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Depends on your life goals, are you happy where you are? Do you feel that you need "more experience" and does going to the next MNC give you that challenge? Is that 10-15% pay-bump significantly change your life situation? All these are important questions that you need to ask yourself. Without factoring the points I mentioned above, I would not proceed with the job change solely based on the 10-15% jump with "tenfold what I'm doing now" is going to kill your personal time. Through my career I did make such a switch before, and it gave me tremendous stress and almost 15h per/day work with a 20% pay hike. I did learn a lot during the 1.5y stay with them, but I will never do it again.


hustle culture is completely overrated. i understand why some people do it, whether by choice (personality) or due to endless commitments (family, supporting parents, etc), because hustling means exchanging every single thing in your life for money: your time, your health (physical and mental), your principle, your blood and sweat and tears. i don’t have to hustle for money, so i don’t. my job has perfect work-life balance and is extremely comfortable, and while my salary isn’t as high as my hustling friends, our pay per hour of work shouldn't be that far off lol. and even if it is, i can take my leave and weekends in peace, without for a moment thinking about work. my other friends with high $alaries have to lug their laptops around when they go on holidays and work. they're never truly off because at that salary level, the company owns you. my sort of freedom? priceless.


Fine line between hustling and being a sweatshop worker.


I've seen people hustle but still have a life outside work. Its a matter of personally adjusting how much % you decide to allocate to push and the other to have your own time.


tbh your current work arrangement has the benefit of additional mental capacity/personal time: focus on building up a side hustle, personal finance, personal improvement, seek out new hobbies, learn new languages, travel even, expand your horizons. But bottomline is, to gain something you will always trade off something. Both sound like great options anyway, it depends what you value currently + what's your life goals.


As someone who left a cushy job for a hard one, I regretted.


My advice would be to take it only if you have an exit plan. The only reason you would want such a job is if working with them will benefit you tremendously in terms of your career to push you further. Beyond that, I will not take it. I would rather do a cushy job so long as it pays for the lifestyle I want


Depends on the stage of life where you’re at. Since you’re late 20s, if you want more salary this will be a good stepping stone for your future where your financial responsibilities increase. However, if your priority is to enjoy life to the fullest while you are are still young, staying is probably best as that means you have more time to do something else


If you are certain that your current position offers you no room to grow, I would switch if I’m you. But I will negotiate for a 15% increase. You are young and has no commitment. Getting into a more challenging role (while it does not offer you anything explicitly beneficial ‘in return’) is the right step. You need to think about future proofing yourself


This is my thinking too. OP I was in a similar position as you this time last year: was in a comfy job decent pay with easy responsibilities. Then I got offered another job with a much more challenging role, higher pay by 15%, and I took it. Why? Because I too am in my late 20s, I have no real responsibilities (yet), and I could use the extra money and growth. Time to think about the future at this age — at least, for me anyway. Do what you think is best


I left a cushy job with hybrid working arrangements for a much tougher one fully wio. Got an almost 70% raise but I still regretted. Wish I can go back to my old job. If you don’t need the money, stay


Just checking, butwhat are your intentions? Do you want to do more and learn more for future career professions and basically money? Or doing it for the sake of hustling while you're young


I would only do this if the culture/people/bosses at your current place were completely unbearable. Otherwise for that increment (assume you are talking all in comp) I'd just stay at the current place since it has been represented to be a reputable MNC as well, with strong benefits and good WLB.


Can you introduce me your cushy job?


i would stick to the cushy job


And that’s why you will forever be mediocre.


As what everyone says it really depends on ur goals. Do allow me to share u my perspective as a family man & slightly throttled-down individual. I'm earning close to the average of what everyone earns here. It provides me flexibility but not like tons of freedom & options as that requires more money. I have to allocate for my wife & future infant as she is working 9 hours on a daily basis. We plan to have a kid early next year & she needs more rest. I want to be physically & mentally healthy, that means I do not want OT or toxic office environment. With all that said, as long ur **earning sufficient enough,** family & u as a being matters the most. Cause once ur trap in the **extreme** extent of high salary & hazardous working environment, it's really hard to get out of it. Possible but hard. In the end of the day, if u resign or (touch wood) die, the company will get a replacement in a matter of 2-3 months. U matter the most.


Depend on what you are looking for in life or what you prioritize for your career trajectory


Where can I send my resume to take over your current position when you leave?


Is the pay substantially higher at all ranks? If yes go for it, if no stay put. Other thing you need to consider is, if you are very free now what are you doing to better yourself? If you are doing nothing than go chiong, you still young can take it. Just have exit plan before burnout happens. Also maybe you can speak with your current manager about getting involved in more projects etc.


Small jump for big trade-offs. Wouldn't take it if I were you.


I'd use all the extra time from your cushy comfy job to find a better offer than the one you're thinking of jumping to


15% is not worth the daily mental drain and anguish.


I would choose my sanity over mere 10-15% pay bump with stress. Not worth it


>The work is promised to be very tough, high pressured and very busy. just curious, how do we detect this during job interview? cause some company wants to scam employee by hiding this fact during interview. anyways if you're still in your 20s or mid 30s I would go for the hard and developing job. especially if you are very sure it will open a lot of doors in the future. will only go for cushion work starting in 40s.


Stay. 10x workload vs 15% increased pay. makes no sense. Use extra time and bandwidth for self growth, family, etc. Excellent time to build these foundations. New job sounds like they will exploit you too, since they are not paying what your labour is producing. And finally, good management and benefits and flexi work is so so rare you should hang on to those.


Cushy does it


10-15% increment is quite normal these days, depending on your current. These no right or wrong to your question, different people will have different opinions at various stages of their life, it's ultimately what you like/want, are you someone ambitious or looking to earn more money, then you go to take a leap of faith and hustle. Otherwise if you are not, then a cushy comfortable job is better. Likewise, don't regret not taking a higher prospect job (Not saying you should, just saying the other side of it)


Don't settle for less than 15% increase.


Yes, in hopes of a new, much higher-paying, cushy job I’d ask for more than 10-15% though, at least in other benefits like PTO


What do you want in life? Are you able to have a work life balance at the moment? How's your health?


I took a pay cut for a supposing tougher job once, totally regretted it. Wanted the experience and the prestigious company name on my resume however job done is still different from what was described.


In a similar situation now, what happens after? You still there?


Not really, I left the company and got a way higher paying job but feel like I could be living a really stable life if I didn’t left the job at first.


No. Who knows if you will pass probation or not? I realise i can’t work till 4am and on weekends every day.


I left my "cushy iron rice bowl" public sector work for private sector with almost 50% pay cut and way more OT + stress. I was in no position to choose but i learned immensely from it and as a result, I got to where I am now. You'd most likely gain good experience and knowledge. But since you're in a position to choose, and no urgent push factor to leave, why not try for higher? Of course you gotta do the homework and see whats the market's range is like too. Just my opinion. Good luck!


How does the private sector pay 50% less than public sector? Usually it's the other way around...


Well... diploma actually earn quite well in some public dector work. But if you look at private, it's shite.


Honestly. If you are comfortable. And u think that your next stage in life can accommodate your current job, I would recommend staying


I just saw the TLDR part so I'll add a separate reply to that. If you think that the Cushy job is paying you superbly well and you feel that its stable enough for another few years, then suggest to stay put. I'm assuming that based on the fact that you mentioned 15% jump is not as much as you hoped for, your pay is a lot to begin with and should only consider 20% and above to make it worth while. You will need to see if the other MNC is giving you things and opportunities that the current MNC cannot give, without sacrificing some of the good benefits that you have. Its possible that your current MNC can give you what the other MNC can. Consider to ask your current MNC if they can promote you and give something similar to what the other MNC is offering you. Since your working environment is basically in good standing, I would go with the latter and ask your current MNC.


Have you thought about taking on more responsibility at your current place or moving up the ladder ?


From the way your post is structured i believe you have already derived your own answer and are looking for more of a confirmation bias. In which case, always go with your gut feeling


Nope! When you are tired and burnt out and realise you can't spend time with the precious people in your life or yourself, you are NOT gonna think ," omg good thing I have 15% compensation🤩🤩🤩" (15% also not alot..") "Prestigious" ? Does this really matter? Good to reflect :) If you think your job is too cushy, attend some courses on the side ♡


How much are you earning now? You want to ask people if you should take the higher paying job but left out the most important bit of information.


The new job issit Bytedance


If you do decide to leave, can share pm us your cushy role? Lol Personally i am in a cruising mode so I'd rather stay in a cushy role and focus the free time with my young children instead.


Only take it if you are very sure the other company can offer you what your company cannot (Prospects? New skills? Network? Future growth?) even if you stay and grow within the next 1-2 years. If you really want, 10-15% increment based off what you describe is not enough- Minimum 25-30% bump if 100% WFO and much longer office hours. Money is just a figure (Assuming what you make now is adequate) but WFH, good supportive environment, a team/network you already know and can collaborate with - I will not risk that for a mere 15% bump.


whats your short term and long term goal. did you complete degree. do you wanna uhm climb the corporate ladder. if you feel very very very bored at current place then tadah you have your answers


10-25% doesn't seem worth it tbh.


IMHO - 10 - 15% is too small a jump to move 100% to office and have a tough quality of life. You could be spending easily 5 - 10% more in commute, parking or food/coffee costs.


Given your relative youth and assuming career ambition... This is probably a point in your life to prioritize valuable skills, network and experience above money and relative comfort.


What kind of question is this ? 🤦‍♂️


Intro me to your cushy job and take up the tougher job.




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Nego for 20% or above then jump. If not take the offer and go back to your company and ask if they want to counter offer you. If they don’t then you can go to the new place anyway.


honestly, i'd go for it because of the possible open doors in the future. with better experience, you could potentially land a future cushy job. this is coming from someone who has hustled hard and am now at a cushy job with more comfortable pay. it's even better if you're younger now and have no financial responsibilities, so that you can have enough when responsibilities do actually come your way.


Ultimately boils down to your values and personality. Only you will know. PS - Hard work never killed anyone. Except in Japan and Korea. They literally died at their desks.


Firstly, people hustle till their late 40s-50s or until they can now comfortably living for another 30 years with how much they earned, saved, invest or getting income from dividens without working, whichever comes first. Secondly, given that you have no responsibilities, that's the best time to hustle. Once you have family or tied down with obligations, you would prefer to have your job with high pay mostly in routine mode as it would want stability over continuous changes and growth. Thirdly, higher pay will always mean more tasks to do. Otherwise, they won't pay you so much. So be ready, prepare as much as you can, and have that mindset as you enter the MNC. Also, its good to gain recognition and climb early as the later you do so, you will lose out to those Gen Z or Alpha that willing to take your position. All the best!


Without knowledge of other variables, I think if the other company is a top brand in the field I’d say go for it, stick it out for a few years and it will probably open up alot of paths in the future.


30% pay rise, if not stick to the cushy job.


How tough are you?   If you the type always harping about work life balance. Staying back half an hour more is a human rights violation or receiving after office hour calls will easily get mental breakdowns, then best stay where you are.