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That’s about 34 too many. If teachers and a whole list of other professions are mandatory reporters, clergy should be as well. Yes, I’ve consider the concept of secrecy around Catholic confessions. But, the needs of the victim outweigh any need for forgiveness an abuser might need. Far too long, abusers and priests have shielded themselves behind this archaic concept. True repentance is always coupled with restitution. An abuser must be willing to face the repercussions if they desire forgiveness.


The groomers accuse others of being groomers


Laws in the US say that Christians can do this, caving in to their religion. Their holidays are national holidays, caving into their religion. Yet still they constantly complain that they are “being oppressed”. No hypocrisy out there quite as strong as that of a Christian!


So wrong. 😑


Priests, report thyselves!


honestly, this is really fucking dumb. if I had to be someone who had to listen to confessions about abuse, I’d report it. I know it’s supposed to be private, but I take that seriously. Victims of abuse deserve justice and better lives


For fuck's sakes.


Republicans are quick to rant about child rapists, but they become meek as puppies when it's the church. "Oh, those guys? Oh, I didn't think you were talking about the church. Nah, they're good guys. No need to go after them."


I mean you might as well put out a huge ad saying hey, if you want to abuse children come join us for safe haven! We don't have to report it! Praise Jesus and stuff.


If you are a designated reporter due to your job/profession/license… can you just become a priest/minister/colander-head to absolve yourself of such responsibility?


Power protects power.


Wtf? “Don’t require us to confess our sins and fix our problems, but we’ll tell everyone else what we think is wrong with them.” How does this make sense? Not exactly removing the plank from their own eye. Just ignore and let us keep telling others what to do. Hard to believe they care about the welfare of children.


Do Christian’s stay silent and protect the pedophiles because they all like to have sex with children? Makes no sense otherwise. I lost the desire to associate with any one. Convinced that it’s men that want to be treated like gods that molest children. And if that be the case, I can only conclude that Christians like to have sex with children. Why else would they protect pedophiles at the detriment of future victims?