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From the article: >Ms. Phillips said she is leaving office because she was worn out by the polarization and disinformation infecting today’s politics. This shift in norms is especially acute for Ms. Phillips: As a cabinet minister, two members of the Lethbridge Police Service who opposed her politics inappropriately surveilled her. While the officers were convicted of violating the Police Act, Ms. Phillips was informed in May that the provincial prosecution service declined to pursue criminal charges. >“Jesus Christ himself couldn’t have kept me,” she said in an interview. Instead, Ms. Phillips said her political foes, who failed to beat her at the ballot box, ground her down. >“I’m the next in a line of woman politicians who are taking a pass,” she said. >She added: “These conditions are not improving. The right is only getting more crazy and more bonkers, and disinformation is just getting worse. And that is going to have an affect on people’s desire to do this work.” >She conceded that she would not be quitting had the NDP formed government last year, but noted she faced “extraordinary circumstances” as a politician targeted by police: “I don’t know if anyone in the country has gone through what I have.”


Yeah she really did face some pure bullshit from those cops and the crown for not prosecuting.


> Service who opposed her politics inappropriately surveilled her. While the officers were convicted of violating the Police Act, Ms. Phillips was informed in May that the provincial prosecution service declined to pursue criminal charges. Ah that thin blue line eh… JFC that’s horrible.


It's much, much, much, worse than that, After they got caught physically following her they got caught searching her records without cause, then they got caught "jokingly" spreading violent sexual threats against her and the CBC reporter that broke the story. Then a whistleblower came forward saying that the chief himself was telling staff to "find anything possible to use against" Shannon and the reporter. They had internal reviews and "discipline" each time, except the last where they just dismissed it as "rumor"


I feel this is what it's like living in Rural Alberta as a whole no matter who you are , we were posted here for Military duty , my kids came home from school one day and asked me if our Prime minister really hated Albertans we aren't political in our house we raise our children to vote for who they want and which party would align with their beliefs and what party would benefit their family the most. I did have a meeting with the vice principal saying I was concerned about this teacher telling my kids this and she fully admitted it 😳 anyway that was months ago and sadly my children have suffered , the picking on them began, they weren't dressed right , they smelled things that aren't true and don't make sense a girl was texting my son sexual texts he told her he was uncomfortable ( we have the texts ) and he got in trouble for bothering her though it was clear from the text exchange it was the other way around , every other day it's something and it honestly makes me sad I'm lucky enough to have lived all over the world including Europe and I have never lived anywhere like this it's unbelievable to me to be honest and I canr wait to move one day .


Lethbridge isn’t even that rural though. It’s pretty progressive. File a complaint against the teacher: https://www.alberta.ca/alberta-teaching-profession-commission I did at the school board level many years ago and fixed shit up real fast.


Its honestly not that progressive. Compared to the region, sure, but there was a pretty consistent anti vax protest presence for years.


Same for lots of places. Calgary fire department did one at city hall.


Oh thank you for your advice I do appreciate it I may just do as you suggested the thing is I am pretty lucky to have good kids , they don't really get in trouble as far as drugs , drinking etc that I know of anyway though I'm pretty confident because they spend most of their free time at home or outside and their friends come here I just worry about retaliation against them which is what I was worried about when it initially happened and I complained and the principal told me I did the right thing by letting them know and told me their policy states that teachers can't be political and what she did was wrong I felt better when I left that meeting but it was really not to long after that meeting I started getting phone calls from them nit picking at every little thing . The thing is people are people and it's the same in every environment including work people run off their emotions , some can be calm and professional and some can't you know what I mean. I honestly just want my kids to be happy , to graduate to just do well in life one of them is disabled so we want to make sure he has the support he needs gosh sometimes it's so tough being a parent I just don't know what to do again I worry about retaliation and having a bad relationship with the teachers and the school it's a smaller school as well . As for Lethbridge being progressive I find it is somewhat but there is still that annoying brainwashing that has seemed to have been passed down , I know the most liberal people I work with constantly say everything is Trudeaus fault so honestly how progressive are they ? They may be in their morals and their values but clearly uneducated about politics 🙄 its always Trudeaus fault or Quebecs fault and that's not at all reality for the things they are complaining about I just figure these people constantly vote against their best interests or they don't vote at all ! I fully feel Shannon's frustration as far as the disinformation goes tye majority of the province believes in disinformation


File a complaint about any retaliation. Trust me. You will win. The school board don’t give a shit about Mr Anderson. They won’t take her side if she’s harassing students / your children.


Even after she leaves the post, she can still prosecute. In fact - what would she risk doing that? The LPS may have just helped her bridge to her next position.




Found the lethbridge cop


What a disgusting comment.


Don't feed the troll. Just downvote and move on.


Lol. Hooray for the police state.


Have some compassion


Tell us more, RandomWordRandomWordNumbers who totally isn't a bot.


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She's right. The right is getting crazier and more driven to control everything.


Far left and far right both have this problem


What left leaning policy are you referring to? The NDP's dental care plan?


You might want to quietly step away from that poster as they are a hilariously misinformed climate denier. That's the "left" in his statement.


This type of poster right here. Either you believe we are all dying in a forest fire caused by climate change or you flat out deny that humans have an impact. This no middle ground bullshit.


What's the middle ground?


That natural variation plays a big role in climate.


And that is where you are critically misinformed about the impact. Variation happens over 10's of thousands of years. Not decades or generations, like what we are going through.


[The relevant XKCD.](https://xkcd.com/1732/)


God, get your fucking head out of the sand.


Umm is that for me or for U/quality_keyboard?


Humans are playing a bigger role in our current crisis.


Natural variation accounts for gradual changes over long periods. There's nothing "natural" about the ever accelerating rate of change since the Industrial Revolution. But I'm sure you've had this explained to you numerous times; you've just chosen to trust crackpot YouTubers over the expert consensus.


While this is true, the natural variation is a rounding error. It's completely irrelevant to the discussion of climate change.


Global temperatures and natural climate change phenomenon have occurred throughout history in a statistically correlated manner. Anthropogenic climate change has exponentially accelerated at the same instance as industrial growth and the mass production of CO2. It’s not natural.


"both sides" is a weak argument


This is not true. The political right often seeks control by sticking to traditional values and hierarchies, while the left pushes for more equality and change. The two are not equal. One is based on changing for the better and making things more equal. The other governs by way of instilling fear in those who already have power.


What you have to take into consideration this is not true really in Canada it's more the states and these are the American style politics in the conservative party in canada as well as the UCP in Alberta we have many left leaning parties however I notice the topics the extreme Liberals talk about in Canada are either problems the states have and we don't or politics the states have that we don't of that makes sense 😉 what I'm saying is we are ultimately a social democracy under the monarchy where America is a republic its completely different yet we are so meshed together with them due to the fact our countries are close and our media is heavily influenced by theirs .


I remember operation Iraqi freedom being broadcast like it was a darn football game: with constant updates and smiling faces on television treating the loss of human life like it was a good thing.


I mean, I don't see NDP members bullying UCP MLAs out of politics




When the NDP form the next government in 2027, they should go after the police who were involved and the police chiefs with a vengeance. The chiefs colluded with the UCP to win the 2023 election and they need to pay the price of their interference.


I wish I was as optimistic as you are that the NDP will win next election I have no faith in Albertan voters


If you're not aware, Nenshi was the former mayor of Calgary and well liked. He should sweep the city while Edmonton is solidly NDP. That should seal the deal.


North Calgary should be solidly Nenshi. Far south Calgary might be tougher


Thanks for the insight.


The NDP will easily defeat Danielle Smith and the UCP in 2027. It's because the lies and major mistakes of the UCP are impossible to ignore for much longer. Naheed Nenshi has known Danielle Smith for over 30 years, and he will easily defeat her in a provincial election debate. 


Wow this is SO unfortunate. I feel bad for her.


This is an attack on democracy. By not prosecuting the people that cause this kind of pain on elected officials we are endorsing attacks on elected officials.


no fr this smells like bold faced fascism and it’s horrifying


Yea that’s the conservative way, especially these days


this kind of attack would *never* happen against a conservative claiming politician in alberta. I think adding a strenuous psych eval to the requirements to graduate the academy - with significantly more essay questions that expand on the true/false and ranked questions. (If I remember my testing for ptsd the sometimes/always/never and the order of inportance/frequency/severity etc type questions) need essay additions to expand... without essay connecting questions those tests can easily be fooled..)


The people doing a "surveillance" don't do that on their own accord - someone higher up in the LPS ordered it. This wasn't done on some officer's decision - it was ordered by someone in the station. Training new officers isn't a fix for this.


So we clean house from the top down.


Could you imagine if the roles were reversed? Like some nurse leaked private medical information about a conservative MLA(like if Jason Nixon was admitted to the ER with a pineapple up his ass), you bet she would never work again, and likely be in jail.


Exactly, they will probably take it further next time too.


Shannon Phillips only confirms everything we have suspected from the Municipal (provincial) Police services and the UCP/TBA.


The moment that bullshit in Ottawa and Coutts was condoned pretty much confirmed it for me. Oh, and the CPS officers using their bikes to smash protestors downtown Calgary. That was a sign, too. Pretty soon they'll have women staying away from politics for their own personal safety.


Also during the Covid protests when the cops only showed up when people started counter-protesting


Glad she was my representative. Can't believe those cops got off without even a slap on the wrist.


They were demoted but should have been fired and charged criminally.


TEMPORARILY demoted. It wasn’t a permanent demotion.


Well that's something at least. But yeah, it should have had criminal consequences. Reminds me of that case where some conservative group hired a PI to stalk a judge and dig for dirt.


Demoted for a year.


LPS should have been disbanded like they suggested. Hollow threats make the fascists fight even harder for control, you gotta stomp them out when you have the opportunity.


> Can't believe those cops got off without even a slap on the wrist. They went through enough hardship, don'tcha know! /s


I highly respect and admire Shannon Phillips. I hope her life outside of politics is a good one.


Right wing intimidation and violence towards our elected officials is the single greatest threat to our way of life after climate change. It should be a much bigger deal that she is leaving politics.


It's unfortunate seeing good people leave politics. People like her were underpaid for what she had to put up with.


Ok, I went to a Nenshi volunteer appreciation and I actually asked him if he had any specific plans to get a seat. He said he'd not make anyone leave a seat and that he'd consider taking any seat that opens up in Edmonton or Calgary. His reasoning was that he'd actually want to be able to spend time in the riding he is representing (unlike that other party leader) and not take a seat somewhere else in the province because he'd never have time to visit his constituents. We'll see.


Although quickly contesting a by-election to win a seat would certainly be expected of him should he win the leadership, I wonder if it's really an immediate necessity? I mean, he *could* win a seat and get in on the game of producing question period "gotcha!" vids for social media, but what if he spent a year going around Alberta, to the cities and rural areas pushing his message, getting it into people's thick skulls how/why the UCP is fucking them, etc?  He can let some deputies go after Smith et al in the legislature while he's pressing the flesh with farmers, suburbanites, etc. *Then* he can go for a seat.


Danielle Smith didn’t when she was Wildrose leader. She only ran in the full election in 2012 rather than pushing for a by election


I like this idea, and I'm sure the NDP are considering it. But let's not get ahead of ourselves... he has to win first. I've already voted, but it's a ranked vote, and I didn't give him first place. I want to reward people that have been there from the beginning, and have helped get them elected previously.


I wonder if Smith will even get nominated in her seat... unless she starts doing stuff for them at the last minute. She's always in Edmonton at the Leg, or touring other rural ridings... everywhere but in Medicine Hat or Brooks.


It doesn't matter. Medicine hat will always vote Conservative so the seat is safe. That's the reason she took that one.


Police officers surveillance on opposition parties. That is right out of the Fascist playbook.


If anyone wonders why the UCP would like a provincial police force, here you go. To be honest though, they don't really need it when you consider how the EPS and CPS already operate. People in those cities can elect progressive mayors and/or councils all they like, the police do as they please. They have little to no oversight, including financial accountability. One of the people that always confused my was Kerry Diotte. He was one of the first public figures to really reveal the abuse of the police when it comes to targeting individuals for whatever reason, and yet he turned into a full blown alt-right freak. He saw the police state, decried it, then joined it...


Thanks for the service to the province.


Fuck The Lethbridge Police service, they are criminals.


The bullies won this round.


I liked her too. A good one lost.


Damn, i liked her.


This is a real shame. She really was a quality politician. The bad cops win.


I'm very surprised that she's leaving now of all times, what with the leadership election front and centre. She was quite vocal in her endorsement of Ganley, so announcing a resignation in the heat of an election where her preferred candidate is still active seems a very odd choice. Also, Nenshi really should not run in her riding. He'll be elected because he's from Calgary and represented the city, and if he doesn't represent a seat in Calgary it will be bad optics since he needs to be representing a seat there to adequately campaign there. Also, if he runs in a city he has no connection to it will be bad optics. Honestly it's a seat the party could lose, since even though Phillips won it by large margins in 2023 it might have been that way because voters liked her instead of the party. The other riding in Lethbridge was a riding the NDP should have won but they somehow lost it despite having a star candidate, so the same may occur in a byelection. Phillips came close to losing the seat in 2019 and the NDP hasn't won a provincial byelection since before Notley's leadership either, so they have to employ good strategy and run a campaign based on what the constituents of the riding want, not what the central party office says they want.


The NDP only failed to win a byelection because the UCP refused to call a byelection in Calgary Elbow. The NDP would have won that one, (and did last year), so the government left it empty and the constituents without representation instead. Smith declining to run in Elbow and instead having a loyalist step down in a safe seat is also why Nenshi won't be able to be pressured to run in Lethbridge. If Smith didn't have to run in the first empty seat, than neither did he. (And I still think a Calgary seat will be open by the end of the year.)


I think whoever runs in the lethbridge west byelection will likely win it in a landslide.


Yep. Nenshi needs to find a "swing vote" type riding in Calgary that he can turn NDP ideally


Bad idea. No reason to pick a riding they're not guaranteed to win because it would really look bad if he can't win a riding in Calgary.


If I lived in Lethbridge I would be quite alarmed. But, hey, if one wants to live in a police state,that's one way of going about it. Hooray for fascism


The worst possible headline for the article


Nenshi should run in the seat he lives in.


[Shannon Phillips is badass](https://youtu.be/E8HqhaOsH5I?si=2WgLGw3F1TowsY34) (eight years ago)


This is the elements of a police state. When did the UCP care about democracy anyways? They don't. The UCP are not the Conservatives of yesterday. It's akin to fascism, because the UCP doesn't care one iota about democracy. 


This type of thing is definitely TBA based too. It's the hallmarks of a police state and a dictatorship. Very shameful behavior. There is no accountability. 


I would sue the LPS for this, if I were Shannon Phillips. Not all police officers are bad, but these incidents don't improve reputation of the police. That these police officers weren't properly punished, shows how backwards things are. Alberta is going backwards, under the UCP. 


This whole affair is sickening and shows the depraved level of right wing nut jobbery that not only goes unchecked, it goes unprosecuted when it's a clear crime! This shows you how the "fix is in" on every level in Alberta...


I think we should start a petition to rename Lethbridge, Phillipsburg, in protest until the RCMP actually prosecutes its own!


I'm not and never would be an NDP voter, and generally despise this woman, but this is not ok. Those cops need to be fully investigated and charged accordingly. There's too much partisanship in Canada today whether its municipal Police or the RCMP and CSIS. Were supposed to have the rule of law, not rule of the government or ruling party.


Well good thing we can count on your vote for NDP


Why do you despise her? That's pretty strong language.


Once a Covid-Nazi always a Nazi. On top of that she's just another pronouns-in-bio left wing kook. But like I said, I believe in the rule of law, so I can't play favorites. PS - Strong language isn't illegal (yet).


Well as a Lesbian woman in the province I don't think I have much left to say to you.


You asked me about her. Not sure how any of what I said has to do with your sexual identity???


Nah, you said all you needed to say calling her a Nazi bro.


The irony is she is is actually a pretty decent candidate and from all accounts a very good person in all respects. Shes been successful in her career, is a great role model for little girls, and shes really smart ...except she held up a sign once that was negative towards pipelines, therefore in the eyes of UCP supporters she's practically Satan incarnate. (Notley was standing in front of Phillips holding the sign and during the 2015 election right wingers translated that into a narrative that they still believe today, that the NDP wants to kill the oilsands.) Edit- apparently this pic was fake. Which doesn't really surprise me seeing how that sort of thing does seem to be the right wings MO.


Dude, the picture that you’re talking about isn’t even of Shannon. Different teeth, eye colour and skin colour. This is exactly why she’s stepping down.




No. The lady in this picture has fairer skin and a gap in her front teeth. Shannon and her mom have both said it’s not her. The amount of threats she gets whenever that picture circulates is wild.


Lol that's not her at all.


Imagine getting your facts from a propaganda shit bird account. Come on friend, try to think for yourself rather that regurgitating misinformation


Alright chill the fuck out. Thats the only link i could find of the pic. I don't have x. I literally just googled "shannon philips anti oilfield pic" and that was the fitst thing that popped up. I never knew it was fake and besides even if it was real, I wouldn't have cared. The whole point of my comment was that the right wing douche bags used it as a wedge issue to pretend Notley wanted to kill the oilsands industry.


> Alright chill the fuck out. I'm pretty chill bro. > I literally just googled "shannon philips anti oilfield pic" and that was the fitst thing that popped up. > I never knew it was fake and besides even if it was real, I wouldn't have cared. > The whole point of my comment was that the right wing douche bags used it as a wedge issue Your point is that "right wing douche bags use wedge issues" and I generally agree with you. I even agree, "even if it was real" that it would have been disappointing at worst.... but you didn't check that claim. My point is that you echoed information as fact without determining its validity. You googled something you think you heard, found a link and shared it as fact with others because it had a tweet that aligned with your belief of the event. Go back and read your original post...no "possibly" no "i think" no "might have" you stated bullshit as fact until you were called out. That's ***literally*** how misinformation spreads. So I feel ya, you're using it as an example of how the right fucks with topics... but you're also helping them by spreading lies when you don't check your facts first. Gotta call out the friendly fire when I see it...


Jesus lol, I can't believe how triggered you are about this. Dude, you need to take a break from social media for a while. Even Philips herself would probably tell you to calm down.


FFS, this photo has been debunked as being Shannon Phillips since it started floating around in 2015. It has been known for 9 years, that this was not Shannon Phillips, yet it just keeps coming up. [Big name](https://dailyhive.com/calgary/former-dragons-den-investor-brett-wilson-twitter) [conservative](https://x.com/WBrettWilson/status/1659560205150203904) fanbois, and trolls keep posting, knowing it is false, and those who are too angry to care enough to check if it is factual keep getting their jimmies up and send her yet more hate mail. Disinformation indeed.


Ok, didn't know, thanks for the clarity.


I’ve never seen Shannon Phillips and I can easily tell from the thumbnail in this post that these are two different people. Were you just like, “white lady, brown hair, checks out”?


Chill. Stop insinuating stupid shit. I made a joke about a pic. Take a minute and to calibrate yourself.


Well at least this is funnier than your “joke”.


Ffs, downvote and move the fuck on then. Lol.


Just admit you thought that photo was Shannon Phillips and move on. lol


I already did. Now untwist your underwear and take your fake outrage somewhere else.


Ya I’m not the one with her panties in a knot here. 🤣


Good, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out Shannon.


Ugh nenshi ......... Another justin ......




Thanks for giving us proof of what she's talking about lol


While I'm not a huge fan of her politics, Ms. Phillips is NOT of Asian descent, so your racist comment is simply a reflection of your ignorance. And I know that because she is a distant relative. The non-elected officials you refer to are the people who actually studied the science at advanced levels and who can apply logic and reason to public health issues. It appears, though, that you have "done your research" by listening to some wing-nuts who barely attended high school, let alone pass any science classes at a basic level. How does it feel now to watch politics work against you in the southern part of the province - it wasn't long ago that Danielle ousted a candidate to run where she thought she could win with the extremist vote. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.


ACTUALLY i was referring to colluding with CHINA like the rest of your liberal heros.


Yeah, damn liberals signing FIPA.. oh wait that was Harper.


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