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The marketing sector is always a hard one. It's often seen as a cost centre in Singapore. Perhaps what you can do is try to tide yourself first. Take a job, any job and do that first while tryna find for a marketing one. At least have some cashflow and more importantly,get out of a rut. Getting rejected feels less tiresome if you have something to do the next morning. Do freelance stuff for marketing as well. Design or something. You'd be surprised at the number of SMEs that are willing to pay for basic designs or templates which you can try leverage to a full time job some time in future. As for E-commerce, a little more of a long shot. But why not try do it on your own? You know, buy and sell locally? Sure, you may not make much BUT it gets you out of a rut. Good luck my friend.


Able to advise more about the freelancing?


Same ah, some more I always see the same job opening even after a couple of months. Can’t be they can’t find any candidate when so many ppl are applying.


I agree... we might be applying for positions that are no longer available. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


they may just be cutting costs and not finding replacements for the people that left, my company is doing the same


Yep or they just tell bosses no suitable candidate and internal promote to fill the roles.


Or turnover is very high. I see that in other depts. They come in, no training, no induction, just hello please hit KPI even though we in the red since last year. Usually is manager positions. Fresh grad even worse, sorry no time to teach, figure out yourself.


It’s horrible for everyone involved. Just fyi, because companies can’t do layoffs in Europe or Australia due to labour laws, they are doing it in Asia/Singapore. Just try to get through this period.


Happened in my coy too. Can’t remove the emea roles so remove apac roles. Also heard corporate planned to shift some of Germany roles to Poland but couldn’t carry it out. But Singapore roles can easily shift to Malaysia lol


That’s what you get for having no protections. If you don’t have it the hammer falls on you when it would have been the other guy.


and that’s why this country is run by the hammer as well 🥹


Why don't you temporarily consider doing other industries while applying for suitable positions in your sought after industry Get a job first to cope with your commitments, responsibilities and to pay your bills. Being jobless for months means that money is going out but not coming in. It also means that your responsibilities and commitments will not take a "holiday" while you are jobless.


Yet I heard that local banks are hiring or moving jobs to other countries like India despite the escalating cost of hiring there.. I hope more opportunities and jobs are given to our local graduates who had just graduated and still looking for jobs.


Hope you are doing some part time jobs... The market is crazy bad now.


Tons of demand in marketing at the moment, it even took us time to fill some roles as interviewees had multiple options. The problem is the applicants, or rather the amount of applicants to sift through, if I post something on LinkedIn now with easy apply turned on I’ll have 100 applicants from India before I can close my tab.


could help to review ur cv if u want


You might want to consider temp or contract job. Some companies don’t recognise internships…


Covid times were actually easier to find job with all the support programs funded by govt. Now these programs require you to pay full tuition. Hang in there.


The problem with digital marketing and e-commerce is that you don't need to be in the office, it's easy to get a remote candidate from another country. If you can't find one locally, then try the USA, EU etc and work remotely.


Honestly, 100 is rookie numbers. Keep going jiayou. Tip: if you find job on recruiter site or job site, try going to the company site to see if the same job is posted.


Virgin Active hiring marketing executive, if it sounds interesting?


must be virgin to apply?


Will need more information. How old r u? How many years of experience do you have? What field of study is your private uni in?


Im in my mid 20s, and I only have 2 internship experiences & 1 recent contract role. My field is in business, took marketing as my major.


Expore starting a career with grab, tada first, keep on sending resume.


Hey super random but idk if based on your username you’re a musician by any chance, but I have an acquaintance in the music industry that has a marketing position open


hi! Oh no, my username is in random ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile). Thanks tho!


You may not be a musician, but it's still a marketing position


Dear OP, sorry that you are going through this. One common misconception is that more job applications = more job offers. I know you just needed to vent, but you need a dramatically different strategy: 1) do you have a solid LinkedIn profile? 2) does your resume reek with potential and positivity even if you have not achieved enough 3) instead of applying for jobs, have you sent out a 100 LinkedIn connection request with a sincere message to connect over coffee? 4) do you have polished small talk and interviewing skills that makes you sound credible? Most jobs are never posted online - you have to discover them via the back door. Going by the back door actively (connect over coffee and network) is far easier than going by the front door passively (I.e apply online and hope HR screens your resume and puts in in the candidate pile for interview).


Get nursing diploma sure can get job


are you interested in gov jobs like ICA, SPF.. etc? I heard they are recruiting.


I will take a look in a while, thanks!


OP holds private degree


OP also holds local dip cert.. can ler


Hang in there my guy. If it makes you feel any better, I’ve got a PhD, and am still receiving rejections as we speak. I’ll probably have to dip into the savings well and take a “holiday” for a bit.


Which job portals are the most effective? my personal experience suggests that Jobstreet is the most effective


Just take a different role to do first. With degree you can get an office admin/exercutive job quite easily. After that slowly apply for your interested career and make your way up. Dont left yourself hanging there for so long, unless you got other allowance/ income channel and you are not very worried about getting a FT job


>Dont left yourself *leave


Can try recruitment agency. Or if you want study those skillfuture. July they start class, Dec end. Got employer assistance also.


If you happen to be in IT, I can try and help you to get to Japan and work there for a little bit


What jobs do you have in IT in Japan? What areas of IT?


Lots of SWE, data analyst and scientist positions in Japan. But the job experience won't be better than SG.


Which websites best to look?


Do you have at least a bachelor's and approximately 4 to 5 years of experience? If you are not in IT, do you have at least JLPT n2? If you have, register yourself with the following websites, Michael Page JP, Ninja Next in Japan, Daijob and Biz reach. Recruiters may pick up your resume


I see. Thank you.


Are you open to trying out other jobs in the meantime? When I was jobless I did a variety of jobs and finally tried something out of my comfort zone, after a few years it led me to another job (through contacts I made in the previous job) which led me to my current one which is in a different industry. Have no regrets because the experience counts.


mind sharing your journey? else can dm me if u can spare your time. I think looking out for opportunities is a great skill to have


Now I am definitely open to try other jobs ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


It is usually quite tough, perhaps you could consider changing to a job which is not what you are studying at the moment after preferably one or two years of being jobless, because I myself had been through this phase of life before too~ Fighting!! I believe you can do it~ keep on trying and do not give up!!


Been in the marketing sector for the past 5 years, hopped between 3 full time positions (I left on my own will). What has helped me land those positions, almost first time every interview is "Show, don't tell". There's so many things you can do to display your marketing skills, such as: - direct outreach to HR/decision maker email or LinkedIn (shows your outreach skills) - create landing page on why they should hire you - create spec pieces - create marketing strategy etc Of course, also include a strong portfolio of the work you've done. Edit: Just noticed that you're relying on job portals. For the love of marketing god, don't rely on them completely. Let's put on our marketing cap for a minute and think. Would you rather have your CV be seen: 1. Alongside the stash of 100+ job applicants in a job portal that the HR checks every so often whenever they're free. 2. In the mailbox, where almost everyone checks multiple times in a day. Which you can also attach a tracker to see if they've opened/forwarded your email.


Hello, I think 5 months is quite normal, don’t lose hope.. anyway u can try connecting with someone in the company to chat and then depending on the convo ask them to pass your cv to HR, doesn’t always work but worth a shot


Hey OP I've been unemployed - going into my 6th month now. Hundreds of rejections too as you mentioned. Fingers crossed for you! Hang in there. 💪🏽


Hi! Some tips for you will be to try and filter job listings such that the newest postings appears first. Apply consistently every day and this will help. Most of the time newer postings will lead to more responsive follow ups :) I used jobstreet and also linkedin. Jobcentral just seems to be full of FAs haha contacting me… It is also likely easier to get the job if it is a recruiter that reaches out to you, I feel that the interview process isn’t as long compared to in-house HR and they also tend to try to help you find a job. You can try looking out for other industries too like healthcare, medtech, or home appliances rather than the typical popular industries (FMCG, tech, ecomm) Ifyou really can’t get a job for the time being you can consider interning at big companies this will help you open more doors when going for interviews. Rmb to optimize your linkedin and resume too. (Use the boring Harvard format instead of those creative ones, use ChatGPT to help you word your achievements) Lastly, sending you lots of luck and positive vibes. Wishing you all the best in your interviews! You can chat me if you need it too ✨


Facing the same situation, plus age discrimination.


Facts. Always discriminated cuz of young. Usually it’s vice versa.


Try career switch to nursing, heard there’s sign on bonus too


Will consider this.. thanks! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)




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Depending what job u r looking for. Supportive roles are being put on hold by recruitment, they are collecting resumes only


What's your degree, what jobs are you applying to, and are you Singaporean or foreigner?


Foreigners already took all the job. So good luck to you.


Submitting 100 or 1,000 applications is meaningless. Try to pause and spend a week just talking to people in the field, because in-person connecting is better than any job portal.


Look into hospitals. They’re consistently higher people into positions


Look for E2i or approach a career coach from WSG. There are many training sessions with salary support if needed, or direct employer interview will be arranged in their job event for u to meet potential employers.


Its a tough job market out there, and theres a lot of good tips already posted. Would like to add a few things (maybe already mentioned, but I missed it) 1. Do try other side gigs, freelance, temp jobs - maybe broaden your horizons, but at the same time, eyes wide open. Before you know it, its been 3 years into a "temp job" in an industry/role you're not happy with. 2. Networking and meeting people face to face will yield far better results than applying online. Try reaching out to your former colleagues, bosses, vendors, partners. In this market, you have to be pro active and take matters into your own hands.


Try mycareersfuture or fastjob.


You can’t be serious about my careers future. The last portal i will recommend Indeed and LinkedIn has the most legitimate jobs imo


Yup linkedin yes. I actually think mcf is not bad. For me lah but I think also depends on the job you're looking for. I ever managed to get a few offers from mcf.


True it might be industry and experience dependent LinkedIn is probably better for Mid career


So far my last three jobs from mycareersfuture. However I'll have to say it used to be better. Nowadays I only see gov agency jobs, which are ok jobs but very toxic places. Not much private sector at least for IT. I also noticed once companies complete advertising on mycareers, they advertise on foreign job portals and fly in the new employees.