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Pond snail. Also, no.


Do they harm fishes?


A: carry disease B: 5 trillion baby snails in your tank


They don’t harm fish outside of creating a lot of waste. They can reproduce super easily and really early in their life span. Every single person here has dealt with pond snails. I want to make something very very clear: they won’t kill your fish…but if you introduce them, you will never be able to get rid of them short of getting a pufferfish. They are tiny, eat everything, pollute the tank with waste, breed like crazy, and are very hard to get rid of once they hitch a ride in. If you want my two cents, toss that cup in the garbage and make sure your tank doesn’t have any Edit: I want to add that those two snails you posted are adults. Do not, under any circumstances, put them in your tank


Yep. Got rid of them.


If you quarantine then, treat for parasites. And don't mind eventually being infested with them then they are safe. Pond snails usually reproduce asexually. Meaning 1 = 1000+ after 10 weeks


I don't mind them. But I also have puffers so they get controlled


Damn 🙂


Put them in their own little tank and watch them reproduce. Then you can put a clown loach in their tank and watch them get destroyed.


Evil. Me likey. 😈


if you want 5 million snails by next month absolutely. but I wouldn't recommend.


It’s pond snails and I wouldn’t add them to a house tank, I have some in my pond aquarium and they did great with the little craw fish but I wouldn’t recommend putting them in a tank with fish