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I think its because u skip the bs in most cases


A lot of guys that are younger than me (significantly) swipe or approach me. The common answer I’ve gotten is “older women know what they want and there’s no games.” Fair enough.


It’s the same all around. Younger girls choosing older men for stability, maturity, whatever it is. Some young people don’t want to play the games that other young people deal with or enjoy. They want to settle down, not have party snd have fun. Or at the very least don’t want the drama and immature bullshit. The problem is some of those older than them are just chillin and down for a good time, and some of them are toxic and have been shunned by peers their own age for it. And the young ones don’t yet know how to tell the difference.


I was surprised at all the attention I got from younger men when I hit my 40s. I asked them why they like older women. I was told- 1) they aren't immature and don't play games. 2) they aren't shy about what they want 3) they aren't starting out, they're established in life 4) this is the most common one- "I just like older women". So it's a type. For the record, I never bought or paid for anything when I dated younger men, so not all of them are looking for a sugar mama. I'm 56 now and can't imagine being with someone so young anymore.


50 now is not what 50 was 30 years ago. These days, there are 50 year old women out there more active and better looking than some women in their 20's


Exactly this. I'm turning 60 this year and two years ago had my 40th high school reunion. I was shocked at how good some of the ladies I went to high school with looked 40 years later. When I was 18 (1982), I had a shitty job working in a supermarket and remembered the 40 and 50 something women coming in after work and they looked like they were ready for a shawl and a rocking chair and knitting needles. Better information on nutrition and exercise has changed the game.


Also haircuts and fashion. You will not catch a gen x woman with a granny perm.


Plus smoking and what people did for a living. You don't get skin like shoe leather if you're not out in the sun (or make a point of putting on sunscreen).


And sadly a lot of these 20 or 30 yr old women are getting plastic surgery which makes them resemble a woman who is aging and trying to disguise it with surgery. Strange days these are.


Exactly. What is the deal with these 20-yr old women getting lip filler so they look like a blow-up sex doll?


The past couple of years I've learned that it's really hard to draw eyebrows. It must be. I've never seen anyone succeed.


Yes! 🤣🤣🤣 I always walk by the ads in the eyebrow makeup section in the CVS and think, “Her brows look great! Why can’t I ever get mine to look like that?” I think I’ve used eyebrow pencil a total of 20 times in my life and that’s pushing it. I never could get out to look natural. I’m in my 50s btw


Use gel lol


>Exactly. What is the deal with these 20-yr old women getting lip filler so they look like a blow-up sex doll? The Kardashian/Jenner/Social Media/OnlyFans society.




I blame it on the general raunch society. Women feel like they have to look... and ACT like blowup sex dolls to get male attention. And it does work. Because unfortunately a lot of men want a blow up sex doll they can just use. Porn-brain and raunch culture.


I believe Kim k had a big influence on that but I could be wrong


Worked with a gorgeous, cool girl. She didn’t like her nose and got a nose job and lip filler. She now looks twice her age. She was 25 when she had the surgeries.


This!! 23 year old chicks are getting massive Implants of over botoxing to he point where it looks like they put someone mask on. Natural boobs natural face. What men want.


Yeah enough plastic being pumped into their bodies you could recycle them into LEGO bricks.


Lego has high quality standards for their plastic


Fair point, what was/is the knock-off version of Lego?


Exactly! This pisses me off . Cause other than burn victims or a scenario like that I have never seen someone looking better from plastic surgery. And also beautiful females who probably are so insecure that they think they need to do that. And that’s how they end up with all the same doll like face without emotion. Crazy to do that to yourself , especially when you are young and healthy.


Good plastic surgery is hard to spot, that’s what I’ve heard surgeons say. You’re not supposed to be able to tell, they say that “beauty is in the millimeters”. Rich people or those looking for fame want the noticeable surgery though, so they end up looking cartoonish




This is the answer. I’m not sure if you saw a teaser about a remake of the golden girls, it had Tina fey, maya rudolph, Lisa kudrow, and Amy Pohler reprising the rolls. The image and look of those woman seem way younger than the original cast but the age difference for most was less than 5 years. So the main difference to me is a 50 year old woman looks so much better now than back then. I’m not sure if it is because of the products they use today or what but something is keeping us looking younger now more than ever.


Sunscreen, botox, and healthier lifestyles




Better living through chemistry


A more informed diet, stronger sunscreen, active lifestyle and not smoking cigarettes


What really changed is there is internet now - guys were always horny but writing a message is way easier than real life approaching


It’s always been a thing


"Plastics" (someone will remember that quote)


the guy talking about good investments in The Graduate


I do if it needs validation


Older women are more likely to be open to a sexual relationship without the same expectations and requirements of younger women. A woman in her 50s most likely isn’t trying to start a family. They probably have adult children and exes and are happy with light dating and sex. They’re also much more comfortable in their bodies than younger women and aren’t afraid to tell a younger man what they want. It’s sexy and not something younger women do very well. I absolutely loved hooking up with older women when I was in my 20s and 30s.


I'll also add that older women are generally more well put together and know what they want. And to me, that's sexy asf.


Plus, they're more likely to have their own place. Be financially stable etc. Where as millennials are the first generation to make less than their parents. Most single adults live with a roommate. In the case of men, they're just gonna be expected to provide everything all the time, but sometimes you go on a date with an older woman and she like, pays and shit. I dated this veterinarian for a couple dates when I was in my mid 20s. She was in her mid 30s and I always offered to pay, but she always did it. Knowing that I was some broke as 25 year old who literally lived in the same house as one of her vet techs who made less than $20 an hour (pure coincidence, we matched online and then I later found out she was my roommates boss because her boss showed her a pic of the guy she was going on a date with)




Can only confirm. My gf never got to have kids and i as a male still have time. In the meantime we enjoy the limited time together with Double Income, No Kids, no worries about future plans. Literally worryfree, we support each other. She's a woman i can trust in. Can't say that about some female friends of mine in their 20s.


"Female" is irrelevant here. People at their 20s are less experienced, less communicative and less trustworthy than when they actually grow up.


Female is actually relevant, since i experience those as the only ones that aren't emotionally as ready as other friends are.


So only your male friends are emotionally ready for a relationship? I’m confused. What are you saying?


Plus they have more money and are willing to spend it.


Nailed it.


When you were younger, men were interested in older women you just didn't find out about it.


 *”I know it’s just for a hookup but when I was young guys were not into older women.”* Yeah I found this statement to be wild. OP’s from the “Stacy’s Mom” generation. The Mrs. Robinson generation. Even when I was young Stiffler’s mom was a big thing. Young men have always wanted to be with MILFs.


I definitely believe men didn't *tell* her they were interested in older women when she was younger. And she, it turns out, finds young men to be absolutely trustworthy.


This is the answer OP didn’t know she was looking for


Always been this way, apps just make it more visible. You crazy if you think men back in the day wouldn’t fuck a hot 50 year old. Sex is sex. If she’s hot, she’s hot. I’d happily bang Jennifer Aniston or Elizabeth Hurley. I don’t care about the fame or the money or their age.


I just feel a lot more 50 year olds look like those two you mentioned nowadays than 20-30 years ago. I’m 41 now. I thought I’d be fat and ugly by now, there was no way to avoid it. Well, I’m not. (No I am NOT looking for DMs of any kind!)


This. 10 - 20% of men will sleep with anything that moves. She never noticed the guys into older women in the past because she wasn't an older woman back then.


Nothing new, you're just noticing it now because you're now at that age.


I'm 49 and same! I blame Stifler's mom in American Pie. Honestly, I am not complaining that a 39 year old thinks I am the ideal MILF. Going to ride those waves as long as I can.


Y’all fine like aged wine


The bottle was dusty, but the liquor was clean.


Dang I never knew what was meant by that...


Meanwhile I have aged like dried milk.




You didn’t need to add- those waves. Going to ride would have sufficed


Slap the thighs and ride the wave in.


This was a thing going back to Ms. Robinson


Same, I’m 40 and been dating people in their 20s. Also women peak sexually at so older age 35-45 and men younger so it makes sense


Blaming them doesn't make any sense this reference is too old for a 20-year-old to know it.


“When I was young guys were not into older women” - says someone young… We were always into older women, just like there were always homosexuals. But the age did not allow for “such things” to be normalized. As a young guy myself I prefer older women for two main reasons. 1) they know what they want let it be in life, relationship or sex, will not play any games with me. 2) more experience, awesome sex, better communication. Also younger girls look like kids to me.




I met once a 20 years old, decent girl... I said once...


are they any worse than a 20 year old boy?


I’m in my 20’s the boys are just the same as us I promise.


I'm not the one that needs to hear this. It's these neckbeard pussies over here.


Lol this is THE answer. Hands down. Not only how they talk, but their priorities, too. Lard Jaysus. Plus I’m ignoring the fact that even many women 30+ scoff at the behavior of women in their 20s WHILE also acknowledging that they were the same way once in their lives. Back in my early 20s, I remember counting the days until many of my woman friends and peers would grow out of the fantasy world they live in and just be normal like the rest of us.


It's more so guys are desperate.


There is a very old saying in Bavaria: "You best learn on old bicycles to drive".


Your sucks syntax, okay but!


Yeah. Thats totally right. One should not type on mobile while being in a meeting.


Also a fan favorite: "You learn to cook on old pans"


Or the Farmers version: Old tractors teach how to plow a straight line.


I also know the version: Seasoned horses teach you how to ride


LOL isn’t that all of Germany though (I’m German)


They have their shit together. No drama no bullshit actually want to make a decent life of themselves and usually won’t lead you astray 


Because middle age women are beautiful?


Milf/cougar/mommy/step mom trends


Because 20 years ago men never would be interested in an attractive older women right ?


There’s an older country song (Garth Brooks, I think) that talks about him being a young man and being seduced by the older woman he was working for. That song came out in the 90s I believe.


Yes, and it's awesome! "That Summer" by Garth Brooks.


I wasn’t a fan of much of his music after the first album, but there were a few songs I liked a lot. This song is at the top of that list. A lot of my friends worked the wheat harvest, for at least one summer.


“And here’s to you, Mrs Robinson” -Simon & Garfunkel, 1968


I’m here for it


Younger ones are glued to instagram and tiktok. Such a turn off.


Milf the best.


People in general don't age as fast or as badly as they used to and many women between 40 and 55 look like film stars compared to the way mature women looked 30 years ago. Diet, exercise, sunscreen and not smoking have made a big difference. Also guys might like to spend time with someone who isn't vapidly staring at her phone 80% if the time.




Very true… they don’t know what they want most of the time, which is kind of a turn off.


And many still buy into all the toxic idea of lack of communication, expecting mind readers due to internalized misogyny disguised as “how a real man should anticipate their wants and needs”


44 now. I DON’T miss my 20’s when it came to women. I was a prick back then, but women were barely tolerable to talk to. Even then I was far more likely to converse with older women because they had flushed some of the stupid/crazy/woo-girl out of their system.


I am really curious, why are women in their 20s insufferable? I believe what you say as everyone else seems to agree, but I am curious about why? Do you have any examples and comparisons between a woman in her 20s and a woman in her 40s, where do they differ? Do they really act that different, I get that older people are wiser, that is just natural consequence of having lived longer, but apart from wisdom, what do they have that women in their 20s dont. I am in my 20s and I feel really old so stumbling across these opinions is really interesting, and I am curious of why I would be insufferable to date. Not offended just curious


Because both men and women are insufferable before full Brain development but women get handed endless attention and validation for vapid behaviour where men aren’t. Leads to the perfect storm of entitlement, vapidness and lack of life experience creating a high school caricature of a personality. Men in their 20s end up stupid in other ways 25-30 is when women tend to mature in this regard and start basing their personality on things besides crowdsourced opinions and public image


As a 26 year old guy, my life has been one where I know what I want, i do not like to play games or waste time, I place expectations on the table from the get go. There are women in their 20's that do this, my current girlfriend is the same way in that aspect but before dating her most women my age just seemed like they were just existing not living, not taking care of themselves, lack or responsibility, no goals or ambitions, shallow conversations, etc. While most women who are older like straightforwardness and generally are great at conversations which to me is miles more attractive.


Yep. Most early 20s women have what I call a “dream” instead of a “plan” They want and end goal lovely life but just expect the world to show up with it or a person to come along granting access to it. When those dreams they call plans start to look impossible, reality sets in and dating gets more normal


Middle aged women don't play games. They speak their mind and it's honestly refreshing 


Younger guys have always been into older women.   At age 18 I would look at women up to mid 50s as attractive.   This is pretty common. 


Older women are direct and know what they want. It’s very attractive. There’s practically no “games” and it’s refreshing for men


Experienced women are a big turn on, they know what to do and how to do it.


I actually married my cougar lol! Best girl I ever had!


Men like women in general and dating apps are pretty rough for 70% of men so they're probably open to all


Don't know but a well maintained woman is attractive regardless of the additional years. Age won't deter a man.


"Stacy's Mom"


I dont get why men get flak for choosing older women when younger women go for older men all the time. Society accepts that yet flip it and it’s viewed as weird. Just like some young women prefer older men for their maturity and stability in life some men like that aswell. Im 27 currently dating a 45 year old, im mature for my age and can have an intellectual conversation. I told her countless times my age she refuses to acknowledge it because it feels wrong so she just tells herself im lying to her 🤣 Its easy to talk to her and she’s confident within herself, theres no second guessing her attraction towards me and she allows me to be a gentleman which alot of 20’s girls just don’t appreciate.


A lot of middle-aged men really relish the idea of women being miserable and seem like they want to make sure their confidence is at zero after 30. Hence, all the "he's just using you, he just wants money, you're leftovers, your all he can get. Older women are easier" comments. They don't want to sleep with women their own age but, for some reason, are very mad when younger men sleep with them. I've tried to make sense of it but idk.


Enjoy it!! When I was dating men I would date younger men because they’re more respectful and aren’t gross like older men are. They haven’t been stuck in their misogyny for as long and are very much into pleasing. Plus they can get it up and keep it up all the way to the tip. It’s hot being able to get a guy hard with just a look or a touch. Older men are very.. annoying. They are often porn sick and need to be worked at to get hard with all sorts of acrobatics. Not here for it. If I’m gonna have sex I want good sex for me not just for him.


They don't play games.


Honestly it's not always just for hookups, granted a lot are but there are a couple of them looking for something serious, kinda just like with the men(and some women)of any age bracket on those apps. Also this is a repost lol.


Honestly, if a woman in her 50s is secure in what she’s looking for and has taken reasonably good care of her body, why wouldn’t a younger guy be attracted to her? She’s not going to pressure him to have kids, get married, etc and they can actually enjoy time together without there being this constant underlying current of societal expectations of what it means to be in a relationship. When I was a younger man, I definitely spent some time with older women, and if I’m being honest with myself it’s probably a big part of why I’ve been successful in relationships: I learned a lot from them, not just sexually but in general; they communicated more clearly and more consistently.


Straight up, we like the fact that you know what you want, don't mess us around, and that you aren't afraid to treat us like men. I have spoken to two women over 40, and they were both absolutely wonderful to me and everything I, as a man, would want as a partner. Caring, understanding, recognising when I need "me time" or space without taking it personally, knowing how to please without making me feel guilty for it. It was great. Older women (not that 40s is old, but it's a different generation for sure) simply have the experience and wisdom to know what's important for men, and we appreciate that. Young women today don't have a clue and make the entire ordeal all about them, and whenever I engage with them I feel like I'm walking on eggshells throughout the entire conversation and it's fucking tiresome. They never simply allow things to flow. It's always an interrogation seemingly in search of 'red flags', and a lot of younger men can't be bothered with it anymore. Dating is supposed to be fun, not a pressure driven contest where you are constantly made to feel lacking when you inevitably don't meet some stupid criteria of theirs and end up getting ghosted. Nope. Older women rock. We appreciate you.


Because women in their 20’s are mostly insufferable


Experienced, less bs, already have their shit together hopefully


Tik tok brain rotted young women.


Idk, because women don't just suddenly stop being attractive once a certain birthday passes? Attractiveness isn't something hooked to a switch, to be turned off. Try being a guy. Hell, I get the feeling that a 40th birthday gift should have been a cyanide pill, and a card that said "Congratulations on becoming creepy! You are now expected to give up on life because nobody wants you, please don't talk to anyone."


It's been getting awkward. I'm only 36 but I have a lot of friends in their mid to late 40s since my sisters are 7 and 9yrs older than I. Needless to say a lot of their sons have been trying to test the waters and make moves on me. I'm like get your 19yr old butt outta here!


As a woman I've noticed when I was a teen, it was older men that wanted me. Now I'm in my 30's and younger men want me. I think old men want the young and dumb girl with a young body for power and to mold. While young men want the experienced woman to teach them and of course MILF porn being so popular with younger men born into the free porn generation.


I know I'm dating myself, but have you never seen The Graduate? It's a scenario that's as old as time.


Adding to the points on aesthetics, older women tend to be much more mature and emotionally ripe than younger women these days.


I'm guessing it's because they don't expect to be the center of your universe 110% of the time.


I’m 44. The last guy I dated was 29. The sex was hot, we got along really well and it just vibed well. Not going to lie too, it’s an ego boost to be told how great I look for a woman in her 40s. I know that will eventually go away so I am enjoying it now. I’ve taken great care of myself and I guess it’s paying off 🤷🏻‍♀️


1. More older single women 2. Casual sex. They don’t want a relationship with a younger man usually, but they sure will fuck em. 3. To say that they’ve done it. That’s enough for most men.


I'm a 48 year old male who was always more attracted to older women. I also always had older women into me. Younger women don't even look my way yet my 45 year old brother dates 20 year olds.


My ex wife cheated with 24yo when she was 48. Kids were 18 and 21


They are nicer and friendlier to men than younger women are


Honestly, it’s not only because older women know what they want, they also know what MEN want. They’ve got the experience to know what men like, and end up being more fun to hang around with cause they’ll hype you up. Older women also tend to compliment men more. Most of my memorable compliments are from older women.


News flash: guys want to shag anything


Older women are usually mature enough not to play games. They have their life together and don't want/can't have more children. A bonus they're more sexually experienced and more interested in sex than younger women. Men just won't put up with the bullshit from younger women anymore.


Less drama.....are more interesting to talk to, know what they like, and know what they want. and they look good. women are in thier prime longer now days so alot of women in their 40s (and some in their 50s) are still attractive.


This is a blatant repost.


I think a lot of these comments got it wrong focusing on physical attributes saying a lot of older women look better than younger women nowadays, or atleast look better than 50 year olds did 30 years ago. This second part is true, but in my opinion, as a 28 year old who hooks up/dates with women in their mid 40s to mid 50s, it's their mindset. *most* modern American women in their 20s have extreme views and are highly delusional when it comes to what they offer compared to what men offer, and they don't truly understand what men want. Older women do. They've been around men longer, and have less liberal views than most of these younger women. For me it's 100% their views/mindset.


Ngl from what i've seen a lot of guys are interested in being taken care of as well.


The answer is either complex or simple. Understanding individual motivation is hard.


I'm also Gen X (mid 40s) & it's nothing new. You probably just weren't tuned into it when you were younger, because well...you were younger then. While I didn't pursue anyone in their 50s when I was in my 20s, I dated or hooked up with some women who had a decade or two older than me when I was in my late teens and early 20s. I was also stationed in Hawaii with the Marines in the late 90s, and it wasn't uncommon for other early twentysomething jarheads I knew to be hooking up with thirty or fortysomething divorced women (or attached, which I know is messed up but young Marines don't often make smart choices) who were on vacation.


The young man/older woman was already a bit of a trope in 1970s/80s pop culture. Mrs Robinson etc. Dudes just didn't have apps to hit on hot older women.


Younger men are generally less confident and less social than they have been in years past and older woman tend to be easier to flirt with and attract. This isn’t the case always but something I’ve noticed.


Younger women these days often have a multitude of issues. Older women can, too, but it's less frequent. The (perceived) maturity is attractive.


cuz younger women are too immature lol


“These days?” Wasn’t Mrs Robinson from the 60s?


Check out the book The Reader (German: Der Vorleser) is a novel by German law professor and judge Bernhard Schlink. There’s always been Milfs


Nothing has changed. The younger man/older woman phenomenon has been written about for centuries, and probably has existed as long as humans have. Look up Ben Franklin's musings on the matter. In my experience, he's not far off. I've always liked older women but after turning 30, my taste for younger women had waned but my taste for older women has maybe grown stronger. It's a boon since I'm approaching the "older guy" stage of life, pursuing "older women" has become age appropriate dating.


Having your age preference age with you is an understated blessing for men. Some guys who are single in their 40s are miserable because they don't find women their own age attractive and either have to compete with much younger men or settle for someone they're not attracted to. A struggle I do not envy from what I've seen of it.


fun without becoming a father, getting rid of the younger generation. have a partner that's not into partying. I'm 38 now though.


Because young girls can be fucking annoying, I do t get why older guys are into young girls




can tell a little from my own (m) expirience: i like that older women exactly know what they want. they allready have a place in this world, a job, a house(sometimes), they are independent by their own. they do not reley on you in any case. this feeling alone is worth it.


Because young women want nothing to do with them and prefer older men.


Why do women go for older guys?




You know what you're doing, you're experienced and that count alot!


I'm actually into women your age for serious connections. I find them attractive and I'm actually sick of and turned off by behaviors younger women do. It's immature and gross. The thing is I can attract women of all ages because I'm probably the best dressed person you'll ever meet. Older women melt when they see me. I can see the lustful look they be giving me even with their husband right next to them. Do with that what you will.


They hope the older women are still a bit normal in their demands, because the young ones are slightly full of them selves. Slightly.


Cuz mature women don’t have time for bs and games. They know what they want


Have you seen the average younger woman these days? The majority of them couldn't run a mile if their life depended on it. They also have unrealistic dating standards.


Hmm why do guys want a woman that's mature, independent, tells what she wants and doesn't play any stupid games.. I guess we'll never know..


It’s not just these days, I was interested in middle aged women at that age too. Now that I’m middle aged, I’m still interested in them..


Young women are a big PITA. No idea what they want. Their interests change by the hour. No consistency. Not interesting. They’ll move right along and ghost you with no warning. It’s very tiresome. Older women seem to be over the bullshit and just appreciate someone who’s a decent person and puts in effort.


Because Gen Z women are looking like 50 year-olds, while 50-year-old women are looking like they're 25.


20yo women think their pussy and "bad-bitch" personality makes them worthy of a handsome successful and wealthy hung tall fit man


That's definitely an interesting shift! It's cool to see how dating dynamics are evolving and how people are finding connections across different age groups.


I'm 38 and I've always been attracted to older women. Think of sex like a video game and the men who are 50 but prowl for 20 year olds are playing on easy. We can all agree those people suck but men in their 30s who hook up with older women are seeking to boost their confidence and their partner's. I "dated" a woman that was 10 years older than me in my 20s and she talked about how good it made her feel to have a younger guy be so attracted to her. It made her feel young and desirable again (her words, not mine) and the perceived challenge of being with a more experienced woman made me feel great too. My current partner is my age but she gets early 20s guys with mommy issues messaging her all the time so there's that too.


These days?


Seems hard for people to answer this question without misogynistic insults about young women. Seems a lot of the men answering here just absolutely despise young women. HUMANS in their twenties have very young adult human issues.


In my country, there are two sayings: You don't give a new bike to a kid to learn how to drive one The older the chicken, the better the soup. There's a modern interpretation of both that says: young guys can, older ladies know how to, so it is a match made in heaven


Younger women are fake, not interesting at all, have unrealistic expectations, and dont bring anything to the table. Older women are experienced, down to earth, know what they want, wont make you wait ages for a lackluster time, and are generally more respectful of your time.


Girls their own age for most part are arrogant. Think they're owed something. Guys want mature . Ladies . Where you can have a normal conversation


Porn for many. I've (F48) also met men in their early 30's who like older women as we tend to be a bit less demanding and have had some life experience. That said, I think "a bit less demanding" appeals to the avoidant types so you can find yourself dating a man who doesn't want you to ask anything of him, other than sexually 😉


I (41F) was on a dating app for a month. Almost all requests came from guys between 20-30. Even if I tell them I am divorced with 3 kids they are still not scared off. They told me older woman are mature, know what they want and 20 years old girls are too young to keep a conversation going.


Yes, they WERE doing this when you were youger, too..they just didn't tell YOU. Older women have always ALWAYS been a thing. But you don't realize how COMMON it is until you get to BE an older woman. Men want to fuck ALL AGES, basically. Lol.


How many of you in this thread are actually old enough to understand the comparison the OP made? I’m 44. Two of my most indelible experiences were in my early 20s with women in their mid 40s. It honestly wasn’t the sex, it was the lack of b/s. There was something so attractive about these women knowing what they wanted, being aware of the world, but still having a vitality and making an effort for me. They didn’t treat their own sexual desire like some commodity to try and extract something out of me with. As a result, our relationships were much more intimate and connected. Women ironically get in to trouble because guys sniff out b/s better than we’re given credit for. Eddie Murphy had a great bit on this on his RAW special…[women that want sex but play games deserve to get played](https://youtu.be/WGGBhnNvMQc?si=xsT51oL4QUfeikv4)


I’m happily married, but God forbid I found myself having to date again, I’d probably want a woman who’s older. It’s not a sexual thing, it’s a maturity thing.


Harder to accidently knock up


The expectations on young women are ridiculous.  Build a career, start a family, look hot, be interesting, the whole speech from the Barbie movie, and on and on. Most of them do not fully understand this yet and are balls of anxiety. Older women are often probably more fun to date because they have realized the presence society places on women is BS.  


I don’t have time or patience for any more delusional millenials and their Bachelorette contestant auditions and absurd expectations. Lol the downvoters are triggered because I nailed exactly who they are.


Cause younger women are spoiled, needy, entitled and have unrealistic expectations


Because they are done swiping through everyone in their age group without getting laid and you are whats left.




Do you imagine women who have raised a family and had a husband LTR etc, has a job, friends and a life are hanging on for some young guy who see's them as an easy lay? You have no clue.


Maybe we see them the same way. Checkmate!




I dunno, maybe a lot of the 20-30 year old women are dating older men as well?


Chicks their age are probably more interested in older guys Young dudes have this notion that older gals are at their sexual peak, so they think you'll be insatiable.... at a guess You've got it right though, guys are still very much, into younger women. Maybe just not always exclusively


I dunno, but I am not complaining.


I can see the spirit of Benjamin Franklin lives well in these young folks. God speed lads.


I'm Italian and we have a proverb that goes like "old chicken makes good broth"


Stacey's mom, baby!


I was 30 years ago. Nothing new.


Here are a few honest questions: Are younger men are confused by all the gender messaging and are looking for an older women to guide them? Are traditional gender roles more satisfying? Are young woman so demanding that young men are looking for older women because young ones won't take them? 


It's always been this way. Men didn't talk to you about it.


This isn’t a recent trend, shits been going on since antiquity.


"Nowadays" This has been a thing for a while. There's a whole category on many sites for such a thing.


Because women in their 20's are complete morons for the most part. Or worse they are fucking psychos from social media.