• By -


Ac2 is my number one but I like to play ezio trilogy as a whole. ACIII has to be close second for me.


My favorite is Black Flag. Amazing story, wonderful characters, and the sea shanties are the best.


the sea shanties really are the best


Whenever sea shanty starts playing I get the urge to play black flag.


ohhhhhhhh what should we do with a drunken sailorrr 🎶


I dreamed a dreammmmmmm, the other the night …….


Lowlaaaands, lowlands awayyy


Black Flag is my favorite game, period.


I got a butt load of AC games for Christmas last year, that being one of them


Origins is my favorite. One of the most beautiful games I’ve ever played


Amen to that


I'm binging the games as well while I'm mid way on AC4 right now I'll limit it to Ac 1 through 3. with that stipulation it's AC3. I really enjoyed Connor as a character, building up the homestead, listening to the Assassin recruits and thier stories. Plus the prologue with Haytham is pretty great even if it's a bit long. The only thing I didn't like about the game was that for making money the best course of action was just to ignore the crafting mechanics and just buy and sell pelts.


AC3 was really good tbh and I never found the haytham prologue too long or boring. I'd love to play as haytham again.


I also never found it too long or boring, never understood this sub’s sentiment that the Haytham segment overstays its welcome. The way they set it up for the twist to be revealed was awesome, and I get excited every time I play it


All the complaints about Connor had always felt so unwarranted


All time, BH/Rev. Currently Odyssey, as that’s what I’m playing. I actually like the game.


I really liked Odyssey as well. It gets too much hate


Agreed. I didn't play the modern ones because of all the negative opinions already out there regarding them, but I'm currently in love with odyssey. I say this as someone who's been on the series since 2007, not that it matters, but the new ones definitely don't get enough credit.


Odyssey is the best of the latest "trilogy" for sure. It still suffers from the world being too big and there being too much to do, but it has the best story and characters (I love Bayek but outside of him...meh), and it leans into the video gamey side of things with Kassandra/Alexios essentially being capable of magic, which isn't as believable as some of the other games in the series, but it's a ton of fun.


Origins was originally my fave of the new three, with Odyssey last. When I replayed Origins then started Odyssey again, I changed my mind. Odyssey is my fave of the new three now. Honestly, I’d like it more without the AC stuff in it. It stands fine on its own.


Origins or Odyssey. I know that Bayek is by far my favorite assassin. It's a toss up between those two.


Assassin’s Creed 1 all the way. They really knew how to build atmosphere and tension in the game. And assassinating your targets were such a highlight of the game that they took very seriously. Very satisfying.


And the dialogue! Man, I have missed that depth and maturity every other AC game I've played.


RIGHT NOW, it's Unity.




100% play unity in French. I also played entire ezio trilogy in Italian I really hope there is a Turkish option for mirage


Shouldn’t it be Arabic?




1. AC: Rogue 2. AC3 3. AC4 4. AC: Brotherhood 5. AC: Unity This only ever changes if I'm wildly impressed by some new title in the future.


Nice to see some Rogue appreciation. Not my favourite, but definitely in my top 4. My favourites are 1, 2, Unity and Rogue.


I thought I was the only one with rouge as their favorite lol, it's so underrated


Isn't rogue a pretty short AC game? This is one of the 2 games that I still need to buy in order to complete my AC collection


Yeah it’s like a very distilled black flag with some unique mechanics. Really easy to breeze through and have fun


Story is very short (like 7 sequences maybe?) but lots of extras to do and a lot of unique mechanics (being hunted, your ship being boarded, etc).


It is about half the length of Black Flag, and using the same engine. It definitely gives the feel, in places, of having been intended to have been longer, as the final Sequences really feels kinda rushed to me... but you might notice, it still tops my list despite that. It gave me everything I want from an AC title: the gameplay of Black Flag; a story that bridges the events of Black Flag and AC3, including characters from both; tweaks to some of the more needlessly time-consuming aspects of BF; new weapons, and it expands ideas on how to use them in new gameplay goals (i.e., larger mission variety); the worldview and thought-processes of a Templar; and *plenty* to chew on in terms of the sorts of philosophical debates that I feel make this franchise great. It also gave us the debate surrounding how the Assassins appear to act in this game, which is a topic I have found interesting enough that I've been working on my first-ever video essay intending to defend the POV of this game's Colonial brotherhood. It is...taking me much longer to figure the technical aspects of this out than I ever anticipated, including a run-through I did of the game already, AND AC3 in case I needed b-roll, AND AC3 Remastered just in case because I can be super-weird about these things...only to find out I'd been recording in 30fps and like 720p the whole time, and now I'm starting that journey over again. Joy.


Alright so I should probably be able to blast through rogue in a day then maybe 2. I am still sorry for you having to start over just because the recording settings were wrong




"I prefer the tumult of liberty to the quiet of servitude." The original author of the quote is debated, but it was popularized by Thomas Jefferson in a letter to James Madison about... ...well, [I'll let you interpret it for yourself.](https://www.monticello.org/research-education/thomas-jefferson-encyclopedia/i-prefer-dangerous-freedom-over-peaceful-slavery-quotation/) However, I find it particularly relevant to both my personal ethos and that of the AC series.


Rouge has to be one of my favorites because you finally get to play as a Templar and i kind of hope we get another game in the future where we get to play as a Templar once again, nothing against the assassins but playing as the villians can be very fun, honestly i feel like after Valhalla, they could easily set up a game playing as the Templars, as the organization that came before it, the Order Of The Ancients, is effectively wiped out and was reformed into the Knights Templar. there could be your game right there, where you play as one of the first in the organization where one of the main missions in the game is creating the group


Imo, Rogue is the AC3 game we should’ve got.


Ezio trilogy is top notch, AC 3 and black flag tied for 2nd




1. Odyssey 2. Origins 3. Syndicate Odyssey had my favourite protagonist, best gameplay and best Open World. Origins had the writing, but honestly... if you take away the Superpower bits, Odyssey was way more grounded than Origins. Also the Grind killed me. Syndicate is just top notch classic AC imho, last of an Era. Sadly it was cursed with Ubisoft-Politics




Essentially because Odyssey is a family drama from start to finish. You don't rewrite/shape history or anything, you're merely experiencing it. Origins starts as such, but it quickly makes you the decider of history, saver of worlds and decider of fates




Yeah, that what was I meant with ignoring all the mythology stuff. I'm not really a fan of that, so it comes easy for me to ignore it




You mean Atlantis? I bought the DLCs, but I refused to finish the Atlantis one.


Valhalla (I love Eivor) and the OG.


Ayy, fellow Valhalla enjoyer. We seem to be a rarity in my experience lol


I dig all these games, but I really really enjoyed Valhalla. Blown away so many people hated it.


I suspect it's because people really took it personally when Valhalla still kept the Assassin's Creed in the title while it's just a very good Viking game. People wanted more assassins since it's in the title but Assassins ended on Syndicate. Plus some people find it very tendinous so I suspect most players simply didn't have time for it and tried to rush it instead of just enjoying viking gameplay Another note on the title, if not for Assassin's in the title most of us wouldn't even tried it because we would think they didn't put much effort into making it since AC are their gem. Meanwhile most of us don't even know of Immortal Fenyx Rising while it's just Odyssey with monster hunter. If y'all don't try their other games obv they're gonna name all their gem games Assassin's Creed


Black Flag is by far the most fun I've had in the series. Syndicate is a close second.


Black flag for classic style games. Odyssey for the rpg trilogy


For the newer ones, Odyssey. I was pleasantly surprised at how much fun I ended up having with it. From the older ones, Rogue. Loved the locations for the cities, as well as the sailing and wilderness areas.




I would say it us between Brotherhood, Black Flag, Syndicate for the classic games. For the RPG Odyssey. Origins not far behind. Valhalla I don't care to even finish. Let alone play again. I will probably start my series rerun marathon before I bother playing Valhalla again


AC2 is my favourite and will remain cause that game hooked me up in the AC games, also it was the start of the story of one of the Ubisoft 🐐 characters


I'm currently playing Syndicate and I will have played every AC game except for Valhalla this year. I've had a blast. But I do have to say AC3 stood out to me. That and Rogue. Ezio trilogy is obviously good. Anyways this makes no sense. Favorite is Origins. I started there and just absolutely still love it the best. But I do not understand the hate AC3 got. It's so much fun to me and Connor is so badass


Yea I never really understood the hate for AC3 either. I had a blast playing it and it was the AC that I was actually most excited to play


People criticised AC3 for two main things. First, They thought that Connor was stiff and bland, especially after 3 games with such an amazing protagonist like Ezio. Second, the buildings were far apart compared to Ezio's trilogy so people complained that parkour isn't the best option there because it was easier to go somewhere on the streets, instead of moving on top of the roofs. These are two that I remember the most. Personally, I really like Connor and less parkour possibilities have never bothered me.


The original is the best. That story is perfect. Also gives you the most freedom in terms of how you assassinate your targets.


AC3, love Connor and his story.


Ac3. I just really like the American revolution, and it has great world building like the homestead missions


Assassin's Creed. That's my favorite.


AC3 has a special place in my memory.


For a long time, i would have said AC3 because it had one of my favorite Assassin heroes and my favorite Templar villain in Connor and Haytham respectively. Runner ups are AC4 because pirates are cool and AC Unity because it has my favorite stealth, parkour and the fencing combat is pretty damn epic.


Despite it having the least content, I'm stilled obsessed with AC1. Maybe its the parkour being as deep as it is.


From a storytelling perspective, AC3 is my fav. People at the time apparently found the character switch jarring but I think its one of the most cohesive and on topic stories in the franchise in both the past and present storylines.


Ive loved 3 since launch


If I look at the whole series as a group of games and not as AC games, odyssey is my favourite. As far as AC goes, I liked AC2 best.


Black Flag and Syndicate


It's been Unity since the day the game released. Closely followed by AC3 and Origins probably.


Origins is my favorite followed by Brotherhood in second.


ALMOST Unity if it wasn't for the boring setting, maybe ACiii


Nothing will ever beat 2 for me, but after that Black Flag and Odyssey are 2 and 3


Black Flag, Odyssee and my Nr1 is Origins!


I don't really have a favourite, there's something I like about each entry in the series. AC1- you didn't need to complete every investigation mission and didn't have your hand held, it wasn't complex and didn't need to be AC2- the story ACB- kill streaks made Ezio feel as dangerous as he was supposed to be ACR- the fact that Assassin territory can be lost made the recruits system seem more of a vital component AC3- the Templars seemed relatable and less like a group of Bond villains AC4- ships, piracy, and not joining the brotherhood until the end ACRo- play as the 'bad guy' ACU- the mission to kill La Touche is (imo) the best assassination mission in the entire series ACS- assassinating a corrupt politician inside the Houses of Parliament, pretty cool ACO- a welcome change to the formula ACOd- Leonidas doesn't have a Scottish accent ACV- visiting the city I live in (Ledecestere) and the way the story connects with previous entries


Assassin's Creed I, Assassin's Creed III, Assassin's Creed: Liberation, and Assassin's Creed: Freedom Cry.


Ac black flag.


( pretty sure i’m gonna get shat on for this ) but odyssey if my absolute fave.


Origins brotherhood 3 and unity


My favorite is Rogue


mine is odyssey. i've played to completion and i just can't find an ac game that matches the same energy. i'm not a fan of the style of combat pre-origins but i did quite like black flag. i also enjoyed valhalla a lot. i'm excited to see what mirage has in store! i just haven't found a game that quite matches odyssey, and i don't understand all the hate it gets.


- AC 3 (I loved Connors story and his struggles, and also the whole homestead mechanic was fun) - AC Syndicate (the twins were funny and the grappling hook was super satisfying to zip around) - AC Origins (i love Egyptian mythology, soundtrack was top notch, and Bayek as a main character was awesome) Right now I'm playing AC Valhalla, finishing the story and about to head into the dlcs. It dragged a bit but I had fun with it


For me, ac unity, odyssey or ac 3


ACII and AC Brotherhood had the best story and characters. The missions were engaging, the length of the game wasn’t too long or short. The characters were interesting. The acting was top notch. The character designs were based on the actors, models, and stuntmen, which also made it more immersive — to see real people. Your character, Ezio, truly develops from a young brash lad to a very wise man. This made the investment in those games worth the while. Especially considering that it was a revenge tale done extremely well, that you anticipate to kill the Borgias. The Desmond saga in general had the greatest story and character development, spanning throughout 5 console games. But had Revelations been a bit longer and had the character design not change, it would also be one of my favourites. But I simply see it as an epilogue than a game. I would also add that AC Odyssey has been super addictive, mainly because I’m a big fan of Greek mythology and love Greek history. So I love that game as well. But I don’t consider it as Assassin’s Creed. The same goes for the others in the ‘Witcher’ trilogy — I don’t consider them as Assassin’s Creed. They neither have a creed nor are they assassins. Just cash grab which could’ve worked well with the overall lore if the games were just called “Isu Warriors”. So, yeah. That’s my answer.


I can't decide for certain, but my all time favorites are AC 1, AC 2, AC 3, Black Flag, Unity and Origins. They all seem to have some soul in them despise the funkiness, everything just works. From gameplay, story, lore, world building to customization. The older ones are more grounded - kinda more believable in some parts. I can say for certain that rogue, syndicate and valhalla are my least favorite in the entire series. Although they are good games with good working mechanics. Odyssey is a good middle ground, but it has nothing to do witch AC and is heavily rectoning the series for the sake to push its own narrative in my eyes.


Assassin's Creed 1. It's flawed, but there's just something magical about it.






AC2, and it probably always will be.


Probs Odyssey


Currently? Unity All time? Odyssey Underrated? AC3


It's AC2 or Black Flag and always will be


Origins is my current favorite out of the ones I’ve played so fae. The Ezio trilogy is my second favorite (yes, I know that’s technically 3 games lol, but I really loved Ezio).


The ezio trilogy was really fun. I am excited to play origins, It looks like a lot of fun


Origins is fantastic, it's like a real version of Tomb Raider because that's what you do!!👍


Ac Origins but I'm kinda biased as it's the first I ever played. Currently playing Odyssey, which I also like but I hate having to grind for an assassin build so I can play stealthily.




Overall definitely AC2. But I'm playing Valhalla again, and as much as that game is hated on, it is super fucking dope. I love it


Brotherhood for me. It’s the perfect AC game.


1: AC2 2: AC Unity 3: AC Origins 4: AC 3 5: AC Black Flag


Origins I love treasure hunting and solving puzzles I also love sight seeing and being fully immersed in ancient Egypt


AC Origins and it’s by far




For me its origins rn but i am really enjoying odyssey rn.




I've loved everything up til Black Flag, everything after that feels like it's steering away from what it was. I loved the investigations from 1 like the interrogations and discovering new ways to assassinate your target and escape. The base building from 2, and recruiting from the other 2 in the Ezio trilogy. The revolutionary War from 3 was a great story, the Haytham twist was really good. And I'm currently playing Black Flag again and I love it.


Likewise, it was perfect until Black Flag but even that was decent.


1. The Ezio Triology 2. Black Flag 3. Origins 4. Unity 5. AC3 6. AC1 7. Odyssey I haven't played Rogue I deleted Syndicate and Vallhalla cause i can't bring myself over to finish those games


Origins has been my favorite and the one I go back to the most.


That's like asking who is your favorite child is. I loved all of the ones I played. Except Liberations.




I will get hated for this lol Here’s my AC ranking from best to worst 1. Assassin’s Creed Origins 2. Assassin’s Creed Revelations 3. Assassin’s Creed III 4. Assassin’s Creed Syndicate 5. Assassin’s Creed Rogue 6. Assassin’s Creed 7. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla 8. Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag: Freedom Cry 9. Assassin’s Creed II 10. Assassin’s Creed Unity 11. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey 12. Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood 13. Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag 14. Assassin’s Creed Liberation 15. Assassin’s Creed Chronicles Trilogy


I have played most of the entries, except Valhalla and I am still going with ACIII


Syndicate and Revelations. Unity is a close second.


AC: Rouge




If you really like Black Flag you’ll like Rogue, same gameplay different era, this time it’s set during the Seven Years War. You get a New York River Valley and Arctic waters to sail in Unity is probably my favorite because it’s my favorite assassin experience, the parkour is fun and the Black Box missions add more fun to assassinating targets. You can also play up to three other players in missions or open world I’m honestly having a blast with AC Valhalla right now and I hated it when I beat it back when it launched. But replaying it with thinking more of as a Viking game than an assassin game, it’s been a lot of fun


I think that it will bother me if I don't buy rogue either way because I sort of want to have the whole AC collection in my library but I planned to play it either way. I am a little on the edge if I want to buy valhalla though because I haven't heard the greatest things about it but yet again I wanna have the complete collection. Maybe i'll change my opinion on it once I get to the newer games


Rogue Revelations Unity Rogue is all the best mechanics of the Americas saga set during a war that gives a solid reason to kill random enemies / sink every ship. With other characters like Connor or late game Edward some ludonarrative dissonance arises from Connor's wholesome nature and Edward learning to "give a tinker's curse" about the people he greedily hurts. Shay cared about civilians but he was also a dedicated soldier and I think incidents like Albany and Oneida only strengthened his resolve. The last game I let loose like that in was Brotherhood, as Rome was full of Borgia guards, whom I always killed in 2. So why did Revelations win? Ezio's pilgrimage story was great. The Byzantines were tougher, better fortified, and actually counter-attack. The Mediterranean defense mechanic allowed way more recruits and passive income and has unfortunately never reappeared since, although Shay's fleet mechanic was slightly reminiscent. Altair's memories and final meeting with Ezio were also excellent. Unity just did the urban Assassin fantasy really well. Doing the hardest heists on single player really lets the tools and mechanics shine. How can one player complete a mission made for four while also remaining undetected? Stealth and diversions. Great fun. Even when combat happens, the *melee* is some of my favorite in the series. It really hit the balance between cinematic and challenging.


AC1, with Revelations being just a hair behind.




I've played (in order of favorite) AC2 Rogue Origins Black flag AC3


From the old ones exactly the Black Flag. From the new RPG-ish trilogy is the Origins. Black Flag because it's a perfect game for all aspects, I love the caribbean setting and the sailing, and of course Edward, he was a very charming and cool protagonist. Origins because I am in love with Egypt, this game level of detail and world building are the Ubisoft's best of all time, one of the best in the entire gaming industry. First time when I seen the game contains the whole ancient country I'm totally shocked. And one more thing, from the three this game has the best dialogue animation and cutscene system, Odyssey and Valhalla just feels ungraceful to me.


I used to say black flag was my favourite but I really loved origins, the graphics, the story, the characters and the way to changed the franchise was amazing I loved it. I remember listening to Asking Alexandria's newest album while I played and it just has good memories with it. Other than that I loved AC3, Rouge had a great story, Unity was okay, never bothered finishing Syndicate because I just didn't vibe with it at all. Black Flag will always have a special place in my heart because of the atmosphere it created and the characters were amazing. Plus I feel like I'm one of the very few who loved Valhalla haha, I enjoyed the story so much! But to answer the og question (sorry for going on a tangent lmao) I'd say Origins was my favourite!


Unity. Been playing it for a while now and my god it's so amazing. Black flag is a close second for me, another amazing game


Ac2 for me, with unity as a close second


Ac brotherhood


1 Revelations 2 Syndicate 3 Black Flag


Fave still is Unity. Have done three playthroughs since its release. Didn't have the bugs others did.


Black Flag. My favourite "open world" one that isn't one of the crappy newer rpg ones where it takes like 30 minutes to even mildly injure certain enemies.


Hands down, Origins. Black flag is real close second. And actually, I like all of them, for different reasons. Yeah even the first, I think its great even to this day.


brotherhood and revelations but I love all of them


Had the most fun in unity. The parkour is fluid and flashy and there's just lots of freedom and choice when assassinating your target.




Brotherhood had the best story, but Black Flag had the best gameplay. If I had to choose, I'd probably go with Brotherhood. The last mission was my favorite in the series


Black flag. Perfect 10/10 on everything.


Can't pick one so I'll list my couple fav ones Unity: fair story, amazing gameplay, parkour and architecture. Black flag: amazing story, shanties and amazing gameplay Origins: insanely pleasant world exploration, fun characters, fair story, few interesting punch lines and over the top architecture, I've spent countless hours just admiring the signs on the walls and city designs


Now that's a really hard question because I love all these games. I guess I have to divide it by some aspects. I think I like the world in Odyssey the most. I did it on 100% and after over 100 hours I wasn't tired or bored even in the slightest. I had a lot of fun with it. When it comes to the story, Ezio's trilogy was the most engaging and memorable for me. My favourite protagonist is also Ezio. If I have to choose one game though, hmm... I think I'll go with Brotherhood. The story was brilliant there, Rome was gorgeous and I love its atmosphere.




Assassin's Creed 2 or Assassin's Creed Unity are my favorites. Black Flag is probably the last of this list !


2 4 3 Odyssey Revelations Valhalla


Going by play time, Odyssey. There's just so much going on and I enjoyed all of it. If you're going by how I feel, I'd say Brotherhood. It's the original AC formula fully realized with a good setting, though thinking back the story was pretty milquetoast




Granted I haven't played them all (leaving the ones I've done out of order), 2, Black Flag, Origins, and Valhalla are definitely favorites. I honestly wasn't too sure about Valhalla and originally wasn't interested, but the wife got me the Ragnarok edition by accident (asked for GoWR) for the holidays and I'm all the happier for it.


Revelations has always been my favorite, the hook blade was such a fun addition and of course I loved old man ezio


AC3 Valhalla & Syndicate. Love the settings.


It’s not a popular opinion, but the kenway saga are my 2 favorites in the entire series


Black Flag is still my number 1 pick, game got me back into AC and I just had a real fun time playing it. Revelations is an easy 2nd tho old man Ezio is cool and the city is fun the run around.


Black Flag, then Unity, then Syndicate




I love syndicate. To be fair, it’s the only one I’ve played, but that’s besides the point


Odyssey, played it for 600hours, 3 playthrough, one with alexios, another with kassandra and another with alexios "NG+Trainer" maxed out all perks and skills and sub skills, ended doing around 12millons critical assassination dmg ​ and in second place Syndicate, i just love how london looks at night and walking on the streets


It is Unity, the story is fine, could have been a lot better. But everything else is nearly perfect, the parkour and stealth are unmatched, there is an unholy amount of collectables which is great for relax playing. The crowded city for social stealth. And there are the Nostradamus enigma and murder mysteries that make you feel like Sherlock Holmes. The graphics are so good that it is impossible to believe they came out in 2014.


Its a cliché but I can't stop replying with intense excitement the ezio trilogy even though its so old.


Odyssey, Origins, then Unity.


I played all ACs up to Odyssey last year, even the DS and PSP games & AC Chronicles. My Top 5 are 1. AC II - Top tier story + music and massive improvements in gameplay over the first one. 2. AC: Black Flag - Story is not bad, but gameplay is top notch and music / shanties are incredible. Loved the setting as well. 3. AC: Brotherhood - Improved most things from ACII but story is not as good. 4. AC III - I love Connor/Haytham and the new gamplay mechanics introduced. Music by Lorne Balfe is incredible as well, my second most favourite AC Soundtrack after AC II. 5. AC: Origins - I loved Bayek and Aya and the story is great. The RPG mechanics were good as well and they did not go overboard with side-quests and collectibles. The best setting in AC history for me, Ancient Egypt was great. The only AC I haven't played yet is Valhalla as I got burnt out of AC after Odyssey.




Black flag


Brotherhood always has my favorite gameplay loop of pure Assassin stuff


Brotherhood and it's barely even a contest


Animal Crossing! Just kidding loved Black Flag - environment, sea shanties, boat fights. all yess 1. Black Flag 2. Rogue 3. AC2 4. Origins I haven't gotten around to finishing the newer ones like Odyssey and Valhalla yet


I actually really liked Syndicate (partly cuz of the Jack the Ripper dlc) but I’ve only played that and Unity. I wasn’t allowed to play games so I had to watch my ex play. Now that he is an ex, I can do what I want. Haha so I’m currently playing AC 2 and I love it. Im probably about 3/4 through it though.


Black Flag for me!


Unity, Brotherhood(although I usually group all of the ezio games here honestly), and then origins. Black flag and 3 tend to follow and round out what I consider peak AC


Played every single one. Probably odyssey. Syndicate. Then blackflag


Jesus perfect timing. I am sitting through the credits of AC Revelations right now and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I love all the AC games, especially the original. Ezio games aren't really my favourites, but holy fuck revelations may just be my new favourite for the time being.


The only regret in my marathon is that I started with ac2 and I only started the first ac game after playing as altair 2 times but I am also glad that I did because I also got more knowledge of who he was. Other than that, Revelations is a really good game


Unironically Assassin’s Creed Unity. I went into this game with low expectations because of the internet only for it to end up my favorite. Movement felt so fluid and I absolutely loved the world.


Black Flag, 2 and Odyssey are my favourites.


3 n’ origins




The only reason AC2 is my favourite right now is because I haven’t got to Brotherhood yet in my trilogy replay 😂


I'm tied between AC4/AC3. AC Rogue is a close second.




Between AC Revelations, Black Flag and II for me, followed by Rogue and I. The III, Liberation and Unity (the last one I played) are the weakest of the ones I played


Personally 2 will always be my favourite. But I really like Origins and Odyssey I really loved the protagonists even if they're not the best Assassins Creed games.


Syndicate because I can play as a woman


Black flag.


My ranking: 1. Black Flag 2. AC 2 3. Syndicate 4. AC 3 5. Brotherhood 6. Rogue 7. Unity 8. Revelations I am playing through Odyssey right now and will get the other RPGs soon, I'll rank Odyssey when I finish it




Bayek of Siwa my boy forever.


Black Flag


Ima History teacher; and was really impressed with the 1st game, lost of cool details about the 2-4th Crusades. That being said- I am playing the shit out of Valhalla. Its a bit weird at times but I love it. One of favorite games ever actually.


Order would be: Black Flag > Origins > Revelations


Black Flag.


Odyssey, then Origins, then, 3 then Black Flag.


Black Flag. It's the perfect setting and the ship combat was excellent. It's not fair for other ACs, they never had a chance. And for the new trilogy, it's Origins. Amazing setting too.


AC2 or Syndicate. I know most dislike Syndicate but I found it to be so much fun


Origins. I love Bayek, I love the story, I Love the much improved combat. The game is absolutely gorgeous and the world doesn't feel empty even though it's a desert. Just an all around fantastic experience.


Old games (pre-RPG) - AC 2. The character and story was just so compelling. Added with a small dose of nostalgia. For me what makes a game "great" is the replay value. Is it a one and done? Or is it a game I can start over as soon as I finish? New games - Origins. Mostly for the same reason. It's not often we get a 3-dimentional guy who's a loving father and husband and not done-to-death "Friends and kindess is for the weak" tough guys. The story is compelling too. Each arc served a purpose to the entire narriative. While not a favorite, I did enjoy BF. Despite my utter contempt for "Sages" concept, I liked the story. It was nice to see an outsider looking in versus someone who's a veteran. I thought I'd hate the ship elements, but I found myself preferring sailing away and exploring instead of doing the story. Again, not a favorite, Odyssey wasn't half bad. I absolutely HATED it my first go around. Like I hated everything about it. But with NG+, I was able to skip the grueling grind and focus more on the story so I found an apprecation for it. For me, Valhalla (along with Unity and AC3 which is tainted because of the numberous bugs) is dead in the water because I don't have NG+ to allow me focus more on the story.


I was pretty much the same about BF even though it's technically the first ever AC game that I played without finishing the story. I am not the biggest fan of pirates and sailing on ships and stuff like that but It grew on me and I absolutely love it. I don't know how close I am to the end but It's been a blast ( Currently at the first memory of sequence 9 )