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This has to be the 80th bikini picture I’ve seen of her this week.. no one is telling me she isn’t posting fetish content.


I think she's just fully leaned in at this point, she probably had a lot of people unsubscribe or stop watching after she started losing weight and exercising, so she needs to lean harder in to the freaks to get the views. At that point just get a OF and just post these shots their. She doesn't even have to have lewd content she can just post all her bathing suit and try on views their were she's in her underwear. She could even post herself eating, nothing super weird just here's me eating dinner, and those freaks would watch it. And she would make so much more money.


That would mean publicly acknowledging that she is fetish material.. and not just a curvy plus sized queen.


She did that way back in the day tho😭 (well, not explicitly, but certainly hosted photos on fetish sites)


Go on… 👀


Im digging through kf but I swore it was her😭 maybe im confusing her with another overweight “influencer”? I remember the person in the video had a pet bun but this would’ve been,, 6-7+ yrs ago??


Are you thinking of Foodie Beauty (Chantal)? She posted on OF back in the day - then got mad when she realized the only interest was from feeders and fetish freaks.


Def not flobby bobby :-( it may have been someone with the same general appearance and “moving to the big city to pursue fashion/model dreams” narrative.


Are you getting her confused with Foodie? Chantal.. chins.. She had an only fans for like 5 minutes


I did not know that!


What's that thing on the front of her bikini bottom?


It’s the sad remains of an errant string of elastic that was finally stretched beyond its capacity and lost the will to continue holding up Anna’s bikini bottom


It’s amazing how she always finds empty pools


Didn’t she mention on that cruise before the Disney one that she gets up early to get shots before anyone is out and about? Or did I make that up? Maybe it was theorized here.


It has to be true because those cruise ships pools/hot tubs were empty of people


She did say that.


Maybe it was the Virgin Cruise


It was, she bitched about not being able to wake up early for photoshoots because her CPAP was "stolen"


As someone with sleep apnoea it’s not waking up early that’s the issue it’s waking up at all orrr not sleeping


Something tells me they’re not empty when she gets there…but she frightens them away 😅


https://preview.redd.it/zx8l18z1dy8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=093e58fb4f88d60f801b00a8c31693eee2a9936b This the face you give someone when you want them to tell them go fuck themselves, but you can’t because you’re in public, and it’s your bat mitzvah party, and you promised your nana you wouldn’t cause a scene, so she’d buy you a first gen iPod. She is so bitter and so much contempt for her audience it’s bonkers.


It’s the facial expression equivalent to “hiiiiii (i fucking hate that bitch)iiiiii!!!”


Yep. Like she wants to say “please die in a fire,” but is forced to smile.


Alternatively, it’s the corny “Ain’t I a stinker” face of someone who thinks they’re adorable when they’re actually just obnoxious


Ah yes, the “I just tooted!”


Add a h into that adjective and you’d be right


That bikini is too small for her. When she put on the bottoms she overstretched it so much the stitching popped, see the thread hanging off her belly in the first picture.


Plus, now that I know, all I can see is a morbidly obese woman with her underwear on backwards.


Lol I just zoomed in on that before I read your comment. It looks like the whole edging is unraveled.


Nice catch!


She has to be. I don't think this trend is really for her body type in the way she thinks it is... we see all the angles in a bathing suit all the time, but I'm sure she believes she's being revolutionary.


Yeah. She should give a 180 turn. Let’s see if those back are same.


https://preview.redd.it/qq9kpiqucy8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7192369d1d7e9491cadd3f3054752f2d152e57d6 Her eyes look truly so sad and dead here. Like she’s just exhausted. Her smile just does not meet her eyes here.


Look at how far over her thigh goes. JESUS


Her eyes lack enthusiasm, happiness, and overall, they lack ***life***. She is a mindless eating and drinking machine, consuming both non-stop to keep herself comfortably numb, as she uncomfortably and slowly kills herself, one bite and one swig at a time. When I look at Anna (and Chantal, and Amy), I see the equivalent of a falling out junkie with track marks and a needle still in his arm. The only difference between that hypothetical person and Anna/Chantal is the substance of choice - the behaviors are the same.


Her whole life always comes of so manic and consumeristic to me, just everything eating, drinking, shopping, traveling etc. And I’m FAR from a monk but still!!


Yes. Yes she is


Yeah. She's also trolling herself.


That fucking loose thread on the bikini bottom is so unholy. DOES ANYBODY HAVE A SCISSOR?


I understand why people think she is signalling to fetishers, but what do people who say that imagine the end game is with that? That she's making private content for fetishers and is charge them the big bucks? But if she did that, wouldn't at least one thing have leaked out by now? Or like couldn't someone have baited her pretending they wanted that type of content, and leaked their convo? (Same for Amber)


She’s approaching her early 2023 size and fast


Was she significantly larger then?


She definitely appeared to be at her biggest in 2022-23 before wegovy https://preview.redd.it/ykpgx4adf09d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad6aa3a6a5521af86c3fb4385ddd537aef82b144


Oh shit. Ya. Why won’t she wear a better fitting shirt?! I wonder what that would look like on someone half her size


Ah, yes... *the thumb era*


In her July 2023 TikTok, she had said she lost 60 pounds in five months. That means she started with WeGovy around February 2023. I think she was at her biggest ever around Christmas 2022.


That bikini top look like its digging into her shoulder. I don't know why she refuses to wear a bigger size. And she needs a wire. That one she wore on the last cruise with the actual contouring and wire looked really good on her. she finds clothes the flatter her body type and then instead of buy things that look like that or different colors she buy more suits that just don't look good on her. At this point either she's burning, donating, or having a storage locker for all the clothes she keeps buying. I thought I had a lot of bathing suits, I have 10. Its because I swim all year round and use a public pool and the amount of chlorine they use does a number on the suits so I have beach suits and exercise suits. And even then that takes up a whole drawer in my dresser and I'm more than half Anna size. Each of her bathing suits is like two or three of my suits. Where is she putting all these clothes!?!?!


Look at her top in the last photo. The sides are completely enveloped by her skin.


Idk about the bathing suits, but she for sure said on one of her haul videos she returns clothing.


That's gross. She wearing them, going on vacation with them and then returning them. That awful. I'm surrpised she isn't black listed from companies at this point. A lot of companies now will black list you if you return over a certain amount in a calendar year.


Imagine the smell. Yeasty, unwashed ass, with a hint of stale cig smoke and dog. Justice for the sales associates that process her returns, they deserve compensation for mental suffering and hazard pay.


🤮🤮🤮🤮. Yeah, I never even thought about how to keep the tags on she can't even wash them. I just thought it was gross to wear something and return it. That's gross if anyone does that. At that point, if anyone has worn a bathing suit outside their home, they have to keep it.


I used to work in the fitting rooms at Target many moons ago, and I defected out probably half of the swimsuit bottoms that were tried on. Either due to the presence of bodily fluids, or rank body odor. My coworkers would just put the nasty bottoms back on the hanger and take them back out to the sales floor 🤢🤮 (Pro tip, don't ever try on bottoms without checking the crotch first. Thank me later.) So I can only imagine the horror of Anna's swim bottoms for whoever is working the returns counter. She has no shame, lol.


Thanks!!  🤢🤮 🤢🤮 I hope they provided gloves, that's sounds awful! I have never tried on bathing suits without checking first and wearing underwear. If it was possible I would try them on OVER my leggings. lol.


what annoys me most is that the first photo is labelled “posing” but she’s clearly posing in all the photos. These aren’t candid shots (she would never put those online).




Dead inside.




She definitely peruses this sub


I'm convinced she got the idea for the hypermobility self- diagnosis from one of my comments (in regards to why running is a bad idea for lipedema, because of its frequent comorbidity with joint hypermobility). Miss ma'am will do anything to have an excuse to become bedbound. 🙄


We’re giving her content ideas 😫😫lol


I can’t with her! She is so passive aggressive, manipulative, disingenuous, and entitled.


Very very very debatable on all four adjectives she uses to describe what she’s doing