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She asked someone to film her with her phone while being operated on, so that sounds about right lol.


I swear I will lose my mind if Anna or her doctor do a before/after where the before is of her standing up, and the after is of her legs lying down on the surgery table. Doctors always do that and it's sooo misleading. Especially mid surgery where all the tumescent fluid they pump in dramatically smooths the legs out and makes them look amazing


Ive seen the awake lipo ones where the patient stands up halfway with one leg done, ngl its pretty impressive! Idk how safe that is though…


I could not be awake for something like that


I mean, it’s part of how she gets it free/severely discounted


I imagine she will be a case study in at least one medical journal.


Gotta hustle even when sedated!


She did post an update on instagram. She said they removed 11 liters which is about 24lbs. She claims she feels great.


once "swell hell" hits she's going to be miserable. it will start for her in the next couple of days and it will last for at least a month. lipo for lipedema is unfortunately not as simple as x liters = x pounds lost. the empty space fills back up with fluid and inflammation and many women report not losing *any* weight despite having tons removed. it absolutely sucks.


Well it seems like regardless of what actually happens, Anna will pretend like everything is wonderful in order to save face. I doubt she will get into how painful things are during recovery. I also doubt she will follow any recommendations for post recovery.


Same I truly can't imagine her following directions to get mld therapy. And I will be surprised if she does this 3 more times.


I think what will end up happening is she won’t release content for a couple months and it will be very difficult for her.


She may post some vids of her sitting and saying something quirky or funny or maybe she has a lot of clothing hauls prerecorded. Like she posted a clothing haul today for example. If Jon is her only helper, I really think this situation may push him to a breaking point. Hopefully she actually has a nurse who can do some home visits. I'm curious how long she plans on staying in LA though or if she is going to get a ride home.


Honestly Jon has the patience of a saint


She’ll for sure keep posting those “hi, I’m Anna. And if you’re new here, I have a condition called lipedema” videos. I fucking hate those videos.


I’m very ignorant on this topic. What is the treatment for this newly developed fluid? Does compression work or draining or something else?


You got it. Super uncomfortable compression wear and daily mld therapy (manual lymphatic drainage) from a professional. She HAS to do these or she can develop seromas and other problems. It kind of baffles the mind that removing so many liters can lead to no or little weight loss but I've seen it reported time and time again by ladies in the lipedema community. She will at least recover faster than someone who did full on hospital anesthetic surgery.


Interesting-thanks for the insight into recovery. That’s really a bummer for those patients for which this surgery was their final option. Does she plan to stay in California for a while or come back to Texas I wonder? Would she be in any condition to fly back anytime soon? Sorry for so many questions haha.


I have mild lipedema and have read nonstop about what will happen during lipo so I'm happy to blab lol She definitely should stay put for awhile, traveling after this definitely has a heightened risk for blood clots on top of her baseline risk. People travel way sooner than you'd think though post-lipo... I think the average time I see is only 4 days. So she needs to have an mld therapist lined up at home as well as a doctor who can do any aftercare (what if she needs drains/gets infections?). She seems so unprepared but maybe we're just not hearing about it




I don't get it either. If she dropped 200 lbs she would have a MUCH easier time getting rid of the lipedema fat leftover. It's beyond ridiculous that she says she has no burnable healthy fat left. Not only would she be a medical marvel at that size, the doctor wouldn't be able to perform lipo on her because that would mean she doesn't have a layer of healthy fat to leave behind... I lost 130 lbs going low carb and it comes off so quick when you really do it right. I can't even imagine how fast it would come off at her size. Additionally, low carb is one of the treatments FOR lipedema because of how it lowers inflammation in the tissue. So she has to do it anyway! I simply don't understand her issue.


Well, nothing is stopping her now from eating and drinking her feelings as she recovers from surgery. Not being able to consume what she wants when she wants is her greatest fear. She already spends a lot of her time lying around and putting calories into her body. Now she can continue doing that and pretend she's done something for herself. Meanwhile the drop-off in activity will just make her gain all the weight back and more, and she'll decondition to the point that she's going to have a hard time being active at all later. Especially because she's not healthy enough to heal quickly. (The deconditioning is no joke. I had an emergency abdominal surgery and despite being in good health prior, by the time I could do more than shuffle around, I had zero endurance and it was surprisingly hard to get up off the floor. And I didn't have hundreds of pounds of fat stressing out my heart and lungs and joints, or sleep apnea, or so many other problems she has).


That sounds horrible and extremely painful. I don't care for Ana... but I wouldn't want anyone to go through so much only for it to fill with fluid and become painful still!


I can’t imagine being “awake” or under “twilight anesthesia” for something like this. I had a c section years ago and my spinal block didn’t do much >!so I felt most of the cutting and the baby squirming!< and *that* was traumatic as fuck. I think she was way too excited to “get to” go through such a painful procedure. Girl needs therapy.


Dude unrelated but you are a fucking warrior for that, I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. I hope everything turned out well!


Thanks-yes the kid is doing great haha! My anesthesiologist was literally named Dr. Payne. Like you can’t make that up. He tried his best with multiple drugs but it was pretty devastating to experience.


When I was a kid there was a dentist in town with that name. We didn't go there. 😂


Oh no! I wouldn’t either 💀💀


Jesus, that's wild. Glad you're all doing well though! Best of luck reddit stranger 😁


Haha thanks 🙏


Wait I’m so confused. Was your body like immune to the drugs?


One other factor that might make sense was that it was an emergency where I wasn’t even in labor. I walked into the hospital thinking I’d be induced and would be there for a day or two twiddling my thumbs (painfully). When they strapped the monitors on my belly my baby’s heart rate was very low and I still remember the nurse’s face. Like we’re making small talk then suddenly—👀 “I need to call the doctor”. So from walking into the hospital at 10:00 pm to holding my baby at 12:30 am I think perhaps there was not enough time for an epidural (I still remember this pretty young nurse talking about “I read a book while getting my epidural” 🙄) to kick in so they did a spinal block, which I know much less about AND was not covered in the birthing classes we sat through. Now I still get lower back pain almost nightly which I’ve heard is pretty common.


Omg that is so terrifying I’m so sorry that happened to you! I’m so glad your child is OK too!


Thanks! I consider myself a very fortunate and lucky person bc of how healthy he is but sometimes I think damn that sucked. I’m also lucky he isn’t asking for a baby brother or sister bc that ship has sailed!


No clue! I haven’t had many procedures in my life but I’ve been under general anesthesia as a teen for a laparoscopy and had to go under at 18 for wisdom teeth removal. I was fine for the laparoscopy but woke up during the teeth thing. They tried all the greats for the c section—dilaudid, ketamine, fentanyl and more. I was hallucinating by the end and still in major pain. I couldn’t even hold my kid right away and kept repeating “I’m tripping balls” to anyone that would listen.


Hey, I had the same experience! I never knew anyone else who had! Did your surgeon also make awkward comments? Mine said ‘you will feel like I’m rummaging through your handbag’. I hope you have fully recovered from that 🧡


Oh no! That’s horrible you went through that. Mine was an emergency and my doc was very bleary-eyed with bed head operating at midnight lol. He didn’t say much but I knew when he pulled off the tape from my belly before making any incision and I felt *that* 100% that shit was going to get real real fast. I was just saying “I feel it. I feel it.” over and over. I remember they told me “you won’t feel it” *as* I was feeling it. 🙄 Very helpless feeling. He’s not my doctor anymore for obvious reasons.


A lot of cosmetic surgeries are being done on twilight anesthesia anymore. A normal-sized person can get AirSculpt lipo with local anesthetic and a Valium. Even things like a chin augmentation (silicone insert in chin) can be done with twilight and local anesthetic. However, you're kept just sentient enough to tell the surgeon you feel pain. I really don't understand how they locally anesthetized such a large area safely, though.


You know what is sad? That's not even 10% of her body weight - it's more like 5%. Talk about a drop in the bucket!


At 600 lbs, it would be around 3.3%. Some on KF have estimated she's over 700 lbs, though. Anna uses a lot of filters and strategic camera setups at home, but you can see how truly gargantuan she is in the plane photos. She fills up 2 plane seats and uses both seat belts. I was squished, but still fit in a single plane seat without an extender at 330 back in 2013.


I don’t know how people think she weighs over 600 lbs. That’s insane. 599todamnshefine was a pound away from 600, and is only an inch or two shorter than Anna. They are built different for sure. But Anna isn’t 600 lbs. I’ve been on multiple flights in a row, and can fit perfectly fine in one and need a seat belt extender in the next. Plane seat belt size doesn’t seem to have a standard. Now I’m not arguing that she’s not big and wide set. She is. But I’m guessing she’s in the 400s.


I don't think she is over 600 yet. But based on the last time Anna actually said her weight which was like 10 years ago on a blog where she said she was 317, her lowest adult weight pretty much ever (after she lost 100lbs), she was like a plus size 18/20, maybe even a true 1x at the top (not like her pretending to be a 1x to 2x now, but really). Just based on her recording her old weight loss on her blog from about 425 to 317 and seeing how she looked in pictures even at her then highest weight, she is a lot bigger now. like a lot. She looks way bigger than she was in the pics when she said she was 425 back 10 years ago. My guess is when she started taking Wegovy she was like mid 500s, close to 550lbs or so. I do think she lost 90 to a 100lbs (she did gain some back but not all). In Jan she probably was about 450 to 460lbs.


She's 5'10" or 5'11", high weights look different on a tall person who carries their weight in their bottom half, vs a short person who is apple-shaped. Anna said herself that her lowest weight was 350, and she was easily half her current size then. She's put on *at minimum* 200 lbs since those days. https://preview.redd.it/7lcakwx3edad1.png?width=1270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f4deda1323df3e03269d6b3ff950661d3ac8169


She looks positively skinny in those photos from 2013 compared to now. I believe she is at least 600.


Yes, as a woman Anna’s height, people really underestimate how much weight we can carry. I’m 200 pounds and a size L/14. And not tight like Anna wears.


Exactly, she looks the same as she did before. Hopefully it will decrease her pain, but I think she's hoping for pie-in-the-sky results.


I felt great after major abdominal surgery. Until a few days later when I tapered off the opioids. (I got off then as soon as humanly possible and it was a tiny dose. Even then I had some withdrawal-like pain symptoms. I recognized them for what they were and waited it out, but it would have been so easy to just keep taking the meds. And I was otherwise fit and healthy and able to shuffle around while I healed. It was also possible for my friends to easily help me when my mobility was limited. Anna is going to be in a world of hurt. Soon.)


Of course she feels great, she’s on a bunch of pain meds. I had a breast reduction a few years ago and legit thought I could walk out of the hospital because I felt so good. Once the actual healing process starts, it gets so much worse. Pain, itching, overall swelling and discomfort, not to mention the compression garments she’ll have to wear for possibly weeks, it will suck and she will lie about (or at least downplay) this.


Jesus Herbert Christ that’s more than double the amount of fat you’re supposed to remove via lipo. The rehab is gonna be brutal, and she will regain that within the month.


The only thing that was keeping her weight from becoming a 600lb life situation is the fact that she was more mobile than people her size. I really think this situation with the lipo could be really bad because she obviously has 0 control with food and now she can't be as active as she was. Yeah I think she exaggerated her activity levels but she was still doing a lot of activity at least for someone in the 500lb range. Looking at the clothing hauls, like the Jessica Simpson one where she couldn't raise half the stuff over her hips, I really think she just wants these saddle bags taken care of first because she thinks it is going to make her look better and she can better fit in clothes. Which IMO is still an OK reason to have lipo , as long as you have truly tried everything else first and gotten your diet under control. But it just seems like she doesn't get how brutal recovery can be and the fact that her hip size won't change or may even get worse if she continues to overeat and binge.


Oh yeah I agree whatever your reasons for having any medical intervention, if they’re valid to you then the reasons are valid. You’re also correct that she was reasonably mobile for someone being over 500 lbs but that loss of mobility without dietary modifications is gonna hurt she will pack the weight back on within a month unless she has an iron clad contract with the Roxbury institute


Waiting to see how this arc implodes? Same, sis🤕


I predict that after this doesn’t solve her problems, she’ll have a munchie/“chronic illness” arc.


I predict the surgery center won’t want to keep working with her. Then she’ll stop getting the treatments, claim it didn’t work for her, she’s a special unicorn who can’t lose weight despite all efforts, and she’ll move onto her next grift.


That’s, a great call but another idk if I can stomach (ha) another Jacqueline Adan


She’s gonna be absolutely miserable post-op, but she’s gonna pretend she’s having the time of her life and everything is wonderful! Then we’ll get a pathetic crying vid where she complains about how miserable she is despite not taking care of herself properly, all while saying she’s proud of herself for doing absolutely nothing


Like nothing is wrong, no pain, it fixed it instantly. Like the compression she’s going to have to wear- I can’t image her being compliant with that. 


Incoming opioid dependence arc.


Someone asked her why she needed a plastic surgeon and she said to remove "excess skin", she definitely doesn't have realistic expectations, I don't understand why the doctors agreed to this procedure.


Even if they attempted to set her straight and manage her expectations, I reckon Anna wouldn't take on board any advice that goes against her delusions. Something similar happened with RunLab, right? She only hears what she wants to hear.


In what world?! She’s delulu if she thinks she has excess skin!


My theory is that The Roxbury Institute reached out to her and offered her the surgery for free in exchange for advertising to her followers. #ALTAmbassador at the bottom of her posts now is a major give away for me. Also, notice how Anna conveniently started to have lots of pain all of a sudden which was making her near-immobile, and that was practically forcing her hand to have this surgery but in the end she knew she had to do it because she’d done everything she could to help herself and nothing she did was working (note the sarcasm)? Before this surgery she was yachting, flying every other day, going on cruises, going to Starbucks headquarters in Seattle, and going to NY with no pain (that she admitted anyway). But, the joke’s on that facility because I’d guess a third of Anna’s followers are bots, maybe more. Her engagement is pitifully low. She gets ~100 comments from her weirdo sycophants on posts with 17,000-18,000 likes and then she deletes the critics. If The Roxbury Institute did their homework, they’d see she’s a failure on several fronts, but I digress. If any of Anna’s fans decide to have the lipedema surgery with this Dr. Amron, I’m certain Anna will get some kind of commission because they’ll say they found out about the facility from Anna O’Brien/Glitter and Lazers. Maybe I’m highly cynical (I am), but from everything I’ve seen about Anna I’m pretty sure this surgery isn’t going to change her life. She needs to change her eating habits and to be in therapy to address her addiction to food and her obvious various neuroses. The surgery is not going to change her eating habits. What she eats or doesn’t eat is the elephant in the room. Because she refuses to talk about that you can only conclude there’s a problem. But if she doesn’t want to talk about it, that’s her decision. She doesn’t need to be transparent about it. But then you have to question why she chooses to be transparent about trivial things like trying to get into Sports Illustrated when no one cares about that. Literally no one. But hey, if she found a doctor willing to believe her lies or at the very least pretend to, I guess more power to her. But this is all a major grift on both the doctors’ parts and Anna’s part and if her fans don’t see through this, goodness help them.


Definitely not just you. ![gif](giphy|39iws5wbhTn4cCjxZP|downsized)


Just saw on Facebook reels (is that what it's called?) that it's done. "I like the drugs" is the takeaway quote from that trainwreck, tbh. Wouldn't be surprised if her next arc is about opioid dependence.


She posted on TikTok a video of her they made while her surgery was happening.


It's posted, go to Instagram I just watched the video 🙄.


Of course her lipedema is the worst.  🙄


that lipsyncing. yikes. edit: it just feels so...insincere, especially after her serious talk/crying video. the tone shift is jarring.


it's still really jarring because she's been traveling around even prior to this surgery. i get that she might have certain sponsorship requirements. but up until march she was basically claiming to be a mobility/fitness queen.


Yeah, that's very true. From hardcore runner, to stage four health issues, to Cannibal! the musical...it's a lot.


Hell to the yeah!!!