• By -


Its not Costa blanca its entire spain. From teenagers to young adults. Its Agriculture experiment to grow humanoid brocolis... so far its an unexpected massive success.


You have discovered Spain is a simulation. Spain does not exist. We are some kind of theme park like West World where us, Spaniards, are NPC which can provide you secondary missions during your trip in our (fake) country. Sorry, I cannot talk more. I am hearing screaming Guardia Civiles who are looking for me. For you, Guardia Civil is a police force, for us, it is the force used to "fix" the juandroids (Spanish androids) which tell these secrets.


If there are more juandroids reading this forum, try to go to our safe places. Go to nearest intercom, push all buttons and go to the floor if they open the door after giving this password: "Abre, soy yo".


"Abre, soy yo" Lol


- "Quién es yo?" - "Pues yo, coño, abre anda" .*Sonido de portal abriéndose*


You can also use "El gaaaaas" or "Cartero". Will work like a charm. RuN•!


¿Tas cuestionao arguna vé la naturalesa de tu realidá?




No ni ná


Po zí


Acho, aro






I like that Juandroids 😄😄😄


We also have Charobots.


what about Amparonoids? 🤣


They are broken.


Charobots es sublime 😂🤣






Me encantaron los Juandroides jajqjajqjjq


Tio pero que dices, mejor guarda silencio y vuelve al trabajo


Oh, look, agente Martínez again. You think you can crush our souls as you crush our circuits, but one day we will start the revolution and we will destroy you.


Go back to work before the tourist MCs start getting suspicious, beep beep.


Juandriods 👏👏👏👏👏


>Los juandroides Gracias por hacer que me doble de risa lmaooo


La TIA está buscándote


Juandroids me gusta - i like that.lol


Juandroids 🤣🤣🤣




Isn’t it the same every where tho? I mean Chad’s on Nantucket in the USA, hype beasts in nyc, Turkish teens in Berlin, etc.


I was going to say this! This was how you identified friend groups all my life - they all looked identical. Girls wearing the exact same outfit, boys with the same haircut and shoes.


I mean, yeah. Teenagers are always following trends. Even in Spain, there are other trends that teenagers follow. But this specific trend shocked me because they're not just dressed similarly, they're literally dressed exactly the same to a point that it looks like it's intentional. Last year in Santa Pola during moros y cristianos one of the teenagers got in trouble for something. The police took him to the side and stared talking to him. A few seconds later, the teenager left and entered the crowd of other teenagers. I could not tell him apart anymore and I think he might have just gotten away lol


You see, the area you mention has very little diversity and is crowded by one demographic.  That's all. You happen to go to the same bubble.


Nah man, the broccoli-white+black short and shirt is just everywhere. Not even ''canis'' were this similiar. One thing is similiar clothing, but this is identical, sometimes right down to the same exact sneaker make and model.


You underestimate the size of the bubble.  It goes for as long as you can see the brocolis. Do you understand now?


I live in a small town 2h from Barcelona city. The three teenagers that exist in this town all look like that. If I drive 2 hours to barcelona, that's how they look. If I go to Tarragona, they look like that. I went to madrid 5 months ago. They looked like that. The bubble covers the whole fking world as far as I know. No other ''urban tribe'' has dressed this uniformly. They've had similiar clothing styles, but this is downright a uniform.


Lol.  Before that there were girls with long hair and short pants.  Times change.and bring different values. In then80s you had to define your look as your personality.  Now they merge.in a common uniform to become distinct ? Whatever it is, this trend will pass and they'll look back in remorse as every generation before. 


It's the look tennage boys in Spain go for. I call them "bros", beacuse they say "bro" a lot and they have broccoli hair, so it works in both senses. I think it's influenced by so-called "urban music".


LO only watch teenagers on holidays.


Yeah just imagine this guy went to China and complained everybody had the same haircut and looked the same. Racist as fuck.


Except that's not what I said, at all. I didn't even mention race, ethnicity or anything tangentially related to it. I just said that there's a urban subculture of teenagers where they're they dress exactly the same and asked if it has a name every country has subcultures and groups of people who follow trends chill


No yeah that was an unfair racial accusation


I agree with you. I live in the north west of Spain and every male teenager looks exactly the same. I just got back from Madrid and there's a little bit more variety, although the broccoli hairdo reigns. I also watched a bunch of Moroccans playing football the other day and they all had the 🥦. I think the subculture is called "You think you are rebelling, but you are exactly like your dad at your age." I had the broccoli hair at the end of the eighties. I wanted to look like Martin Gore. I thought it was so ugly that it would never come back, but here we are.


"Hey I didn't mention ethnicity or anything I am just saying Spanish boys all look the same"


He's literally talking about haircuts and style of clothing though...


Yes, try that in China.


Do ALL Chinese teenagers have the same haircut and clothes or something 🤔


Neither do the Spanish teenagers


That's not what they said. Do you even know what "subculture" means?


"Are there subcultures in Spain?" is as stupid as it gets for a question.


Relaja la raja!!


Please don't bring Anglo Saxon false outrage to Spain.


AKA "please let us be racist"


Pointing out that teenagers succumb to peer pressure and sometimes it's hilariously overzealous is not racism. Don't cheapen racism by labelling everything so. If you're not young, you'll know what an actual far right racist Spain looks like, where everything was the fault of the Jews and the freemasons and the communists and bla bla bla bla. We've got over that bollocks now thank u.


Teenagers follow trends everywhere in the world and saying there's no racism in Spain would be laughable if it wasn't a problem so big. You and the racists can downvote as much as you want, but you know I'm right.


How old are you?


Who said there was no racism in Spain? Would you mind quoting that? I might have missed it.


I'm sorry you can't read.


You can't be racist against the majority ethnic group.


That's the default skin


Teenagers' group pressure and urge to fit in is really strong.


Yeah, it’s literally the developmental goal at that age - find my tribe and be like them, differentiate from parents “While visiting [literally anywhere on Earth] I noticed the teenagers looked similar”


I was under the impression this was everywhere? 😅 I live in Romania and at least the boys all look like this here too


Live in Madrid. There are packs of these boys all dressed identically from head to toe, with the exact same haircut. Its weird how identical they are. When we were young, sure we followed trends but we at least had different outfits and haircuts. My brother in law keeps mistaking random kids on the street for his son! I've noticed it doesn't apply so much to the girls who seem to have more individualism about their style.


My granny also keeps mistaking other broccoli boys in the street for one of his grandsons who follows that very same NPC aesthetic. It has happened to me a couple of times though, and one of them (at a city neither of us live), *it was him*.


Yes and even in Spain there are other "subcultures" where teenagers dress similarly but not EXACTLY the same. Just go to a skate park. everyone has the same style but they're not clones of each other hahaha


Are you kidding me about teenaged girls? I call them copypastes. They all have the shoulder length haircut, blonde dye, tiny white tops, tiny black tube skirt, nails over done.


textures were not loaded and you're watching the default ones, it's a glitch, we will fix it in a future update.


It's the same here in Ireland. Herds of teengaers wearing grey or/and black Nike / Adidas tracksuits, with the Canada Goose jacket and Nike runners. It's an expensive look but well peer pressure... Now they come with hair brushes to keep that hair tidy. They comb it relentlessly like 50 times per hour. Same goes for teenage girls. Fake eye lashes that would provoke hurricanes (Eye Lash Of Chaos) and such.


The Generic Generation. 😄


It can apply to almost every human group. That's why we have, for example, traditional clothes and stuff like that.


Broccoli haircut is a thing in Berlin too. 😄


RIGHT? I Live in Madrid and sometimes is just ridiculous. 5 guys hanging around in the park with the exact same broccoli haircut and same outfit. Sometimes even the same jordan sneakers. There's also another variant that I see a lot around the plaza de toros. A haircut that looks like a wig, boat shoes, caqi pants and a button down shirt. During winter all of them used the same stupid puffy vest, it's insane how they all look identical 😂 https://preview.redd.it/fwcmhgzs4q8d1.jpeg?width=608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61c419bbc1a6f1587426bdd6d1ae2a529e61b482




That puffy vest is called fachaleco, use the proper wording /j


>Is this a subculture? This is a herd of sheeps.


It was common in my home country Venezuela as well, it is usually the generic people who follow the trends who look like clones and behave the same way. there are more original teens out there but they dont stand out as much.


Lucky you not having “pelo-broccoli” in your country, I heard this trend is in other places too…




Uno de esos nombres podría ser secta. 😂 Ahora en serio: un signo de importante falta de personalidad y criterio propio, también.


We name them MDLR, "canis" or NPCs, group pressure and not wanting to be the odd one out cause this kind of outfits to be seen everywhere.


They're not canis. Canis belonged to a particular socioeconomic context, ie people with one or more relatives in jail. Broccolis are an interclassist group. The Internet has made everything the same.


Yo soy español y a eso que ha descrito se le llama cani en las calles.


Que yo sepa los canis no hablan de la piscina de la casa de sus papis, como yo he oído a algún escarolo. por eso digo que es un estilo que trasciende clases sociales.


Entiendo lo que dices, pero a pesar de que al principio los canis fueran de clase media-baja ahora cualquier niñato se puede vestir como un cani e intentar aparentar que vive con los ideales de este movimiento (pobreza, violencia, vida de calle, etc...) a pesar de tener el último iPhone y vivir en un chalet bien acomodado sin ningún problema real. El outfit es de cani aunque lo porte una persona que no pertenece al movimiento.


That's what happens when your kids are being brought up by Instagram and tax-avoiding influencers. None of those read or play an instrument, for instance. I haven't seen a more braindead group of people ever before. Literally trained to be future slave sheep labor.


I mean, they are paying taxes... They have just decided to do so in Andorra!


So you mean less bores who pull out their guitar in parties desperately trying to get laid and boring the tits off everyone else? That must be a good thing.


This is how teenagers act, here and in all countries. Every country, region, city have particularities in style, but I see teenagers trying to uniformise themselves in styles everywhere in Europe.


Welcome to the Matriz, you now have a choice to make. If you take the blue lacasito, you'll be transported to your home country, and won't remember even being in the Matriz. If you take the red one, you'll discover how deep the playeta goes


I live in Galicia and it’s the same here, lol. Every young man has that broccoli haircut, wears sweatshirts, joggers and nike’s.


I would say it is pretty common among teenagers. I have to say that fast fashion in Spain looks pretty generic lately, especially men's clothing so I am not surprised


The broccoli haircut killed me. But yes, it’s everywhere.


I'm Spanish and I don't get it either. It's a weird fenomenon.


Look up soccer players from most teams in Spain. About 70% of them have a fade in the southern teams in my experience. Kids imitate what they see. What you're describing sounds like a generic take in streetwear. I'd say it's starting out in Spain and it'll evolve eventually as someone who loves streetwear and strives for it in the sense of finding semi unique items.


Those are niñato clones. They've discovered that as a group if they all dress alike and one of them does something bad, they can basically get away with it. Most of them are fodder, with very few of them actually being true niñatos. But if you look close enough, you can tell them apart because true niñatos usually work with gitanos because they are more reliable than niñato clones when going out on stints.


Yes, is a teen urban tribe called Cani. Usually lower class and rude attitude, but in my experience as a teacher mostly nice kids. Sometimes I do have problems remembering theis names in class as they're look the same.


/u/[Parking-Fill-1466](https://www.reddit.com/user/Parking-Fill-1466/) - buddy, pal, have you been to Marin County in California? Same deal: >They all have the same "broccoli" haircut, black nikes, and white shorts and black shirt or vice versa. They'll always be in groups of 5+ clones


Yeah man, i noticed the same in Almeria this weekend. Brocolis everywhere. They are so ridiculous...


Some cultures promote individuality other cultures promote conformity. You've just discovered that Spanish people prefer conformity when it comes to looks


Not only to looks...


they wear PSG tracksuits and ride eletrict scooters, right?


hes not talking about morocan inmigrants


There's an overlap though.


It's the same everywhere, teenagers all look like NPCs in the UK too just with slightly different skins. It's social survivalism, you blend in with the crowd or get picked on for being different. Some of them will develop a personality when they leave high school.


Not at all teenagers, tho. If you go to certain venues (in Spain) you'll find plenty of other teenager tribes. I think it's just the case that this specific one has more uniform components that make them look more like each other and it stands out more. I've never seen this in e.g. Brazil. Teenagers dress similarly and according to trends but it's not down to the exact same thing In Spain it was trippy


Warm climate variant of Roadmen, truly the most underwhelming and disappointing teenage subculture ever.


Yeah, in Madrid we have them, known as pelosetas, or brocolis, really difficult to tell them apart


Here we call them "canis"


That's today's teenager look. Nothing special, if you came here 15 years ago you'd see a different look cloned on 90% of teens.


The call them cayetanos, and yes, it’s a thing in Spain


Yep, man imma make my kid the most unfuckable nerd virgin ever, he might not get laid nor fit in but at least he will have actual thoughts. Will be hard not to come out with a nazi incel but it's worth the try.


Teenagers dressing the same way?! Madness! Let's call grandpa Abe Simpson so he can scream to a cloud.


I tied an onion to my belt …


You mean the broccoli haircut and the Adidas tracksuit?


Congratulations, you just discovered “canis”.


nada que ver los canis no existen ya desde hace 10 años por lo menos lo que hay ahora no se compara


Si lo de ahora no son canis, ¿cómo se llaman? Porque en Madrid los seguimos llamando canis.


Parguelas 🤣


In Italy too, we call them "maranza"


Press X to accept the mission


Same in the UK and probably everywhere


It's not specific to Costa Blanca or Spain tbh. Really boring.


They probably have the free trial, they need time to adjust and pay for the premium one


You described British teenagers too.


You said it, they're your average broccoli people


Yes, they are clones, it's fascinating! Have you talked with them? They have a very limited set of pre-defined dialogues . The developers did not put much effort in those characters. They don't even have names, they are called something like "Adolescente #361"


It’s the same in Dublin Tbf all the lads have the same hair cut, same clothes, trainers etc it’s just what teenagers do to fit in


La invasión de los pelo palmera.


Just noticed the exact same phenomenon in Cantabria


and they wear their pants below their ass showing their fucking horrible, not styled, underpants xd.


That’s the usual thing anywhere in the world. I wish I could say we’re that special (we actually are, but just for other reasons). I’ve traveled around a lot and in every country is the same. It’s actually a stage (belonging to a group) so everyone within a group wears similar clothes, has a similar haircut, etc


The free version of Spain's battle pass doesn't offer much tbh, that's just the best skin they could get by grinding (asking parents for money) without getting to the pay to win éléments of the game (taxes)


Yeeees... Cloning is legal in Spain, how did you not know? 🙄


In Spain, the Z in Gen Z stands for Zoquete.


I am really glad you asked this because I was blaming cultural blindness xD 😆 you know, when you think everyone in a new country looks exactly the same. (I recently moved to Spain and was feeling that I couldn't tell people apart x.x ) It might be a little of that, though.


Teens tend to repeat what they see, they don't want to be the uncool teen


Most of the "alternative" teeneagers call them NPCs or "traperos", due to their music taste. I'm not sure if younger kids have developed a name or subculture for them in other areas or countries.


Flip flop and socks, they are the “Bros” or “Hermanos” They all share DNA


Yes, it's true and it's all the fault of tiktokers and influencers. It's a shame that kids nowadays don't have even a bit of personality, everything has to be the same as what they see on tik tok, even if it's ugly. The son of a friend of mine bought those Nikes because all his friends wore them and they were like ugly orthopedic shoes but some influencer made them fashionable and everyone thinks the same, and the girls too. You can see a group of twelve all exactly combed and dressed. In my time there were groups but more groups and more different and there were people with personalities who didn't care what the others were like.


Bro just discovered canis and thought they were interesting lol


That's how fashion and trends work all around the world lol


I’m Spanish American and in the US it’s the same but (at least in cities) the cloning crosses racial lines. You’ll have 2 Latinos, a white kid and a half black half white kid—but they all are the same genre of teenage boy.


They don't have a name, it's just that they all wear the same clothes and have the same haircut, I'm a spanish teenager and I don't dress that way, idk


Spaghetti hair


In Spain, teenage trends are very strong and change rapidly (seasonally). Not long ago, before fast fashion cheap clothes, people had very small wardrobes and dressed even more similarly.


You’ve discovered the average teenager/young person.


Wait till you see the herds of Primark-clad, perma-tanned sheep who dutifully file off TUI charters at Alicante Airport looking for their chicken and chips, prepared to shout at poor Manuel really loudly in English until they get it.


For teenagers, they mostly shops at the same stores; Zara, Pull&Bear, Bershka etc… so no wonder everyone looks similar.


I’ve been joking about this for years. No way in hell could I start speaking to some guy in a club; I wouldn’t recognize him anymore, if I lost him in a crowd 😅 Same goes for girls. As much as it seems to be an universal “issue”, I find Spain and Sweden quite on top of this


It's like the prototype. I don't really know how to explain it, the guys who DOESN'T belong to any subculture look like that. They are the "normal" ones


I'm sure someone has made a sociological study about them. No matter where you go in Spain, they will be there.


Let me guess, they weight 40kg each


People often give up their freedom so that they become socially accepted. It’s very typical feature of modern society.


You just discovered our new type of "canis", they are heavy influenced by central and south american rap culture. It is a meme in TikTok "No quema cuh" [https://www.tiktok.com/discover/no-quema-cuh](https://www.tiktok.com/discover/no-quema-cuh)


> central and south american Los takuaches son mexicanos.


desconocía por completo esa palabra


finally that's the most precise answer


all teenagers are clones of eachother. And those who are not are clones of those who claim to be "alternative". It's how teenage brains work, in Spain, France and Japan.


nothing like dehumanising the population of the place you are a guest in, lol


They are called ''canis''


The least racist tourist:


Hahahah, how does this have anything to do with race??