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Interesting to note: the hypocrisy actually serves the cult's survival. The more difficult it is for a Christian to mesh with non-Christians, the stronger the group identity of the cult. Cults that blend in perfectly with society can easily dissolve, but cults with a strong in-group v out-group dynamic have an identity that's harder to erode. For that matter, if a cultist mistreats the outgroup, if they abuse even their own family, it's extremely difficult for them to later say, "I was wrong," and leave the cult. Much easier to continue to think of themselves as right than face an unpleasant reality. No one wants to think they wasted their life hurting people who loved them or admit they did this because they were gullible or duped.


**EXACTLY THIS.** I keep the following saved on my computer for replying to Christians when they bemoan how persecuted they are, from a Quora forum: >**Question:** Why do people get angry when I try to share the word of God with them? I only do it because I care about them deeply and don’t want them to end up in hell. I feel like some people avoid me because of this. Is there any way to get through to them? >**Answer:** The entire process is not what you think it is. It is specifically designed to be uncomfortable for the other person because it isn't about converting them to your religion. It is about manipulating you so you can't leave yours. If this tactic was about converting people it would be considered a horrible failure. It recruits almost no one who isn’t already willing to join. Bake sales are more effective recruiting tools. >On the other hand, it is extremely effective at creating a deep tribal feeling among its own members. The rejection they receive is actually more important than the few people they convert. It causes them to feel a level of discomfort around the people they attempt to talk to. These become the “Others.” These uncomfortable feelings go away when they come back to their congregation, the “tribe.” >If you take a good look at the process it becomes fairly clear. In most cases, the religious person starts out from their own group, who is encouraging and supportive. They are then sent out into the harsh world where people repeatedly reject them, mainly because *they are trained to be so annoying*. >These brave witnesses then return from the cruel world to their congregation where they are treated like returning heroes. They are now safe. They bond as they share their experiences of reaching out to the godless people to bring them the truth. They share the otherness they experience. >Once again they will learn that the only place they are accepted is with the people who think as they do. It isn’t safe to leave the group. The world is your enemy, but we love you. >This is a pain/reward cycle that is a common brainwashing technique. The participants become more and more reliant on the “tribe” because they know that “others” reject them. >Mix in some ritualized chanting, possibly a bit of monotonous repetition of instructions, add a dash of fear of judgment by an unseen, but all-powerful entity who loves you if you do as you are told and you get a pretty powerful mix. >Sorry, I have absolutely no wish to participate in someone’s brainwashing ritual.


You got it. Good example: Jehova's Witnesses. They've done the research, and they know that it takes \~1K hours of door-knocking to schedule a single Bible study, and a Bible study is not likely to result in a Baptism once it begins, especially if the recipient already know that Bible. The point of JW door-knocking is to put Witnesses at odds with their culture so that they feel anxious around the out-group and can't easily make friends except in the cult where people act like this conduct is normal and desirable. More than that, they train the out-group to avoid them, and think of them as unreachable, even in cases where a Witness is merely faking belief in order to avoid shunning. It's not about recruitment, anyway, it's about indoctrinating the recruiters and encouraging them to burn bridges with everyone they meet, so that they can never come to think that an atheist, for example, is a good person. If I were a multi-billion dollar cult, wouldn't I at least offer people money to study with my recruits if I really thought it was important? Who would refuse $1K to read the Bible with a married couple for an hour? Who would refuse a Playstation V because you taped a Bible to the box? It's clearly not about spreading the word. It's about controlling the vectors of information.


I have a good friend who is an ex-JW, and he’s spilled all the tea for me.


As a former JW, I can confirm this. Lucky for me, it didn't take. I never thought that going door to door was a good thing. The idea that I was to respect my parents who raised me in the "truth" but not respect anyone else's parents for raising them in a different faith never made sense. The hubris of the JWs was beyond me. They are right, and the entire rest of the world is wrong. I just could not fall in line with that thinking. They are just as sexist, racist, crooked, and predatory as all the other faiths. They just hide behind their arrogance better. I will say this, they at least teach you how to read and research the bible. That's how I figured out it is all garbage.




I use to hate being accosted on the streets with pamphlets and bible verses, until I read about this study. The fact that their religion actively tries to alienate them to others, make that I will go out of my way to be nice, to show them that the "other" is not so bad, and they don't need their cult. Does it work? Probably not. But I hope it at least get some of them thinking.


Careful, it might be a double bluff.


Oh my gosh thank you. Wondering if I should print this and hat it to folks Who come door to door…hmmm.


I would say the Mormons sending out young people on missions achieves a similar goal...


And the funny thing is, Jesus said not to wart others with your religion, don't show it off, and don't go mindlessly chanting. He told them not to be assholes.


I don’t think most people care about what Jesus said anymore.


Absolutely! These days the fundigelicals think Jesus was a woke commie snowflake.


That's what they think about the Sermon on the Mount. When conservatives called the sermon "woke," my question was "How come this is the first time you're hearing about the Sermon on the Mount?"


When you realize that the whole story is calculated to drive specific reactions, you realize that it wasn't the life of a person. It's the group of people purposefully creating a narrative that can be used from multiple angles for the best effect. I still wonder why people think that 1st/2nd century grifters aren't capable of doing these things. These were people who were able to look at various cultures stories and craft some very clever ways to trick people that stands the test of time with minor alterations.


Yeah this. Even in non-Christian circles IMO there’s an assumption that the 12 apostles were good guys and that the people who wrote the New Testament genuinely believed what they were writing and that the early church was largely ok. And that modern religious nutjobs, clerical pedos, wife-abusing pastors etc are just modern bad apples. But, you know, I think the bad apples are the true point of the religion, and it’s been like that since century one. The early church lied and lied and lied until they gained political power and the fuckers have sat there ever since.


This is why I love the Gandhi quote: "I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." True then, even more so now...


We are much more like herd animals than we care to admit.


When we moved into the neighborhood, we had a couple of terribly polite young girls come by to talk to us about the Book of Mormon. We were really nice to them even as we talked about our atheism and some contradictions we saw in the Bible, and we were totally respectful of their beliefs. They stayed for almost an hour, chatting with us in our front yard, it was a really good conversation. And then we saw them again maybe three more times, making the rounds . . . and hurrying past our house without stopping. Obviously we got put on the “do not engage” list — because we were so damn nice and welcoming and did not treat them like pests — way more so than just because were nonbelievers, our grouchier version of atheism never spared us repeat visits from religious nutbags before.


Yeah—you might actually convert *them!*


Wow that is amazing 😳


(Disclaimer: Not my original work.)


A very interesting position. In a very concerning way, it makes sense.


Thank you for sharing that with us - what an incredibly well articulated exposition.


This is a great write-up! Also explains the purpose behind Mormon missions.


Oh, that is *good*.


That is an excellent analysis.


Perfect description.


Thank you! Im replying so i can use this later.


I am saving this... thank you!


I wish Reddit still had gold


Where I grew up all the Uber Christian kids were the cliquey, popular kids and they looked down on kids that weren’t as popular.


Atheists are less likely to cheat on their spouses and less likely to divorce. Many understand commitment and don’t make it lightly or out of some external sense of obligation. Of course there are horrible atheists, but this statistical trend is significant.


Last I knew, the lowest divorce rate was in Massachusetts, and the highest was somewhere in the bible belt. They preach it, we live it. You also wonder how much higher their divorce rate would be if they weren’t manipulated against divorce by their religion.


I did a quick google. The current lowest rate is Vermont. However, the northeast seems to do better than most states.


I've wondered how no pre- premarital sex plays into instigating young, hasty marriages that later fail.


A LOT. I worked with a girl who was only 19 and going through a divorce already. I don't think she and her husband even knew each other very well. They were just desperately horny.


Oh man, huge, no fucking way i would have survived dating someone at that age if we werent having sex. I would have been married at 19 probably if i held to that rule, probably had kids by 20 to if we actually were having allowed sex whenever we wanted (as in not sneaking around and our own bed each night) and werent insanely scared of the social repercussions of having a kid out of wedlock.


This is interesting and reminds me of something. When I was Catholic, I came to know that confession was bad but I didn't quite understand "why" at the time. It was because it gives you a "crutch" to keep being "bad". You can just go back to confession if you "fall" again. Even I have heard priests refer to it as a "spiritual diaper change". For confession to be a "spiritual diaper change", it means you HAVE to get dirty again. When I said to myself "if you're doing something bad in your life, why not just decide (will yourself) to stop". It gave me a sense of control over my own life and really made my life better (duh I know, but when you're raised a certain way its hard to break free). It let me take responsibility for (maybe) bad actions while NOT beating myself up over it time and again.


I know a Christian woman who went through a series of short marriages and quick divorces. I think it was so she could get laid free from sin - whatever that is.


Fun fact, the four gospels don’t mention anything about homosexuality, but Jesus explicitly condemns divorce in Mark, it’s basically divorce = adultery and in Matthew divorce = adultery with an exception for it being permissible if the man’s wife is sexually immoral. Do I believe in any of it? No. Is it fun to bring up if a divorced Christian starts condemning homosexuals? Yes.


I'm going to take a wild guess that the family is from Louisiana. My wife was in a similar situation. Deep Louisiana Catholic family. One of 7 kids. Oldest met a guy in college and lived with him for 3 years before getting married. Oldest boy had a kid when he and his girlfriend were 16. Third oldest had three kids out of welock, twice divorced and living with another guy, and is stealing money from the parents. Youngest daughter had a kid before being married. Second youngest, two kids, divorced. My wife married to me for 27 years, one kid (after being married for 11 years). Guess which kid is the black sheep of the family? Which one is never invited to see her own parents and which is the only one never to get a birthday call from her parents. Hint: I was a Baptist when we were married and I'm an atheist now.


Louisiana born and raised here. Now I live on the west coast. My dad was raised Catholic. My mom raised Methodist. Both from the same rural area in the Atchafalaya basin. My parents tried to marry in the Catholic Church (my mom was willing to convert). But in the counseling sessions they had to agree to raise their kids Catholic. My dad refused. So they married in the Methodist Church. My dad did not feel the same allegiance to Catholicism that his family did. They were marrying shortly after Vatican II and was uncomfortable that the church can gather and make major changes to doctrin, theology, and rules, but they asked him to make a lifelong commitment and essentially (in his mind) give authority to a bunch of men on the other side of the world to change doctrine he was expected to follow. His family blamed my mom for drawing him away from catholism, but it was his choice. No one was cut off from the family, but there were judgments passed. Fast forward a bit over 15 years and my parents start attending Jimmy Swaggart’s church. Totally different ball of wax from either Catholic or Methodist. From then I was no longer allowed to spend overnight weekends once a month with my grandma because they didn’t want me attending a Methodist church. The fire and brimstone Pentacostal preaching started. Nearly all my toys were burned in the church bonfire because they were associated with magic (rainbow bright, Care Bears, smurfs etc etc). We stopped seeing extended family as much because they could be a bad influence on us. 2 years later, Swaggart was caught with a sex worker. 1/2 the congregation left the church, but our family stayed. The hypocrisy was out of control. But the preaching remained. They essentially preached that Satan spends more time and energy tempting god’s favorites and that’s why they get caught in scandal…but the blood of Jesus Christ yadda yadda. Basically…the more you do bad things and repent, the more valuable you are to god and the more you are worthy of being brought back to the fold. For those that don’t struggle with “sins of the world” it’s just that Satan doesn’t see them as a threat and doesn’t spend time tempting them. I personally felt completely empty growing up in that church. I never really felt this draw to “sin” and therefore the constant salvation message every week was just completely uninspiring. There was never messaging about how you could take gods blessing and do good in the world. In fact, they specifically preached AGAINST good works. When I was a teen I went to a Wednesday night youth group at my friend’s Methodist church. We spent the night making brown paper lunch bags of PB&J sandwiches, fruit, chips, and Little Debbie’s and writing notes of love/hope from the Bible so they could be handed out to the homeless. I had never felt so at home before. I happily told my mom all about it and she banned me from going back and said those feeling were my ego god hates that. The belief that those that struggle in sin are more worthy to god is likely why OP’s siblings-in-law continue to be valued within the family and church, whereas op and his wife are simply ignored. Hypocrisy seems to be a critical element to much of Christianity. In addition, Louisiana has an overall social culture that enhances the dysfunction found within many denominations of the church.


I find it ironic people think Christians are better than other people, many churches seem bent on creating bad people, like your church. I'm sorry you had to deal with this.


When Swaggart was bawling on TV I was laughing my head off, he was one of the worst offenders in condemning Bakker for his transgressions, when the light shines in the corners the cockroaches scatter.


I was 10 years old and was in the room. I didn’t really fully understand the mechanics of sex at the time, but I had the gist that being naked at a hotel with a woman not your spouse, while holding yourself up as a leader in the faith was not a good thing. It was pretty horrible. Walking into (public) school the next day was worse. I just can’t even describe it. Literally after the shameful half-confession, the next week was a fiery sermon about how if your co-workers have not persecuted you this week, if your co-workers haven’t tried to lure you to another church, if your coworkers have spoken ill about this ministry this week, then you haven’t been living for Jesus and you haven’t been walking in with your head high professing that every knee will bow and every tongue confess. Holy crap I just triggered myself. When you are a kid, you start off listening blindly to the adults. I tried to accept what I was being told about him being tempted and asking for forgiveness. But 2 years later when he was caught outside of Los Angeles with another sex worker….i was 12 and very much was done with the hypocrisy and started counting the days until I could leave. There were other instances of him being caught in town or just over the river with other women in his car several times, or trying to pick up women at the A&P (play on words here as A&P used to be a grocery store that had a presence in town, but the A&P he was caught at was the corner of Airline Highway and Plank Road where sex workers were known to gather.) The grift continues with them. They’ve lost most of their influence they once had, but are still running it. They are far far more political than they used to be (and they always were to an extent), his son going hard core there. They even had the My Pillow Guy as a guest at the church last year.


I will add, that despite my own difficulty navigating that part of my youth, as an adult when I learned some more details of how he got caught, it was pretty effing hilarious. If you didn’t know, here’s the story to the best of my memory, so buckle up. There was a woman sex worker he would see frequently in New Orleans. (She states that most of the time he was just weird and creepy and just likes to watch. Gross. And super gross, he asked about her young daughter who I think was 9 and stated he wanted to meet her, which this lady was like Hell No.) Anyway, the woman had another customer who was a New Orleans Cop. This cop was the son-in-law of a rival televangelist named Marvin Gorman. The year prior, Swaggart accused Gorman of having affairs and got him defrocked with the Assemblies of God. Gorman wanted revenge. Word got to Marvin Gorman that Swaggart and his cop son in law had the same…taste in women. So anyway, Marvin told his son-in-law to tell the women to contact the cop son in law next time Jimmy shows up. The women was essentially being shaken down for the info. So next time Jimmy called her up, she contacted the cop who then contacted his father in law. When Jimmy showed up and went into the hotel room, Marvin Gorman showed up and let the air out of his tires and called reporters/photographers who showed up at the motel. Jimmy was caught with his pants down and tires flat.


Sounds like they just keep making excuses and moving the goalposts.


Louisiana native here too. Raised Catholic, now atheist.


Yeah they suck but her family has more issues with your wife than her marrying a non Xian. Seems to me the sister is their favorite so they dote on her and cater to her whims. It sucks but that probably has more to with them preferring one daughter over the other than their faith. It certainly contradicts their faith—you’re 💯 right on that


All true.Added dynamic is the daughter who does not challenge the Faith will be the favourite.






Your feelings are valid. Two things I will say here. One, it sounds like you will never get what you want from her family—this is something that you will have to accept. Two, I would caution you on allowing your anger and frustration with her family to cloud and consume your thoughts. Take a deep breath and remember to be happy with just the two of you—work on **your** relationship with your wife as best you can. Enjoy each other. You don't need her family to be happy.


FWIW. I'm a former Catholic and the hypocrisy was undeniable. It led me to a position that said "MAYBE the church could be wrong" to "the church is probably wrong". I still don't even know how to feel about this. Its heart-breaking to have your world view shattered. I guess my point is, people DO wake up from it. I did. On a personal note, let it go. I'll tell you why. Because you already won. But if the opportunity arises to mention that "this atheist acted 'more Christian' by staying married than the 'Christians' your other kids married", who could fault you? Pointing out these hypocrisies turns "new testament Christians" into "old testament wrath of God" types.


I feel this dude. Spot on. Being forced to have to rebuild your whole entire life and worldview cause of just how off the mark the first one you were given was is painful and sad experience.


Its been 3 years. I'm still trying to internally interpret "what the hell happened", let alone being able to explain it to someone else. I don't even know if its worth exploring. I've kind of let it go and just "moved on, trying to do my best in life and in the world, and IF there's a God, let him judge me on that. All I can have is a 'good will' and try to act on that to the best of my ability." All of the atheist and ex-catholic group members seem so angry, I find no solace there. 100% understood, probably 99% justifiable, I just don't want to be that angry. And I'm not condemning or judging anyone that is angry. You're 100% validated. At some point though, I think you have to let it go. Maybe I just haven't even hit the anger phase yet.


You know what? I am right there with you most of the time. Being angry is poisonous and completely non-productive. Sometimes, I am angry. I never really had a worldview shift. I never believed. From age 5ish to now(47), I have had strained or lost relationships with family, friends, and acquaintances because I merely state my non-belief as a matter of fact. When I can't relate with people because of an unnecessary roadblock they construct.


I was a true believer.  So I'm still kind of in disbelief over the whole thing (pun intended).  But seriously I guess I'm here looking for ideas and have a willingness to listen as well.  I was wrong for 40 years of my life so I guess listening is a start.  But yea I'd tell any one not to hold onto anger.  Even if you have a right to be angry


Oh 100%. It’s spilled milk. Life is what it is and you can’t go back and change the past. Best you can do is live the best life you. Being angry definitely harms you yourself more than anyone else.


Christianity is poison


I’m sure it has already been said, but I just want to congratulate you because I think the strength of your marriage speaks volumes more than any of their pitiful religious texts ever could. The proof is in the pudding and it’s right in front of them. I don’t think there will ever be a greater victory, a greater triumph, than that. And even if they don’t acknowledge it, they absolutely see it and I’m certain it pisses them off. They would love nothing more than to see you both fail, and you’ve only risen above and become stronger. Please take some solace in that my fellow good human.


Mark 10:11 And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her. Mark 10:12 And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery. - Jesus Christ


Yeah, but what do you do when the same god tells you to take your dead brother's widow as a second wife? :D Stupid book is like reading a horoscope.


Depends; is she hot?


My brothers ex was so ugly, I would have had to reject that god even if I believed in it .


It doesn't say you can't take another wife, just that you can't do it while putting away the old one.


Oh. I guess I see your point. As long as you keep on banging the first one, it's not cheating? I guess not hypocrisy then. Me - 0, Bible - 1.


Are you referring to the Civil Laws specifically made for that nation and era? I have no problem with that simply because: 1. I am an ancient Israeli. 2. I don't have a sibling. Worse in those eras widows have difficulty finding a job and are considered less privileged. Chances are they would be forced into prostitution if no one takes them in.


No. I was referring to the Bible where God gets mad when a dude wouldn't knock up a second wife because she needed to make a baby to be it's grandfather's heir. Just contrasting the "don't marry another chick", and the "marry another chick but make sure you knock her up, too".


You mean Onan? Can you find the verse that said he was married beforehand?


A shocking, infuriating story, but when you realize the cult mentality, it all makes sense. Sorry you’re in the middle of this crap.


This is my experience too. I had been or have been openly atheist since an adult and able to decide. The only atheist in my family. The only college graduate (this only matters because the Christian kids got their incomplete college and other items paid for). The only one who volunteers as far as I know. The only one who donates food when I have the money (I’m also the poorest and have been almost homeless ). The others are shitty to other people. Treat others like dirt. Abusive and toxic. No self reflection. I have been a yogi and follow the golden rule and the four agreements my adult life, though of course not perfect. I have been a vegan and have not intentionally harmed another living being for over 23 years. Oh I’m not straight/hetero either so I’m the devil. 😆 Have I scared you yet with my evilness ? Thank goodness for reality and therapy. Fuck ! And empathy. Add: the most sickening part of my parents trying to alienate other family members from me and making false claims about who I am /what I do. But any reasonable person could just talk to me and see the truth.


I moved from a liberal state to a conservative pocket in a purple state - it wasn’t until I met true conservatives that I understood that some folks get married 5 times!!! Divorce is everywhere in Christianity- they have NO ability to discern reality or understand their own needs & interests. Christians are groomed to be eejits in the most important arena of being a human: interaction with others.


It's the whole "Chosen People" mentality. There's a whole lot of stuff that is okay and understandable when they do it, but wicked and sinful when other people do it.


I guess the best revenge is a life well lived.


You need to make a huge deal of celebrating marriage milestones. I'd make fake award certificates and post them on social media. "15 years of love, faith, and faithfulness" Presented by various real or made up churches. Every year I would send them an invite to your anniversary dinner party that says "while we do not enough seating for you at this year's event, you may send wishes or gifts to our registry site.


You knew what you were getting into when you marry into a religious family. Sounds like you're hanging onto a lot of useless anger. You need to let it go.


His wife knew what she was doing when she married him, too. She gave up the traditional Christian wedding day festivities. Part of her must have some doubt for her to go through with this. The big wedding reception is nice, until you realize it costs tens of thousands of dollars to throw what amounts to a big party that lasts one day then that’s it. It would be far better off to start a young couple with a donation towards buying a house. The reception is not really for you it’s for everyone who wants to come see the spectacle. If OP really wanted that he could have faked being Christian. I don’t know why as an atheist you need a Christian ceremony. You might feel bad for your wife, but again this is what she chose. Be happy that you are more important to her than some silly mythology her family clings to.


I think the problem is the favoritism shown to her other siblings and not to her. That she has to put up with her toxic family. I also don't care for weddings, but that isn't really the point. Her family didn't donate a down payment on a house either, so that is neither here nor there.


Favoritism in that they gave her Christian wedding receptions (attended to by church members) that the atheist really shouldn’t care about. My point about receptions being frivolous still stands even if a down payment on a house wasn’t on the table. It’s a one day party that costs way too much that we only participate in out of social obligation to our religion. If religion is not important then why bother with the big wedding reception?


I think you need to read the post again. The OP is talking about how they're treated. It's not about the wedding. It's about a religious family cutting their daughter out of their life for marrying a non-believer, but supporting one of their own even \[their other daughter\] even though this person breaks the rules of the religion. It's about calling them out on their hypocrisy.


He’s taken for granted. It’s fair to say he sounds like a great partner.


It isn't a hypocritical act, though. The book literally tells parents to favor one child over others in the story of Esau and Isaac.


Well, what happens here is that if you actually understand their true theology, you will understand that there is no hypocrisy going on. Wait, hear me out. The actual theology practiced by these christians is that being a non-christian is the unforgivable sin. They believe that Jesus forgives all sins, as long as you are a Christian. This leads to the inevitable conclusion that being a non-christian (at death, presumably) is the only thing Jesus doesn't forgive. And then by emulating the Jesus that they believe in, they forgive the divorces but not the non-christian in this instance. In practice, this leads to dehumanizing all non-Christians, unless you seem to be leaning towards converting to Christianity. Therefore, there is actually no hypocrisy per se, just people acting out their beliefs. And this is why we need to ensure that our beliefs are true


My sister moves in with her boyfriend out of wedlock, but when they had a child together it was accepted. When I moved in with my boyfriend out of wedlock but no child, I was not rejected n By my catholic grandparents but no longer welcomed with open arms. I was mystified.


Yeah, it's amazing how hypocritical the pro life movement has made people. Which, I think some things about it are good, I don't think people should be forced to create families following rigid social structures, but some of it encourages people to make bad decisions and be extra hypocritical. It's kind of like when people treat young single parents like they are responsible adults but young people without kids like they are out of control.


It's not hypocritical at all. The only sin that really matters in Christianity is rejecting God. Everything else is readily forgiven, up to and including murder.


Maybe the receptions lead to divorce


As infuriating as this is, totally on brand for conservative christian hypocrites.


Christianity is not about bourgeois respectability. If you follow the Nazarene carpenter: you better be on skid row, or death row. washing feet and comforting addicts, felons, homeless, and prostitutes. there is no other "Christianity".


My worthless violent paranoid useless uneducated neighbor is a big christian. Church elder, went to a Bible diploma mill, sends child to Christian school, posts nothing about church 24x7. So how does he live his life: He beat his first wife, knocked up his second wife while still married to his first, beat his second wife, beat his dead sister, beat his brother, got beat by his brother, beat his mom. First daughter by first wife unmarried teenage mom. Daughter by second wife, unmarried teenage mom. So yeah. Now I actually know three honest to God actual Christians (two of whom I count as best friends) who would give their shirt off their back, but they are the exception.


Call them what they are: HypoChristians


I'm curious if any of this has made your SO question her faith... Tricky situation to be sure.


>They are part of a denomination that apparently puts more emphasis on Paul's letters than on what Christ actually said Divorce is repeatedly condemned throughout both the OT and NT, and the divorced are required to not form new relationships but to remain celibate. Those who don't are adulterers. This was also Paul's position: 1Corinthians 7:10-11: - *10 To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. 11 But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife.* >Her family does not believe in divorce any more than they do marrying outside one's faith. Hypocrisy is a cornerstone of religions and they're adherents. They only demand others follow the doctrines of their faith, but not themselves if it interferes with what they want to do. So irrespective of what your wife's sister did while married, her remarriage makes her an adulteress (and her husband an adulterer) assuming they're having sex. Now what is the biblical penalty for adultery? Death, isn't it? Start collecting stones in case she visits! /s!


Seems to me that these are the types who will overlook any behaviour as long as it's one of their own who does it.


Shun that wack family!


As a former Pentecostal now atheist who got married at the city hall .... I understand you 100% . My marriage lasted more time than the multiple ones my two sisters had ... combined ! (they're both super Christians!😂)


It’s impossible for me to know for sure how the wind will blow because love is love, but I imagine the woman I’d marry would be an atheist like me. I usually don’t care if someone is religious so long as they’re not hurting anyone, but marrying outside your beliefs can be a very difficult thing to make work. I don’t just want a partner - I want a family. Working out our own differences, on top of the differences with our families, and then working out the differences in raising a child just seems like too much to me. This story however adds an additional layer I never even considered. If I *did* marry a religious woman and her family started disgracing her you can bet you’re ass I’d be livid at how they’re treating her. I’m petty enough that I’d giddily point out what awful Christians they’re being celebrating the divorced cheater and abandoning the fully functional marriage. You’re a better man than me. I’m happy your marriage with her is working at least 🙂.


I don’t have much to say. I’ve never understood the whole “stay equally yoked” thing myself. It really shouldn’t be anyone’s business who you marry & what they believe/don’t anyway.


I hope you spoil your wife rotten (in front of her family).


People project


Same experience here. Brothers divorced - domestic violence involved. Sister is still married but had a 5 year long affair that came to light only after her affair partner’s wife found out and called her husband. She confessed to me that she and her affair partner still email each other everyday to tell each other that they love each other. Wife and I left the church years ago but have never cheated on each other, hurt each other, or divorced. Take a guess who gets told they have their values mixed up. Or more accurately, guess who used to get told that their values were wrong until these things were explicitly pointed out.


I mean you can completely remove religion from this whole equation and the story is still basically the same. Her parents are shitty towards her, Christian or not.


On one of your anniversaries, hold a big reception. A "Rededication" ceremony. Invite your friends. Don't invite hypocrites .


I'm wondering if her religious beliefs have changed since all that. You said y'all agreed to not try and convert, but has it happened to her organically? Does she see the hypocrisy and have a new opinion on religion than prior?


I'm so sorry you and your wife have experienced this! She sounds like a wonderful woman and the only true Christian among this cavalcade of chucklefucks, preacher included. I hope you guys are doing well outside of her crappy family and church.


I suspect the less time you spend with your wife's family, the happier you'll be.


I grew up in one of the buckles of the Bible belt. Home of big ol' Baylor U. "Thee University" as one of their favorite bumper stickers reads. My gag-reflex for hypocrisy is so freaking low after growing up around those people. Give me a room full of beer drinkers telling nasty jokes, they'll be nicer and much more accepting.


Rules for thee, not for me, comes to mind. I understand the hurt your wife must feel, don’t make it worse by stating the obvious. Something similar happened to me, ranted about it for awhile, until I realized my words kept the scar from healing the best it can. Doesn’t mean the anger is not there, I just remember who I hurt, the others don’t care.


Three-horns do not play with long-necks.


Being an atheist myself i have to admit there is a very Jesus-like spin to this story. Keep on keeping up and congrats to both of you.


Hearing a man call a woman a “little adulterous slut” makes me feel nauseous. Can we please leave the misogyny for the religious freaks?


Allow me to share in your anger. It kinda sounds like they already had it out for your wife from the beginning. Could there be more to the stories with her divorce? Maybe she was being abused? I’m not sure, just clearing all bases. Regardless, I would be fucking pissed too man. Agree with your overall sentiment as well.


Coming from a Christian Household as a kid to young adult this hits. My mother, before marrying my dad, was in a terrible marriage. Her divorce caused her entire church to turn on her and support her ex who was the problem of the abuse. My dad has been good for her and they still have a good marriage. Ive had several people who when they got out of dangerous marriages were ostracized by their family and/or church. Reasons I no longer support the church. Appreciate your story. It’s frustrating as hell when people who claim to have “morals” constantly break their own beliefs and yet it’s the ones who don’t follow their religion that are the issue. 🤦‍♂️


time to eat your inlaws


Similar- Sibling 1- Christian, divorced, remarried Sibling 2- Christian, divorced, looking forward to “living in sin” soon. Sibling 3-My spouse, atheists, still married with no sign of it ending after over 25 years. In-laws are ridiculously religious. The siblings hate us but the parents are alright.


This looks like a post from awhile ago. Is this a copy+paste job we are looking at here?


No, I have alluded to a few things in brief comments on other people's posts, but I have never actually posted the full story until now.


Doesn’t make sense because Paul said if you marry an unbeliever they will be sanctified by you


Your wife graduated from church. They're not even working on their GEDs.


Get some t-shirts printed: "I've been married longer than my two sisters' four Christian marriages combined! Yay for non-religious coupling!" "Christian marriages last longer? Nope. I've been married longer than my devout sisters!" "My parents threw 4 weddings for my sisters and their 2 husbands each! All I got was this lousy t-shirt and no wedding party". Wear them around their houses during the holidays/family dinners. If they say something say, "oh, I didn't realize this t-shirt hit so close to home!" You get the gist of it. Just grind the message home. Make them struggle with the cognitive dissonance.


Does your wife still believe? Has her family's abhorrent behavior (and your much more decent behavior) had any impact on her value system?


She still believes, but she's very private about it. Like I said, she's a better person than I am.


There you go, man, keep as cool as you can.


You are misconstruing Christianity as a whole with particular Christians. I am a Christian and the shit you said would never fly with me or my family. I’m gay and didn’t get kicked out or anything like that. Most atheists have a false view of Christianity peddled by anti-Christian’s and propagated by bad Christians. There’s literally thousands of denominations of Christianity, each one with their own bullshit. I honestly believe the devil gets more use out of bad Christians than any other type of person. Nothing brings doubt on the faith more than a practitioner giving a bad example


Possibly try worrying about your own life and make your wife the happiest person on the planet.


Yup. She's got it figured out and does not GAF. OP could learn some things. But I get why he's upset.


Any church that kicks you out or encourages the family to do so is not following Jesus. They are hypocrites and false Christians. They are why non-believers is the fastest growing group in the US and the world. You must live in the South or something because here in MN I don't know of any church that would act that way.


> Any church that kicks you out or encourages the family to do so is not following Jesus. You can't be serious. Have you *read* the Gospels? > Luke 14 : 26 - "If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters--yes, even their own life - such a person cannot be my disciple. > Matthew 10 : 34-36 - “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’ Jesus even set the example by rejecting his own family, in favor of his disciples: > Matthew 12 : 46-50 - While Jesus was still talking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside, wanting to speak to him. Someone told him, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you.” He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”


I am thinking more about the basics like "love everyone" blah blah blah. The bible contradicts itself and was written by men 2000 years ago. It's misogynist bullcrap. I understand that. But if a church teaches hate and discrimination it is an invalid church to me. And yes, there are a lot of them.


This sounds very angry


Saying fuck Christians is a tad harsh. Is your wife still Christian? So saying that statement, in my opinion isn't fair. Now, however saying fuck any Christians who don't have the foresight and maturity level of your wife (she sounds absolutely amazing good sir), I agree 100%. Fuck those hypocritical assholes. My wife's uncle and aunt come to mind immediately. Your wife certainly deserves all the kudos she can get, as well as you. The fact that you have polar opposite beliefs and respect each other's views is the best thing to read. Her hypocrite family can go fuck on off with every other religious idiot regardless of said religion that thinks it's ok.


They are assholes but quit being so butthurt over stupid party that didn’t happen 20 years ago.


You can buy your way out of divorce


These would be shit-humans without Christianity


You sir, are...... an idiot. You have the sweetest example of Christianity by your side But judge the religion on the basis of the actions of some idiots who don't seem to understand it.


She is the exception, and she's greatly outnumbered by the "idiots who don't seem to understand it." it is reasonable to think of them as typical Christians.


It's a shit posting account that is in a conversation with a 4 year old account whose only comment is to him. Maybe a Russian/Republican bot.


The one you are replying to, not the post op. I should have been more clear


I was thinking the same when I read this, he’s only focusing on the negative. Which is also why I believe from reading his post he is a very angry individual. 


To be honest, at first I thought the whole post was fake. It's like some women are mean to his wife who is also a woman and whom he seems to love, so ..... fuck women and fuck womanhood. It just doesn't make any sense.


Sorry to hear your troubles. Sucks to be an outsider, especially with your in-laws. Hot take: blaming human behaviour on religion is the atheist talisman, it's 'thoughts and prayers'. Your argument is that favouritism and hypocrisy are engendered by religion, by Christianity specifically? Why free up brain power by uninstalling religion only to replace it with a new kind of intolerance.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: hypocrisy is a failing of man, not religion. If you think the two are tied, you will be disappointed.


You sound a bit immature to me. You "hate" someone because they didn't throw you a party?


Your wife is a stupid Christian.