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How old is the battery and has it been exposed to any extreme temperatures lately like leaving the phone in a hot car or using it in sub-zero temperatures?


It's a Samsung galaxy s21 LTE. So it's about 3 years old. I'm living in Poland so theres no really extreme temperatures. Today is pretty hot (about 30°C) but I'm not using the phone too much really.


I think it's the charging port, USB-C ports love to collect dirt, and they're a bitch to clean. I had to scratch out lint and dust with a sewing needle because it was even too much for compressed air. Other than that, you could try wireless charging, your phone should support it. Or you could try a factory reset to see if it's something with the software (this will **DELETE ALL OF THE FILES** on the phone). If all else fails, get the battery replaced, it's old enough to fail.


Aight G thanks :)


Try to scratch/sand the contacts surfaces. It could be oxidated. Use a folded sandpaper's piece or a needle


This probably isn't it but my pixel 6 had a setting that was automatically setup that would target a time to be fully charged. So it was setup as if I plugged it in before bed and then it would be fully charged when I woke up. It charged so slow. Once I turned that setting off, normal charging.


Yeah it is probably not it as I never set anything like that and even yesterday it charged as usual. Maybe it's the heat (it's about 30°C today).


112°F is the cut off for fast charging (rates over 1500mA)


That's the ***battery*** temperature, idiot. 112°F on the battery.