• By -


Lol he agreed at the end but you could tell that it was because he was not expecting the other dude to disagree with him


Quickest mind change ever. Guy on the right is in the right though.


Reminds me of insurance. Worked for this guy that didn't really hire me as another employee to do the same things an average employee did. The reality is I was just there as coverage to keep the business operating as other employees went on lunch or vacation, but that wasn't the verbalized expectation. He expected me to essentially be a copy of him. Bringing in my own business, finding my own contacts, going out to meet potential clients, etc.. All of these talks born out of the fact that there wasn't really anything for me to do so I just kinda chilled at a desk most the time. I'm like... buddy, if I could (wanted to) do all of that I wouldn't be here. Why'd you hire me if you have nothing for me to do? Repeat paragraph 1.


My buddy asked me if I could drive him around to jobs in my work truck as a favor because his truck broke down. He had the audacity to talk to me like a subordinate the second I picked him up which he was late for.


That would go downhill very fast depending on my mood at the time. Like I would tell a bold face lie on why I'd have to immediately drop off this "friend"


Why lie? Just tell the truth.


Agree. I might be nice and drop him at the bus stop though.


I think it shows the dude on the right has more money


Sssssure, probably! He has the luxury to do what's right since he doesn't have to live hand to mouth and kill or be killed. Fair point. I take that to mean this is the goal. If you have to be vile or craven in your climb, get away from that mindset as fast as you can.


He agreed so they could move on and he wouldn't look bad. There's no conceivable way he took that information on board and will adjust how he manages his people. He'll still walk away grumbling about "quiet quitting" (a term I hate).


When I first heard the term, I assumed it was when you've decided to quit but want to keep getting a check as long as possible while doing literally nothing. Turns out it actually means... doing your job?


Yeah. Your original guess makes more sense.


Yeah, he know he's not gonna win that debate against someone with a rock solid reasoning like that. That's why he pick the option that will end the discussion on that topic as quick as possible to not draw too much attention to it. He don't want the guy to keep exposing how much bullshit the term is. Had he drag that out and the guy goes deeper into it, all their bullshit will get exposed.


Yep, he was baiting him to tear into those lazy young people.


I'm sure he changed his mind right back, or did eventually.


They pay me minimal - I do minimal. Easy like that




It used to be more cost effective to keep an employee and try to get them to perform better.....when a pizza party or one extra day off in a year sufficed. Now a majority of people would actually like to receive the spending power they feel they are valued at instead. When it comes time to make that change, it's not so easy to accountants and owners to see their margins shrink even by a little. That's not to defend them, but to give context as to why it is no longer considered cheaper to keep an existing employee. There is no "labor shortage" just a shortage of jobs that can actually give people a liveable wage, and people aren't settling for less than that anymore.


there kind of is a labor shortage, specifically in the medical field Nurses and therapists (rn's specifically, and PTA's specifically) are VERY difficult these days , to find, recruit and retain ​ even paying them 40+ hour


Most nurses don’t get 40+. Not even close. Most engineers don’t even get that There is no labor shortage. There is. Wage shortage


My mom is a nurse with 20+ years of experience and makes about that. But yea key words were 20+ years of experience lol


My Mil is an rn with 10 years experience. She makes around 25 an hour. Highest you get around here between the two hospitals is 28 an hour. The tell you to get fucked if you want more, so they have "staffing shortages" because people are just up and moving to areas that are paying more(drive 2 hours to work at a different hospital and get 35 an hour plus a sign on bonus). Its greed, and a wage shortage, there is no labor shortage, there are plenty of people that want to work, but not enough pay to entice someone to come do it. The company that i contract with recently told all the people at the warehouse that we are all taking a 25% pay cut because a minority vendor dropped them. Their own records publicly indicate that the vendor that dropped them was reaposible for all of 8% of their total gross income. They are greedy, and im not losing money so a rich man can pocket it. Pay what im worth, else i have 2 feet that can walk to someone that does.


I make 6 dollars less an hour as a blue collar guy with maybe 6 years of experience and no college degree. Thats a damm shame that they dont pay her more.


10 years experience and only making $25 an hour? I would've thought an RN would be making more. I was making $34.50 an hour working for an electrical company. I stopped working last year to retire. I worked on access, burglar, camera system. How can companies expect to keep people when they aren't willing to pay them what they should be getting?


My dads been an RN for 45 years and is a charge nurse now. Only makes that money on holidays or during overtime.


doesn't the area matter also. I'm in Southern California and $40 sounds really close to starting wages


Lmao I’m a union truck driver and I make more than that an hour.


Damn straight, thats what unions are for baby!


Where are you that an engineer doesn't make 40+/hr?




I'd expect all of them to be salaried so we're talking around $80k a year. The Mech with 2 years experience is understandable but I'm very surprised about the other two.




I dunno. I would say that most engineers with even a few years experience do better than that.


In the US specifically, I've met more than a few nurses and doctors that left their respective places of employment because they could not stand to watch people get their lives ruined by medical debt, or even worse opting not to get the surgery or treatment they need because they cannot afford it. You hear a bunch of wild shit at medical conventions, and poaching doctors with stuff like "we have an entire wing just for low income people, and it is funded by private donors" is totally the norm.


Sorry, I was more so referring to the current USA generalized "labor shortage" that is being perpetuated in the news cycles currently. I'm well aware that medical, teaching, policing, and a couple of other sectors actually are struggling. However, when reading what the news puts out, it is usually referring to low income jobs. Also, I get it, it's hard to want to work a job that pays $40+ per hour when you work 60hr weeks and never actually get to enjoy it. Although in my area, nurses are not making $40+ an hour.


Where I live traveling nurses make a lot more than local nurses. It makes sense to me, if I were single, to leave my town. Where there is a shortage and make 20 bucks an hour more as a traveler.


Yup employees actually cost companies money for the beginning of their employment. The idea that treating/paying employees like shit is some kind of savvy business practice is absurd on the face of it.


While this must be true in some respects, I think even this is vastly overstated. I worked at a place that said there was a 5-figure cost for each new employee, by the six week mark a new person was hitting the expected production targets, making them Essentially no different than anyone else, or even better than someone who was as productive but had gotten some annual increases. Even assuming they were wholly unproductive for the 6 weeks, which they weren’t, they didn’t cost anywhere near 5 figures in that time using the most generous calculation.


The only things I truly learned working at McDonald's was how to placate an irrational boss (managing up!) and to face all the bills in the register drawer the same way or the irrational boss would throw your drawer across the room.


The rec center at the university I attend has a shortage of lifeguards. Well, they also have a shortage of aquatics director, which they tried to fill for a year and a half and decided to just axe the position and combine it with another position. So back to the lifeguards. - They don’t pay for guard training or recertification, CPR training, or first aid training. - They pay minimum wage. - They understaff and overwork the shifts (one guard for multiple hours with no relief) The list goes on. “Nobody wants to work anymore”


Wasn't Amazon worried a couple years ago because they had trouble finding people that hadn't worked for them and people who already had didn't want to work for them again ? As in, they ran through the entire American workforce ?


>You’d think it would be more efficient for companies to pay people more and have them stay there longer. You'd think the richest wealthiest nation on earth would provide basic free healthcare and nutrition for all it's citizens and students, so that the workforce and schoolchildren would always be at high effectiveness, and that would lead to better output... But what would i know


Mcdonalds is the only exception to this rule. There are a bunch of factors that make this not apply to mcdonalds, but suffice it to say that in any business not run as well as mcdonalds this would reek havoc. Mcdonalds runs their business like prussian space marines.


Didn’t Henry Ford figure that out a century ago? It was better to retain the workers he trained by paying them more rather than having to repeat the training on brand new people all the time?


They exactly touched on it in the video: you want employees to care about productivity? Give them equity. If every employee gets a percentage of the profits, damn straight they'll maximize profits and minimize waste. Pay for hours, you get hours. Pay for profits, you get profits. Simple as.


Minimum wage, minimum effort


I prefer the term market value effort lol


Acting your wage


Yes! Best thing I have heard all year


Minimum wage means they would pay you less if they legally could.


Especially when startup companies want a “motivated and driven to succeed individual”. Hell no! Unless I’m getting 30% stake in the company, I’m doing the bare minimum and going home when the clock strikes


Exactly. You get what you pay for. Execs seem to have forgotten that most basic rule of business. If you pay average pay, you get average workers. Also, why would anyone work their ass off, if they get paid the same as if they did the bare minimum? I tried being the workhorse before and all I accomplished was making myself too valuable where I was to ever get promoted.


If an employer pays you minimum wage, they're basically saying "I'd pay you less, but the government won't let me".


They pay me 95K, I do minimal because working harder only earns me more work. Easy like that


This. This exactly. If you want people to work like they own the business and reap the profits, pay them partially in stock/equity and/or give profit-sharing bonuses. If they have a vested interest in the success of the business, they will work like they have that. If you pay them static wages, static or no benefits, no or unfair/unrealistic performance bonuses -- they will work like they have *that.*


The boss wants the hustle? Pay for the hustle, then.


Boss makes a dollar I make a dime, that’s why I browse Reddit on company time


Pay me more than minimal, I still only do what I am contracted to do.


Because what you are contracted to do is at that wage. It is the minimum for that job you are doing


Precisely this. I don't work a minute over 8 hours. Some of my colleagues complain about "having" to stay late, etc., whereas I just leave.


Exactly. Hell even my local taxi guys when i give them a tip i tell em "you do more, i pay more" like, its only an extra £2 on a £3 journey but the help of getting the shopping and and out the car is an extra service to me and if i get a driver who doesnt do that i dont give them that extra.


"As a business owner that would drive me crazy," Yeah I don't give a flying fuck, man.




"Why is this Corolla i just paid for not performing like a Countach?"


Must be quiet clutching




I paid for a Corolla, why isn't it a Ferarri?


Ok but this is actually a great analogy


I know, right


"I deserve more because I am rich, god damnit!"


Right? Like stay mad, you salty bitch.


I don't give a damn what happens to the company I work for, I don't own it so why should I care?


"I'd be so mad if people did what they were paid to do rather than the extra 30 tasks I slowly piled onto them with no increase in pay."


Thats just like his opinion man.


*Smokey this is not ‘Nam, this is bowling. There are rules.*


Ok, I'll put a zero.


A+ reference, stay limber my dude!


Hell, it’s more fun to watch them go crazy, as long as you aren’t in the crossfire.


And after thinking about it for a whole 2 seconds he totally went back on it


I love how he didn't explain what his definition is, or what he has issue with at any point


Work your wage. $28/hour gets my time, my body, a fair effort. Takes a lot more for me to volunteer my brain, creativity, enthusiasm. And still pay me every hour, no exempt crap


Compensation aside, exempt status can work ok if you see 40 hours as your average weekly commitment, not your minimum. Need me to work 60 hours to get over a critical problem? Sure thing, but I’m leaving early and taking long lunch whenever I feel like it for the next month. Sadly, too many people already get underpaid for the 40, then abused by demands to give more time, further diluting hourly earnings.


That is comp time, and very much part of the compensation agreement. In the US things are now so exploitative and abusive you really can't act as if management is dealing in good faith. Hardly anyone is "fairly" compensated, you're either an oligarch preying on the common people, or you're getting the shaft.


Salaried exempt means you're paid for 40, expected to work 50, but actually work 60. I had a job like this ONCE. Notice the word once. Never again. I don't mind working, but you'll damned well pay me.


Many years ago I worked as a salaried employee for a large pharmacy retailer. We were paid for a 45 hour work week. Budget hours were continuously being reduced, but the workload was increased. I remember one manager who was working 60+ hour weeks because he didn’t have enough hours to staff the store. The district manager told him he needed to reduce his hours back down to 45 (there were lawsuits at the time regarding exempt employees working way over agreed upon hours). He said then he’d have to exceed the budgeted hours for the store. The DM told him he couldn’t do that. He asked what he was supposed to do. They told him to figure it out… so he did. Threw his keys at them and walked the fuck out.


to be honest it's not even about how much you earn. As a software dev I earn a fair bit more than 28/hour, but I still don't own equity, so if they can't get their shit together and arrange enough meaningful things for me to do that's their problem.


Most business owners think that the OWN YOU.


And it’s quite the opposite. We sell our labor to them so that they can profit. Without us, they’ve got shit. They should be thankful to US.


But we need to collectivize to remind them that they only exist because we tolerate them. They don't know how to work. They're incapable of labor. We need to stop tolerating lazy leeches who produce nothing but take everything.


I totally agree.


I mean the owner class effectively owns the worker class


But as a class. Which is different from one specific owner owning you. For the wage laborer life doesn't take place during the hours sold to the capitalist, it takes place afterwards, at the tavern, at the table, in the bed.


>Which is different from one specific owner owning you. I find the way that the American system of healthcare, where people can feel tied to remain employed to keep access to a healthfund, to be utterly perplexing.


A healthfund they can't even use when they actually need it, thanks to networks & deductibles.


I'm just gonna have long a think on that first paragraph.


I'm not trying to imply it's better, just different. I'm pulling almost all of this from WL+C btw. Good old classic Marx.


Make them doubt it.


It’s not just business owners. I’ve had a lot of bosses who felt that way — and I am a librarian.


That's why WFH is such a contentious topic. It's more difficult to feel like a King when the peasants aren't around.


Slavery was never abolished in the USA, it just changed outfits.


After seeing and being on the receiving end of dismissals, I have no sympathy whatsoever. While there are some merited dismissals, it usually involves money. In my case, a business where I basically built the logistics for supplying materials to contractors, maintaining equipment and keeping track of supply inventory decided that it ran so well they could replace me with a minimum wage laborer. When the owner told me he was sorry to let me go I told him to not be insincere. He could give a rats ass, and just wanted that extra hundred bucks a week.


I worked for a university that published praise of my work - naming me specifically - in a magazine that goes out to all alumni. Get this, it was AFTER they laid me off. They cut my job, and still had the audacity to publicly praise me.


Assuming a 40 hour work week, he was paying you $2.50 above minimum wage and you did all that? Please tell me Karma got your ex boss.


Probably rewarded him with 100% forgiven PPP loans and a higher cholesterol score.


I saw something similar happen. Friend managed logistics for a small firm, developed a better system. He was let go and replaced by cheaper, less qualified labour. They didn't even bother with a transition period. With time, the logistics quality deteriorated. After 2 months the old boss wanted my friends notes on his system. My friend told him a high, but still reasonable price. No deal. The firm still exists, but does worse than before. One can only guess why.


I feel this to my fucking cooooore. So, when it happens, they get all the their safety short comings reported to the EPA and OSHA.


"That's huge." Proceeds to not listen to the advice given to him.


If someone flips 40 burgers instead of 20 burgers, the worker keeps their job at the same pay, but the business owner just doubled their profit. So why would the worker do anything that doesn't benefit them beyond the minimum requirement to keep the business running. They don't share in the success of the business, they only share in it's failure.


But maybe if you keep flippin twice as many burgers as another person they might give you a $0.30/hr raise


Minimum wage, minimum effort.


I studied entrepreneurs after college and this was definitely a thing. Someone would work 80-100 weeks and literally sleep in the store they were starting when they finally expanded things to hire they had a real issue that college kids they were hiring to work retail in their store didn't seem to care. They also paid a pretty above market salary to their staff, but still they were just college kids. It took them years to develop the managing skills and processes in place to get the results they want. Most people have this passive belief that everyone around them is like them, and has the same wants and motivations, some people just can't accept that's how now it works.


Yeah, starting a small business can require a lot of sacrifice, but you do it because it's yours. Nobody else can reasonably be expected to do that. It's like how you take care of your own kids for free because they're your kids, but you wouldn't reasonably expect a babysitter to work for free.


Scale is where a lot of businesses fail. It’s “easy” to micromanage a $5m/year revenue business with a handful of employees. But you can’t micromanage several across disparate regions, you have to learn how to manage managers, communicate effectively, build and write down processes, etc… and that’s a whole different ballgame. Sometimes it means hiring competent people to run the business for you but a lot of people aren’t willing to do that.


It took me way too long to realize people didn't see the things I saw (at work) and I had to stop getting mad at them for it.


I've experienced this in two different ways: I get mad at inefficiencies (I think this is what you're describing) and I feel stupid cause everyone else being unable to acknowledge that an inefficiency exists (feels like getting gaslit)


I imagine it's similar to when I finally got my first single bedroom apartment, and everything in it was only mine. Then some mf comes and tracks dirt onto my carpet! The outrage that this other person doesn't immediately recognize and share the pride/respect I have for my space was an eye opener. And then I had a moment of sympathy for my parents whose home I disrespected daily


Quiet quitting is not quitting. It's an adjustment to match your pay to your productivity. Basically, it's people who stop providing free labor because employers have a proven record of not rewarding that extra effort. Owners have an incentive to work extra hard, employees do not.


I'd go further and say they're cheap and incompetent at their job because it's their job to motivate their employees. Sometimes bosses can get away with not increasing wages, but it's proven that giving people more money will help with getting them to do more things.


"The worker isn't the business owner, we shouldn't expect them to work like us, they don't have equity, if they worked as hard as we do, they might as well start their own company!" Other guy: "Yea man I agree, quiet quitting is awful!" Damn how close can you get to the point and still miss it??


Right! Guy in front of you is someone you respect and as close to a peer as you have, drops some major knowledge on you, and you’re just like. Nah.


Don't forget we can also be cut at any time for any reason.


They only work with you if they themselves have equity in the company. The guy on the right is on the right way of thinking but still, they work for you, not with you. Unless its some co-op or something


I think his logic is that they work WITH you and are driven by their own motives. If they’re motives don’t include building a company they have equity in, then you are motivated to lean more towards a quiet quitting mindset. The working FOR you mindset implies that they must feel an obligation to do whatever you as the owner want (i.e give 110% for the company). The worker is driven by their own motives not by their boss or companies motives. Hence working with you and not for you.


Exactly, the only way to get people to do more is to convince them that doing more will help them. Either pay more or show that doing more results in tangible benefits


Right, there’s “team” elements to this but just like a real team the buy in has to feel validated


Exactly. And if a business asks their employees to do more, or cover for someone who quit, or take on additional responsibilities - even if only temporarily - and ask you to do it “for the team”, that just means “do it for free.” That’s exploitation. In that situation, the company should compensate the workers for the additional work they’re having to do. If the company doesn’t ever do that, then they’re creating the environment where quiet quitting becomes the norm.


I think he’s trying to remove language that can be used to argue for treating your employees as sub-human. By saying they work with you, rather than for you, it creates a sense of collaboration (which is exactly what it is). It’s a mutual thing - employees are selling their time, their labor, and their skills/expertise which the business owner is buying. He clearly recognizes and even acknowledges in this video that anyone who is going to work just as hard as you for the company should have equity, and otherwise shouldn’t be expected to have as much commitment as an owner, so I don’t think he’s confusing the concepts.


“That’s huge (I’m still pissed)”


"You work with us, not for us!" great theme for the next mandatory team building pizza party


Pizza? More like stale Spunkmeyer muffins no one wants. Oh sorry I’m a teacher. I’m used to much less. 🤪


Yes you are not a slave you are not a resource you are a human being and if you don’t deserve as much as the ceo you deserve more


I literally equate my work to my pay. if youre only giving me say $25 an hour or whatever, youre going to get that level of work. ​ I think the guy in the lighter suit would be a good boss, and i think he gets it. If you want to get to the top or own a business so you can do the light work, your employees will hate you.


I never understood quiet quitting and why these a**holes were upset about it. It's the simplest logical syllogism. - contract requires performance of X - contract rewards performance of X with Y - worker performs X - worker earns Y Where do all of these other expectations come from?


F You. Pay me.


Really, this is news to any CEO / business owner? How fucking out of touch with reality can one be exactly?


The answer: very out of touch. The mega rich live within their own bubble. They can afford to live anywhere, so they buy a large house 10 minutes from their office and wonder why everyone else complains about their long commutes. They refuse work from home options because their commute is easy. They limit us to 10-15 days of vacation per year, but they take 2-3 months of vacation per year because they don’t have to answer to anyone. They can afford to have a stay at home wife, so that they don’t need to pay for childcare. They can afford to send their kids to private schools so that their children have the best odds of also becoming financially successful in life. They can afford to pay cleaning services to clean their house so that they have extra free time. They never have to worry about inflation because the cost of food/shelter going up 100% in a year only adds 1% or less to their cost of living.


That's Huge: I don't agree with you, and I stand to lose a significant amount of face if I do, but I know I'll look like a dick if I stick to my guns, so I'll say something non-committal.


Remember guys. EVERYONE should be starting a business. Because that’s totally logical in the free market system we exist within. Everyone should start a business and work hard and, magically, it will all work despite what the math says.


It's an important thought, if I wanted to work myself to the bone and sacrifice my family and body on the alter of my business, that is LITERALLY my business, and only my business. Expecting others to do the same for MY business is insane.


If they want me to work as hard as them and do the same things as them…they can pay me like they get paid.


How many employers who bitch about quiet quitting pay their employees for the commute? How many who bitch about quiet quitting get paid while they "work" on their private jets? How many get paid while they're having meetings on golf courses or in Michelin starred restaurants?


I have never done more than what was required of me. I remember back when I worked at a big office I had my boss basically tell me he expected me to go above and beyond and I just said "uh, no." and when I told my coworkers about this, I figured they'd get a good laugh out of it because I thought it was hilarious, they looked at me like I'd grown a second head. They not only did a bunch of extra shit but couldn't fathom why I wasn't jumping through a ton of extra hoops. None of them ever got a raise or a promotion the whole time we worked together, they made the same money as me but these yahoos were putting in easily an extra 5-10 hrs of unpaid work every week. To this day I can't understand why anyone would do more than what they're being paid for. Hell, that place laid everyone off and moved the whole department to another country after I left so I know they all got screwed.


No jokes - had to explain this to my boss. He thought it was unfair that he stayed at work till 7 or 8pm doing technical director stuff, and we got to go home after 9 hours... Also had to remind him that if all the engineers left, he wouldn't be able to do the work of any single one of them let alone all - he disagreed - I reminded him that it was one of us Bio-Medical Engineers that sets up his email every 6 months when his fly new laptop arrives, and he takes the older company asset home for one of his kids. Can't even set up his own email and thinks he can set up a cone beam CT or a digital x-ray system, or a PACS or RIS or... LOL Nope. Dream. Fucken. On. Assclown. Had to also remind him that it was a private company and not a partnership or a sole proprietorship, and thus, those laptops actually belong to the company (his employer, irrespectiveof whether or not he was a shareholder), a separate legal entity, and he was actually stealing assets from this legal entity. But I digress. When I offered to buy shares, my offer was declined out of hand. 9 hour work days it is then 🤣


Yeap!! Bring back pensions, profit sharing, etc. Give people a reason ($$$) to do more than the bare minimum.


I have hardly no college experience and work at a factory making nearly $30/hour. My Mom is a 20 year RN, working on her master's, held several lead positions over the years, was charge nurse at one facility, worked behavioral health for a time and was sent to Chicago for training, came home and trained an entire floor of the main hospital on new computer systems. We make the same money. I'm grateful I make the money I do but that is not fair to the folks in healthcare careers that put in the work and sacrifice.


If business owners want employees to work like them then they need to be paid like them too.


If they have no equity, they work FOR you, not WITH you. And you'll never give them equity, so this issue is never going to go away. If you're only offering hourly wages, expect people to jump jobs for minor compensation improvements because you aren't investing in them or doing anything to attempt to retain them. Pretending that you're equals is dumb, and implying that people aren't as diligent about their work because they are leaving for greener pastures is delusional.


"They should start their own company." Or at least leave yours, asshole.


I think his point was, “if they’re going to put in the same effort as you, they’d be smarter putting that effort into something they own.” That’s the way those people see the world.


Except, not everyone is born with parents rich enough to inject the necessary capital and list of contacts to start your gig


I mean, I agree completely with him on this. If I'm going to put my heart and soul into a *thing*, I don't want it to be someone else's thing. I don't want to put 80hrs a week into something I have no say in. I want it to be MY thing, or at least OUR thing. Otherwise, I'm only here for a paycheck. And that's his point, especially in the full clip. He's saying that QQs are the consequence of a business owner expecting C-suiter "effort" out of his staff but still treating/paying them as laborers. He's not saying "if you don't like the company, go start your own". He's saying that, if you ARE gonna put in the crazy hours, if you ARE gonna work yourself to exhaustion, if you ARE gonna make the sacrifices "like they do", then do that for **yourself** and not for someone who expects you to be a Ferrari on a used Corolla budget.


This. I didn't need to start my own company to be successful, nor have most successful people. Hell, most of the executives at large businesses have never owned their own business... because it's fraught with risk, incredibly demanding, and generally not worth the effort if you can get someone else to pay top-dollar for your services. They get paid to run established companies, not start their own from scratch.


Man I like this guy. He thinks like a normal person. The black suit dude wants cheap workers.


Performing every one of your job duties to a satisfactory level in accordance with the rate at which you're being paid?! The shock! The outrage! The horror! We all need to spread the word to all the oblivious, poor employees. If you go above and beyond your job description without asking for more money and demonstrate unquestionable loyalty to your employer, you will receive the sweet, elusive, life changing reward of: i n c r e a s e d w o r k l o a d


He thinks he works as much as his employees? I doubt that.


Find me a CEO that "works hard" and doesn't sit on podcasts talking about how hard they work


At least he gets it!..but probably doesn't give a shit either!


He gets it, he’s gonna be lazy until he has to do it. Then he’s gonna half ass work and tell everyone to keep going.


“People only working for what I interviewed them, hired them and paid them? That would drive me crazy” Smh


On a somewhat related note about being treated as equals (and I should point out I'm pretty happy in my role in my chosen industry), we often get told "spend the money as if it's your own" before awarding contracts. OK then, one guy rocks up to my place to quote, is unprofessional and not interested in the job, and his quote is two-thirds of the price of the guy who is professional and prepared, and is showing an enthusiasm to do the job properly and to my satisfaction. I know who I'm spending the money on. Wrong, it should have been the cheaper guy. Predictable results ensue.


“Go start their own business” Most people know most businesses fail. Most people can’t afford to have a business fail. Failing means bankruptcy. The people that can afford to fail are already rich. They can afford multiple attempts and just need one attempt to succeed.


I prefer the term "Acting your Wage" over "Quiet Quitting"


This is nothing. Like so many of these videos. Just dudes blowing each other


I would rather die than start a company. It's pure greed.


Where is this from? This is my city, and I'd be interested in knowing who's talking.


It’s vice-versa, the energies


“That’s huge” I feel a pizza party coming!!!!!!


What bothers me is the willing ignorance of businesses. When a business sees that the number of repeat customers is going down, they look at the problem, come up with solutions, incentives to bump those numbers, run case studies, ask the customers, listen and adapt to earn the desired result. When a business sees its employees disengage and become apathetic.... welp i am out of ideas! i guess they are just lazy.


I have yet to meet a manager who gives a damn about quite quitting. My SiL who's high level HR for a major oil company goes on a tangent about how stupid the term quite quitting is because you're "You're not quitting, you're doing the damn job you're paid to do."


"Quiet quitting" is a propoganda term put out into this world by the owner class.


I have never in my 5 decades of working found a boss that views their staff as anything more than slaves that don't work hard enough, get paid too much as it is and should be grateful for such a great job and boss. Sociopathic sadists.


I’ve seen comments from A LOT of people that the higher you go in a business, the easier the job gets. You are shifting from actual work to delegating work. Why tf would I put forth maximum effort when I’m getting paid the least and seeing my bosses rack up all the profits? This is why I am self employed. Cut out the middle men and reap all the profits for yourself. I have been self employed as a cleaner, and interior designer, and now an appliance technician. Every single industry allowed me to make more money and spend way less time than working for a company. Figure it out. Do anything you can to work for yourself. Cleaning requires minimum investment and you can still charge $30+/hr. I worked for Molly Maid who charged customers $45/hr and paid me around $12/hr. Straight up theft. Working for myself allowed me to save the customer money (I charged $35-$40/hr) while also keeping all the profits for myself.


“Just start your own business” . Right. With no capital, no bank loan, no income, and no insurance. Sure we should all just start our own businesses. Because that’s what the world needs. More bosses.


Lol @ business owners pretending that they work


I'd like to start my own bakery. Anyone wanna give me a couple million to be successful?


I’m calling BS. If they work with you (aka alongside you), they get equity shares and company profit proportionately equal to the risk and capital invested. If they work for you, pay them proportionally for their work output and share profits from their overproduction.


Like many things, I don’t agree with all of it, I do agree with some of it. Partnership is important, if employees have equity then that can be a deciding factor in your expectations as their boss/employer.


I will what I am paid for. No more, no less. You want more? Buy more.


I applied for a job that I’m hoping I’m gonna get. And I know who my direct boss will be as well as a few coworkers because they’ve hired people from my college before. This place pays great, 27-30 to start based on a knowledge test for the actual job that they grade in front of you so no Bs with haggling. It’s 4 days on 4 days off so you only work half the year. Vacation days you start with 4 weeks and can earn more. Benefits are great as well. And all holidays you work you get time and a half plus an extra 4 hours of time and a half if you work it. And if you don’t you still get paid for it. On top of that because it’s 4 days on 4 days off your schedule is laid out at the start of the year so they can’t surprise you with shifts. A company set up like that. Is a company set up for those who work there. And it will make me wanna work my ass off because I know the job is good. I just hope I get it. I’ve only heard good things about this company, and I’m tired of hopping jobs that treat me like ass. So I hope they let me in. First time I’ve ever felt like this for a job. Treat your peeps right. And they will work hard. Companies need to know this by now.


Personally, I've always believed that if you want to get the absolute most out of your workers you had to give them equity, or pay dividends, or some scheme that better ties the company's profits to the earnings of the workers.


Dude is acting like it’s great wisdom and a sudden revelation; either dude has never experienced empathy before or it’s just performative ignorance…


If the CEO sells, they walk away rich, I get shit. Why would I want to care more than that?


This is one reason why having workers own stock (ie. own the means of production) is actually better. Why work harder just for my boss to make money?


This is why worker co-ops are based. No more conflict of labor and capital, workers get fully compensated for their effort and the smarter they work, the more they earn.


Well I dislike the implication that business owners work hard. Cause they don't, that's why they're owners. So they don't have to work.


I'd love to know what business someone can own where they don't work, I have yet to work for a small business where the owners didn't start earlier than the employees and work later. And if there is a business where the owner does ZERO work he is likely paying someone $60,000+ a year to manage it, as well as multiple IT people to keep systems running, atleast one accountant and another company or employee to do payroll, billing and materials ordering.


They're so dumb they're almost adorable.


That’s huge? That’s common sense.


Sounds like more fap material for the owner class.


The topic here was quiet quitting, slowly exiting a company by doing minimum work required. An employee might go above and beyond to get hired and exceed expectations the during the the honeymoon phase of their job, but slowly a shift happens. The fundamental problem here is the expectation prior to hire. The expectation is far to high for what most jobs require. Classic case of "you get what you pay for."


Money talks, and if you "quiet pay," people will "quiet quit."


“I work so hard!” so then this was recording on your day off?


Nice in theory. But most CEO’s and Presidents I’ve worked for didn’t start the company or do shit. Most are brought in and handed the keys to the kingdom after tanking the last company they lead. Case in point. Company I worked for just laid off a whole bunch of people. Half my group. During company wide meeting someone had the balls to ask the question “how has leadership taken responsibility for the plans that lead to poor performance being as how no one VP or up was laid off.” The summation of his answer was. “Well I hate disappointing myself and I feel reeeallly rreeeeeeally bad about it.” So while people had their lives turned upside down, his feelsies were hurt. Poor fella. He just needed a hug I guess.


and then when a record number of people drop out of the labor force, start their own business or go on parental leave all of a sudden "THE LABOR MARKET CRISIS IS UPON US!!!!"


Kinda sucks that its called quiet quitting when in reality all it is is just doing only the tasks you’re paid to do and nothing more


It's two business freaks stroking themselves off for doing nothing, what else is there to say?


As long as there are capitalists there will be no equity. We don’t work with them. We are their wage slaves.


They basically said a whole lot of nothing.