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I have gone clubbing/gone to pubs and bars alone before - if you drink, never leave your drink unattended. If you have to go to the toilet, finish it before you go. Make sure that you can hold your liquor well, or only drink one glass. Just dance to the music and try to get high. Now I look like a lao zha bor due to stress and I can't wear contacts only glasses, think if I go clubbing no one will try to make advances on me. Idk maybe can jio me, on the fence on wanting to go club again, since I have never gone to clubs/bars for a long time already.


i will keep that in mind! btw sure we can go tgt :) hmu!


Don't ever go to club alone especially for pretty girls. You will get approached non stop and you have to be really careful with your drinks.


Some of them go for the validation tbh And I mean they free drinks so ain’t that bad ig but men are jus despo


Who in the right mind takes free drinks from strange guys in a club LOL Really born pretty girls don't need validation


Hahahah I like ur description cause I wear glasses also. Idm joining if anyone wants to plan one. 24F here, I seldom club, ard 4 times since I turned 18. Need to go with the right ppl also. The most important part is to have fun with friends n look out for each other.


I used to go TAF club alone. It's perfectly normal


I joined the club and never left.


OMG YES HAHAHAHA. I was forced to eat fruits during recess....:(


Singapore is very safe but it isn’t without crimes. U can if u are ok with guys who kept on hitting on you or having your drink spike. There is a lot of reason why most woman go clubbing with at least a friend.


sg is safe ya but most guys in clubs are looking for one thing and it's not good music if you're attractive and alone guys will relentlessly hit on you and I'm not sure how enjoyable that is unless that's what uw


Singapore clubs are a joke compared to Tokyo from this perspective. I’ve never seen such a predator vs prey until I went clubbing in Japan. For example there is totally acceptable to grab a girl you like, and then talk to her. It’s insane.


I've actually heard complaints from foreigners that guys in Singapore are too passive and don't want to approach girls and only stay in their groups 😂


Nah I’m jus tired so I will jus Toh on the sofa and is so loud imma jus Toh on sofa


Had a male sg friend who went alone. He met two pretty Russian girls and bought them a drink, they spiked his drink and robbed him. Tourists. Be very careful.


never ever ever club alone...relatively safe while you are sober but when u got out of control drunk..dangerous


Go to a gay club to be safe


Gay club will have lesbian women..... You'll still get hit on! 😆


any recommendations which club?


Community club


Country Club


The entire stretch of area along Maxwell Road towards Neil Road are all gay pubs/clubs.


Can check out tantric bar


Club hell


Club hell


Clementi toilet club (if you are a guy)


Then she just needs to worry about bisexual predators


I’d strongly advise against it, I’ve had my friends whose drinks got tampered with even when they’re a few of us around. Most guys will probably be trying their luck if you’re a decent looking girl and often times such approaches will be uncomfortable and distasteful. Try asking your friends again if they have a change of mind as it’s generally not the safest for a girl to head out, drink and club alone.


Hmm.. I get it that as a lady some may totally not want to get approached. But, say I really like somebody and want to get to know her. Is there anyway I can approach her without being creepy? I think that there should be a way. I am a guy btw.


Be genuine about it, when approaching someone you can open up the conversation by giving a compliment about what it is that caught your eye among all the other beautiful girls around, be it her smile or just her sense of style, try to build up a small convo (nth sexual) and just see where your sense of humour takes you, if it all goes well you can try asking for her ig and continue chatting from there. Go in with no expectations and try to read the situation well, if she’s not interested and giving you dead ass replies, then politely excuse yourself and just enjoy your night


Another way is you can share with her a location you’ll be at that’s part of your weekly activity/ life eg you happen to be at and that she can swing by if she’s interested to hang or something. That firstly recontextualising your meeting out of the club setting (to show sincerity in desiring to know her better as a person individually), and also places the ball in her court :3 so you’re giving her a choice :3 Ps the location should be someone public and not ulu or secluded


Depends where you are. Club setting is totally different from other settings.


Jus make eye contact then say I noticed ur outfits / smile was pretty May I get your Instagram ? (instagram, is a lot easier to get than number cuz it’s more secure, not comfy can block so women will be more willing to give) If you are not comfortable w it, that’s fine w me as well Basically u jus want to be respectful and confident while showing ur intention


If ur a decent looking guy, like decent physique and dress decently should be good enough if not I can’t help u


Also dun waste money on the woman cuz buying drinks doesn’t change ur looks or her attitude towards u Ur jus gonna get used if she asks for drinks after u shoot ur shot


There are some clubs that you go alone and others that you don't.


What are some of these clubs?


Mdlr, tuff club, headquarters and other electro/trance/techno clubs you can prob go alone. Places like marquee or zouk on a regular night I'd avoid going alone.


Clubs are just swarming with dudes fr


Went ARK11 last night, got grinded on and I’m a dude. So no it’s not safe out there


Bros 5’3 with feminine features


cos masc men cant be victims?


Usually not, statistically


Pls don't drink until you pass out. My husband was driving home one night and realised that a lump on the road was a young lady who had passed out. She was so stoned out on that narrow 2-way street to our block. I mean, even if no one tries to sexually assault her, she could lose a limb or rupture some organs on the road.


Yes but guys won’t stop pestering u


Is it dangerous to go clubbing alone in SG as a female?


Yes. You can’t drink and you need to be more cautious.


Never go alone k. You can randomly select or invite all of us to be your entourage. #be warned: I’m a great hip dancer 🤣


Guy here. Do girls and women here get their drinks spiked a lot? If yes, share deets and stories 🥲 just curious


I work in a club for 1.5 years, never had a report of a patron’s drink spiked before. Nor witnessed anyone’s drink spiked before. Drugs in SG not cheap


Omg same, i wanna go and try out clubbing once in my (23F) life but my friends don't want also. Personally I'm way to scared to go alone.


sis hmu! we can go clubbing tgt!


not safe imo if met with the wrong company. avoid clubbing alone if possible


If you're alone it's better to leave your location on at all times with someone. The number of times I've seen people passed out alone and you can't verify the men who claim they are their friend/boyfriend. Some times the police are around and just let these "friends" claim the passed out person. If you're picking up someone, make sure to text the photo of their face to a friend.


Yes! i will definitely share my location to my friends! thanks so much for the advice!


For as long as you don't consume alcohol, you should be ok. But even if you do, go clubbing alone if you have a strong alcohol I take tolerance. If you are unable to handle alcohol, better to go in group. As much safe as Singapore is, there are some mischievous and 'naughty' folks out there whose sole goal is to take advantage of you. Have fun!


As a fellow guy, please don't go alone. For ur safety probably. Go with a group of females if possible that can take care of you




Of course la your a girl….




Totally ain’t going to work if u are a guy. U bubbly and kind go towards a group of guys, u are fun and friendly. If u are a guy going towards a group of gals, WHO IS THIS CREEP!


but to be fair, don't most people normally go to the same sex cliques to make friends? like women would go to most/all-girls cliques while guys go to most/all-guys cliques so it's easier to "integrate"?


In hobby groups maybe for clubs doubt it


Eh? That’s why we are discussing this mah. Just that guys and gal have a vastly diff outcome.


as in u made a point abt people going to groups of the opposite sex when i guess in reality most people go to cliques of (mostly) the same sex


Oh coz the topic is going in single so I was using that as context.




lol yes it is that why. It’s not if the guy look like some hot shot male celebrity overseas. But if u plant this scenario on an average guy. Most prob this will be the outcome. It’s very uncomfortable feeling when the girls look at the guy as he is a creep for trying to be friendly. Source: I was young before, uncle also got go clubbing with friends. Uncle never try to hit on girls in club though, only look around and laugh inside when above scenarios played out near me.




Charisma is true but charisma work only when ppl give u a chance to. Looks ultimately is always the first impression(gender neutral). But gal usually easier to get accepted even if they are average.




Uncle happily married. My wife is comfortable with my looks. I don’t go clubbing anymore. Exercise right now is to prevent die early, not go club hit on girls already.




I edit to add some typo or whatever I cannot remember. And it’s not a recent edit. Why are u so heated up right now???




Thanks for the advice? I’m only approaching the whole conversation as chitchat/discussion. No Biggie.


Lmao I used to use to lighter trick too, definitely helps😂 also if you’re a girl it’s much easier la




Next time ask me for lighter😉




which club did you go?


What kind of music do you like? One suggestion would be to go to the smaller clubs, since they would have less dark corners for people to try to corner you and get unconsensually frisky. I can think of Blu Jaz, it's always given me good vibes. The bigger clubs do feel more predatory.


Along with underground clubs like Headquarters and tuff club


I've been thinking about doing the same thing for a while since most of my friends aren't clubbers but decided against it because people might think it's weird


off topic but where do y'all club at nowadays


Went clubbing alone a couple of times, and whenever I dance, guys would just shoot their chance to grind you. They are more blatant about it compared to when I'm with my friends. At first, i find it weird, but I've come to accept it for what it is and just go with their flow and let them grind me.


Yea, if you are looking to be grinded or a ons, then clubbing alone isn't that dangerous


If you are a good looking girl alone, guys will gladly invite you to their clique, stop other group of guys from approaching you, accompany you to the washroom, send you home, exchange numbers and jio you for clubbing again next time and you’ll find yourself becoming their girl. :)


Better make sure you know the guys though. Cause it can go bad really fast


thing is they will never know the guy's true color until they get married + stabilization


Bro, not true. Some guys are incredible actors. The truth be told u can never really know a true persons colors


Probably I’m just lucky then. The guy friends I know have integrity 🫢


I'm a guy, 25. I used or tried to club alone but often only with friends or partner, it feels different where you can enjoy own time but honestly the vibes are better with friends or companion. Alcohol changes perspectives and some people do lose control. Some people release stress. Some people look for love or dates or other opportunities. Some people just want alcohol and have mullah. Just don't leave drinks unattended, risk of roofie is still there. Although there are more chances of people stealing drinks rather than putting substances in it. Trying to open my friend circle, i don't have anyone to club with anymore so I stopped for quite a long time now except when friends from overseas come to singapore and we do have one or two chaotic nights together. I'm open if you wanna club but only if comfortable of course. Important to have boundaries set haha


Mans trying here his luck here! Let's wish him success! 🤫


Who knows 😂 All good though, it's reddit after all


Good luck bro! Hahaha


Nice try 🤣


Anywhere will do. Any pubs, any clubs






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I think I’ll be safe since I’m alcohol intolerant ~ so I can’t drink at all


Wangan Bryan is that you?


What genre of music do you listen to?


What genre of music do you listen to?


I thought it’s a good advise to never leave your drinks unattended! To further add on, would be good to have someone that can be your safety contact. Just in case if you’re a little too tipsy or you don’t feel safe, at least there’s someone you knows where you are and pick you up if required. As a guy, I have to say there are some that creeps and but also some just wanna enjoy a good time. Ultimately, stay safe. Have a good long weekend :)


I was at marquee a couple of weeks ago. I saw a girl and a guy kissing on the dance floor. But, the girl was completely naked with just her panties on. The guys was completely dressed. I thought they were couple and were into exhibition, so I ignored . Probably others thought that too. The girl looked Ang Mo, not sure though, couldn’t see her face , she was behind me and facing the other way, the guy was Ang Mo. The girl kept on kissing him, and was not letting him go. I thought that the girl was way into the guy. It was my first time clubbing in Singapore, so I thought maybe it’s normal. (I am not a Singaporean) After some time I saw the guy was gone, the girl was holding another girl, half her height and was crying uncontrollably. She was drunk. Probably she was trying to cover herself, by hugging the other girl. Then I realised maybe be she was kissing the guy and not letting him go because she realised she didn’t have clothes on. (Not sure just guessing). Also the guy was gone, so probably they were not couple. People tried to cover her, but she was not able to wear the Tshirt, she was so drunk. There were other Ang Mo girls, who also tried to help her, not sure they were together or a different group. I think the girl was way too much drunk, the guy stripped her on the dance floor, made out and left. (I am guessing this, because I did not see the entire thing happening). But believe whatever happened was not consensual at girls part. (Because I saw her crying, and the guy left). Not sure what happened after that. It was way too crowded. But people tried helping her. A friend I was with told he saw people taking pictures and recording the event! Yeah, so you decide. Don’t get drunk too much. Go with people you trust. Be safe if you try to engage with strangers. I am new to Singapore, but I feel Singaporeans are mostly harmless, but be cautious with foreigners.


I've only been to the club twice and cuz I don't really have any clubbing friends... Let's go together if you don't mind :'))


I've only been to the club twice and cuz I don't really have any clubbing friends... Let's go together if you don't mind :'))


hmu! we can go tgt :)


Done :)


id say if you wanna go alone, can try parties (like those hosted by culture / unfiltered). they have there’s and most people who attend are just there to karaoke and sing (scream). there were a few times that my friend and i were approached by other girlies who went alone and we just stuck tgt the rest of the night. clubs are just super intimidating to me so i prefer these parties more.




Moi used to go Book Club. Mummy say need to Read more books


You risk sending the wrong signal… unless that is what u intend. Or are you here as a guy, phishing for girls to respond here and hunt them?




Judgmental much? Let her do what she wants to do


im sorry i shouldnt have said that… 😔