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Is that John sitting next to her?


She’s so insufferable that she doesn’t have a single unpaid friend to assist her with the surgery. How terribly sad and lonely.


Yeah that’s what I’ve been wondering, who is going to take care of her post-op. At her size it’s gonna be a hard job, not sure that Jon could help lift her out of bed. She has money though so maybe she’ll hire a professional.


She absolutely should hire a professional even if she has a friend who'd be willing to help out. She's so high risk to get an infection/etc, she needs someone who has experience and knows what to look for.


If you have a look at the total lipidema care TikTok channel you’ll see they’re the ones that will send her to a hotel for the initial wound healing phase it will be very interesting seeing how much she will vlog over this period


One person is definitely not enough, he'll 100% wreck his back if he tries to help move her by himself. We're talking minimum four people, six would be better, and a hoist.


I'm pretty sure it's him. In the next clip, she's being filmed from the side. it looks like he filmed it. interesting that Jon is coming with her for surgery. I wonder if he's strictly there to film and edit, or if he's also going to be helping her with what I can only imagine will be very gnarly post-op care. edit: [screenshot](https://i.ibb.co/kmFy3qD/Screenshot-20240630-083254.png) of Jon from the Virgin cruise video, for comparison purposes.


Is there a way to follow Jon on the socials?


It’s @jonathanbarragan_ but his profile is private.


Wow. You're good. It must suck that he can't really have an online presence of his own. Living in her shadow. But I'm guessing she pays him enough that it's worth it...


Honestly I low key reckon he would get a bigger following than Anna out of morbid fascination.


Yeah, but I bet he'd lose his job if he shared too much. To be fair, I'd fire him, too, if I found all my behind the scenes info spread all over someones social media. Even people without a lot of drama don't want every minute of their lives out in public.


True that I expect what will happen is should the worst happen he will leave a grace period for grief and then release dribs and drabs of the worst parts of Anna


Who is John?


her videographer


Jon is a man she'll never have but will always wish she did.


Doesn't look like him.


I’m certain it’s him. He took a pic of her in the clip too


It looks vaguely like him. Could be him with a mini stache. He did go to NYC with her.


This is both infuriating and scary. She's enormous, holy shit.


Seeing the pic of her with the long ass seat belt around her huge belly was truly eye opening.


Where was that?


Her stories


Shouldn’t have gone looking 👀 🤢


Right? I thought so too


She’s always talking about ‘adapting things to work for her body’ as if she isn’t the one responsible for her body being the way that it is


She always uses language that dissociates her body (AKA flesh prison) from being part of her


That’s trick numero uno for the fat activism movement


I just realized she's not wearing compression socks...


Wow yeah that is bad. She does so much traveling too. I don't understand why that isn't just second nature to her, especially at her size.


She’s gonna have an aneurysm any day now


These three people are all thinking wtf 😳 Also why does she think it is quirky to act like an uncivilized idiot in public? Does she not realize that makes her more of a spectacle? https://preview.redd.it/3bgf7g4vsp9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c8c6d88a2282064496c649d4a17fbf323580383


She wants to be a spectacle! She wants people looking at her she wants attention doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad and those people are like WTF IS GOING ON! Can you imagine being in a plane with this girl? I’m sure she’s talking loud and laughing loud and the whole plane is being terrorized by her 😳


This is it. She would love for someone to say something to her so she can turn it into how she’s always persecuted for being her size, blah blah. She’s desperate for any attention.


We all remember when a lady tried to compliment her on a trail


100% - she would eat that shit up like none other. No pun intended


Yeah, I honestly think she would rather get attention for being loud and obnoxious instead of her body. She uses her personality as a distraction


And why wont she improve her grooming? She puts on make up, does her hair and prances in front of the camera for no one, and then when she’s out in public, she looks like an absolute slob wears clothes that are awful. I don’t get it. Unless the clothes that she puts on and pretends that they fit, they don’t and they’re uncomfortable because you know she’s living in a larger body with lipedema. I cannot.


A lot of the clothes she wears in try on hauls are so tight they look like they would bust if she sat down. I also wonder why if she has a hoard of nice clothes, even very nice casual clothes, whenever you see her out and about she looks horrible. She never looks well groomed either. Always looks like she forgot to wash her face, wash her hair and brush her teeth.


She has to smell. Anna used to look presentable in public, as recently as 2022. And she was probably at her highest weight then, at least before she began gaining it back post-Wegovy. She was walking around in a ticking time bomb, and when the medical issues began, they hit like a Mack truck. She looks like she is sick and in pain all the time. I worry about the younger, more impressionable TikTok FA girlies because of this, and even many of the teen girls in r/PlusSize who post seeking suggestions for FA influencers to follow. It's a slippery slope. Anna was a mostly functional, gainfully employed size 22W with friends in 2016. She got into FA shortly after that. Now, she's nearly twice her 2016 size, and a socially isolated hermit with a laundry list of health problems. An extra 100-150 lbs hits different when you turn 30, and even moreso after 40. Can't imagine an extra 300+ lbs. I pray that if nothing else, her constant desire for internet fame, concurrent medical issues, and histrionic crying vids will be a warning call to the younger FA crowd.


Yeah I feel that I was a skinny bugger in my early twenties but I ate like Anna does, and steadily kept on gaining weight until I was 300 lbs. and man did I feel it, everything was harder, but thankfully I started losing weight I’m 85 lbs down now with about another 60 to go and I can do it. I can’t fathom how hard it must be on Anna even if she’s unwilling to admit it


Good work! It's hard to do the work required to lose weight. I'm an internet stranger, but I'm proud of and happy for you! (I was over 200 lbs. by the age of 12; hit 300 at 20, and had WLS when I was 26 and 335 lbs. I've lost and kept off 180 lbs. - no regrets!)


This image isn't giving "living your best life in a bigger body" is it? But the misery caused isn't her fault, it's her lipedema /s. The least she could do is fly in business class. Dangling her foot over someone else and exposing her crotch in their direction while taking up two seats is just offensive dude 🤨😒


I think that guy next to her is John.


The things he has to put up with, poor guy. Having to listen to her the whole trip while his space is invaded and his senses of sight and smell are assaulted LOL.


I wonder how much he is paid.


Not enough.


I highly doubt that she could fit in a business - or even first class - seat, and in larger planes those seats have more substantial armrests/barriers that can’t just be moved to the upwards position to “combine” multiple seats.


She pretended she had to be like that to take pressure off of her knee. But reality is there is no way she could sit in one seat facing forward that whole flight just due to her size.


I think it’s Jon. She’s awful. I don’t know how you navigate life being so selfish and insensitive. Actually I do- you display yourself on social media because you’re lonely- hit it big because you’re lucky and it’s just taking off, isolate yourself and drive away all critique and end up sad, lonely and miserable.


Jon must make damn good money to put up with this crap lol Also the fact that she’s flying without compression socks is wild. Beyond her supposed “lipedema”, flying at 500+ lbs puts her at major risk for a blood clot. She should be wearing compression socks for her own safety 🤦🏻‍♀️


She just ordered a bunch too. No logic with this one. 🙄


It’s all just a performance with the heifer. Not a good one either


Why are we in her crotch? Not everything has to be posted to the internet ![gif](giphy|l4FGEbKiSDw49gg6Y)


She’s so fucking disgusting. I realize she’s uncomfortable but like we don’t need to see this.


So do they uninstall the 2 regular seats & put in an extra huge one? Or do they literally just flip down the arm rest between 2 regular seats & have her sit with the center console up her butt? Those seats do not look comfortable to sit between. I am surprised she can even fit into the row tbh. Or through the aisles. She's gotta be at least double, if not triple the circumference of a normal person. I assume she needs to board before everyone else. At a certain point, allowing people this morbidly obese onto a plane is a net negative for safety. There is no way she can fit a seatbelt around her entire girth while sitting like that. If the plane goes through heavy turbulence that has people jumping out of their seats, Anna would be flying around like a wrecking ball, smooshing old ladies flat like ants.


They give seat belt extenders. Same thing at amusement parks. She must have to sit as close to the front as possible because I agree with you, getting down the aisle seems questionable.


In one clip you can see the seat belt. Even with the seat belt extender it is still stretched to the max. She said in other travel videos she will bring her own extender. I imagine the extenders offered by the plane are not long enough. I agree it is a hazard for someone that big to fly. But I think it would take some major safety incident to happen where a 500 pound person gets injured before they would change any rules. In an emergency situation I don't see how she would quickly be able to get through the aisle. Also if she passed out on the plane how would paramedics be able to get her through the aisle. I guess drag her idk.


Look at her one thigh the size of the waist of the other passengers....


This angle is so weird. At first I thought she was taking up the aisle-way and I was like, there's no way that's allowed? Now I finally see it's two seats in a 3 seat row. Why is she posting this?


What's the dealio? She has 2 seats (window and middle) and guy (Jon probably) has aisle? Of course, she needs to seats, so understood. She is alternating what? What side she rests on because LIPODEMA?!


2 seats and she's still reaching over into dude's space.


If that was me sitting beside her I’d be in her face with this kind of shit! So damn disrespectful and her big ass foot and nasty crotch right up in this man’s face?! She’s a narcissist she has zero concerns or feelings for anyone other than herself. Shes a selfish self centered gross cry baby and I can’t believe anyone puts up with her for long! Also wanted to add I can’t believe the airline is letting her get by with this it’s absurd.


It’s Jon her videographer / assistant.


An employee shouldn't have to put up with stuff just cause they're paid


She should have bought three seats since she still can’t sit without invading someone else’s space, I just know that guy was silently saying “oh fuck” in his head when he saw who he had to sit next to.


It’s Jon being her seat buffer is part of the gig for him


Does she have a humiliation fetish? Is that what this is?!? Imagine the pungent aroma of vinegar and blue cheese that surrounds her like a toxic cloud. She cant reach to wipe her own rear end and often appears in video appearing greasy and unwashed. The chance of her surgical wound sites becoming infected are very high!


The second I thought I needed a seat extender, I got myself on my weight loss. Not only would I be mortified if this was a picture I took, but I damn sure wouldn't be posting it to social media.


She makes my skin crawl 😩 Just a vile human being.


Not a compression sock in sight either, after all that crying. Lipedema aside, isn’t she afraid of blood clots with all the flying she does? I think she’s at a higher risk for deep vein thrombosis/ at the most extreme end a pulmonary embolism. It wouldn’t even take many hours of sitting on a plane to happen for someone her size.


I mean Austin to Los Angeles wouldn’t be that much of a risk? The risk with flying and blood clots is remaining stationary for too long, it would be a far bigger risk post surgery particularly if they start with her stomach or back boobs.


LA to Austin is about 3 hours with no stops, so not a long trip (but even still post surgery, what if a wound opens?). But going to LA she said the flight was 6 hours so that’s a decent amount of sitting time. Planes are small enough spaces for regular sized people as it is, and since Anna is almost the size of three adult people she probably has to stay stationary the entirety of a flight whether it’s a short or long trip so her risk of developing blood clots would be greater than the average person. I don’t think she’d be able to fit inside an airplane bathroom so there’d be no reason for her to get up. But you’re right, she’s at a greater risk of developing blood clots post surgery.


Yeah her post surgical recovery is gonna be really really rough but she probably needed to do it before the running arc.


If she picks up the running arc again after the surgery/before she loses a good amount of weight I think she needs to be committed.


The issue she’s gonna run into is regardless of how aggressive the surgeon decides to be there are hard limits on the amount of fat that can be removed via liposuction and the gap between surgeries is enough for her to put the weight back on


I heard they can only take out about 12 pounds at a time safely. 12 pounds will be nothing on Anna, no offense to her.


5000 mls so about ten lbs, the reason that it’s measured as volume is because they liquify the adipose tissue. But total lipidema care who’s the bloke who’s rumoured to be the one doing it is doing manual lipidema extraction which involves making a cut and kneading the adipose tissue out of her but it’s a big big cut and given the nature of the procedure I doubt he has operated on someone as big as Anna she’d be too big for a standard hospital bed


Awful. Everything about this procedure sounds like a nightmare.


I mean it is, but it’s the only way you get spot reductions so for some people it works


I’m assuming she asked him ahead of time about recording, but I felt bad for him regardless. It would just be weird to have someone’s feet dangling right beside you during a flight.


It is her cameraman Jon... So I think he is used to her antics by now


So she doesn't bother to not get into that dude's space at all.. mmmk...


Lmao that dude across the isle is like wtf?


Those poor flight attendants & passengers sitting in front of her. Bet she was lovely to be around.


If they had to do an emergency evacuation of the plane she’d would be a hazard to the other passengers and the FAs




Annnnnd this is one *big* (lol) reason I always sit in the exit row. The seats have fixed armrests, so that people her size cannot spread and pour over into my chair. I was too polite for too long, getting squashed on planes by those who insisted they fit into a single seat 🙄


How is she taking up two seats and STILL pouring into that man's seat?!


Can you imagine going in for surgery and having a videographer following you around all of the time? Because she’s just that important? “Okay Im picking up a thong at Torrid, make sure you get that because it’s really important”… also, what kind of surgeon tells their patient to specifically buy a black thong (see her new Insta reel)


Jon, if you can hear us, blink twice if you need help!


I sure hope that’s John and not some random guy whose space she is up in! I wonder if she has to have 2 seats again


She’s always had to


So this is helpful for me bc I’m the size she says she is and I don’t fly like that 🤣