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So sorry about your dad and your meds ❤️ Last week I taped an air tag onto my meds - might be an option for you too?


I’ll look into it when I finally get my refill. Though I’m not working atm due to moving interstate, so money be an issue.


I made my dinner one night and then lost it. I’ve also lost my car in many multi level car parks.


I just learned that you can tell Siri that you’ve parked your car. Then when you go to find it, she can tell you where it is.


Yeah I feel the car thing. Got myself a purple one for that exact reason. Only works if I’m on the right level, though…


There are strategies that you can employ to help you keep track of things. It's a vicious cycle of course, but you can get ideas that will help minimise the probability of losing stuff. Check out Jessica McCabe's videos on HowToADHD - she's got hundreds so you'll find whatever nugget of gold you want there https://youtube.com/@HowtoADHD?si=PSWgAq_OI9Hv_PXs


live swim wrench plucky quarrelsome bright bells gray long quicksand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, I get that. I also notice the extreme difference between me on Vyvanse, vs me off Vyvanse. I’m on several other meds that make me tired. I’m struggling to exist at the moment. Like my GP had the nerve to say there are no “withdrawals” or side effects if I suddenly stop Vyvanse. I’m depressed, I keep getting brain zaps and lightheadedness, but worst of all, I’m tired. I can barely wake up. I went to bed at 8pm last night, slept through to almost 2pm today, and still struggled to wake up. I’m still tired.


There are side effects to coming off vyvanse, tired is one, another is serious depression, l hope you get meds soon


Yeah, I had to cut back on my antidepressants before I was allowed to start Vyvanse. So I’m super tired, depressed, head-spinny, and my GP just thinks I’m making it up; I’ve been told I cannot pick them up until either 25th, or 28th of this month.


Oh, also wonder if you're getting some withdrawals from cutting back on the anti depressants? I'm on 60 mg of anti D's, was not told to cut back or anything.


Yep I wanted to say the same thing, especially because of the "brainzaps" OP mentioned, which are typical for ssri withdrawal. I don't really get any withdrawal from stopping dex, but when I stopped ssri's I went through a hellish 6 months, and that was an extremely slow dose reduction. Weirdly though, a decade before I had stopped the same ssri cold turkey and didn't feel a thing, which has made me wonder if the reason I went through such terrible withdrawls the second time was because I stayed on it a good few years longer than I needed to. Basically I had stopped being depressed but I didn't want to risk it coming back so I just kept taking them for years.


Sorry to hear. Maybe Put a tile sticker/device on/in your vyvanse container? So you can page it. I call all my tile tracking devices the lost symphony!


Hmmm, maybe. I’ll have to look into it. Gotta survive until next Thursday, first…


So sorry you're experiencing this. You're definitely not alone. I lose stuff all the time and it's really embarrassing. Medication definitely helps though. I went half the month without my afternoon booster (tried to save money by ordering online, never again!) But the time 1pm came rolling around, I'd be losing my hammer, tape measure, pliers, hell even my giant ass toolbag. I forget where the front door is in people's houses...


It’s so rough. I’m tired. I’m just constantly tired. Like who needs to lose things when all you gotta do is sleep all the time, lol.




Done. Still nothing. Someone is having a good weekend, but it ain’t me…


I have sympathy because l can lose things like a world champion, it drives me freaking mental. I got a pill box days of the week written on etc l decant all my meds in for the week and keep the box in the same place always. Because one of my issues was forgetting what l had taken and when. Also losing scripts so now l have given them to the pharmacy.


Yeah I’m very bad with forgetting if I have or haven’t taken my meds. But also I’ve tried pill boxes before, and they’re fine the first week, then I forget to refill them.


Can I just say lol (trauma laugh) I also lost my dad. Tiny ashes box. Scattered some and kept some then lost the rest. I reassure myself by imagining that he took off to where he wanted to go on his own steam and now he’s floating in the Bahamas


I haven’t told my mum yet. I’m too scared. Mainly because of the fact that the only possible answer I have for where/how he disappeared, is that somehow the urn was thrown out with some trash, and I don’t know how she will react to that information.


Wait.. your GP can dispense schedule 8 drugs?


You mean write a script for S8s? Yes. With the authority, any GP (without limitations) can: although it may differ in some states.


So are you telling me i dont need to pay 400 every few months to see a psychiatrist?


That would be unusual, yes. But it is different depending on your state. The psychiatrist can do the script, but in my experience authority is sent off to the GP who applies for approval, and you only need to go back to the psychiatrist once every year or two, when the authority expires - or if you need to see the psychiatrist for a dose increase If you are getting scripts from the psychiatrist, I would imagine you only need to see them once or twice a year maybe, if that. I would suggest you ask with your psychiatrist and GP, to see if you can make an arrangement that way.


They just mess you around so much. It seems to me nobody actually knows what the law is eh


you'll be ok mate. . . . i don't even have access to meds and doubt i wull for next 9 months tbh bro .


Hi guys. I need help. Where can i buy dexxies on the black market in Melbourne. I am currently in the process of getting prescribed, but it'll take a few more months to go through. I really need to get on these meds for uni. Pls help.


No dude. No one here is going to help you illegally get ADHD medications on this sub. You’ll have to wait and adopt what strategies you can to help you until you’re prescribed. I could confidently say that EVERYONE on this sub has, at some point in their life, had to wait months, even years, for access to medication. People who access restricted medications illegally (whether diagnosed, previously prescribed, or not) are the reason it’s so difficult for people who have genuine need and have also gone through the proper routes, waited months - or years - and spent hundreds of - or thousands - or dollars. I feel for you, man; we all know how shit it is. But please don’t ask people for help to illegally access medications that most of us have gone through hell, humiliation, hundreds of thousands of dollars, and back to access.




And most often the reason for certain drugs/medications being overly restricted in the first place is because people access them illegally, use them to get high, become addicted, maybe someone dies along the way. Regardless if this is why ADHD medications became restricted that way, they are becoming more and more difficult to access because people use them illegally, or sell their prescriptions on the black market.




It is, and as I mentioned, I feel for the guy above, and those who are in similar situations. Most of us who are medicated WERE in similar situations. And it sucks. But the worst thing is for someone to access a drug illegally “once off” or recreationally, and it becomes habit, “addiction”, and that once-off becomes them trying to constantly access it. I mean I’ve been on both sides of the story (different drugs, but still). I was an opioid addict; no one chooses it, I certainly didn’t, but I was. Way back when you could get low dose codeine over-the-counter, and more recently with Rikodeine. I’m part of the reason why many people who genuinely need low dose opioids - for a migraine, or a sprained ankle, or whatever - cannot access it anymore. Because they can’t afford the GP. Because they don’t have a GP and clinics won’t prescribe to new patients. Because the GP’s don’t WANT to prescribe it anymore, now that it’s become over restricted to the point that they would rather give patients the run around with a bunch of tablets that don’t work, when the patient KNOWS that what they asked for will work, and is for short term use. So yeah, it fucking sucks having to wait months or years, and to spend amounts of money that many people just don’t have. But accessing ADHD meds illegally is not the solution.


I don't aim to be mean, and im sorry if i do, but you sound bitter about having to go through the whole process while im trying to access them right away. If you must know, i have a lot of problems piled up on each other and no one to rely upon. I don't have a choice but to seek them out this way. Unless i do that i don't think i can even go through the process of getting them legally.