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Does your coworker shave? Throw rocks at him until he goes to the Hell in which he belongs.


Hopefully this guy doesn't have any tattoos either...big no-no in Leviticus.


Nah - the Bible is like a huge Sears catalog - you order the things you like, pretend you don't see the things you can't afford, and say the rest is garbage.


That's a great analogy.


For those who remember Sears catalogs. Needs an upgrade to Amazon or something.


The sears catalog was an early, hard copy version of Amazon.


And you had to go uptown to place your order in W R I T I N G.


Uphill **both** ways, in the SNOW!


Idk I think the fact that it’s an obsolete piece of garbage lends to the Bible analogy pretty well.


Sears= analog version of Amazon.


Allow four weeks for delivery.


Choose you own religion book.


A woman I worked with decades ago called it an a la carte religion.


That's why they are called 'Cafeteria Christians'.


I've never heard this before but I love it


You use the rest to wipe your ass. No, really, the Sears catalog was considered good toilet paper. As soon as you got the new one, the old one went to the outhouse.


Ooops…thought you were talking about the bible at first


No, that's for rolling paper.


and jerk off to the bra and panty section? So the part about the girl and the enemy soldier's gigantic dicks?


>and jerk off to the bra and panty section? Ahhh reminds me of my youth long before the interweb's pornography


You’re looking for the Song of Solomon department. Go through the garden and toward the perfumes.


If that's your Lott in life.


And Song of Solomon 7:1-13 is like the lingerie section. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Song+of+Solomon+7&version=CEV


I think there's also some silly rule about mixing fabrics back in the Olden Testaments 🙄


There's something in there about dick skin too, he better not have that, either. OP, make him show you his member so you can call him out. /s




Oh good, since the 10 commandments are in the OT we can throw all that out too.


The 10 commandments really PMO. Gawd could have used the moment to pass on knowledge of germ theory or heliocentricity, but all we got were "praise me" and some basic morality rules that hoomans had already developed on their own in order to form social groups. As worthless as the rest of the crap in their little book of fictions and almost as if the guys who wrote it knew nothing about germs or planetary motion.


Yeah, the 10 Commandments are considered optional now, except the 2nd one that guarantees gun rights. Liberals hate that it comes straight from God, so there's nothing they can do about it.


Lots of Christian Nationalists with tattoos I've noticed.


Don’t forget the wearing of mixed fibers! Linen or nothing!


Or wear mixed-fiber clothing. Might be a sinner. What a disappointment.


Someone (I'm too lazy) needs to make a checklist of all of the sins listed in that book and then we can all check off the ones we have done and strive to do the others. Of course, we'd take murder off the list of things to do. But then again, some folks could use a good killin'. lol


And don’t forget those evil blended fabrics!


Bet he eats pork and shellfish too...


Cheeseburgers--horrors! "The mixture of meat and dairy (Hebrew: בשר בחלב, romanized: basar bechalav, lit. 'meat in milk') is forbidden according to Jewish law. This dietary law, basic to kashrut, is based on two verses in the Book of Exodus..." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milk_and_meat_in_Jewish_law?wprov=sfla1


Don't forget the ultimate in unclean: *Bacon* Cheese Burgers.


Gasp! [clutches pearls; faints carefully onto strategically placed daybed]


I read once about a rule to have some kind of fence around the roof of your house. So many ridiculous things in the bible. But sure, pick only the women’s stuff or something about gay people 🙄


That's because historic middle eastern houses generally had flat tops used as balconies. So it was a type of early safety regulation. 


No shrimp or pork either.


I bet he’s wearing clothing made of mixed materials as well.


A 6 hour podcast about women's headwear?


Exactly. Someone needs to learn to make a more efficient argument.


Bible brains don't "argue". They do bible exegesis.


> eisegesis might be a better fit


What about “excrement”




To be fair, the position doesn't really lend itself to being supported by an efficient argument. That said, it also doesn't lend itself to being supported by an inefficient argument, but maybe the approach is just to wear down the listener.


Hard to do when you have nothing of any substance to support your claim...


Not all heroes wear caps...


How fucking dull it must be to be in that guy's head. Holy shit. I assume for the 4 hours of silence following, the guy was listening to a podcast about how to braid rope sandals.


I can't imagine even a Taliban guy having six hours worth of shit to say about covering women


I do, Talibans could probably go on for days about shit like that


The Taliban be debating whether women should wear an astronaut suit under their Burqa just to make sure you can't see their shape at all.


Yeah, they don't want to be reminded that women exist while they lust after their dancing boy sex slaves. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacha_bazi


Yup, I've seen a couple video documentaries about it on YT. And the one about the similar thing with street boys in Pakistan around the bus stations was similarly creepy.


Six hours stroking his ego telling him he's right to be a misogynist.


Must be trying to compete with Islam for the incel market.


Really making a case for needing a license to be a podcaster lol


He is right. Safety caps are very important, especially in construction work. /s


Wait I thought this post was about safety caps 😭 what’s a women cap?


I am assuming it is something like a milkmaid wore or a bonnet. Let’s just get those harlots to cover their sexually provocative hair with anything. I don’t think I will be able to control myself otherwise.


Even if this was something I supported, I wouldn't listen to other people talk about it for 6 hours. WTF?


Bringing sexy back with bonnets!


I read it as capes and had to go back. Caps. Capes.


Yeah, me too. No capes!


Same! I thought the guy was upset about super heroes in disguise or something. I like a fun cape.


I think women should be wearing capes, but men should too.


Maybe a Christian head covering.


Beat me to it.


And me. My daughter is a site foreman for a large U.K. construction company. She goes nowhere without her hard hat and steel-toed boots.


He listened to a podcast for 6 hours about women wearing caps??? Yeah, that says it all right there.


Yup. He sounds very odd. And not in a good way.


Right, he probably slaps his wife around, too


Yankees or Mets?? Now *that’s* a religious issue!


Clearly the correct answer is the Red Sox!


Chicago Cubs




Red sox rules! 🤘 Get rekt yankees 🗣️🔥💯


All women should wear red socks??


Dude probably wears mixed fabric. Straight to hell for him.


Yeah, your coworker is a dipsh*t lunatic. But out there are many low IQ individuals, unfortunately.


It's like the lower the IQ the more drawn to religion they are.


>Over the past century, a remarkable body of research about the relationship of intelligence and religiosity has accumulated. So far, the majority of studies that investigated this relationship showed a negative correlation, indicating lower cognitive abilities of individuals reporting stronger religious beliefs. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8836311/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8836311/) According to social science, that's literally the case


Correct. The more a person is unable to understand life around them and form their own thoughts/judgment on other people, morality, etc the more they rely on a book to tell them how to think and live. It’s both sad and scary, because at some point they take all of it, literally, as gospel and it becomes dangerous for others.


I think that once a person has been an adult for some time, let's say 30yo, if they are still religious (if they ever were) it's because they simply lack the intellectual abilities to get free of it. You could say that fear and stuff like that is what keeps them believing nonsense, but that's just a failure in the emotional intelligence department.


Meh, I have to disagree. I know some very intelligent folk who are still religious, go to church and also hold sincere private beliefs about all of it. In those people it's a matter of cognitive dissonance, and the fact that they (the ones that I know) were raised in the religion and draw great comfort from it. These people are also very non-judgmental and truly kind individuals that meet the very high bar I set for people I share my time and energy with. Their adherence to their beliefs baffles me, but it's none of my business, really.


Church never wants people to think. I know a guy from my old church. He is a professor in university who teach engineering who happens to be devoted Christian. He said more than a few times that it is impossible for one to believe in god just based on the book or their “science”. So whenever you see profession with high education in church, it is very likely they are Christian/Catholic for life. It is rare to have these people to join church after that become adult. That is why the church so emphasizes on church group for kids and youth. And ask couples bring their kids to church. They love to groom them when they are young.


sometimes high iq people think they are too smart to be susceptible to propaganda and fall for the same kind of shit


If it's construction, isn't everyone wearing a hard hat?


You’d like to think so. Alas, there are still plenty in the industry who regard Health & Safety as an inconvenience; a bunch of silly rules, which you only follow when you *have* to (because the gaffer’s watching). I’ve sometimes thought I should start a religion. Make up a few deities, and attribute some *useful* commandments to them. - Hermes abhors the sight of broken toes; He curses all who do not wear steel-toe-capped boots. - Thor commands us to use His gift of lightning responsibly. The sight of uncontrolled electrical discharges saddens him immensely (actual lightning doesn’t count, because Thor controls that). So we must **always** practice LOTO meticulously, check before we dig, and remember to prove our voltage indicators before *and* after our isolation confirmations. May Thor forgive us our misidentified cable spikings. - Thou shalt not remove the guard from the buzzsaw; this is an abomination unto Maahes. Add on Prometheus for fire safety, Aeolus for working at height etc. People might actually *follow* all the r/writteninblood rules if it’s (a) *God* telling them to.


Does he eat seafood? Or wear clothing made with different materials? Straight to hell with him too.


If he’s working in construction he 100% wears mixed materials, no way around it because all the safety gear is different types of polyester/plastics!


The Bible doesn't teach Hell...only men do.


It's not just islam that wants to cover women from head to toe. History shows that christianity did the exact same thing for the exact same reasons, and punished them similarly if the women didn't comply. This is common among all religions in one form or another. It's about control, and religion wants to control every single aspect of your life. Even what you are allowed to wear, or not to wear.


He is Christian. Or some type. Idk he always says religion shouldn't be fun


Christians were big on it until into the 1950s or so.  You'll still see Amish women wearing their bonnets for the same reason. Like Little House on the Prairie. In the 1900s much of the US hats came to be accepted rather than 1800s bonnets. That's why older women had so many hats back in the day. 


Hah. At first glance I read 'women should wear capes' I'm down with that


[No capes!](https://youtu.be/AJnFx51hOFY?si=9ITS_goW6228KvSz)


I literally had the same thought couldnt figure out what was wrong with thinking women should wear capes


Saw the same thing and was like “Weird, but alright”


Capes work for when there is broom riding.


Like a hijab?


Was thinking something out of Handmaid’s Tale?


[It might be Mike Winger's 7 hour video on head coverings.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keXayp7JXf4) Yes I'm ashamed I know about it. I only watched the first few minutes.


What a waste of a life lmfao. Hours spent debating sky nazi rules with yourself


Protestantism is the most insane branch. These people terrify me.


Damn that's gross. Edit: I scrolled through some of the YT comments. Apparently, at some point, he says, "Yes, I'm religious! And you should be too." Damn that's gross.


> Yes, I'm religious! Gee, I never would've guessed.


First comment: > Me, scrolling through the comments and realizing many people didn't not watch the whole video... Most of the questions are covered. No shit, asshole. *It's 7 fucking hours.*


He didn't mean hard hats, huh?


I thought the same thing.


Caps? Like baseball caps?


Sorry it's spelled Kapp. A headcovering


Ok. Religious people are fucking nuts.


Ohh he wants women to dress like handmaids




"I don't really listen to music." "Vivaldi it is, then."


"We can listen to Winter!" "By Vivaldi?" "Kinda! Here's Synestia and Disembodied Tyrant's version!"


You should totally have a female in your life come pick you up after work one day... while wearing a Cape. Claim you misheard him.


>he doesn't really listen to music. Already knew he was a maniac when I read this.


I had a friend in junior high who said that he didn't like music. It creeped me out.


Men like him should wear mandatory chastity belts, if they can't handle women who don't cover their heads.


Exactly! A shock collar would work pretty well too


A shock chastity belt even!


Yeah, but has he killed anyone this week? The Bible commands us to: Kill witches (Ex 22:18) Kill adulterers (Lev 20:10) Kill blasphemers (Lev 24:14) Kill false prophets (Zech 13:3) Kill fortune-tellers (Lev 20:27) Kill non-Hebrews (Dt 20:16-17) Kill sons of sinners (Isaiah 14:21) Kill gays (Lev 20:13, Rom 1:21-32) Kill nonbelievers (2 Chron 15:12-13) Kill anyone who curses God (Lev 24:16) Kill all males after winning battles (Dt 20:13) Kill disobedient children (Ex 21:17, Mk 7:10) Kill strangers close to a church (Num 1:48-51) Kill those who work on the Sabbath (Ex 31:15) Kill any bride discovered not a virgin (Dt 22:21) Kill those who curse father or mother (Lev 20:9) Kill men who have sex with other men (Lev 20:13) Kill those who worship the wrong god (Num 25:1-9) and: Kill anyone who kills anyone (Lev 24:17).


If you haven't already read it, you'd like a book called "God hates you, hate him back" by CJ Werleman. It has a running body count of all the people killed by god in each book.


Context: In all three abrahamic faiths, women are supposed to wear a head covering *in accordance with their own cultures* because a head covering was how they were identified for their ethnic background, social status, and religious practices/adherences. The dumbass podcasters he's listening to are promoting Project 2024, who basically want all women to dress as nuns (among other, far worse things). It will make sharia law look like a joke.


Insolent children being stoned to death is also in the Bibles. Does he support that too?


Right? Anyone that says people should do anything because it's in the Bible automatically lose all credibly for me, because the Bible says a lot of shit and most of it is abhorrent.


Porn addicted and misogyny. Sounds like a Christian to me.


Honestly what sort of loser makes a 6 hour podcast on what women should wear and even worse listening to it


Everyone should wear hats on construction sites, but I don't think that's what he means :)


so it went like this... man, do i love porn! but women need to cover their *damn* *heads*! hair is offensive to my sky daddy!


This is why spaghetti straps weren't allowed in school.


girls have SHOULDERS!?! cover that up!


Fear a man who only reads one book. It's lazy thinking... they have no desire to think critically and use the Bible as a quick way to an "answer". the Bible says this so let's do it.


This was less disturbing when I misread it as capes at first.


What is a cap? Actually nevermind, because I don't care. Spouting what OTHERS should be doing to respect YOUR 'religious beliefs' (aka.. total bullshit) is how I know who to hate.


Should say that millennials already decided No Cap. Whatever that means.


I am trying to imagine the psychic agony this guy is going through. He is so pious he thinks women should wear basically a bonnet. He is also addicted to porn. This guy hates himself.


Ah yes, the old "blame women for my mistakes" game.


That IS scary, he's clearly blaming women for his own inability to control himself 🤮


Him: it's in the bible. You: well, it's not in the Quran. Him: but, we are not a Muslim country. You: Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, so are you going to adhere to Quran when they eventually became the majority religion? Him: of course not, I'm going to stick to my beliefs. You: so if you do not adhere to other people's beliefs, why do you think other people should adhere to your beliefs then?


I had a weird interaction with some Muslim acquaintances- very nice, always chat at school pick-up, western attire (relevant insomuch that they aren’t super fundamentalist); mother mentioned her grandparents coming to visit and how her son was fascinated by the daily call to prayer. Tittered and added “Well, according to my faith apostates should be executed, but that would be taking things a bit far…” In no other context would you casually mention putting someone to death due to a belief (or lack thereof) that they harbour. Chilling.


If you work in construction, women (and men) who work there should undeniably wear caps


I'll compromise with him. I'll wear a cap. And nothing else.


there's a lot of dumb shit in the bible lol


"No caps!" - Edna


My non-caffeinated self initially saw this header as “women should wear capes” and I nodded in agreement. 


6 hours about women should wear hats? Holy fuck. What the actual fuck? I listen to a pod with episodes like that, but they're about history facts, not fantasy novels from 1900 years ago.


American Taliban.


The cognitive dissonance about consuming copious amounts of pornography, while expecting women to adhere to religious "modesty"...


People who doesn’t listen to music scare me


From porn addiction to religious mania. That tracks. I think religion really appeals to people who are conflicted about their sexuality.


It's trading one addiction for another.


Misread this as women should wear capes and thought hell yeah! That would be awesome


I misread this as capes. I thought hey. I want to wear a cape to work too.


So I'm not the only one.


Always some kind of projection. “Woe is me, I got in trouble but instead of dealing with the fact that I’m the problem…. I know! I’ll make *women* the problem! That way I can excuse all of the shitty things about my personality and claim that my relationships don’t work because women aren’t fulfilling ridiculous obligations that I’ve pulled out of my butt.” As a fellow in construction I hear all kinds of bullshit, too. Almost all of these guys I work around are religious or “spiritual” (which is a fancy way of saying they like making up their own version of Christianity and are just as bigoted as those who regularly attend church).




Lol I first read this as "women should wear capes"


You might ask how did this tradition get started? Well, I'll tell you......I don't know.


Yes, make those heathen sinful women wear caps and make sure they are MAGA caps. Hell yeah! 'Murica by god!!


Ten bucks says your coworker also thinks that hijabs in Islam are oppressive.


I would've absolutely put on some Deicide...


**^(he doesn't really listen to music)** What kind of freak doesn't like music?


I don't get people who don't listen to and enjoy music. That's unnatural to me. Even more than the religious dipshittery.


The logic... Cars are not in the bible, is he going to give up his car? Pork, shrimp and making a fire on Sabat are forbidden. Why pick only one rule from a 3000 years ago nomadic desert tribe, when you can have them all?


Is he wearing one? Because according to the bible, so should men.


Does he shellfish? Pork? Mixed fabrics? Divorced? Adultery? Dishonoring his parents? Working on the sabbath? There are tons of rules in the Old Testament that people break. Next time tell him your religion says that all men should wear pink to honor women, the life givers. You think all men should wear pink every day.


I think women should wear those little hats with helicopters on them. Not for any religious reason, i just think they are hilarious.


You gave up too easily. I would need a breakdown of which caps are acceptable and a hard definition of what exactly a cap is. A shower cap? Is a scarf worn over the hair a cap? What are the cap rules for men? Could a colander be considered a cap? I have so many questions.


To be fair, girls do look pretty damn cute when wearing baseball caps. Extra points if they have a ponytail coming out the back. lol


I'm more of a fan of beanie girls myself.


Can’t go wrong either way IMO


Women should wear capes.


I actually called the Chicago Catholic church diocese about 10 years ago late one evening when I was searching different religions. The person who answered said that he was Bishop so and so, i forget his nsme, and we had a long discussion. He said the reason they stopped requiring women to cover their heads when they pray, even though its really specific in the Bible, is that too many women objected and were leaving the church becsuse of it. He didnt agree with the change but had to accept it. Its the same way with female ministers in position of authority in the Christian church. Im not mysogynistic, but if your holy book that you and others believe was inspired by God has it in it and you are going against those writings you are an apostate and a hypocrite. But they say, the bible was writtten in a different time. Okay but if you get to pick and choose which parts you want to follow or believe, I should get the same choice.


At first I read 'capes' and just thought "hell yeah". Severely disappointed now. If we have to be surrounded by religious nutjobs, why can't they at least have a *fun* religion?


I agree. Women are earning the majority of doctoral degrees these days, and those caps look amazing. If I had one, I'd wear it everywhere.


I misread it as "capes" and was very confused...


I went to see Jerusalem a number of years ago, as a tourist. When they took us to a Jewish site, they had someone at the entrance to make sure all the men were wearing hats. When they took us to a Christian site, they had an equivalent person who made sure that all the men took their hats off. Both faiths agree that the hat is important, but they differ in opinion as to whether it ought to be compulsory or forbidden. God wants you to wear a hat in here, God doesn't want you to wear a hat over there.


Capes? It would be fabulous.


I honestly wish I could wear a cloak in the winter.


He’s probably just lashing out at women because one broke his heart recently. He probably wants control over them so they can’t break his heart again.


I might break up with a girlfriend who had a religion addiction.


Here's a photo FYI https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kapp_(headcovering) The co-worker is nuts


Some people seem to think the description of Gilead in Atwood's *The Handmaid's Tale* is an instruction manual.


There’s religion for you. Women get stuck wearing stupid looking pain in the ass head coverings because men want them to, and men get to watch porn and pleasure themselves.


[Matthew 18:9](https://biblehub.com/matthew/18-9.htm) If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. It’s in the bible. He has to follow it.


Another excuse for a man to make women do inane things. It’s more about control than anything else. Like rape.


I thought the title said capes and I was 100% on board.


For a brief moment I thought the title line said "capes" and I thought that was a very interesting opinion.


I read this as "Women should wear capes" and I was like, yeah, everyone should wear capes. And then I realised that this was the atheist subreddit, and I was like: "what religion do people wear capes in"😭😭😭


Lmao I thought this was a random sub and someone saying they thought women looked hotter with caps on.


Ah yes the porn addicted puritan Classic


Ask him if the porn performers he watches wear Christian Kapps? Ask him if he would like them to wear Kapps. Ask him if he wears clothing of mixed fabric. ( Deuteronomy 22:11 )


As a woman I think all women should wear earplugs all the time so we don’t hear what some people say, lol