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It is I… I traveled far away from beyond the grid to join the others here... and congratulate you on this magnificent art


More like Gridiron, Bang flair


Did you say beyond the grid? Reminds me off this buff idea I had for Crypto!


Oh? What's this buff idea you had for him?


So basically I had an idea where crypto has a passive called "off the grid" basically it makes it so that when crypto gets scanned he doesn't get scanned and it makes it so he isn't seen when he gets scanned. That way when bloodhond and seer scan him he won't get scanned so that they can't see him cause he's "off the grid" it would be balanced cause he normally gets scanned but now he doesn't get scanned cause he's "off the grid" so it would be lore fitting and it would be a good gameplay mechanic and off the grid would be a good idea and they should add it to the game for crypto so that his new passive is called off the grid. I had this idea then everyone started talking about my idea because i came up with off the grid where crypto doesn't get scanned cause in the lore hes off the grid and since hes off the grid he cant be scanned while off the grid


💀 ☠️ 💀 ☠️


Im here to represent one of the 17 crypto mains...


Played Crypto yesterday after not playing for a while and first game logged in I played ranked (Gold 3 at the moment) and win immediately with Rev. Thought cool, let’s keep it going and play a Crypto match next. Nuke myself 3 times with the ult lol and but another win! And one more game for the night and yet another win, again with Crypto and 3 in a row. Logged off immediately after that.


Now, be a crypto main.


I just don’t feel like he’s off the grid enough for me.


I hear you.


Matchmaking is gonna have so much fun with your next 50 games :)


Hey! I’ll have you know my boys pickrate has skyrocketed this season up to 2.5%.




Still higher than I expected it would be.


Played with my first actually good crypto in the history of the game and I can say he indeed is very underrated


You’re welcome


A good crypto game is just so clinical, it feels like you're truly off the grid


We're watching... We're always watching...


Crypto is so underrated. I don't main him but he's in my top 5 for picking.


Definitely in my top 20


Definitely in my top 23


I always loved his ability to pick up player banners fairly safely. Even if most people in public lobbies don't seem to be aware of this and just run into a gunfight and die trying to get a banner in my experience.


I mean you can just craft them now


Which makes him all the more useless xD


Personal Crypto opinion incoming: * Ranked: Criminally underrated * Pubs: Why bother?


Also, shout out to Crypto in certain TDM maps. People are too focused on shooting to ever knock out the drone. It can be so helpful, especially since there are often a lot of Bangalore picks.


I start every March with "DON'T BE AFRAID TO PING ENEMIES BOYS"


Not even ranked though. You need a premade team that will work around Crypto. If you’re solo queuing then Crypto is difficult to play. There are just too many better options.


It isn't underrated. Just hard to play between this one click abilities of other legends. You actually must learn how to play with him.


"off the grid"


What’s that? I’ve never heard of this “off the grid” before


So basically I had an idea where crypto has a passive called "off the grid" basically it makes it so that when crypto gets scanned he doesn't get scanned and it makes it so he isn't seen when he gets scanned. That way when bloodhond and seer scan him he won't get scanned so that they can't see him cause he's "off the grid" it would be balanced cause he normally gets scanned but now he doesn't get scanned cause he's "off the grid" so it would be lore fitting and it would be a good gameplay mechanic and off the grid would be a good idea and they should add it to the game for crypto so that his new passive is called off the grid. I had this idea then everyone started talking about my idea because i came up with off the grid where crypto doesn't get scanned cause in the lore hes off the grid and since hes off the grid he cant be scanned while off the grid


Been a crypto user since the beginning and honestly he’s one of the ones I know how to use well. Just gotta have that team that will back you up.


Yeah I've noticed that.. If you've got a awesome team, Crypto is a monster. If not.. Yeah, it's so difficult to make him work 🥲


I have been summoned.


If his drone did not take so long to recover from being destroyed and his ult did not need the drone he would be a lot better


Park it in a weird corner and activate it any time


The best part about making crypto my only main is I don't need a backup main. I could play 10 matches right now and guarantee at least 10 wraiths or octanes as teammates.


I play valk and fall back on crypto I have seen 6 crypto’s in my team in 2600 games 💀


It's wonderful, I'll take 2


I think Crypto is very good, maybe you don't know how to use it or other things lol. Actually he is more used than Caustic, Seer, Revenant, Gibraltar,Rampart and Newcastle. And almost same usage of Vantage, Catalyst and Watson.


More useful than Caustic? Let me block these doors real quick and gas you to death while you scan me and take out just half my shield... the drone, nor wraith, can go thru doors


Can't tell if you're joking, crypto ult disables caustic traps and the drone can open doors..


If he doesn't have ult yet, what possibly could he do against me? He's just another trapped test subject...


Who used the world "useful"? Not me....


The rest of us are just staying off the grid


17? We're in the Crypto meta this season.


17?! It was 14 just 3 months ago! I must have missed the trumpets.


As one representative of the 17,5 ish crypto mains, I thank you


Crypto is so fun honestly. I got lucky getting his cool suit legendary from a package but since the drone buffs he’s become genuinely amazing.


I just started using him, I’m in love. I feel like I have a leg up every fight.


Our there is here!


He’s not even bad, but he definitely gets used incorrectly




I just picked him up, he’s actually good now this season, the scan buff really helped him I think. I love him on all maps except broken moon


" eyes up guardian"


Not good at using his abilities while simultaneously fighting. Bloodhound is my main recon


They can stay off the grid.


I see you put a typo in. Pretty sure it's 7 players.


Genuine question, how do you play Crypto without getting seen or left behind when you use your drone? I’ve tried playing him a few times but it just doesn’t feel safe to leave my body somewhere for a bit 😭


Yeah he doesn't work if your team is constantly sprinting. Try using "defend" pings to signal teammates to hold a good position for a sec? Also, good Crypto's aren't in their drone more than for a few seconds at a time to do something very specific. Also helps if you have comms and your teammates can help you loot while you use drone to scout, etc, since you have less time to loot than they do. Also helps if there is an Octane, Wraith, Path, etc who can use their ult to help you catch up, etc. You really have to have a cooperative team. Not getting seen comes down to game sense and knowing where other teams are so that you know your body is safe from a given angle. Also having your teammates helping secure the area, etc. You should be able to confirm with drone that no one is coming from a given direction too? If you're in your drone so long that you might be unsafe, you should back out for a sec, listen for feet, etc. Knowing where squads are is more difficult when you're in the middle of the map, which is part of why rotating with the ring at your back can be very helpful. The new scan beacons help with that too. Also if recovering banners, recall your drone and reposition before going for the respawn. Trying to do both in 1 flight is super risky.


Hmm maybe not the best legend to use for solo play 🥲 I main ash but I really like crypto’s abilities - I’ll see if I can get more experience with him :) thank you for your reply tho! :)


You use drone for a brief time to ping banners once in a while or when entering a new poi, use radar, or ult. Flying in drone looking for enemies is exceptionally rare, usually when there are 2-4 squads left and you need to understand where they are or to find a rat.


Great work


skidz main


I recently changed mains to vantage :(


Her binoculars are her best feature imo. No weapon ads gives you a 3x zoom. Great for scouting.


Lol the joke in the title never gets old! Except when I commented abt the 12 ppl who played Arenas....haha


crypto mains own my heart


I've been using Crypto in TDM. He's fun to use there


I can see this as a loading screen


Solo queuing Crypto is probably the worst thing you can do. Those other 2 will leave you majority of the time


Crypto Main #13, here to pay respects to the cool art! : )






Prout crypto main right here :)


"You're either prepared or you're an idiot"


Is that logo intentionally designed to look like ethereum?


If cryptos drone had a shield around it for four seconds after he tossed it out that had to recharge in order to prevent spamming a lot more people would play him. A passive would help too.


I've been thinking a stealth harder to see.mode that activates when you're out of drone for 5 seconds would help too


A stealth ability for crypto or the drone?


The drone, like a low power mode almost


There is a scary amount of crypto players in low level lobbies. Having switched consoles and moving to early lobbies I cry every time I see them. They either never leave drone or never use it


Nice. Level 447 caustic main and just picked up crypto a couple weeks ago I'm in love. I don't like getting snuck up on. Lol I also had one game the other day with 4 respawns thanks to the drone. Didn't end well though after the 2nd time I brought them back lmao... emp is easy I wish it did more damage though


I got Crypto because the collection event I think? and since I’ve been playing him with the little time I have to play and it’s been a blast so far


Played him on the switch 3 seasons ago, still play him now. He's just too damn fun




This artwork has some amazing composition and lighting!


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