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7 for me personally. The talent was so consistent and diverse! David C., Syesha, Brooke, Carly, Michael (RIP), and Amanda really carried that season for me. Special shoutout to Alexandria and Asiah who should have made it in over Kristy and Ramiele. Season 5 is an easy second slot for me, I just think the talent and the ultimate ranking of the talent was a little off.


All good but have to go with 8


7 ♥️ David Cook is my favorite winner, and I love that the contestants still seem to be close friends.


Season 5


Love all of them in their own way. But 5 is when I started watching the show from start to finish each season and fell in love with it. And it had I think the best overall collection of talent from top 10 on in the shows history.


Season 4 for me. The top 12 were really strong with one exception \*coughscottcough\* and I would have loved to see what happened had Mario stuck around. Carrie is a phenomenal winner, I also really enjoyed mostly everyone else.


Season 4 and yes, Season 6. Two of my favorite seasons ever. 7 & 8 were good, too!!


In this order, best to least good 7, 5, 8, 4, 6


i like seasons 4 and 5 the best seasons 7 and 8 were ok and season 6 was abysmal definetly the worst of the first 8 seasons. season 8 could have been better had we had some better finalists though and some robbed semi finalists.


8. Then in order, 7, 5, 4, 6


7…that was the only season where I found every single person in the top 20 fun to watch, and the only season where I’ve kept up with everyone’s careers since then.


I would have said 8 because talents but the format (specially the semi finals) and the top 13, the judging panel, the save (even though I love Matt Giraud) made the season such a mess. I say, season 7 is my favorite - very diverse talents. - Introduced us to contestants having instruments - having their own arrangement was such a huge thing - the Davids