsets age-regression and age-dreaming


I mean yeah, that's technically how it goes.


Okay, glad I got that figured out, thank you lots./pos


You're welcome 😊


The way I interpret it: Age Dreaming is engaging in kids activities to cope or relax. But you aren’t necessarily regressing to an actual younger mindset. You’re still processing as an adult if that makes sense? Nothing wrong with it and if it makes you feel better, all the power to you! I don’t know why it would be stigmatized and I’m so sorry you had to deal with that.


thank yous!/pos personally I still consider it regression because you regress behaviorally even if you don't 'fully regress'. A lot of people call it semi-regression/neu


This is what I thought age dreaming was, but from what I'm seeing, not everyone agrees with that. It's quite confusing figuring out where you stand when no one can agree on definitions.


IMO they're just two ways of experiencing the same thing but there are people who saying age dreaming isn't "real" agere and as such means you're some kind of pretender or fake. The issue isn't with the terms and you should use whatever you like to describe yourself! The issue is with people, and you shouldn't let them take something away from you.


thank you for the comment! also this is an amazing way to explain it/pos