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All of Contingency from Local58. It's super realistic. My wife's not big into analog horror, but that scared the shit out of her.


“this message will repeat until there are none left to hear it” sends shivers


Children and pets: the smallest patriots


I agree. Contingency has always been my favorite episode of Local 58. It isn’t the one that scares me the most in the conventional sense (that would be Real Sleep), but Contingency has always been, in my opinion, the most well done episode.


It presents a very sickening feeling.


I remember seeing this for the first time because it's what really locked me into analog horror


Def made me able to verbalise one of my biggest fears being this kind of “unwavering patriotism despite harm” vibe. Totally one I wish I could experience for the first time all over again, chilling




That one moment from vita carnis where the children are (probably) killed by the harvester


Absolutely. A lot of people have no idea how much something scary can be when its literally just noise and nothing else. No images, no videos. Just audio.


It’s like how in horror movies, if you change the audio to happy or silly music, its 100% less scary. this goes the other way too. sound can be used to manipulate the mind because instead of interjecting an image, it leaves the listener stuck with imagining their own personal horror




Those screams will haunt me forever


Chilling\_Abyss - The Signal. The >!point where the you see the other world trying to intercept!< was watching it on stream and we all noticed it at about the same time. It was a collective **OH FUCK** moment.


Holy shit thank you thank you ***THANK YOU*** I watched a review on this series not too long ago and wanted to watch the series proper but I lost the video and couldn’t remember the name, this moment made me remember, *thank you.*


Yes! This was my favorite episode. The fact the creator basically only using dots and lines to create suspense and terror was really mind-blowing.


Vita carnis - Harvester devouring a child, i couldn't listen to it cuz well, its basically a ISIS asmr


I randomly chose one of the Vita Carnis videos to try and get the one with this happening for curiousity...guess I was unlicky enough to actually find it. I didn't even finish it, that scream was hell


yeah uh just watched it, i hadnt seen this yet cause i only watched vita for the first few additions but holy moly that made me so sick to my stomach


The stories told in Gemini Home Entertainment by the ai or the attack of the flesh creatures in Invasion Of Godzilla


When the different emotions start going off the rails in that Blue Channel pill commercial 🙃 when I saw it for the first time a few years ago I was STRESSED


https://preview.redd.it/iqwqemyuifzc1.png?width=822&format=png&auto=webp&s=6423e00441b6e96ec8f3e4e00b6e80f703272a9b Me after eating a lemon:


I know that one's so memed on now and that's funny but there is a particular type of stress and anxiety with that video for sure 🫠


The most disturbing emotions for me were “nage” and “varination”.


This made me go watch it again to pick out the ones I hate the most lmfao So I hate: Nage, Dorcelessness, Kyne, and Loric lol


I get Nage, but the rest for me are just goofy. Dorcelessness just looks like an type 2 alternate, Kyne seems something straight up out of some cartoon and Loric just looks so funny. But these are just my opinions. Wonder what others think.


I’m so nage rn


https://preview.redd.it/g1aso42qjizc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=158604c3426bb82b9b1249f3f44bb03c37a0a014 Fr fr


It's giving.... Laying in the dentist chair energy




The scene in greylock where they find the chick’s screaming body merged to a bunch of dogs


Also known as: FUCK THAT!!!


Just watched all of Greylock thanks to this comment, what an incredibly well done series.


Fun fact: they referred to it behind the scenes as “dog mom”


either the phone call from urbanspook, or the scene from vita carnis where the harvester yoinks a kid


yeah as much as urbanspook sucks that phone call was god tier voice acting


So the key to an insanely disturbing analogue horror scene is just a very good voice actor apparently lol


also definitely good art. basswood county is especially good at that.


Maybe not the most disturbing but definitely the mimic in the house from vita carnis. I really don't scare easily but that shit got to me.


https://preview.redd.it/deztksqmkizc1.jpeg?width=230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92d464ce3fad13e2b41e5b55c60bd9ea01f7becf He looks so silly :3


He's just a lil goofy


He wont hurt you! Source: trust me bro


Final stages of drd in GHE.


Holy fuck not much in analog horror scares me, but that fucking moment was so god damn bone chilling. The way he repeats the words as a response is absolutely fucking genius and disturbing.


Got a link GHE isn't turning up anything for me


GHE stands for Gemini Home Entertainment 👍


Thank you


Finding out who Fucktoy Cory was I’m just kidding urbanspook sucks


The Locust creeping into your closet in the T.o.e. series


Honestly, I don’t fucking get why the guy didn’t just close the closet door. That twig mofo doesn’t have the hands to open the door. They broke glass and have sharp sword like arms but I don’t think they could possibly break down a door, they don’t seem to have the weight on them to do it.


The rabbit is starving The rabbit is starving The rabbit is starving




Its from The Walten Files


I just started on these, it’s pretty fun so far.


Have you not seen many analog horror series or


eh a few i just got particularly freaked out by twf


Urbanspook, the phone call


Gotta admit even though urbanspook is the most hated analog horror, that phone call was really well acted


Definitely the best part of the series


i cannot stand urban spook but that phone call was so disturbing


Was going to say the same thing. As shit as the rest of the series maybe, the phone call was hard to sit through


for some reason, in the boiled one phenomenon when he says “they will not see me. but you will. and i’ll see you too. forever. i’ll see you.” im not one who scares or gets disturbed easily but for some reason that sent me chills


if you dismiss the fact that phen-228 looks kinda dumb and that the scares are meh, its a pretty well written horror


All of TWF 4 and Mandela Catalogue post VOL 4


I’m gonna say the screams from vita carnis but I’m bias bc the sound of screams really gets to me 😭


The bathtub scene in Tryred Witness Archives, where a woman in a mask sits in a bathtub and proceeds to slit her wrists in a suicide attempt. The second closest is either Ashley's / Rosemary's death in The Walten Files.


"Distraught at the sight of her missing infant"


Yeah, that sent chills down my spine and literally made my eyes water


The Anguirus actor from The Man in the Suit. When you look at it from his perspective, it’s horrifying. Just imagine being tasked with playing the monster, when the man in the godzilla suit bites you. Then, you explode in your suit and are now trapped in the suit for the rest of your life. On top of that, Toho is going to force you to continue appearing in movies, even if you, understandably, don’t want to be seen. It’s a fate worse than death


In terms of pure disturbing, probably that urbanspook video describing what happened to Corey. That was fucked up


Dog nightmares when she looks in the hole in the wall


DUDE YEAH I was good with most of the series but the way they shot that part, I was holding my breath sitting there like, https://preview.redd.it/2z07e4zb2tzc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ac9026f6fe187c6cf47f64128c5be9c4a004dfb


The farm footage from Midwest Angelica, left me flabbergasted for a good minute or so.


Realizing your family is gone and you will be "joining" them soon


Like it's not the concept that's scary but the execution of it: watching this innocent family become infected and transformed by the body that fell from space in real time, then the aftermath of what it DID to the farm, just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time... genuinely strikes an existential fear in me as someone with some REALLY severe agoraphobia.


The kids blood curdling screams and cries from that one Vita Carnis vid. What the unholy hell. Where the fuck do you actually find that audio. Just seeing his skin fall off like candle wax was just bone chilling. Also home invasion help and Shifting tendons from GHE


THE SERVICE is by far the most disturbing tbh. It excellently portrays discovering the dark underbelly of humanity and just feels so real. I know that The Painter isn’t exactly popular anymore, but episode 7 as a whole was terrifying imho. The 911 call was very well done and the death involving Janice and Paul was genuinely really well thought out and disturbing; it feels more “artsy” than other kills which are usually more barbaric. Also excellent body horror with Bruce’ head being replaced with a painting.


That 911 call is one of the best moments in analog horror imo, they struck gold with that scene.


the phone call in the urbanspook series was pretty disturbing due to feeling way to real


Considering that I'm usually a massive pussy, a lot of things can scare me, but then again that makes sense considering that I'm still young. Which is why Urbanspook did creep me out and disturb me.


I'm not that unknowledgeable in analog horror, so I personally got kinda disturbed by the face in Thatcher David's closet from the Mandela Catalogue, when Ruth's alternate was staring at him.


Tbf I’ve only watched like the main few (Mandela, Greylock, Backrooms, maybe a few bits of others.) I also know our common consensus but for me it’s probably the Urbanspook bathroom scene. Maybe the Greylock bit where the workers are turning or the bit with the dogmom in the last episode when she was in the building with the monster.


https://preview.redd.it/a6l2a79uhjzc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cec3064c940e62a24d2328cfe91f9215f11ff8f Was hard for me to watch through the whole thing.


holy fuck what is this monstrosity from


The boy and the bath


Just watched it, god that was fucked. Getting Edith Finch flashbacks.


Oh my god i love Edith Finch


This was Gregory Finch as analog horror.


off topic but reminds me of maisie from laceygames with that image


The people screaming in that one Harvester video in Vita Carnis


FREEDOMFALLER where freedom kills a rioter and literally fucking skins their face and uses it as a mask while the guy recording catches her peeking at him from inside the capitol building


I work in an old school building with a giant wide open door frame and every time I walk through it I imagine Freedom peeking and it sends chills down my spine


erm erm actually that was a crown peeking at him🤓


I think the worst I've seen so far was Susan Wooding's death in Walten Files pt. 4. It just felt so...graphic, compared to other analog horror deaths which are normally slideshows or jumpscare photos and what not, but she was murdered, right on camera, in Martin's 2D animation. It honestly felt a little wrong watching it, but it was a well done scene, gave me chills.


The harvester attack scenes from vita carnis no doubt, i was literally traumatized


said it once ill say it again rosemaries death from the walten files


When alcatraz started to duplicate and those sirens blared, something about sirens just scares me.


As much I love to shit on the painter, the scene where the killers are drilling the door down always gets me.


https://preview.redd.it/acuybsdp7izc1.jpeg?width=1524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6416e56dd3f30092fff488cb2d562e12b8630ad This scene from the invasion of Godzilla forever gonna haunt me. Imagine a giant creature looking down at you after murdering thousands of people. Or probably that's not our neighbor episode. The chewing sound is disgusting






OG FNAF VHS video. Here's the clip I'm referencing: https://youtu.be/cswK2Ttrs5M?si=ygdtlw3MzJqNBt5g


Joey Ramone?


Vita Carnis When the mom and kid get eaten and we hear the whole thing... I can handle a lot but I can't handle kids being hurt fr.


Morley Grove’s last seconds in the first episode had the wails of ghost kids that the slenderman kidnapped


Rosemary’s death in TWF 3. Freaking horrifying


All of UrbanSpook. Does that make it good? No.


the moment in t.o.e where he bangs on the glass, yet it's later revealed t.o.e was never the one banging, but the person trapped with him.


the scene in vita carnis when the child gets devoured by the harvester absolutely bone chilling stuff


The "distraught at the sight of her missing infant" scene. It was the most dreadful scene I have ever seen in analog horror. Also the end of Alcatraz Attack. Less disturbing and more like "OH FUCK" tho.


The scene where the penrose triangle rotates in eventide media centere: unusual architecture.


When in The Mandela Catalogue, in intruder alert, the women stick figure changed to a real silhouette with the stock images, and the cheerful music, oh that…chills, absolute chills. Or, in the Pirate Cove Preshow by Battington the end with all the children, oh my lord i have never put my hand over my phone screen faster in my life.




"He peeled of his skin" repeated like 8 times before a jumpscare From Nuclear Nightmare - Face report


It sadly never gets talked about but The Service is horrifyingly realistic that shit spooked me more than most analog horror cause it felt real The Local58 episode Contingency was one of the first times an analog horror video scared me hence why it's still the best of the best even now Also the episode PIGS from the Painter was highly disturbing I think that episode has the best artwork and music in the series most episodes have pretty quiet music but the PIGS music is so intense and harsh it feels like being assaulted by sound and I love that


When the women in the most recent greylock episode got merged with the dogs.


Every Greylock video. Especially the one where the woman fuses with her dogs a la the thing.


any scream or close up of Bon in the walten files. always gives me chicken skin bro.


Hearing phens voice sender shivers of the "nothing is worth the risk" I hated it


Either the Pitfalls chase scene from Kane Pixels' Backrooms or the "Deal is broken" scene in OLD BONES from Gemini Home Entertainment, ending scene of OLD BONES included.


The stuff with the dogs and the owner of the animal shelter in Greylock and the stuff with the harvester eating a girl and her mother and hearing them scream in pain and terror in Vita Carnis. Also the phone call from Urbanspook, literally the only good section of Urbanspook. Also not sure if it entirely counts as analog horror but the endings of the first two Lacey Games videos and most of the third one


Hearing the text to speech voice go over all of the malformations of the Morelli mining crew in Greylock. From seeing a normal picture of the crew member and their associated info, to hearing the word "malformations" and the screen staying black for about a second only for it to cut to an extremely disturbing photo of the disfigured with a description of their condition. Kept me up at night


"Who have I been praying to all this time" Maybe not the single most disturbing moment for me, but definitely top 5. Also the phone call from Urbanspook where they break into that woman's bathroom (iirc) - I wish the rest of the series was like that instead of "hehe look at this d00d he got stabbed in the nuts 19 trillion times with a paper clip" and had an actual plotline


The moment in Winter of ‘83 where you hear the origin of the “Can you help me with this” line that is repeated throughout the series causing you to realize that the snowmen can mimic voices


Every urbanspook episode (i really hope he gets banned from yt)


How does make any sense? If it disturbed you that means it did it's job as intended You pro censorship twats never make any sense


Urban spook fan that can't say a proper sentence and watch a series that ain't analog horror but shock value known as deadspace123




Anyways what's your favorite analog horror


There is to much arguing on Reddit I am avoiding that


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It's bad enough you draw sexualized fanart of underage characters, but please don't come into this subreddit and begin Gatekeeping.




Not gonna argue with you here bud. If you wanna draw a 17 year old character with amplified breast that's on you. I'm very much allowed to critisize you for it. Also very much allowed to tell you to not Gatekeep in this subreddit. You're like 30 years old, get off reddit for like five minutes and stop being so negative to everyone all the time. Your entire post history reads as some super bitter 30 year old made at anyone who enjoys things.




Your comment was removed here for Gatekeeping. Gatekeeping is cringe, but not as cringe as drawing a 17 year old character with Amplified Breast. Spend some time off the internet, I legitimately believe it will help you.


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You've gone across two subreddits to be mad that multiple people have said "Hey don't sexualize children."


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When the alternate played with his snake while watching the entirety of demon slayers