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What can you do with this? Do a whois?


SSH into your other machines


Love iSH for messing around, but for SSH on an iPhone or iPad a dedicated app like Secure Shellfish seems a better option.


Termius is pretty awesome too.


I like Prompt!


Ooh I'll have to check that out as well!


There's also Blink Shell, which I use. Support for mosh is pretty good!


I love Termius but I don’t love how half the features are locked behind a monthly subscription. I’d more than happily pay a one time fee.


Agreed! I switched to Prompt for this exact reason!


No ssh app even comes close to the range of functions that openssh has and the flexibility that the ssh config file provides.


I’ve got this, It’s incredibly useful, no analytics, it doesn’t gather anything on your unlike the other, crappier terminal apps on the AppStore, it just runs a Linux shell, that’s it.


And the connection is not closed when the app is in the background! WebSSH and Termius can’t do that trick.


Termius can by loopholing location services.


Thank you! The ‘use location services’ description in the settings did not explain this clearly, possibly due to app store guidelines.


Termius added background support to the free tier some time ago. I regularly start my routine upgrade script, browse Reddit for a couple minutes, and come back to look over the script output for any error logs then leave the session. To notify of background activity Termius does the standard "blue highlight" around the clock in the top left (iPhone XS).


How do you do this? I tried typing “ssh” and it said ssh wasn’t found. So I thought maybe I needed to install OpenSSH. I tried doing “apk add openssh” and it said apk isn’t found.


Follow [THESE](https://old.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/jg5zb8/ish_an_emulated_x86_linux_shell_is_now_on_the_app/g9p8cyl/) steps to get apk working.


What for?


I usually ssh into servers to check up on status of different. Means I don’t have to get out of bed or I can quickly check if something goes wrong from the gym


So far I was able to install python and run some of my projects. It worked pretty decently too.


I used it on my iPad last year to compile and run C code for one of my classes.


I've been using it to run little python scripts. You can access directories from other apps so I'm using it in combination with working copy and IA writer.


Full zsh/vim env for Go, Docker, Python development.


You can install the APK package manager too. wget -qO- http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.12/main/x86/apk-tools-static-2.10.5-r1.apk | tar -xz sbin/apk.static && ./sbin/apk.static add apk-tools && rm sbin/apk.static




Yeah, it’s funny that the post says it started “a few months ago”.




Yes, I know ;) The post is misguided.


Noob here that doesn’t have a ton of experience with Linux. What can I do with this? Is this more for server management, developer tools, etc, or are there simple functional commands that I can use to execute tasks that might compare to some of the easy things that can be done with a jailbreak?


You can do all of those things.


But very slowly and while ruining your battery. iSH is cool but because of iOS limitations it's doomed to emulation and it makes it pretty useless as anything else than a toy imo It's a very very cool toy though


iSH came about at just the right time, I think. Any earlier and it would be totally unusable because Apple’s hardware just wouldn’t be able to keep up: it would be outrageously slow rather than just “somewhat slow” and it would blow through your battery in a few hours. But on today’s hardware it’s just reached the point where you can use it to do useful things and it doesn’t kill battery life too much if you’re just SSHing around and editing some files, maybe running a script on them, or if you have one command that you run for a few minutes every so often.


Where might I find a list of commands and their functions?


It’s a reasonably complete substrate for Linux and it ships Alpine Linux with all the packages removed. Alpine Linux ships with BusyBox, which is a set of basic tools: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BusyBox. You can press ⇥ ⇥ to see all the commands, and since they’re standard Linux ones you can find documentation on how to use them online by searching for “command name man page”. Since iSH is an interpreter, it can run Linux programs that the app doesn’t ship with: most people add a package manager and from there you can easily install many more programs easily. If you’re feeling up to it, you can write your own programs.


what type of programs


I can’t believe no one has mentioned using YouTube-dl with this. It’s great.


Huh, Apple used to prohibit apps that let users run custom programs/scripts in them, for fear people would be coerced into running dangerous code on their phones. I wonder when they changed that. I know they still don't allow running unsigned binary code, but it seems emulation and interpreters are fair game now. Odd.


I bet it runs in a containerized environment, so there’s no chance of using it to compromise the rest of the phone. You can almost think of it like any other app, or game even, in that a developer can’t make an app with xcode with enough privilege to access the whole system, because xcode doesn’t give them those tools.


iSH will 100% be removed from the appstore, the guidelines are pretty clear that your app is not allowed to run code without it being text source code, displayed to the user AND run explicitly.


Just FWIW, iSH has gotten updates through review already and those concerns had specific actions taken to get the app aligned with the rules. That isn’t to say that it won’t get removed, but it seems to be at some sort of equilibrium for now.


What does it use location for?


Is it possible to install a visual shell like ubuntu and run VS Code?




No, but it ships with `vim`!




As someone just breaking into linux, what is the difference between vim and vi?


vim is a sort of extended vi; the latter of which is standardized in POSIX. vim is pretty much backwards compatibility so on many systems (like macOS) vi is just vim. On Alpine it’s just vi because BusyBox is meant to be simple and implements the basics.


Ubuntu doesn’t really work, Visual Studio Code really doesn’t. However, simple X applications do.


No but you could try installing something like Code Server and accessing it from Safari locally.


This unfortunately doesn’t work well


blink is better


Perhaps in some aspects, but not in the “Linux shell on your iPhone” one.


\`is there any way to run this on ios 9.3.5.I tried sideloading it but it needs ios 11