• By -


The Wachowski sisters.




Wendy Carlos, Synth composer, scored the original Tron movie amongst other projects.


And the shining


Her album “The Well Tempered Synthesizer” is required listening material for any aspiring sound designer in my opinion. Even if you don’t plan to use synthesizers in your timbre sculpting. A lot of the concepts she covers in it can be applied with a myriad of sound sources, and can get you rethinking the way you approach your instruments, effects, compositional style, it offers a valuable perspective on the act of performing with audio.


I’ll have to check that out thanks for the rec


I think it's the Well Tempered Synthesiser, after Bach!


You are correct! I wrote that at work in a rush. Thank you.


I was going to comment her, she's the mother of synth music


Her work was the first thing that got me into synth music.




She’s awesome!


The Public Universal Friend is one that tends to miss the common lists. 18th century nonbinary quaker preacher.


They are so cool and so unknown!


Huge fan of the Public Universal Friend!


Chelsea Manning, personally. I respect a whistleblower who reveals the shitty things our government and our military has done in the name of "Freedom" or "Democracy."


And transitioned while mega imprisoned. Gotta finish her book


I agree with you. It really sucks how toxic religion in America has tainted the perception of some of these people. I came from the evangelical church when I was a child (luckily I left) and they made it a life goal to shit on anyone they felt was different. Gay people and trans people at that time were their biggest target. Now it’s everyone who isn’t “nuclear family” bs.


Exactly this. There are a lot of trans people I respect and admire but she's the only one I'd easily describe as a hero. The fact that she thinks of it as a fluke breaks my heart


Ben Barres was a neurobiologist who revolutionized the world’s understanding of brain cancer treatment. More trans people in STEM!


Zooey Zephyr, since somewhat amazingly nobody mentioned her yet. She's fighting hard for us.


she hasn't been in my feed in months. hope she's well.


She just shared some pictures from a Teen Vogue photoshoot on Instagram. Looks fabulous.


and she's marrying a talented journalist. talk about power couple.


That pair have the potential to do so much good.


God I love her


Because I haven't seen her mentioned yet: Marsha P. Johnson. Because without her and others with her we wouldn't have the rights we now have. She is definitely a trans icon ❤️


thank you!! she was one of the OGs


I am highly disappointed with how far I scrolled to find the queen 🏳️‍⚧️⚧️🏳️‍🌈💖♾️


I think a lot of people don’t count her as trans because she didn’t identify as trans


I do hear you and I don't think you're wrong. I do remember somewhere in the dust cover past hearing an audio of her saying she was a (please forgive the offensive historical phrasing of the word used in the era) trans*estite and that she would probably get [gender affirming] surgery. People had a different way of identifying using the parlance of that time.. would she identify as trans today. Who can really know but it seems like yes.. I cannot find the source so i cannot link it.. anyone else remember hearing or reading this from her..? I'm fairly certain it was in a documentary.


CW: Offensive historical terms for trans people Yes, you’re referencing an interview with Allen Young when she said a transvestite lives in drag but is a feminine boy whereas a transsexual is a woman who wants to take hormones and get surgeries. In her last interview before her death (it may be this interview as well) she continued to define herself as a feminine boy and separating herself from people who lived as women rather than lived in drag.


There was an old woman in my hometown that my school brought in once as an 'lgbt elder'. She was very cool. Transitioned in the 60's told me about her experiences with the criminalization of lgbt people and aids. RIP cool trans grandma.


Every single fucking one of us. Take a bow. I mean it. You deserve it.


Beautiful beautiful you 💐


Awwww ty <3




Elliot Page


I know a bunch of people whove been working with him lately. Apparently hes so kind. Im hoping to pitch a show to his company next year.


Laura Jane Grace


Listening to Against Me right now🩷


I love her performance of True Trans Soul Rebel with Miley Cyrus on backing vocals


Just listened to that because you mentioned it. Cyrus really is just doing backing vocals.


I just finished her book today! Loved it


Love her so much. Huge inspo. And as someone who has a more masc lesbian/tomboy presentation, there was a lot of validation I was able to get from her and from her book (incredible read, though obviously tough at parts, if you haven't read it. She narrated the audiobook version too)


So glad she was far up on the comments, my true trans hero.💙


Queen. Would love to meet or hang out with her someday


I've had Stay Alive on repeat for the past couple of weeks... such a powerful album!


definetly Alan L. Hart, as a trans person who wants to study medicine he's my biggest inspiration. apart from being an amazing doctor, he's one of the earliest examples of trans people being recognized by science and the first trans man to go under sex change surgery in the USA. he has also written poems and stories about his feelings of "being trapped in the wrong body" when he was young, but I think they're hard to find


Fuck it imma say myself! I’m proud of who I am and how I am putting me being trans into my values in life! I’m my own hero which is kinda hard to say since I never thought I’d love me this much


Im gonna say you as well. Im fuckin proud we have someone like you among us. Fuck yeah!


I’m happy to read this comment. Go you x 


Hooray for self love and self acceptance! You rock!!


Sylvia Rivera Michaela Jaé Rodriguez Indya Moore Lynn Conway (seconding) Andrea James Sandy Stone Alejandra Caraballo Deirdre McCloskey Venus Xtravaganza Eli Clare Leslie Feinberg Jan Morris Laverne Cox Christine Jorgensen Eve Lindley


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebecca\_Heineman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebecca_Heineman), the trans woman who won the first video game tournament. At least according to some sources, it was the first.


Well, damn. I wasn't expecting to cry this afternoon but reading about her and Jennell Jaquays did me in. No wonder the only FPS game I've been good at was Quake II.


I believe if we're being technical, she was the first to win a national tournament, in the US. Not sure if other countries had any national tournaments before then, but it seems like a good chance it was the first. She also worked on a ton of games.


You may have seen the recent obituaries for [Lynn Conway](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynn_Conway).


This quote of hers amazed me, I put it on my kid's school's Pride bulletin board:   > “It’s like building bridges,” she says. “People can say the design stinks, your ideas aren’t any good. But if the bridge stands, it stands. What works, works.”  >   > “People can look at me and say what they want,” she continues. “They’ll judge me and they’ll judge people who are like me, and they can have their weird theories. They can say where I’m going to go when I die. But take a look at my life and tell me if the bridge stands.” (https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=119242&page=1)


She was a titan.


I have to say Marsha P. Johnson. She threw the brick heard round the world. I just hope we don't have to throw any more.


Only saw hir name once in a list so gotta say it again. Leslie Feinberg


Some of the most innovative musicians of recent years have been trans women. Including: SOPHIE (RIP) Laura Les Jane Remover underscores


Both members of Black dresses are trans also and left at London there is a surprising amount of trans artist that are really making unique sounding music


Oh good shout on Black Dresses!


Oh and I forgot about Liturgy for those who are into metal and Backxwash for hip hop


Ekko Astral too!


I work in music so most of mine are musicians: April Harper Grey (underscores), Blair Benzel (Good Game, Invalids), SOPHIE, Wendy Carlos, Laura Jane Grace (Against Me!) there are many more but these immediately come to mind


There are many transgender DC Comics superheroes that are genuine good role models and have great stories! One of them is Dreamer (Nia Nal) and she’s also in the live-action Supergirl show and has a trans actress to play her!


The person who plays her actually writes her comics.


At the moment Erin Reed. She gives us the news we need to know and also changes it for the better.


I’m new to her newsletter but I’m impressed so far. I think she has a big future as a writer. 


Look into her partners work too! Zooey Zephyr - Montana State Rep.


Hunter Schafer 💕


As a dad trying to relate, we watched Murcury Stardust a bunch. Positive message. https://youtu.be/dcscMMfyGtA?si=xItDGDEm_5OFEuVZ


she is so cool! a great role model*


I love her! Her book is so helpful, and she's raised so much $$ for the community


Can't believe no one's mentioned Abigail Thorn of Philosophy Tube yet!


As well as Natalie Wynn of Contrapoints! 😊


Han Lianyi (寒涟漪) is a Chinese trans woman who established the first suicide prevention network for queer people in China, and literally saved over a thousand people’s lives. The crazy thing is that she is 22-23 right now and had been doing suicide prevention since she was 17 when she was still in high school. Pretty much everyone in the Chinese trans community respect her greatly. Here is her twitter profile: https://twitter.com/hanlianyi520?s=21&t=4cfD_iOUxdzue3H8McD9qg


Lana Wachowski AKA, Vanity Fair's first trans woman of the year >!... in an alternate reality where things make *logical sense* sometimes instead of [the nightmarish illogical matrix we actually live in](https://iowastatedaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/38056975366b68f078d6c5b45d4ccfd0.jpg).!<


Chelsea Manning, Lucas Silviera


My partner is my trans hero 💓 sorry i can't be more specific with names


[Laura Jane Grace](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Jane_Grace), for her album "Transgender Dysphoria Blues" (2014) [Leslie Feinberg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leslie_Feinberg), for her novel "Stone Butch Blues" (1993) [Susan Stryker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_Stryker), for her article "My Words to Victor Frankenstein above the Village of Chamounix: Performing Transgender Rage" (1994) [Lynn Conway](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynn_Conway), for initiating the Mead-Conway VLSI chip design revolution [Sophie Wilson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophie_Wilson), for designing the ARM instruction set [Sylvia Rivera](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sylvia_Rivera), for her speech "Y'all Better Quiet Down" at the 1973 Gay Pride Rally in NYC [Kalonymus ben Kalonymus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalonymus_ben_Kalonymus), for "Prayer for Transformation" (1322)


Id like to shout out the members of my favorite band, FOXCULT. They're all Transfem, and touring right now. Highly recommend.


YOOOOO, hello! I was gonna mention them and am so glad I ssw someone else do the same!


Surprised to not see Marsha P Johnson


Suzy Izzard!! She was probably the first trans person I truly had exposure to as an out transgender public figure and the confidence and strong personality have always stuck with me, she takes no shit and just is herself which will always inspire me.


Not to mention, she's brilliant in multiple fields, an activist, actor, and athlete. And she's the prime example of a master of surreal comedy. Who has a crush? Why would you even think that?...


Hikawa Kiyoshi


My first thought when you said heroes went to the fictional variety. I know it's not necessarily what you were asking for, but I love Dreamer from Supergirl so much. She's played by an incredible trans actor, and there are a fair few episodes primarily focused on her identity, though she's so much more than that anyway. In many ways, she was me before I knew I was me. Edit: The actor's name is Nicole Maines, I lover her so much 🥺💛🧡💜


Aiden Thomas. He's a trans writer who really inspired me to get back into writing and creating after I came out.


I have always been completely obsessed with the Chevalier d'Eon. But as a contemporary person I admire, I really love Abigail Thorn of Philosophy Tube.


Dr. James Barry. First doctor to perform a successful c- section where both mother and child lived


Barry - wouldn't bother correcting that one except there is actually an unrelated James Berry who was also a surgeon, lol


Oh word, thanks!


seconding laura jane grace and Rebecca heineman


Lou Sullivan


Yes ! As a gay trans man myself, he is so inspiring. I wish I was as badass as him.


Absolutely agree. I read “We Both Laughed in Pleasure”, a collection of his diary entries, for the first time a few years ago. I’d never seen my own experiences reflected so transparently. I will forever wish I’d had the opportunity to meet him- if AIDS hadn’t taken him too soon, he would be 73 in just a few days.


Lili Elbe is one of my favorite painters, her work is stunning. She was one of the first people to receive SRS and was a brilliant artist.


If anyone historically us a trans pioneer and hero it's Lilli Elbe, she was a patient with Magus Hirchsfeld's clinic in Berlin before the Nazies destroyed it!


Genesis P-Orridge. Very odd person, in such a great way. They're also the reason Throbbing Gristle, COUM Transmissions, and Psychic TV existed and therefore influenced a LOT of industrial music.


Seconded. They are an absolute legend. I jope that I can be even a fraction of how authentic they were


YES I’ve been a massive fan of industrial music for ages, but was completely unaware of the other art movements that Genesis was part of for far too long. Absolutely brilliant human being.


Alan L. Hart, famous trans doctor way back when.


Me 🙄


Erika Hilton. She's a brazilian politician and most relevant LGBTQ+ activist on BR politics


I love her


You only like her b/c she’s skinny and brown. /s 🙄


Why not?! Is it a brown privilege?! Or brown supremacy or brown washing same as yall do and did and slavery then stfu


You sound a lil more than a lil bit racist, babe.




Hating anyone *because* of their race is racism, but go off. I hate this TikTok generation. /s 🙄


Well hating what yt people doing and did before it’s not racist


Maybe you should just hate racists, in general? If you don’t think people can be racist against white people, you should look up what the Nazis did in the 1940s.


Well i’m not racist i’m just saying the truth and and most my family r white btw so I don’t hate anyone for there skin colour but i told you what i hate about that


And btw I don’t use tiktok


Yeah, I was being sarcastic (/s) since you assumed I was “TikTok generation.”


Hunter Schafer ❤️🏳️‍⚧️


Am I the first to say Natalie Wynn, Contrapoints?  I’m not a stan, a few of her vids were awful but overall she was the first erudite trans voice I heard and that changed my world. 


Joan Roughgarden, biologist, author and trans fem since the 90's.


Its me ☺️✨ But if you want a name…Candy Darling. One of the most damn beautiful women I have ever seen with a kind attitude and an Andy Warhol Superstar. She starred in what was trying to be an anti-feminist movie called ‘Women in Revolt’ which she has so much energy in, I swear! Also theres a few songs written about her. Shes my queen 🧎‍♀️🙏


[Sarah McBride](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W55k59MU-mY&pp=ygUNc2FyYWggbWNicmlkZQ%3D%3D) I’m not a trans person, but I’m an ally. Sarah McBride is a big LGBTQIA+ advocate in my state and is a very compassionate person. She is the first openly trans senator in the U.S. and the highest currently trans elected official in the U.S. Her story of [losing her husband](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7AF2mr4d_Qg&pp=ygUZQW5kcmF3IGNyYXkgc2FyYWcgbWNicmlkZQ%3D%3D) is heartbreaking.


**PART 2** Saisha Shinde - India's first celeb fashion designer Ceyenne Doroshow is an activist & the founder of GLITS, an organization dedicated to creating sustainable housing & healthcare for black trans ppl. Miss Major Griffin-Gracy referred to as Miss Major, a black trans activist who has fought for over 50 yrs for the trans/GNC comm. She is a veteran of the infamous Stonewall Riots. Raquel Willis is a writer, activist, public speaker, and media maven. Willis is the former executive editor of Out magazine. Leyna Bloom is an actress, model, dancer, & activist. A trailblazer for trans women in entertainment & fashion. She is the 1st openly Black & Asian-American trans women to make the cover of Sports Illustrated magazine's swimsuit issue. Jazz Jennings is one of the youngest publicly documented ppl to be identified as trans. Elliot Page, a Canadian author, actor/producer, is best known for their roles in Juno & Umbrella Academy. Alok Vaid-Menon - mixed-media artist, who uses poetry, comedy, performance, lecture, sound-art, fashion design, self-portraiture, & social media to explore themes of gender, race, trauma, belonging & the human condition Fallon Fox is a retired & the first openly trans, mixed martial artist. She faced virulent hostility & discrimination her entire MMA career. Kim Petras is an international trans pop star born in Germany. At 16, she is touted as the world's youngest trans person. Aaron Rose Philip is an Antiguan-American model who in 2018 became the first Black trans disabled model represented by a major modeling agency. She published 'This Kid Can Fly: It’s About Ability (Not Disability)'. Qween Jean is an unrelenting TGNC activist. Founder of Black Trans Liberation. CeCe McDonald found herself in the national spotlight after she stabbed a man in self-defense from a racially motivated, ant itrans attack. Dean Spade is a legal expert on trans issues & founder of the Sylvia Rivera Law Project. Dr. Trinetra H. Gummaraju: Karnataka, India's first-ever trans doctor. Sara Gill: Pakistan's first trans doctor Suchitra Dey: teacher. Kolkata, India Chaz Bono is an author, activist, musician & actor. The son of megastars Sonny Bono & Cher. Jesse James Keitel is the first trans NB actor in a primetime TV leading role. Known for ABC's Big Sky, Peacock's Queer As Folk reboot and a role & playes Captain Angel on Paramount+'s Star Trek series Strange New Worlds. William Dorsey Swann, an emancipated slave, organized a series of balls in D.C. He is credited as being the 1st drag queen & gay liberation activist. As with many in history prior to the term transgender, trans folk identified as Transexual, Transvestite or as a drag queen.


**PART 3** Janet Mock is a VERY accomplished trans woman. An Emmy-nominated writer & director of FX's Pose w/ several other TV credits. She’s a NY Times bestselling author of 2 memoirs, made the covers of 🇬🇧VOGUE & Marie Claire just to name a few Dominque Jackson is known for her leading role as Elektra Abundance on FX's Pose. She is a model, actor, ballroom legend, former sex worker, a relentless trans rights activist & published her autobiography - The Transsexual from Tobago. Mauree Turner was elected to Oklahoma's state House in 2020, becoming one of the first NB state lawmakers in America and the first Muslim to serve in Oklahoma's state legislature Danica Roem, is VA delegate & former frontwoman for a metal band in 2018 became the 1st openly trans legislator in the USA. Valeria Vegas, is a Spanish trans icon, Cristina Ortiz  biographer, journalist, writer, docufilm maker, & producer. As a student journalist, she started transitioning & wrote the epic book the series Veneno is based on, ¡Digo! Ni puta ni santa: Las memorias de La Veneno Cristina Ortiz, known as La Veneno is a legendary Spanish trans icon. A singer, actress, & sex worker, she appeared on a popular late-night TV show. Under her flamboyant & vulgar exterior beat the heart of an unrelenting survivor. Quentin “Que” Bell is a black trans man & activist, born & raised in Selma, AL. Founder of The Knights & Orchids Society.


Thr Wachowski sisters, Laverne Cox, Janelle Monáe, Georgina Beyer, Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera.


Leslie Feinberg, and hir history book 'Transgender Warriors'


Julia Serrano author of “Whipping Girl” CN Lester author of “Trans Like Me”


Mother Electra from Pose


The Lady Chablis


Loiza lamers


"Hero" seems a load word but I do admire Jennell Jaquays for her iconic work in game design, especially in tabletop RPGs. Other than that, I find the figure of Chevalier d'Eon fascinating. Probably not admirable in any moral sense, but must have been quite capable as a spy.


Danica Roem?


Daisy Taylor and Natalie Mars


Robert Erickson, trans man who sold the Granma to Fidel Castro thus enabling the Cuban Revolution.


I cant find anything about this online, can you link a source?




Nicole Maines. When I was in highschool (and heavily in denial about my own "transness") she was in the show Supergirl and played a superhero named "Dreamer." The superhero herself is transgender and if my memory is correct Nicole Maines was the first transwoman to play a transgender superhero on TV. I don't follow her much anymore but I always remember that when I was younger I always wanted to be a woman and a superhero! Nicole Maines is someone I look up to for being herself and being proud of it ☺️ And Dreamer has such a cute superhero outfit 😍


sonic the hedgehog


laura les


James Barry https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Barry_(surgeon)


Abigail Thorne of Philosophy Tube! Her videos inspired so much more comfort in coming out, and listening to her always calms me down and helps me focus and think clearly.


Me and me none strong enough to be out load trans woman in middle east


Amanda Lear... not necessarily my favorite, but I haven't seen her mentioned. Also Romy Haag, Brigitte Bond (the original Ska girl), Mardi Pieronek (@mardipantz on IG, she started her transition in the late 70s or early 80s, and her IG is full of the stories of her life as a young trans woman growing up in that time)


I might get flack for this but Dylan mulvaney and mercury stardust


I love me some Mercury Stardust. She's so wholesome! 🥰


Since I don’t think anyone said it, Kim Petras. She’s a pop icon and broke through some barriers to get to where she is now. Being trans made her journey to becoming a pop star a lot more difficult, her music is sex positive and a lot of fun. She was also the youngest trans woman to receive bottom surgery in Germany. I think she’s neat 💁‍♀️


LJG bar none


Laura Jane Grace and her music has helped me so much


I hope this helps: **PART 1** **Lili Elbe** -The grand matriarch of trans women (first to receive GRS) and the first known recipient of a *uterus* transplant in an attempt to achieve *pregnancy*, but died due to the subsequent complications Lana and Lily Wachowski (The Matrix Franchise) Suzy Eddie Izard Janae Marie Kroc (once held the title of strongest man on earth. was a Marine) Kristin Beck (forme Navy Seal -Team 6) Roberta Cowell - 1st  British woman to undergo GRS. She was a WWII fighter pilot & a race car driver. Michael Dillon- the first trans to have had a phalloplasty & was a pioneer of the movement. In 1938,  he officially became the first trans man to take testosterone Dr. Alan L. Hart born Alberta was a prominent figure in the study of tuberculosis. Patricia A. Morgan, an American businesswoman, and former sex worker, in the early 1960s, was one of the earliest ppl to undergo GRS in the USA. Christine Jorgense got hers in Denmark even though she was American. Dianna Boileau is credited as being the 1st Canadian trans woman to undergo GRS. Rupert Raj- Founder of the influential magazines: Gender Review & Metamorphosis Stormé DeLarverie - Key figure in igniting StoneWall Sylvia Rivera - Key figure in igniting Ston Marsh P. Johnson - Key figure in igniting Ston Billy Porter - entertainer and lead in the first trans series FX's Pose Renée Richards was the Caitlyn Jenner of the 70s Caitlyn Jenner Beth Elliott, a trans lesbian aka a transbian, VP of the San Francisco chapter of the  Daughters of Bilitis who was booted out by her Lesbian sisters. Sandy Stone, a transgender engineer of the radical lesbian music Sandy Stone - wrote the phenomenal book 'The Empire Strikes back" a response Janice Raymond’s TERF book The Transsexual Empire. Virginia Prince is most often credited w/ coining the term transgender & founded Transvestia magazine. She also founded the first transvestite organization in history Caroline Cossey AKA Tula, a Bond girl, dancer & top model, was featured in the Bond film 'For Your Eyes Only' Brandon Teena was a trans man who was raped & murdered in Humboldt, NE, Dec 31, 1993 Riki Wilchins founder the 1st trans group Trans Menace. Gwendolyn Ann Smith - founded the Transgender Day of Remembrance in 1998 Monica Helms - created our trans flag in 1999 International Transgender Day of Visibility was founded by Rachel Crandall in 2009 Laverne Cox - The first trans woman to appear on the cover of british Vogue. Best know for her part on Netflix's "Orange is The New Black" & phenomenal documentary Disclosure also on Netflix. Candis Cayne- Known for her role on ABC's Dirty, Sexy, Money. Rachel  Levine is a four-star admiral in the US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps & the United States assistant secretary for health. Nicole Maine (my hero)


I'm not If I'd include Caitlin amongst trans hero's seeing she supported Republicans (who btw take trans rights away)!


Princess Turdina


mines a bit different from everyone else haha but theres a transwoman musician named Awfultune, i love her stuff so much


Lasse-Maja, Swedish thief during the early 1800s


Jennifer Finney Boylan


Hayden Anhedonia (Ethel Cain)


I will honestly say all the allies (cis, trans, non binary, or otherwise) out there that don’t get the props that they often deserve. It’s one thing to be trans and advocate for trans right, we’ve got skin in the game. But to be someone who wouldn’t be affected one way or another, who could just as easily choose rejection and hate over love, and conscientiously choose the latter bc it’s the right thing to do, regardless of external pressure, is hero worthy in my book. We as trans people can only go so far on our own, it’s those allies that will help normalize us, that will help us integrate into society as humans, that really inspire me. So if you’re an ally and standing up for us and marching with us from Congress to the streets of every day life, thank you 🙏


Chelsea Manning 100%


Chaz Bono and Andreja Pejic


Alexander Avila. He's making video about social analysis... but gay xD. He's the best. I really like his videos and admire his bravery and intelligence.


My girlfriend. Because she is my girlfriend.


Lena Raine, the musician behind Celeste’s soundtrack, some of the songs in Minecraft, and a variety of other games’ music


Caroline Cossey, Gina Rocero, Wendy Carlos


Shoutout from NZ: [Georgina Beyer MNZM JP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgina_Beyer), she was the world's first openly transgender mayor, and the world's first openly transgender member of parliament. Hell of an advocate too.


Andrea Long Chu is maybe less hero than intellectual, but her work means everything to me. Big rec for "On Liking Women" (helped hatch me, and I've used it to help hatch others too); "Females," her profoundly bizarre nonfiction (?) book; and her most recent article, a provocative number called "The Right to Change Sex"


I admire every single trans person who has done positive work for the community, but especially activists like Marsha P. Johnson, Sylvia Rivera or Adela Vázquez. I’m a person of many hobbies, so trans people who have worked on things that I’m interested in are always people I admire:— Danielle Bunten Berry, Emilia Schatz and Rebecca Heineman are all incredible trans women who worked on video games.


Lena Raine, Celeste composer, and one of my favourite artists. As a musician myself, she inspires me and her music means a lot to me. Absolutely wonderful. I don't generally have "heroes" but Lena Raine is more of a hero to me than anyone else. Honorable mentions: Eskay, Overwatch streamer and youtubist. Beyond being funny and cool and exciting to watch, she's also just a very relatable person who says some very real things sometimes. Magi, top Super Smash Bros Melee player, and the first woman to be ranked top 100 globally. She is just so awesome and I love her. Mayro, content creator with a focus on Mario games. I haven't watched her in years but she was the one who introduced me to the trans community and jump started my journey into self-discovery, so she's always gonna be a little bit of a hero to me.


Renee Richards, she’s the first trans I’d ever heard of. I remember thinking how mentally strong she had to be. Mid ‘70’s pro tennis player. The press had a field day with her. I was young, can vaguely recall how the subject of transgender was temporarily pushed to the forefront of conversation……..sadly, it was all negative. Quietly, she was a hero to me


Renee Richards. Seeing her in the news during her tennis days and instantly I knew I wasn't alone. Tula Cosey. Lynn Conway. These days, so many.


Maybe not a hero in the sense of "cured cancer" but she was very important for my personal development of accepting myself: the Starcraft progamer Sasha Hostyn, also known as Scarlett, also known as the Queen of Blades.


I thought of mentioning her, but I wasn't sure how to ask her if it was okay if I did haha Wildest story is that my mom knows her! I really want to meet her, she's really awesome to me.


Nicole Maines! She also happens to play DC’s first transgender superhero in real life! Dreamer!


Buck Angel. I felt so alone and googled (on my parents dial up internet) “girl who wants to be boy.” And I found him. He was muscular, covered in tatts, a gorgeous trans man openly showcasing what he has. I was astounded. He was my saving grace, knowing not only am I not alone, but I’m not crazy. He might as well have been wearing a Superman uniform. He stood so strong and bold, telling his story..I’ve been out and loud ever since. Thank you Buck, for the example, and for still sticking to it this day. You are a king.


[Danielle Bunten Berry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danielle_Bunten_Berry) Programmer and game designer known for the 1983 game M.U.L.E.


Pauli Murray! US civil rights advocate who expanded legal protection for gender equality


Shon Faye


The girl from my high school who came out on Facebook :) she gave me the strength I needed.


The clownfish who know that to be the ultimate Chad you need to be a Stacy


Marsha "pay no mind" Johnson and Silvia Riveira


Kimberly Reed, loved her documentary


Laverne cox, MJ Rodeigues


Not a traditional (or even real but shut up) hero but a hero to me nonetheless: Alex Fierro


Claude cahun!!


AliceInWonder1and - YouTuber Doc Impossible - Blogger / Redditor They’re heroes to me for being positive examples/role models in public. 💜


Jackie Shane, 1960s soul/r&b singer from Toronto. Her music is on Spotify if that's your cup of tea


All the dead, both iconic and unknown. They are the reason we keep going, the reason we fight to be recognized as people who are just living our lives and to be alive for all our struggles. The reason we need to stay live long enough to guide the next generation of trans youth against a society that continues to not want us here. We’ve been here, we always have, and always will be.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kate\_Bornstein](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kate_Bornstein) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devon\_Price](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devon_Price)


Nicole Maines. Lachlan Watson


Kim Petras, Ashley Adamson, Nano Nano.


Elizabeth Coffey


I gotta go with G.L.O.S.S. as a whole but mainly Sadie Switchblade Smith, her lyrics and rebellion is what gave me the last push of strength and courage I needed to finally transition


Laura Jane Grace


The creative genius that is Lana Wachowski. No question about it! I draw so much inspiration from her. I truly admire Eliot Page also. He is living his truth so publicly (outspoken public figure), and he appears to be a genuinely nice guy.


Jory and Mercury