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How long is a piece of string?


I love that answer


Thanks for making me (non-native speaker of English) aware of existence of this expression šŸ™‚


Twice the distance of the centre to one of the ends.


Iā€™m always listening to one book and physically reading another.


Same but also with a e reader for late night reading


Yeah, my physical reading can be either a book or my Kindle


At the same timeā€¦ I tend to read articles on my phone whilst listening to a book. Sometimes it works, sometimes I end up not noticing either. Sometimes that doesnā€™t matter ;)


3 for me. 1 serious read (such as historical epic or epic fantasy). 1 mild read (such as a thriller), 1 low-commitment comfort read (such as Star Wars)


One that itā€™s ok to fall asleep to without missing anything important. Or worse, waking up and hearing a plot spoiler :(


That's the worst lol, waking back up and hearing something when you haven't heard the preceding two hours of story šŸ˜‚


Book marks and timer is your friend.


Yep. I listen to fall asleep and set it for a 15 minute timer. If I was fully awake still, I bookmark and continue for another 15. If I fall asleep, the next day I just start at my last bookmark.


My version of that is one book I have already listened to and know what's happing and one new book.


Thatā€™s me! Love a bedtime story, but has to be something Iā€™ve heard before, (cuz the point is to get sleepy) and at least 1 new one - sometimes 2 if Iā€™m having trouble getting into something new.


I have several comfort listens. Usually ones I have heard at least 4-5 times.


I currently have 7 audiobooks I'm listening to depending on activity and mood. I've got 2 physical books I carry to appointments. I generally have one ebook going also. Doesn't bother me a bit having so much going on. Keeps my brain happy.




1 I guess...I don't leave a book unless it's awful


You never need a pallet cleanser when you get to an intense part?


Really hoping that's autocorrect..I usually use a jet wash on my dirty pallets. Invoking great images though


I dont.. ? I love intense parts


I think I had up to 6. 1. One to sleep to 2. One to listen to with my partner 3. One main 4. One for shower 5. Another main on pause because it got serious and I need to be in a proper emotional state 6. The previous book to sleep to that I need to listen to the ending of while awake


The shower! I love it! But does it turn cold if you just have to hear1 more paragraph/confession/reveal/plot point? Iā€™d be in there forever.


No, nothing exciting in the shower, I miss half of that due to the running water %) it's mostly Great Courses. "Imagine if you spent just 15 minutes per day in the company of greatest minds and thinkers (in the shower)"...


Ok, friend, youā€™re on! I accept the challenge and thank you for the superb suggestion!


Gonna get one of those blue tooth speaker shower heads


I do. I currently have 5 audiobooks going, and one ebook in progress. As you say, it depends on the mood I'm in. The ebook is for reading while I'm eating.


Am shuffeling between 12 regular books and 4 or 5 audiobooks. Has morphed and changed throughout, and will change again maybe


I stick to 2 series at a timeā€¦.one thatā€™s only for work and one thatā€™s for my off hours or traveling outside of work


Anywhere from 10 to 20. And then add some short stories for good measure.


I have 7 audionooks active right now, and probably 30 others that I'm partway through and will pick up again, and maybe 200 that I'll probably not finish. I can only listen to one book for 1-2 hours, then I have to switch. Usually, I wander through books but always have one that I'm working on until it's done. Now, as far as physical books. I've done this since I was a child when I would carry home as many books as I could lift from the library. Now that I'm an older person, I'm ruthless about dropping a book if it is not really good. When you don't have that many years to live, who cares if you finish a book? Here lies me, didn't finish 5000 books.RIP. It's common to read a book, then put it aside for a while, then pick it up again. The longest it ever took me to read a book was 16 years-that was the Hunchback of Notre Dame. I've read or listened to War and Peace 4 times, and Shantaram 4 times. After listening to a book multiple times, it's fun to just listen to it randomly as one knows the story. Good for sleeping also.


Great response! I too have become more ruthless in abandoning books that I'm not enjoying. Usually, it's on account of a main character who's too stupid to live (TSTL). Sadly, sometimes it's because the book's author seems TSTL. Such books just piss me off and, well, life is too short to waste time on things that piss you off.


I used to feel guilty about not finishing books, but as you say, getting older and not going to waste my time on stuff I am not enjoying


currently, I'm in 2 audiobooks (1 fiction and one nonfiction) and have around 7 physical books started, but I'm currently trying to get through them one at a time instead of jumping so I don't feel so overwhelmed lol.


I often have 2 on the go, especially if one is really long.


Too many! I am currently in the middle of 2 but can be as many as 4.


One physical book and one audiobook! Any more and I just can't keep up with the storyline of them all. As a child I could have many on the go at once but as an adult it's too much for my already busy brain. Hats off to anyone who can!


Dude I have 28 books in my library that Iā€™m currently listening to. Every now and then I force myself to finish the stranglers so they donā€™t hang for too long but there are a few like war and peace that have sat for years while I work up the courage to finish


One active listing will be a new book, full attention while doing tasks. 2 passive as background noise that Iā€™ve finished


2 audiobooks on the go currently and 2 ebooks. 2 non fiction, 2 fiction.


3 or 4. If I'm at work I get interrupted a lot so I like something more procedural or light. If I'm working on something tedious I'll jump to something more absorbing. I'm also trying to read more so I try to have at least 1 book.Ā 


Yeah I'm between 4or 5 now


3 to 5 depending on the subject matter and how much I like book. If I really like it, I put everything else on hold.


Currently 8.


I am in the middle of 5. One is going well, another is an autobiography so I have to be in the mood for it. The other 3 I just needed a break from. If I get annoyed with a story, I will give it a rest and start a new one. I try to go back and give it another try before DNFing the book. I am actually planning to do a DNF December this year. So I'm going to save all the ones I tapped out of in 2024 and try them again or DNF them permanently.


I have 3-4 going usually. I read according to my mood. Most are bookmarked at the stressful confrontation/fight/chase parts of the stories at the moment & I am reading a satire instead. So I guess itā€™s been a rough week haha.


I usually listen straight through without switching to another book. If I need a change of pace, I usually switch to podcasts or music. Occasionally I will switch to another audiobook when the other alternatives are not providing what I want. Like I might be listening to a political or horror audiobook and I need a pallet cleanser, so I will listen to a comedy or action heavy story for a while.


37 based on my bedside table


I have four audiobooks and two or three regular books going at the moment. I was thinking I should finish a couple, though. That seems high.


I usually listen to one book and read one other at any given time. Iā€™ll only add another book if it is one Iā€™ve read before, like a HarryPotter audiobook while I fall asleep.


At least 300. Stop, start, relisten.


I read 1 and listen to 1/2


I don't do that, I finish and move on.


Right now: one audiobook (Suicide Kings, Stephen Blackmoore), two podcast dramas one of which is complete (The Magnus Archives) the other ongoing (Midnight Burger), one comic run (IDW TMNT). Usually I would have an ebook or dead tree book going too, typically nonfiction, but at the moment I do not. Last one was Anthony Boudain's Kitchen Confidential. That's typical for me but also the max.


One. Only one.


Not necessarily book but stories. Currently 1 LN, 1 Audiobook, 1 Ebook, 1 Anime Series, a few manga novels, and 1 game. I guess. The disadvantage is that it takes a lot of time to finish them all. But at the same time I can switch whenever I want to depending if I am doing anything or not.


Currently 7 books in my "In Progress" tab. I'm always switching around depending on mood and alertness. Some titles need more concentration. Even on titles that I love, I need a break after a couple hours. Same with TV shows. I won't binge a whole season at a time etc.


Same approach as you but also over physical books and ebooks. Goodreads has me at 10 currently reading so you are not alone!


I usually have 2 to 4 books going. A sci-fi, romance, nonfiction and what ever I found interesting at the time. (Sometimes I might have two sci-fi and one romance going or a mix.) If I am reading an emotional draining book I will read a comedy to balance it out. Most of these books will be audiobooks but some will be ebooks.


I can't do more than one at a time. I barely even do podcasts until I finish my audiobook, catch up on my pods, do another book, and repeat


I usually have one I listen to while doing chores, one for commuting. It all depends on how much brain power is left for said book. More serious stuff gets left for commuting because I'm literally just sitting/walking to stops. Chores require me to think here and there so lighter stuff work better.


I'm listening to 3 One when I'm out waking, one when playing Minecraft and one for sleeping


I'm the same way. I'm listening to 11.22.63 with my partner/making my way through the bobiverse series on my own, reading The Foundation as a physical copy, and I usually have a more pulpy book that I listen to when I'm gaming/doing chores. Right now it's Cold in July.


One analog book, one ebook, 3 audiobooks. Usually have four going. The current ones are 1 biography, three sci fi, one sociology.


I miss owning a bath that necessitated dedicated paperbacks.


As a former comic book reader I've always found this conversation interesting. I would read my 20 comics a week so getting into books i thought would be the same but i can typically only manage about 3 books. I think there's more depth or something idk


Iā€™m generally a monogamous listener. However, I currently have five books on the go at the same time. One the I listen to with my wife in the car. One new series that I am ā€˜triallingā€™ Iā€™m not convinced, however, Iā€™m persevering. Book three of a new series that I donā€™t have book four of yet, so on making it last. One that the author has stopped issuing MP3ā€™s for so I can only listen online. And I just had t start the final book in a series that was released last week.


I usually have three that I'm actively working on, a hardback at home, a paperback on the go and an audiobook whenever I'm doing something that pairs well with it.


Generally 2-3. One which I am enjoying, one which is important to read and one which I should have read ages ago but never got around to it.


Iā€™ve found I do best with two: one fiction, one nonfiction. Though sometimes Iā€™ll add an alternate or two.


That's how I read too, it helps defeat reading slumps if I can just pick the one I'm in the mood for of the ones I have checked out on libby. If I don't end up finishing a book before it gets returned, I'll jump right back in at the spot I left it at even if it's been months. I'm like I'll figure it out.


Only books I've read / listened to before. I cannot listen to multiple books for the first time.


Read one and listen to one


I can only listen to one book at a time. Reading is another story. That can range anywhere from 2 to 10.


My max tends to be two nonfiction (different subjects) and one fiction.


I do this too. Usually different genres, depends on what I'm in the mood for!


Usually it is one fiction on kindle and one on audible, sometimes I'll also have a non-fiction on the go such as the latest one about sport by some of the QI elves that I'm also listening too.


Four seems to be my max


Depends, but I usually do 3: one nonfiction, one literary fiction and one fun read.


15 now


Yes, Iā€™m currently into 15. I get bored and distracted easily. Sometimes I forget about them for a while.


I try not to go above 10. Memory space on my phone helps limit that.


Just 2 mostly


at any given time, i'm usually in the middle of: 1 audiobook 1 new to me fiction book 1 new to me non fiction book 1 reread book, usually fiction. often one of my favorites that i've read many, many times. i maintain this pretty much at all times.


As many as it takes.


You kindof had to do it in college, but I donā€™t see any benefit unless the books simply donā€™t interest you. Do you maybe have ADHD? I usually read one book and listen to another. At bedtime I read short stories.


Generally two. One printed or ebook for home and commute. And an audio book for listening to while I work. Sometimes if the home book is big and heavy, I will leave that at home for reading on my evenings and take a lighter book for the commute which brings it up to three


Yes, I often have several books in progress at any given time. It takes me a long time to complete them, but my knowledge is increased severalfold.


Iā€™m usually reading 3 books at a time.


Oh yes. I listen to multiple and switch around during different situations during the day, mid day, during work, and at night to sleep. Some books take extreme focus and some you care less about. Its all in how I'm feeling.


3 per medium. 3 audiobooks, 3 physical books. Always have a non fiction, a heavy read, and a light read.


2 One nonfiction One fiction.


physically reading? there is no limit. audible? i can only do one at a time. my brain doesn't allow me to listen to more than that lol


I usually have at least 3 running, if I'm feeling picky and can't decide what to read, sometimes I'll start half a dozen or more and bounce between them until I decide, then finish them in order of enjoyment.




I am usually in multiple books at the same time. It depends on what I am in the mood for.


Half a dozen or so right now, no specific number I've kept track of.


One. I either give up and move on, or I finish the book.


I have tried this and itā€™s to blame on why am only on book 3 of Game of Thrones


usually 3 going at a time for me


I currently have (looks at Audible app) 232 "Downloaded" books & 287 "In Progress". Of those: -- The first 15 or so are new from the last two weeks. -- 8 are my go-to "block out the f'ing bird that chirps all damn night" sleep books. -- 7 (current actual count) are re-listens bc I can't remember WTH happened in the series & just bought the next book. -- 10-15 are a revolving re-listen group bc of the narrator. -- 40-ish in DL are basically "Remember to Read". -- 20 or so are bc of a previous experience losing all my bookmarks when archiving. I'll remember to write down/type up those literary gems someday. šŸ™„ -- More than half are books that have expired from Plus, DNF or I haven't bothered to archive because it's a PITA to do it in the app one-by-one & you can't archive on the web. (I don't remove any from my library bc it's my lazy-person's list of what I've already listened to/tried & hated) -- 25-30 are ones I get excited to see when scrolling the library bc I forgot about them... Like $20 in your pocket. (This is usually after buying a bunch on sale) -- The rest are there bc I wasn't in the mood or they required more concentration than I had at the time but still liked enough to think I'd start again. (See above) To answer your question --- Currently, my new listens at one time = 15 but I'm positive I've had many more in rotation. Wow. šŸ¤Æ


I jump between series but not books, mostly I do have some books Iā€™ll leave off reading for a while but itā€™s not my usual thing and I donā€™t jump back and forth. Typically I just read/listen to a book then move on to the next and then the next, but I think I might also have a lot more focus than is usual as I can spend months on making one project. And will spend all day reading, either just reading physical books or listening to audiobooks as I bead/build brick kits ect. Not to say I donā€™t get distracted but I tend to be hyper focused more often than not.


something like 4 as well. don't always finish them at the time so I might switch up what's in my current 4 over time.


My norm is about 3 books: 1. Audiobook (fiction) 2. Audiobook (nonfiction) 3. Kindle (usually romance or fantasy) I can't do anything smutty or with significant world building on audiobooks. They lose the effect for me.


I usually have a fiction and non fiction book Iā€™m listening to around the same time. Occasionally I have 3 or 4 total, and bounce between them all. I like listening to different things depending on what Iā€™m feeling up for that day, but it does make it hard to finish everything. Sometimes I forget about books or lose interest and never go back.


One per medium


There's a limit?


I can do four or five at a time


I bounce around between a few new starts until I realize I canā€™t get into one or two for some reason and shelve them (for now). Then I deep dive into the one I like best and finish it. Itā€™s like a taste test. Theyā€™re all good, but which one is BEST (right now)? Then rinse and repeat.


only one, I can't switch, then I will just forget or mix things together, plus I normally want to know what's going to happen next, which would take way longer if I read more than 1 at a time.


3 at all times. One of each type: Physical, eBook and audio. A 4th only if it's nonfiction.


5. Like watching different tv shows


Im currently reading 6 physical books, one ebook, and 2 audiobooks. I tend to read quite quickly and swap books around depending on my moods. I'm quite chaotic at times


One physical book and one audio book in progress at all times but I wouldn't want more than that.


Um, *many*. I don't have trouble picking up a book where I left off weeks or months ago (maybe back up a little to jog memory). So, a lot of books in the air, both print and audio. Works for me, might drive other people crazy. Also, some books or parts of books get tons of replay.


The limit does not exist. But realistically I like to keep it to 4-5. But often itā€™s like 12.


I typically finish a book a day. But if Iā€™m doing a longer book I may have two or three going at once.


I'm sitting around 4. 1 brain heavy book that makes me end within half page of reading ( meditations by MA or Confucius, pjilosphy), 1 focus heavy book/self improvement book that feeds applicable knowledge (naked economics or crucial conversations, or non fiction) 1 mindless book (any kind of fiction book). 1 audiobook, any kind, usually autobiography or biographies


One for me alone. One for me and my husband. One for me and my niece. One for me and my son. Plus about 10 upcoming planned.


I don't like doing this. I hate leaving stories hanging. I will only jump between books if I cannot get into one and plan to try again later. a good portion of the time, I will restart the book.


I find that it means I'm not really interested in the books I delay finishing


Totally in the middle of like six different books right now. I'm in the mood for all of them but the mood for which depends on what I'm doing


Currently itā€™s two, but thatā€™s mainly because Iā€™m not ready to DNF this one book Iā€™m listening to. Usually Iā€™m great at sticking to only one book when it comes to listening, but I have always read multiple physical books at a time.


I am usually between 4 books - a physical book, an audiobook, an ebook, and then a ā€œroad tripā€ book that I listen to with my family.


12...or more. Because ebooks/audiobooks have turned into the 'What's in the refrigerator theory'. (I made up the theory) I never seem to be in the mood to listen/read the books I have, only the ones I don't.


1 x Hard core non fiction usually military history. 1 x Decent meaty sci-fi with complex plots. 1 x Mills and Boon.




One billion


One is ideal although I could resist starting five that Iā€™m in the middle of and itā€™s slow going for all of them.


All the time. I canā€™t remember the last time I only had one book on the go. As a minimum there is my audio book and kindle book, and usually several of each. Plus some kind of art book and a travel guide


Personally, three. Need a book that suits my mood and alertness. Today? It's all gone a bit sci-fi. Rabbits, Roadside picnic and Blindsight. Moby dick sat in a trio for over a year, always found it damn near unreadable until you get accustomed.


Normally one fiction (fantasy generally) and one no fiction so I don't start to disappear in to my sadness at not being a wizard//ranger/sellsword


At max 3, but that is when I was listening to *The Odyssey* and got bored of it. So I switched to something else. And I donā€™t remember if I got a Libby book at the point. Iā€™ll usually pause whatever I am on and listen to Libby.


I usually have 3 Iā€™m actively reading 1 audiobook 1 physical book 1 ebook Sometimes more if one of the books isnā€™t keeping my interest.


I have about 15. Ugh too many. Iā€™m trying to fix that.


One audiobook, one on kobo, one on kindle, and one physical. So I guess only four at a time. But I try to limit to one written and one audio. Otherwise, it takes much longer to get through a story.


I usually have one "bed-time" book, one "zone out" book, one "pay attention" book, and then one additional "zone out" book that is a different genre than the other "zone put" book.


Right now I've got three books going: one on kindle next to the bed, a different one on audio for my knitting, and a third hardcover that currently lives on the coffee table in our family room.


Three for me. One to listen with my partner (Scalzi's Interdependency), one to fall asleep to (Sherlock Holmes narrated by Stephen Fry), and one for every other occasion (Just finished Legends of the First Empire by M.J. Sullivan).


Normally Iā€™m in the middle of four books at any given time. Three audiobooks and one physical book. One to listen to on runs, one for my work commute, and one for chores around the house. Then thereā€™s a physical book to read in the evenings.


5 or 6. Usually a couple physical or ebook and different audiobooks on different devices šŸ˜…


I always have a comfort read (usually mild crime/mystery or supernatural) or two on the go, a literary read that deserves close attention and something else that can be anything from ā€œGreat Coursesā€ to a completely new (to me) international author.


Iā€™m usually reading 2 or 3. Listening to 1 or 2ā€“which one depends on my moodā€”while I multitask and then a physical book for the gym or when I canā€™t do other tasks at the same time.