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Yes, you were wrong. You don’t just help yourself to other people’s food. If she had made the sandwich for you, she would have told you. This is not even a little bit her fault.


Basic decency 101: "are you done with that?" before chowing down on people's leftovers.


your note makes me worry man i would do some inner work and see if you have other signs of binge eating . ofc food is delicious and it’s great to eat, but having an insatiable urge to eat to the point you eat your gran’s sandwich while she’s away for a second is crazy


Should of just asked her to make you a sandwich. 


I already ate the sandwich That's what i was eating i just saw her food in the table


After you ate your sandwich if your still hungry just make another one or ask her if she is going to finish hers.


I mean i wasn't even hungry my family always give me a lot of food but sometimes i have this strange urges of eating something when im not even hungry


Wtf is your problem? Get some help


Can't do that


Ur name says it all..


It's called the munchies lol


You do it because you are inconsiderate. Nobody is putting a gun to your head. You don’t have an alien living inside of you controlling your movements and making you do it. You aren’t possessed by a sandwich eating demon. You saw it, knew it belonged to someone else, and made a decision to eat it anyways. That is why. You are very wrong.




What makes you think that?


Yes you are wrong. You’re also selfish, greedy, rude, and very inconsiderate. If you’re still hungry after eating your sandwich, make YOURSELF another one.


Yes, you were wrong, it wasn't your food. You stole your grandmother's meal. So if your plate was put on the table and someone else ate it before you got to the table you would be fine with that, right? Obviously they were hungrier than you if they were there first...... Couple of questions for you... How old are you? How often do you steal other people's food? Do you only steal food from family? Do you steal anything else, other than food? Do you get the opportunity to eat regularly?


Do i have to respond all of them?


You don't HAVE to respond to any of them, you are the one wanting people to critique how selfish you are, so some context would help people judge more accurately.


Idk what to tell you, i'm mentally disabled and i have some problems with seeing the POV of others does that gives you context?


So from your point of view, if I eat your food before you get to the table are you happy that I ate your food, or do you get mad because it's yours and you wanted to eat it?


Get this through your head: OTHER PEOPLE'S FOOD IS NOT YOURS TO EAT. I don't care that she left it on the dining room table, that's irrelevant. It was HER sandwich. Do not eat other people's food, it's that simple. How would you like it if someone ate your food? No? Don't do it to other people.


Make your own sandwiches


Yes. You're absolutely 100% wrong. Don't touch anything that isn't yours and you don't have permission to eat. On top of being a complete dick move, Grandma doesn't eat that much to begin with and now she had to make an entire other sandwich because you're a prick and too lazy to make your own food.


You need to nosh at the grocery store, where you will find tons and tons of food on every aisle.