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Actually you don't need a doctor letter for it. Just go to any passenger service at the train station and ask for it. You can get either the sticker or the card with lanyard. Got the card coz i need it for my daily commute. When I was going through my cancer treatment, I always sat at the priority seat(easy for me to grab the pole and pull myself up) Coz i will feel like crap and there was one time an old lady kicked my leg for not giving up my seat to her. She asked me rudely to give up my seat and I said nope, I really need the seat Coz i am sick. She still got the cheek to ask me what sickness I have. I just said I have cancer and showed her my puke bag. Ah ma retreated. As entitled as they are, don't give up ur seat when u really needs it more than them.


ohmygod that’s so rude of her i’m sorry you had to experience that. i thought usually these things need like doctor letter for confirmation haha did the staff have like questions when u asked for the lanyard?


i got mine by writing down my name and my condition and they gave it to me! no doctor’s letter needed. this was years ago though. i pin it to my bagpack and “hug” my bagpack when i’m seated so it can be seen. have not been harassed yet.


i see thanks! guess i’ll just try asking first


Oh damn, tats a good idea. I have been wearing mine around my neck.


people wouldn’t offer their seats in general if we look young, but i don’t get stink eye when i hog the reserved seat anymore, so i take it as a win. little victories. :X


Any win is good win! :))


Now I’m really wondering why people offer me their seats lol. I’m middle aged, not old, but I get offered seats. I have a pain condition but it’s not obvious. Plus I’m white. I must really look unhappy lol.


possibly? i rock myself back and forth when i’m in too much pain sometimes and i look slightly distressed. so anyone not looking at their phones might notice? haha.


Yeah that could be it. I’m not sure. My daughter says everything I’m feeling goes straight to my face, so I guess if I look like I’m hurting it shows. I was too embarrassed to get the yellow lanyard, but I’ve considered it.


There was once when I encountered a gout flare-up in uni, even with a walking stick, I ended up standing most of the way back from Jurong to Pasir Ris


I feel your pain as a person who used to use a walking stick due to an injury. No one cares if you're young looking and not frail / old


Nope. They didn't ask for me for any verification. They had a hard time looking for the lanyard actually, shows that alot of pple are not aware of such thing.


can relate! the staff i asked had to look for it too. i was the first name on the list. this was 3 years ago. i have yet to notice anyone with said yellow lanyard in these 3 years despite all the campaigning… :’)


Same! I got mine last year because of my fibromyalgia, the pain can be excruciating at times. Then also got another one when I had knee surgery, just because I’m in a wheelchair, which was so obvious, but then blur people still don’t move out of the way when you come in with a wheelchair so I suppose they need to see the yellow ID? 🤷‍♀️. The yellow ID is helpful in the train but not in the bus though, people sitting in the priority seat up front tend to glue their eyes on the phone or just don’t look up to avoid giving their seats to others who need it more.


): boo to invisible chronic illnesses! hopefully you’re healed up from your knee surgery and are more mobile now. that’s also true. my skin is not thick enough to go up to people and ask for the seat if not offered oops, i just suck thumb if it’s a shorter journey and wait for a seat to open up for longer ones.


Hello fellow fibro sufferer who has had knee surgery.:) who knows, maybe we have the same pain doctor lol. Not many in Singapore who treat fibro.


I didn't even know it has been out for three years! And I just got mine in mar this year after spotting an ad on the bus. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


You shouldn't have given her the grace by saying you were sick first. Just straight up say you had cancer, make her shock factor earlier. Best is if you say very loudly so the people around you can hear that auntie trying to bully someone with cancer. These people make them lose face is the best.


Oh I am nice mah, give ah ma chance abit but I did say Cancer really loud that people turned and look. The auntie beside me tsk tsk the ah ma.


Puke on her leg then maybe she'll think twice next time.


Oh I was so tempted to accidentally drop my puke bag on her feet or even puke on her if she die die want my seat.


Just cover your mouth and gag a bit should be enough to get her to back off haha


Oh I was still throwing up during the train ride. D:


Oh man... I hope you're feeling better!


Haha. There are some good days and bad days! :)


Hang in there! /hugs


/hug thank you!


Brilliant suggestion




I hope you beat cancer!


I hope u feel better or already recovered


Oh there are some good days and bad days. But there are more good days now :) ty for your kind thoughts


Fighting. Hoping you beat it




Imagine if you let her have the seat, then puked in her shopping bag, and the auntie next to her asks you for 4D numbers


Wah auntie must share winnings with me lehhhh


Sounds good..you did right...hope you get better now..As we know,Many of the bad guys are getting older now!! Don't be too nice to them!! Sometimes kindness will be trampled!


Wow.The entitlement of the seniors here is really too much.Even there is a Q in the bus,they will still find their way to be the first to board


Ikr. I hate it when they rush for seats in the train


take care man, i'd have "accidently" dropped the bag while showing it to her. lol... you're too nice a person.


had same incident like yours, just did chemo, head was botak and wearing a cap... some old auntie come smack my leg with her umbrella and wave her hand at me to chase me away from the seat. I just say I just did chemo and took off my cap, she quickly went to look for another victim...


Seriously no awareness leh this pple!!! I hope u r doing good!!


You kind of fell into his verbal trap, there was no right answer as the person intended to embarass/scold you passively-aggressively. 1) you say if you’re singaporean -> he accuses you 2) you say if you’re not singaporean -> he is going to stereotype that non-locals are rude. Best is not to engage with him or ask back: Why are you asking if i am a singaporean? He will be forced to explain, which will make him sound stupid. Alternatively, just say ‘ok’ and move on with life.


oh you got a point i assumed he was gonna ask for directions or place recommendations because that’s usually what happens when strangers ask me if im a local and i work in tourism too. his comment took me by surprise


this kind of crazy old people will find ways to insult someone. best to ignore them, no need fight with these crazies.


Just say: ‘you when expire’ ?


foul LMAO




The yellow stickers are still inciting disbelief from entitled boomers. I have a friend with a spinal condition who carries that around, he got called out because he looks plump and in the pink of health like any normal guy in their 30s. In the end he still let the boomer have the seat after getting chastised for it. Last week, I saw a sickly balding lady getting asked by another kaypoh lady why is she sitting down instead of giving up the seat to a young child in front of her. Turns out, the child is her daughter and the mother has the yellow lanyard, she is suffering from some underlying condition. The kaypoh lady then got quiet and moved away fast, while I saw the daughter trying to console and massage her mother's frail arms lovingly, the mother seemed to look ashamed.


Honestly if the kid is not a toddler I see no reason to give up seat to them - they aren’t fragile.


I just don't even see the need for a child to sit at all, priority seat or not. 100% of the time, kids don't sit for long. Since I take the mrt, my personal policy has always been to avoid the priority seat at all times.


The daughter looks like an age between upper primary and lower secondary, hardly an age I would call fragile. Also for further context, this kaypoh lady boarded the train with an elderly man who was either her father or a relative. She got him a seat (at the priority seat no less) before she noticed the mother.


it’s so strange. Why must a child be given the priority seat?


That's messed up. Poor mom.


yeah i’m a bit worried about this too. sometimes can just tahan but it gets a bit annoying after awhile :(


The elderly man wants to flex. Ignore him.


in the end i did la haha my music was blasting i just didn’t expect anyone would talk to me on the train


Flexing old age is the weirdest thing ever.


Once I was listening to the Trevor Noah podcast on noise cancelling earbuds, and this 2 aunties were passive-aggressively talking about me taking up the reserved seats. I could not hear them at all, and I would occasionally giggle to myself because the podcast was funny. They became so angry, but i genuinely couldn’t hear them. I only found out when the guy next to me tap me to tell me they are scolding me out loud. There were plenty of empty seats on the train. Oh ya, I just got diagnosed with cancer last week. Can’t wait to flash my PET scan to these entitled aunties if they ever scold me again.


omg that’s actually funny that they got even more angry thinking that u were laughing at them. all the best with your battle against cancer! sending you love and prayers ☺️


I love it when they get angry when they realise the person they're scolding isn't even listening/doesn't care


you took my reserved seat from me *i don’t even know who you are*


Giving seat is a nice-to-do, not a must-to-do. A lot of old people still think the young are obligated to give seat in any case.


Well, a lot of old people still think they are fit to lead the country forward... towards a future where they won't even be around to face the consequences of their decisions. "Old" doesn't give you any entitlement. It doesn't mean you deserve an ounce of respect especially if you treat others like crap. In fact, being old means you have been luckier than most. Many died fighting wars, from childbirth, cancers or accidents. Old people should be grateful to have such luck.


This. A lot of time especially at interchange. Cut the queqe as in sit at the reserved seat,then when i entered & sat on the 2nd row seat behind the back door(the seat with arm rest),some of them give me 'tsk' sound as if i am seating in ths wrong seat. Do these elderlies even realised they are paying at a cheaper price while we adults are paying at a higher rate to cover elderly cost? To note,i am a chubby guy in my 30s & i usually sit in the outer seat as it is easier for me to leave the seat without bumping on the outer person. Some days,these elderlies will sure get slapped by young people. Most of them do not have a mouth to asked or the least is signal your intention if you need the inside seat. They will just stand in front of you. I feel like majority elderly who can speak malay have passed on & now it seen many elderly nowadays can't speak english or even malay.


tell him cannot stand for awhile go lie down permanently better


Wa fierce. I like. Fight fire with fire.


About 15 years ago, when I was in my teens, I offered my non-reserved seat to an elderly man (70s?) and he turned down my offer. I asked multiple times but he said he was alighting already. Soon after, a crazy auntie went ballistic and screaming loudly at me for not giving up my seat to an elderly man standing in front of me. I’ve never felt so embarrassed. The elderly man schooled the auntie, saying I offered the seat to him. He questioned her for being so rude and if he looked like he needed a seat. He was a police officer for XX years until retirement, still fit and able to run etc. The auntie immediately left at the next stop to avoid the scene. The elderly guy insisted I sat down and ignore that auntie. Was a pretty awkward ride. Oh, it was a crowded ride (Orchard to Raffles Place kind).


Just go and get this sticker and stick it on somewhere obvious so they don’t come and disturb you anymore . https://mothership.sg/2021/02/yellow-stickers-helpful-ong-ye-kung/


HAHA i’ve actually never seen these being used before sia. feel a bit paiseh to use


Just grab it and paste it. Don’t be shy. You can show people your sticker and tell them clear throat “xcuse me, I need the seat” in the future . No people will ask for your seat ever.


true,, looks like i need to go back to my doc for a medical letter


You’re welcome. Rmb to paste it at somewhere obvious .




Please dont feel paiseh you remind me of nsfs with genuine conditions that feel too paiseh to take mc for fear of seeming like a chaokeng


haha i definitely have nsf friends with that fear too


Don't need to be paiseh, you have a legitimate need for it. Although unfortunately most people likely will pretend to not see the sticker/pass also, so you'll need to ask for seat.


I've seen someone used the lanyard version. This lady walked up to another older lady (but not considered elderly) sitting in the reserved seating, and flashed the card at her. She sat down and immediately fell asleep.


Bruh that really sucks


If u really have those conditions, u don’t have to mind what the elderly words. He is just being ignorant. Let it go and understand not everyone will understand you but u can learn to accept this fact that u always will be misunderstood. Edit: everytime I get downvoted , that’s what I told myself too. Thanks Reddit for teaching me how karma works. lol


yeahh having these illnesses since school days i’ve already like accepted that not everyone will believe or understand bc everyone’s bodies are different. it’s just a shame that’s some people choose to be ignorant


I once fainted on the MRT while I was standing (I also have an invisible health condition but I rarely faint so I don’t ask people to give up their seat because I am 19 and look perfectly fine) I woke up several stops beyond where I was supposed to get up and found myself sprawled on the floor. I don’t remember sitting down before fainting so I must’ve dropped onto the floor and it must’ve been pretty loud / noticeable to those around me but nobody bothered trying to help me when I did wake up again. (Those standing did move out of the way but had these looks of disgust etched on their faces like dude you think I want to lie on the mrt floor??) I shakily got up and asked the person sitting at the reserved seat (he looked late 40 to early 50s) and he rudely refused saying he’s old so I went around trying to ask people nearby for their seat and everyone were trying so hard to avoid me. That day I rlly lost my hope in humanity manz


THATS SO FUCKED UP OMG i’m so sorry that happened to you. i hope you at least have a good support circle


Yeaa I do! It’s also rlly rare that it does happen because I can usually tell when I’m going to faint and I can prep myself but man that sucked :( But SG people can be rlly selfish and I’m not going to say that everyone on the train who saw me that day were bad people but the bystander effect is so real :(


ahh yeah sometimes the warning signs don’t show and the attack happens so suddenly it’s so stressful to be out alone in that case considering the bystander effect 🥲 hope you’re doing well despite it!


I'm sorry to read that you experienced people who didn't help you up when you fainted. If I were around, I would immediately reach out & see what help you need. Kindness is non existent in a lot of locals when we all can be kinder. It makes me feel very sad.


I hope you are ok! I was pregnant in second trimester and not showing much yet , experienced near fainting on the train . Luckily when I asked the person for a seat because I was about to black out, they gave me the seat and another person offered the camphor to smell. Felt really grateful that day. Funnily when I was obviously pregnant some people would completely ignore me but I was ok to stand


Not surprised. Once I was otw to my exam and I closing my eyes leaning on the glass in MRT. Suddenly some auntie tapped me and point to someone that fainted on the floor. In the end I just pressed the emergency button. Nobody bothered to help and just watch me the whole time. Edit: I pressed the button when the train was at the station.


Good on you for defending yourself. I have a heart condition and I always give in and give up the seat if they ask. Then I need to alight and rest on the platform seats. Maybe one day I’ll have the courage to defend myself. I’m young and look able bodied too. So I’m always afraid they think I’m lying or something.


honestly i was the same as you are but i was just feeling so under the weather and got triggered i guess? i hope you can stand up for yourself soon! your health is the most important thing ever!!


Me too. I have a heart condition. Often having slight dizziness especially when the train move faster than usual. I need a seat & if have,i will try picked the middle seat.


I think there’s an unfair bias towards the younger gen from the older gen here. I often give up my seat but sometimes I just want to sit in my seat. I noticed when an elderly walks into the cabin, the boomers will not offer their seats and they will all stare at me, or stare at some kid in school attire or NS boy to give up their seats, which makes me unwillingly offer my seat so the kid or NS boy can rest ffs. Sometimes the elderly purposely come to me and looked at me wanting my seat when it’s not a priority seat, and the older gen around me will watch us or quickly look at their phones or pretend to sleep when I caught them looking. I’m only human bruh and I’m a girl, sometimes I have bad cramps, sometimes I’m unwell, I don’t need to justify sitting down if it’s not a priority seat and they won’t bother a fellow boomer in priority seat near me. Reading the comments here infuriates me sooo much because entitled older gen seemed to harass the younger gen to give up our seats because they scared to harass the others. FYI I’m now a young millennial and from my experiences and from the comments here it seems everyone here has a bad experience because we’re young, it’s so ridiculous at this point. You want a seat you ask us nicely, if we say no leave us alone, go ask someone else, we’re not obligated to give up our seats. We may look young but we can be shag af or sick. You think school bags not heavy on their spines ah. You think NS men on vacation with their carry-on bags ah. You think we look young so our blood veins is energy drinks ah. What is wrong with the boomers here srsly, who hurt them that they are often so toxic. I’m triggered it’s stressful here already and we can’t even sit in the train in peace on our commute home.


Perhaps on a more positive note, there was ever once when I was on my way home during peak hour from reservist training with a field pack and duffle bag etc, a commuter actually offered a seat to me, which was a life saver given how bulky and heavy those items were. Conversely, there was another time when my arm was on a sling (recovering from a prior dislocation), nobody even offered me a seat on the train. Hence, I guess there's still good samaritans out there who are understanding, and another group that just wants to watch the world burn with their entitlement.


Of course yea, I generalised to make a point, there’s kind older gen and toxic older gen in every country haha


Unpopular opinion: I always feel that removing all priority seats will solve all these issues. 1) People who genuinely need a seat and have one will not feel obliged to give it up. 2) You will be surprised, but more people will give up their seats when priority seats are no longer there. Everyone has the shared responsibility to look out for the pregnant and the old. Unlike now where everyone just assumes the corner priority seats taker should do it.


On the London tube, priority seats are clearly printed with the words "Not all disabilities are visible" and it's stated next to accessible toilet signs too. Do you guys think it's time we nuanced the whole "give up your seat" campaign too and acknowledge people suffering invisible disabilities, not just the elderly and pregnant?


that’s so interesting! i think we should definitely have that here too.


I know it's a bit cliche but if you really need to sit, try request the "[May I have a seat please](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/public-transport-may-i-have-seat-lanyard-bus-mrt-seats-3283311)" lanyard from SMRT.


oh! i only heard of the stickers i didn’t know they have lanyards too. i’ll look into that thanks!


I have a friend who uses this lanyard and she says no one will give up a seat for her and she still get nasty stares when she's sitting ... mans apparently young people don't get sick


Yup, I can imagine so because most people would probably see the physical condition rather than the lanyard. But for OP's case, he was already seated. So my idea was to make use of the lanyard to let others know he needs a seat.


Saw many taiwanese news reports regarding these priority seat issues also triggered by boomers. Rude entitled old people exist regardless of nationality ya. You want to seat, ask. Young people will gladly give up even if they have their own conditions. Also these boomers can queue 2 hrs to buy Toto during CNY. priority my a**.


omfg legit facts come to think of it they can queue damn long for Singapore pools.


i was 4 months pregnant but my tummy wasn’t that obvious yet. Was seating at the priority seat as i was having bad morning sickness when this uncle who look fit and in his 60s asked me to move bcs he want to sit. The thing is,there are more empty seats beside mine but he just want to act like an entitled dickhead. I just looked him dead in the eyes and tell him that im pregnant and how dare he ask me to move when there are other seats.


what is his reaction?


I got dragged out of my seat by an old man in an empty carriage. Old man scolded me asked my why was I at the priority seat. Train was going from pioneer to tuas link.. the carriage only have myself and him. Really lost for words


there's once when I was having high fever and was extremely nauseas so I offered a seat and I sat down.. next station a uncle (blasting some chinese song) walked towards me and used his walking stick and poke me.. lan lan I gave up the seat cause peak period and alot of ppl are looking.. after I stand up, I almost started puking.. thank goodness I hold on to it and someone passed me a plastic bag and I puked into it.. the uncle's face turn red and someone else offered me a seat which I declined cause just nice my stop.. everyone standing death-stare at the uncle while I walked out of the train.. hahaha..


I kena-ed before when i was on the morning mrt to my internship. I already had a minor slipped disc at that time that triggers infrequently so I took a seat ah. Legit absorbed in my phone, old uncle with walking stick boarded, didn't see. Guy beside me gave up the seat, uncle sat down and whacked my knee with the stick. Couldn't be bothered, chuckled at him, uncle scolded vulgar. one guy asked him if he siao, he scolded him also, then dk which champion (iirc he sounded like a teen but didn't even see who or where's this guy) straight up said "stfu la cb" , then he just zipped the whole ride.


“I have a condition and I can’t stand for long, just like your kkj”


I feel your pain. I was in a similar situation 10 odd years ago, and I wasn't even on a priority seat. I was feeling a little ill as I just barely recovered from a cold and was happily sitting on a NON-PRIORITY seat during peak hour for the long commute back home from school. Then, mid way through, some officious middle-aged social justice warrior uncle demanded that I give up my seat for another random auntie - who looked perfect able bodied, not too old, and didn't even request for the seat. Naturally, I said no cause I was not feeling well and not even on a priority seat. If anything, the girl sitting next to me, doing homework on the priority seat, should give up her seat. But that prick didn't take it lightly and proceeded to harass me for the seat by stepping on my feet and purposely resting his bag on my lap. Which led to a bit of an argument when I called him out on his crap, and that innocent auntie caught in the cross fire sheepishly got the seat at the end of it, as it was not worth arguing with old fogey f***ers like him as the optics isn't good for me. It would be the guy version of "Ah Lian vs Auntie on the MRT". Haha.


ohmygod that’s so fucked up??? wtf is wrong with him 😭 seems like nothing’s changed in the last 10 yrs ah


you’re a boy so he paiseh to harass the girl in the priority seat can you imagine the drama if the uncle scold her.


Yeah. So much for gender equality...haha. Well, a girl can also easily uno reverse the situation by saying something vague but incriminating, loudly like "Ahhh! This uncle is touching me!". It would be fun to take out the pop corn and watch what happens next.


Still remember the days I was on leg brace and nobody even offered me seats just because I looked "fit"


that’s horrible!


one time i was on an empty bus, so i just decided to sit on the priority seats closer to the front. the next stop, this auntie came on and decided to sit next to me, and she decided i would be a good place to put her bag on. she put her bag on top of my lap… instead of the empty seat beside her. and just nice someone decided to sit on the other seat next to me, so after they got off, i shifted one seat down so i wouldnt be a bag holder. and the auntie had the audacity to say “excuse me this seat is for priority people” maam. you are literally sitting on a seat right now. the bus is empty, who is the seat supposed to prioritise?


What the hell is wrong with these people?


most of the time, i just ignore when they talk to me and it’ll make them feel embarrassed themselves. some days i need to sit down especially when im having my period cramps and honestly it’s human nature to feel tired. some old people feel so entitled that they feel they have to confront you for not giving up the seats. govt knew they fuck up by visibly putting it as Reserved Seats earlier now they change all the signs to “show that you care” if anyone ask why you never give your seats just say that you don’t care lol


I'd just say "I don't give a shit about you" and stare him down


woke up and chose violence 😭


Don't get me wrong I'd have been more than willing to give up the seat if asked nicely. It's the passive aggressiveness and entitlement that sets me off. If someone is nasty to me I can get way nastier if I'm triggered


totally agree!


This. I just had a heart surgery and i was carrying some stuff to the office. A priority seat became available when someone got off at a station. I sat down and in came this auntie with sunglass who walked right up to me and said in her most entitled voice ever "EXCUSE ME". I gave up my seat 😒


This type of "old" person, just want to flex that he is old and demands respect. Whatever answer you give, he will pick a fight with you, not worth your time and breath at all. Just ignore such "old" people next time it happens again.


i was still early in my pregnancy and took some stabilising medication that causes dizziness/drowsiness. stomach wasn’t obvious yet and i sat on the reserved seat. an uncle (late 40s - mid 50s), who looks fit, clearly very healthy and educated, said to me “young lady, i want that seat.”. i refused and said “i’m pregnant.”. he went all out sarcastic replying “oh are you? congratulations.”. the person next to me gave up his seat to him and the uncle alighted after one station.


what a shameless and rude fella! and one stop only 😭


OP, every MRT station has a badge for ppl with non visible needs. Pls ask for it.


yeah i will! thank youu


I have fibromyalgia. I totally get it. I also look able bodied. I think. I’ve noticed people actually offer me seats sometimes so I think I look miserable sometimes. 😂


They are so entitled wtf


Even if you’re on priority seat, the sticker says “Show you care” not “You Must GTFO from the seat whenever someone older than you come inside the train”. Personally I will never give up my seat because I have rights to sit and also I will stand more than 6 hours to work so yeah just leave it and nevermind, it’s just a little rock that stumbles you.


Good for you


Wear a mask. Then pretend to gag and want to throw up when they ask stupid questions. Then say "sorry I'm not feeling well and need a seat."


It does not matter if you have a medical condition or not. You are paying full fare and given the costs of transport in SG these days, why should you be less comfortable than someone paying less?You do not owe anyone an explanation. After a long day at work/school, you owe yourself to have a comfortable ride home. Why don't SMRT have a priority cabin? All the elderly can scoot in there. No need to feel butt hurt when no one offers them their seat in regular cabins.


Imagine them selling premium tickets where seats are guaranteed.


These are the same folks who can queue for long hours to feed their gambling addiction (4D, Toto, etc). Don’t give in to them or even bother explaining shit — you don’t owe it to them.


Sorry to hear about your health condition. What you did was correct - sitting down to take care of your health. What you don’t need to do, is to tell others about your details.  Given your situation, you just have to learn to live with others not understanding you. Most of them will be strangers, learn to ignore them. 




Nowadays they have that card. Which tbh is a life saver for these situations. I had a v bad injury once. Put me on a walking stick for almost 2 years. Never once did anyone offer up their seat to me. Probably cause I was young (was in my early 20s). I even had an incident where an auntie pointed to me signalling for me to give up my seat on the mrt. And I pointed to my walking cane. She just scuffed and looked away. Imo it's always the older ones that have some weird entitlement to seats. Not even the elderly I mean. It's those probably in their mid 50s-60s. This is just my own bias and bad experience. Nowadays it's awkward cause I still limp but I don't walk with a cane. Sometimes I still get a stare


Next time just tell these old fks about your condition and loudly say that in Japan, the people there older and they don’t even want to sit after people willing to give up their seats. And say even older japanese more cultured than you. Btw, this is true, went to Japan and I keep giving their old people seats, they all politely reject me. No manner how long the distance they traveled. Even for those that super frail, damn respect the Japanese. Look down on Singaporean old fks. Self entitled.


Hey op, sorry you have to endure encountering one of the vile old demons plaguing our society. They have been known to be extremely rude and entitled. Hope you don't take his mean-spirited and xenophobic comment to heart. His face turned sour because he know he was in the wrong after hearing your reply, but unfortunately the vile old demons have been cursed with the inability to admit fault. Observed many instances of people like them being disgustingly inconsiderate and rude, rushing to stand in front of MRT doors, hindering people boarding/alighting, putting their feet up on seats on bus, pushing and shoving people to rush for seats and etc. Fortunately not every eldery folk are like them. Maybe you can try reaching out to LTA for the yellow "May I have a seat please?" sticker/pass.


‘vile old demons’ i’m crying 😭 thanks for your comment! it’s so infuriating seeing them block the entrances. i think the worse i’ve seen was clipping their toenails on the mrt… i’ll definitely try to get the sticker


Just say you don't look your age still very handsum got NRIC let me verify?


HAHA he was actually like a tall elderly man dressed quite smartly also


Imo some uncles are social justice warriors. I'm a pretty big-sized male, and I guess my RBF is pretty strong too. I have seen this occurence a few times where I'm on the reserved seat and these 'righteous' individuals would rather approach the opposite less intimidating people to give up their seats. They are usually loud about it. Dont need to feel too bad about it, and neither do you need justifications for it. Just sit down, and when you see someone more deserving of it, offer it up.


Never had someone ask me for the seat when i'm in the priority but i make it an effort to give it up for someone who really needs it. If the train is crowded sometimes it's hard to spot if anyone needs it, in those cases I really feel if someone needs a seat, just ask and it doesn't even have to be a priority seat. If the person says they can't give it up and gives a reason, just move on to the next person, it's completely fine man. Just can't seem to understand why some boomers get salty about it and start to get passive aggressive.


You did nothing wrong. The elderly here are now feeling entitled and expect the younger generation to stand up to give way all the time. This is an enabling behavior. You have every right to sit down, especially when you have a condition. Ask him if he has ever seen some of the elderly in the US? Some of them do CrossFit.


Just lun only, these people will die out soon the only fear is if the future old people (the us now) become these entitled assholes lol


Always wear earbuds and ignore , if he/she/it persist then act as if they are insurance agent , sorry no thank you bye and continue ignore , no point explaining yourself they wont care anyways


Stupid old man... the other guy gave up his seat for him already right? how many seats does he want? Fking entitled old scumbag.


I was carrying 3 bowls of ramen soup and 3 cups of bbt as I was dabao-ing for my siblings. Driver drove off before I got to the back of the bus so I decided to sit in the priority seat area (4 seats) as there was only 1 aunty sitting there. Suddenly, this middle aged uncle (around 40-50) asked if I’m educated. He pointed to the priority seat sign and ask if I could read it and know what it means (with a lot of sarcasm). Then the sitting aunty started saying loudly to herself in mandarin, “aiya, young people always bully us”. So I stood up and there were 3 empty priority seats throughout the ride. I think carrying hot soup is never an excuse for the priority seat. Should have just balanced my way to the back for those normal seats. Doesn’t help when there are others fueling their entitlement.


i normally put on my shades and take a trekking pole on MRT sitting right on priority seats.


Never been called out, I always carry my stuff in both hands and wear headphones with my head down. If they can’t talk to you they can’t complain, plus having your hands filled gives you a good excuse to sitting down cause balancing is hard.


Had an auntie kick my leg and step on my exposed toe knowing that I can’t move it with my ankle and knee basically stuck in a fixed position being all wrapped up. I tried to move and she moved her leg away when some lady looked down, then proceeded to straight up step on as many toes as possible once that other lady looked away. I stood up eventually because it was too painful and she muttered a “you should’ve done this long ago”


literally what the fuck is up with old people straight up harassing and abusing people omg i’m so sorry that happened to you


That's rough. People need to mind their own business sometimes.


Im sorry you and those of need experienced this. I normally will just tell off any inhuman verbal abuse. No one has the right to bully...period.


You can’t win all battles; so ignorance is bliss Get some headphones and watch a drama or sleep. Give up your seat if you need to. If the other person touches you to get your attention, call them out and turn the tables


The most singaporean answer is actually 'first come first serve' That uncle not singaporean enough


HAHA like how is giving up your seat a singaporean trait 😭


I just tell them I have stage 3 brain cancer and continue on with life on my seat.


I remember way back when priority seats wasn’t a thing and people actually willing gave up their seats for others. I just feel now that priority seat exist it just gives everyone a reason to turn a blind eye


I think it's really ridiculous that youngsters with invisible illness need to be able to get lanyard so they can keep their priority seat. Remove the priority seat. Everyone will be guilty of not giving up their seats.


i got stared at for sitting next to the priority seat which was occupied by another young person.The auntie stared at me but not at the other person who was sitting at the priority seat. the only difference between me and the other person was our race which was kinda crazy but i tried not to think so much abt it and i was literally suffering from sciatica. nowadays i mostly avoid sitting in the trains because of these entitled ppl


You should commend him for acting like a typical entitled Singaporean


why the people getting questioned are always with health conditions so many excuses? If you are not sitting on the priority seat just tell whoever question you to go fk themselves. why need to explain so much and tell them your health condition? they pay more fare or what?


i think for me i genuinely wanted to inform him that other people might need the seat too even if they don’t look like it but it’s a shame that they don’t care la


You didn’t do anything wrong. Just ignore this kind of people next time


You’re paying the price for those young & healthy people stuck on their phone and ignoring priority seats. Just educate politely the person who thought they were doing good and let it go. It’s not a big deal.


yeahh it just took me by surprise because someone already gave up their seat for him so idk why he had to make it a big deal that I myself didn’t offer my seat to him


I suspect old man is misogynistic. Should have questioned him whether he would have asked the other man the same thing if you were the one who got up instead. Don’t let him get to you!


HAHA ya hor maybe because i malay also 🫣 but either way im not super upset about it. thank you!


Damn, old man got the trifecta: xenophobic, racist, sexist. 😂


“Didn’t act Singaporean” lol whatever that means


Is this some trend? Taiwan is also having old fucks asking for seats but those young people don't want to give. Then the old fucks go slap the young people.


that’s so crazy wtf,, resorting to violence is not the answer 🥲


When I was growing up in the 90s, they got these green seats for oldies, then got this old mf dare to ask me why I sitting on it when the entire bus is empty. Ever since I have been very anal about it and I keep telling these old fks about how graceful Japanese old people are and how not graceful and unwise they are. I always add this at last sentence before I put my earphone in, “seem that age doesn’t contribute to wisdom, both nation have old people and yet Singapore old people are self entitled”. I usually let go my seat la btw but i challenge all these50 yr old mf anytime they be rude. Mother never teach.


That time I injured my achilles and had to wear a bulky CAM boot still got people snatching seats from me.


And that is why you always have buds or headphones on! Then you can just pretend to not hear them when they try to talk to you!


Tell them to do one next time. This IS rude and the seat insanity is getting  absurd. If they want it they can ask politely and WHAT A NOVEL IDEA, chit chat with a stranger for once in this 21st century. They’re grown adults after all aren’t they? never reward entitlement


I never give up my seat during my commute to work. It’s first come first serve. I also tend to go for the first and last carriages, the boomers will usually avoid walking to the extreme ends of the platform to board the MRT, so lower likelihood of encountering these crazy bunch.


Don't need to be afraid of people like this. The seat is up to you to offer not a right for them to demand for it. The man is clearly trying to bully u.


Why bother to explain yourself..you pay for your ride, you wanna sit that's you right. He not happy can call police also won't entertain him..


just ignore it. that man is virtue caller. act like snob hypocryte.




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i paid for this seat im not giving it up especially on leg day


Same thing happening in Taiwan too, they are pushing to remove the priority seat (博愛坐[pronounced buo eye zoo-aw]) sticker/ design


Well, the guy sounds like a bit of a racist. Your citizenship is not relevant to the issue.


I always take the priority seat after hiking with my dad as I also have invisible disability. I look normal outside but have Osteogenesis Imperfecta so I can only walk for limited time before my legs start to feel pain. My dad is always there to stare into the souls of whoever dumb enough to ask me to give up the seat.


I wonder what did he meant by "act singaporean" 🤔


Omg I sprained my knee so I was sitting and an aunty was so mad at me. She actually didn't even ask for the seat, she just looked at me. Likeeee how was I even supposed to know, sprained knee or not 😂 some people are unhinged af. Someone stood up and she sat beside a random aunty and they started b*tching about youngsters nowadays 🥲


Shldve asked him if he’s Singaporean too. Then say your father also pioneer generation but why only he turned out like a lil bitch.