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I always like to publicly embarrass someone right before I put my life in their hands.


He looks so uncomfortable. Influencers gotta stop shoving their phones and cameras in people's faces. Not everyone wants to be recorded!


To be fair, they posted the last video she took of the staff lip-syncing on their instagram. This is not a place I would go to for surgery.


They should have established a boundary. It comes off as unprofessional.


How absolutely unprofessional to be the surgeon and in this woman’s video!!!! I’ve been in medical field for over 25 years and would never have had that in my office


Agreed! People are blaming Anna but he clearly agreed to be in this videos and chose to film them. It’s massively unprofessional and I’d never see a doctor that had this kind of social media presence. Anna isn’t the one being unprofessional here! She asked to film and they didn’t have to say yes!


I agree. All Anna knows is social media but the doctor should have politely declined. I’d never use this provider.


I'm sure he heard "over two million followers on YouTube" and said yes. He probably doesn't know her views don't match her subscriber numbers.


No matter how many followers if he was going to be on her videos it should have been something more educational. Not a cheap cringy lip sync.


He probably also doesn't realize at least half of her viewers are haters and snarkers who would make it a point to boycott any companies, people, products, and services she recommends.


I also am in the medical field and no way would any of the doctors that I work with do this! No way




Brutha euggg


https://preview.redd.it/qfiuususm5ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9910395684e471c6da6dd481da5f3b9f6d6dc39 Insufferable


She’s still a 15 year old mentally. People usually don’t belly laugh and make a scene when they find out someone is single.


That was so cringe and uncomfy to watch…😵‍💫


Real 40 year old virgin energy.


She's so pleased with herself. Ugh. (edit: grammar)


Tell us again, Anna, about that amazing dating life of yours. Most grown adults, and hell even plenty of teenagers, wouldn't bat a single eyelash at an attractive\* man disclosing, either through words or facial expressions, the fact that he is not currently dating anyone. Stifled, frustrated **VIRGINS**, on the other hand, would certainly get their panties in a twist... *\*depending on the eye of the beholder*




She’s so invasive and self-centered and inappropriate! No class! She just cares about making herself laugh without thinking about how it could affect others.


Could she be anymore cliche with the obnoxious laugh trying to get attention from men? Laughing like she has a chance.


Ooof. One of the words that just describes Anna over and over is immature! Her emotional intelligence is absolutely stunted. This is highly inappropriate. On a professional level for him. As a 40 year old woman for her. She's embarrassing him, herself, all of us with the second hand embarrassment. How would she like it if someone did this to her? A woman on the trail couldn't even say "Good job getting out there" to Anna!!! But she can do all this to this poor man and then film it and post it?! She's 500 lbs waddling around in a hospital gown looking like 💩 shoving a camera in his face asking him if he's single and then HAW HAW HAWing it up? She's not serious about getting better. She's not being a serious patient. Whatever she's got going on with that office and it must be some shady influencer deal she better start taking it seriously. Surgery is no joke! Especially at her size.




✨maybe after the surgeries he'll see her for the wonderful person she truly is and fall in love with her ✨


I hate how cute she thinks she is. Like this wasn’t funny. It felt highly inappropriate.


I see why she is self-employed. Anna is an HR nightmare. If not sexual harassment, she'd constantly be called into the office for hygiene complaints, or for showing up to work hungover/drunk.


Apparently most of those things occurred when she did have corporate jobs. Although I think it was her always making the sexual harassment claims.


What professional.allows themselves to be embarassed this way. Do they think its going to translate into thousands of people getting procedures.


That is so invasive 🙃 He looks so uncomfortable and she is all HAW HAW


I was so annoyed with her , I almost down voted you.






Yeah but lipo is a pretty standard treatment for lipidema


Exactly this.


I used to work for a plastic surgeon and some liposuction was done in office. Idk exactly what Anna is having done but it could be an office procedure not a surgery in a nursing facility


That’s what lipedema treatment is. Lipo. Not following what you’re saying


I’m saying there is liposuction done under general anesthesia in a medical facility and there is liposuction done in office with patient awake. Idk what she’s having done but it may be a minor in office procedure and not an admitted to hospital for general anesthesia procedure. Everything is cloaked and shrouded in mystery


Nah that’s normal. I have mild lipedema and everything you’re saying is normal for us. Many women do in office lipo for a variety of reasons like easier recovery. I’ll prob be going that route (but with an actual board certified plastics doctor lol) She is however way way way too large to see almost any benefit from doing it He is well known though I’ll say that


Another weird fact I’ve learned in my own time researching surgeons for myself- You don’t really lose weight lipoing out this crap. Seriously you can take out 15 liters and many women don’t lose a single pound. It defies logic I know. It may have something to do with inflammation and fluids filling the space in She’s about to be very disappointed


I would think with her comorbidities a surgery with little to know visible results seems dangerous. But I don’t profess to know all the details of her procedure


It's definitely dangerous at worst, pointless at best. Most women I see make sure they are as close to a low weight as possible. I've only ever seen rare cases of severe deformity handled like this...




Amron does VASER He’s well known in the lipedema community She should be seeing an actual board certified plastic surgeon for in hospital removal She will not lose much if any from doing this That’s all I’ll say lol




Why. Just why.


I was so annoyed with her , I almost down voted you. I realize you didn't do it, but gah that's awful.


I hate this so bad


Never dunk on people who: 1. Cook/serve your food 2. Cut you up to perform surgery


Did you ever see the cringe collabs from Lexi Reed (fatgirlfedup) And the doctor who did her skin removal surgery pretty much right after she lost the 300 lbs?


Yes!!! Dr Joseph Michaels is just as insufferable as Amron and Schwartz


She is beyond obnoxious, too.


Always, forever and loudly!!!🙄🤬


The hell are they saying I can’t understand shit


paraphrasing, she says, "this is my plastic surgeon, Dr. Moshrefi. he's really cool. tell the ladies, are you single?" he says "yes" and "thank you, thank you" when she introduces him and says he's cool. then he clams up at the "single" question.


Maybe he’s gay. And she said tell the ladies. What an asshole she is!


This makes me think she probably sexually harasses Jon all the time as well, if she talks to her doctors like this. (and she was fired from Sprinklr for the same behavior, IIRC)


Nooo!! She was fired for sexual harassment?!! Holy moly. Imagine her big Peter Griffin face first thing on a Monday morning making crude innuendos.


Ohhh ok thanks I was really confused




Oh, honey...no. To *both* of them. Anna acting like a 14 year old, and the doctor going along with her immature antics.


Camera view: Anna sheepishly runs away from the surgeon Surgeon's view: Anna sheepishly ***waddles*** away from the surgeon Perspective!


Bloody hell. I don’t even have words




Yeah I get that plastic surgeons can be pretty weird but they do actually do important work when they’re not dealing with insane people.


All that food turned her brain into mush fr cuz what is wrong with this lady


So, do we actually have lipedema, or are we just pretending and are going to have regular run of the mill lipo and maybe a thigh lift later? Whatever she’s doing, it does not look like the type of surgery that severe lipedema requires. I know that lipo is the treatment of choice for lipedema, but as another poster pointed out, it appears to be of a type this guy does not do. So, did she really go to a lipo specialist? Had she really even been diagnosed? I know this she can’t up with the idea because a subscriber mentioned to her years ago that her legs looked like she had if, but honestly, plain fat can look just as lumpy and bumpy when there’s a lot of it.


She very clearly has lipedema. She’s just massively stupid and is, as usual, not taking any personal responsibility or doing anything in the correct order Her doctor is well known in the lipedema community but is absolutely not who she should be seeing This is an utterly useless surgery for her at this size


Got to agree with you there. She’s I. Do much pain that she jumps all over the place and doesn’t wince once?


I guess I don't have issues with that kind of pain either. My kind is pressure pain - like if a cat walks on my lap or I press hard, it's REALLY sore. But I don't have a constant aching pain yet though I've heard of it Tbh between her ability to medicate with food and alcohol and her serious excess weight she probably feels things a lot less lol


Same! It's pressure-based pain for me, or my legs will get sore and swollen easily if I stand in place for too long. Lipedema doesn't cause joint pain or issues walking; that's a result of her Super Morbid Obesity. I'm getting progressively more and more fed up with Anna's half-truths and general obfuscation when talking about her "disease". Makes the rest of us be taken less seriously, because with Anna as the unofficial spokeswoman, lipedema is the new "muh genetics".


Correct me if I'm wrong, but if Anna actually made an effort to track her calories and not drink (instead of claiming a 2500cal snack plus other food is less than 1800cal), her lipedema effected areas would still shrink. It's not pure lipedema, it's the lipedema cells on top of the normal fat cells. So she could fix it to some degree, especially her upper body and abdomen. But she'd still need surgery because she made the lipedema cells grow in addition to the regular fat cells. I'm just thinking of that picture I saw of the woman who was diagnosed with anorexia, which occurred when her thighs and calves weren't slimming and she made her diets more extreme. Her upper body was gaunt, while her lower body was noticeably thicker. But it was NOT like Anna's size at all, maybe someone who was a normal and healthy weight for this woman. And this woman had been suffering with an ED for over a decade. So it leads me to believe weight loss does affect the growth rate. I am NOT suggesting to develop an ED to curtail lipedema, it's just the only way I was able to find images of what lipedema looks like with weight loss.


Yes exactly!! I'm even seeing the tides turn on here, with some posters saying lipedema isn't real at all :( It sucks so much. I can go out for an afternoon and see SO many women with it and they'll never know. Of all sizes. Like nooo please lol, it's already severely under diagnosed and ignored! So par for the course for women's health (i'm afraid to even speak this into existence in case anna sees it and latches on, but it's estimated over 77% of women with lipedema also have hypermobility eds which makes sense because it's a connective tissue issue so they go hand in hand. that one's already abused heavily on tiktok etc and if anna got a hold of an eds diagnosis we'd never hear the end of it...)


That’s interesting! I never would have known that. It sounds like connective tissue issues?


Yeah! Your collagen is all fucky with that disorder. My mom had lipedema and also was constantly dislocating her shoulders and hips so it all starts to make sense!


That stinks! Sorry to hear that!


That really stinks! I’m sorry to hear that and hope you can feel better soon. I agree that she self medicates with food and alcohol.


Thanks so much <3 And thanks for being open

