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You time travel back to better editions of the game, when different regiments had their own unique rules and models. But failing access to a time machine (or folks willing to play an older edition): Just play them using the usual Astra Militarum rules, and model your dudes to look like Vostroyans. As long as people can tell what’s a “Cadian” squad vs a “Infrantry” squad or “DKoK” squad, nearly nobody will mind how they look.


My DKoK squad looks like DKoK. My Cadian squads look like Cadian squads. My infantry squads look like a soupy mess of basically everything else, including some Solar Auxilia Las rifle squads, a random couple of Mordians and Praetorians I have, and Catachans with special weapons I can't take with Catachan squads.


I do the same, but if someone didn’t have the variety of models to do that I wouldn’t hold it against them as long as there was a way to tell (whether its paint, tokens, etc)


Yeah. I don't hold it against people who haven't been doing this for a while.


As per models war games Atlantic Les Grognards are very similar but they are mono pose. Nice base to kit bash from. And yeah just rule what ever data sheets you like. I would try and avoid using the exact same models for different data sheets


I’d recommend running them as an Infantry Squad, though as long as you aren’t running Cadian models you can call them Cadians. If you aren’t running Catachan models you can call them Catachan. Just make sure that whatever you’re running them as you don’t have other models also taking their place


In the name of St. Nadalya welcome to the 1st Born! I would recommend going over to r/Vostroyan and having a look as we've got a whole community dedicated to our space cossacks! From a thematic standpoint Vostroyans excel at urban combat and winter warfare, you can't really implement winter warfare in your unit choice just in the modeling aspect but if you REALLY wanted to be fluffy a MassLas infantry army backed up by artillery would probably be best as things like tanks typically don't do well in CQC. This is at least until we get our codex and get more detachments But it's very plausible to just take what units you like and make Vostroyan versions of them (which is what I'm doing). I have infantry to represent my basic infantry Platoon with appropriate gear, I'm doing the same basic idea for my Cadians but I'm making the models look like veterans (beards, more bionics, heavier armor etc), for my DKoK models im running them as my reckless rookies and so they have more chainmail than anything and all have bayonets, and for the Catachan I'm going to use the Cities of Sigmar scouts and hounds and lean into Cossack hunters. Here's a link to show examples https://www.reddit.com/r/Vostroyan/s/sLAxTjQcPW


Run them as Death Korps of Krieg.


I personally use my Vostroyans as DKoK-proxies. All of their equipment is WYSIWIG.


I run mine as infantry squads using atlantic wargame's les grognard kits.