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Wasn’t me, but a few years ago, I worked at a large gold mine in WA, one pit tech who was laid off walked into the chief geo’s office for his exit interview, pulled his dick out, swung it around a few times and said “fuck you”, then walked out


He was a helicopter pilot too? Some skillset.


I think this one mighta been a gyracockter


*To impress a chick* *Do the Helicopter Dick*


😂 🙌🏼 


Very LBJ president style. Did he name it "Jumbo" too? I can't imagine this would work if you had a micro penis 🤣


Yes I have. Gave a damning exit interview too. Caveat is at that point I didn’t need the reference as I had already secured another role and I have 0 intention of working with them again in any capacity. Would I do it again? Yes I would. It felt great. The boss was a huge bully and had multiple HR complaints against them by the time I left. Last I checked they were still working at the same place 🤷‍♀️


Same - have an exit interview to HR where the woman physically cringed at some of the examples I gave, said it was consistent with what they had heard from other employees, but when I asked if they were planning on doing anything said their hands were tied and they might try and hold a general workshop with everyone on good behaviours


I don’t understand this claim that their hands are tied. It happened to me too. I gave a scathing exit interview years ago and since then this person has been solely responsible for a massive turnover of staff. They are now not allowed in certain NSW health buildings because of the bullying but they are still employed. I don’t know if it’s that HR don’t have the stamina and balls to performance management out these kinds of people or if it’s a conspiracy. I’ve honestly thought about hiring a private investigator in my angrier moments, thinking this bitch must have dirt on a board member or something to not be fired yet!


Either that or senior management like them. If senior management like you enough, good luck ever getting them fired by HR.


I dunno hey coz I’ve even seen her bully senior staff above her. There must be someone really high up protecting them for some insane reason.


This is my understanding- hr doesn't like to admit bullying when it happens because if they admit it has happened in their workplace then it exposes them to getting sued. For this reason they will empathise with you verbally when you complain but never acknowledge in writing. Same reason why every investigation find "no wrongdoing" they will sometimes ignore the witnesses who were present and get a statement from everybody else. Cowards and prostitutes


The funny thing is I sued them and won lmao. And I know others have too through work cover. So I’m like how have you still not been fired?? I would think the insurance premiums alone would be killing them.


Prostitutes is accurate. Every dealing I’ve ever had with HR has led to me being fucked


Human Resources are not your friend. It's as simple as that.


The reason their "hands are tied" is usually the main offenders are the bosses & untouchables. Who rank over the HR staff.


Yep and that's when I run. I'm currently on WorkCover, been on it for 11 months. The person that bullied me has multiple complaints against them yet they are still there and 2 have gone on WorkCover since me for the same reason. Must be costing the company HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS yet that bully is still there, costing them hundreds of thousands in lost wages, secondment wages, insurances etc Management is CRAZY to still have her there. But that's their cost I suppose


As someone who was bullied in a workplace, reported it, and was then managed out of the business, I can empathise. This was some years ago. In this day and age, where it is far more recognised in the workplace as an issue I am gobsmacked that there are at least 3 of you, on WC. And the issue hasn’t been addressed. There must be sooooooo much on in the background for the company to be so resistant to addressing the issue.


If the bully is delivering the required financial results there is a strong tendency to look away and pretend it’s not a problem


I don’t understand how any financial benefits wouldn’t be undone by the astronomical cost of staff turnover, hiring fees, legal fees, increased insurance premiums etc


It's a joke. My career has been blown up by this person, my home life has been ruined and even my body. The weight I have put on due to depression is crazy. The money I have lost, tens of thousands. All because management doesn't dare address it, or can't be bothered


Dude did we work at the same place because this is my exact story. Put on 20kg from the stress and depression after the bullying I was put through. Now financially ruined coz I can’t work full time anymore.


I also think that companies are worried about getting sued by these people, as they know these people are clearly combative and the types to sue. But then, why aren’t they as worried about getting sued by the victims, particularly when they’re on to victim #57? Surely when they have a clear record of bullying and everyone knows it the risk of being sued and being shown to have thrown the victims under the bus is far greater.


They are worried about being sued by victims - that's why they always deny bullying has taken place and every investigation finds no wrongdoing


That’s fuked! Bulling is actually one of the easiest things to get rid of someone too. I remember working with someone who was absolutely terrible. Always called in sick, hated being there, didn’t do her job and made everyone else’s life miserable. But because of all the unfair dismissal laws and HR etc, couldn’t get rid of her. That was until two people put bullying complaints in and she was gone. No warning, no nothing. Sacked! She tried for unfair dismissal but it was thrown out.


the hr response is not surprising to me. of course they think holding workshops will change the culprit's behaviour, truth is, unless the cultprit is punished nothing will change


Never do exit interviews. HR are the Gestapo. They take whatever information you offer and quietly start annotating their secret files. HR already have the power to hoover up your emails, and in a disputation between staff members, they will want the text messages between the warring parties. They have the dirt on everyone but they keep their powder dry until the intelligence can be used. And, by the way, no one outside of HR has a snowflakes chance in hell of removing a member of HR. It’s never been done. Everyone runs to HR complaining that someone is being mean to them, and HR listens like a benign parent, but no one ever wins a case against HR. You need to plant a bomb in a suitcase and bring it into the meeting. Even then, they’d probably escape with just a few scratches.


When I quit my boss whinged to HR about me saying that I was throwing him under a bus. HR turned around and told him I was the only person at the organisation who actually had his back. At my going away drinks, HR hugged me and said "It's not you".


I did the same. In my exit interview I told them watch the staff turnover after I leave. They've since hired 3 people to replace me all of them have left. I've only been gone 6 months. Bullied me out of the company after I took time off for surgery and providing palliative care to family. Was with the company for 10 years. Despite all the HR complaints this person is still protected in the company. I still get calls to come back to work for them despite me telling them to remove me from their contact list.


I imagine doing this every day and practice often in the shower. But sadly, I am a coward


I, too, am in your shower


Yep, we need more shampoo btw.


Pass me the soap please


May I borrow that razor?..


Why is it this gold colour?


Thats not a razor …


More so not being stupid, I think we would know the outcome if you did. Unless your boss is a legend lol.


I didn’t, but I watched someone else do it to an incompetent GM who deserved every word of it. She screwed me on my performance review rating citing failure to deliver a bunch of objectives that literally were not my job and had nothing to do with me. I wanted to clap as they walked out. Fast forward two years later at a new company and a director comes to me because they’re about to send a letter of offer to a former GM from my previous org, and if I knew her, would I recommend her. Guess who it was? Mwahahaha. My former GM didn’t get that letter of offer.


For all the people who worry about reference. This is the real thing to worry about.


My mum made a complaint against her boss for bullying; the lady was a psycho and made her life hard and then one day didn’t wake up for work: she was dead. My mum had a great day.


How did she get away with it?


Yes! Similar thing here. A very toxic and unqualified C Suite Exec who was married to the CEO and treated everyone like absolute shit, resigned and became a “consultant” invoicing us through the roof for doing next to no work. Their whole scam operation eventually crumbled (as did their marriage) and they were no longer allowed to consult for us (and the CEO also lost their job). Then they applied for another very senior position at another organisation that they were not qualified for but could fake due to their previous roles earned through neppositm. Unfortunately for this person, one of my best mates was on the interview panel at this organisation and rang me after seeing they had previously worked where I work. I told her the absolute truth about this person’s leadership skills, culture and work ethic and they very much did not get the job.


Unless your boss owns the company (and even then...), personally attacking someone who is more senior than you AND has a job just as able to swap seems like all risk no reward. Unless you are fine to burn that bridge because you are changing industries or something, this seems dumb. Back around a decade ago, I had a co-worker launch into a pretty personal attack on someone, and this co-worker even messaged their bosses wife on Facebook saying he was handsy with some of the younger females (he was, but we have HR for that). And this co-worker thought it was fine because they were leaving Sydney for a job in London. The divorce that this guy caused freed up his boss to also move to London... ended up at same company (Barclays).


Arguably, the handsy individual caused the divorce, not the person who reported the behavior.


Doesn't matter. This person can still move along. Or request different manager.


Nope. What's the point? It'll achieve nothing, won't actually make you feel better and carries risk. Just disappear quietly.


The worst job I ever had, I told my boss and HR in an exit interview to keep doing exactly what they're doing and don't change a thing. Why would I give them any free pointers on improving when I want them to crash and burn? Unfortunately, I don't think a certain big *five* bank will be closing any time soon


This is the correct thing. Nothing will happen to your boss, you’re only hurting yourself. The trick to corporate is taking nothing personally and to be nice to everyone, especially the cunts. It’s just a game except with real money. Learn the rules and be good at it. Or do something else.


Be nice to everyone, especially the cunts. In order to successfully destroy someone no one can know it was you. Become their friend, everyone has forgotten the original transgression, then all it takes is a little push. You can make any salad a caesar salad, all you need is to stab it 27 times 😉


“Be nice to everyone, especially the cunts.” Well said! Now I understand why the Bible talks about loving our enemies.


wise words, this shall be my new mo


Genius isn’t it, the salad thing. I’m using that :)


It also has no practical benefit to you, while leaving on good terms actually might because of future networking. Most industries are pretty small and you don’t want to leave on bad terms. I’ve known people rejoin companies and industries before. At the end of the day most bosses aren’t that bad either, it’s just circumstances of the nature of work that lead to conflict.


>won't actually make you feel better How do you figure? Seems like it would be the single most satisfying thing you could do in your work life.


It is extremely satisfying, and had no impact on getting my next role.


First day at work and one of first emails I read was an all staff message from someone who resigned, their last day. They said something about brown rings around the manager’s necks, what they thought about the head boss and why everyone should leave. Mentioned names. My manager said maybe I should ignore it 😂 they put a stopper on everyone being able to send all staff emails after that.


This is going to sound very naive, but what does brown rings around necks imply?


Heads up asses


My boss fired me in order to take my deal commission ( on a deal I closed in my first year that he had tried and failed for 6 yrs previously) I asked HQ HR if they could do anything 3 mth prior to being fired as I saw it coming. They advised they would support company interests and could not advise me ( tks - so I’m not part of this company ?) on the day he fired me ( the day after I lodged the client contract) he said “ you can resign and I’ll reference you to make this easier for you “ I replied - you’re firing me for your own reasons so no, put you’re firing me in print and I’ll happily sue you for wrongful dismissal - I had a job to go to , increased my income within 6 days and a few months later he was fired - HIS boss collected my commission (A$150k) so culture was rampantly toxic - I’m on court list for my case and expect company to settle on the court steps to keep this out of press - my NDA does not restrict me in taking action - just can’t name the Co here - but if you want to truly have revenge stay cool, swearing or dick swinging is childish - get everything in writing and sue for revenge - direct managers often get fired to remove evidence or to claim action was made / company is still responsible so take them on and win!! It’s much more satisfying


HR is not there to help or protect you; that's for the company.


I do understand that - let me guess you’re in HR - HR are also there to take information from employees regarding risks to the company - for example illegal behaviour by Directors opening the company to a civil suit, and evaluating cost of onboarding and recruitment Vs revenue generated and retention - or I guess nothing at all


I once saw someone accidentally on purpose used the all staff email list to send out a Teams meeting invite for a "catch up" about all the reasons why they were quitting. That place was a dumpster fire, management tried to ignore it but that blew up in their face when two dozen people logged in for the call.


I think I love you.


I quit my old job to start a new job at the bowling alley and I totally burned my bridges on the way out. Then my wife got pregnant with our third kid so I had to go crawling back to the old gig. Mr Burns was pretty nice about it.


Hey Homer!


Do it for Maggie


I'm paralysed with rage....and island rhythms!


When i resigned I told the "bro" pair of owners of a consulting co. how I perceived their company based on my experience (and that of others around me) and they asked me to join a longer call.... asked tons of questions, and let me answer honestly (where i provided exact examples of the constant favouritisn of men, sexism against women and blatent failure to act on complaints that were lodged, all of which I experienced or witnessed there) then asked me what it would cost to keep me there (they were losing women from their co. rapidly). I said there was no $ amount that would make that worthwhile for me, but that I hoped they used my feedback to make things better for others.


I love this. I love that they actually listened and hopefully took on the feedback.


Yeahhh - emailed a letter stating that I expected 3 years of underpayment to be paid - I wrote it professionally and stated that as per advice from fair work, if I didn’t hear by 7 days I would take legal action. They emailed back on day 7, an hour too late, told me it would be in the interest of both parties to not go down that path as it ‘wouldn’t end well for me’. So I took legal action. They fast tracked my case, not only did I win, but I refused to settle unless boss/job place m updated their policies so what I went through didn’t have to happen to anyone in future - it also had a flow on effect of making sure the award agreement wording was changed to reflect industry standards and better protect individuals. It was stressful - but I’ll never back down from sticking it to the man - literally and I’m so proud I stuck by myself


Edit to add - After I had sorted out my references from other colleagues and clients, i promptly gave 45 mins notice and im damn proud I did. I simply replied to a 17hr reduction in hours ‘this is my resignation effective immediately’ and I have not ever regretted doing so




Ahhhhhh I love me a good fair work case like this. Well done


Yes I did this when leaving my last job in 2012. Boss is based in Melbourne, my team is in Brisbane. Never met the dude in person. He called me a week after I resigned and offered a huge pay rise. I put him on speaker, with the rest of the team present. Then asked why for the last 4 years no one got a bonus and raises were like 1%. We were always told there was no way they could afford to pay more. But here you are offering me 40% increase to stay. So you have been lying to us all, or thought so little of us that we would not call you on it. Fuck you John.


Hell yeah


It may be tempting but even if you don’t need a reference, it’s not worth the moment of “glory”. The world simply isn’t big enough for it not to bite you at some point.


I hear you, but in this instance, it won’t bite me, ever.  


Not sure how you can be so sure. Unless you know something specific about your future that will make any actions you take now consequence free. Hoping you’re ok.


Sorry, yes I’m fine, aside from been livid at their behaviour and level of disrespect. Others know what they are like - they have a reputation so it would never come back to bite me, their opinion to others is irrelevant if that makes sense, they will never hold any power or say over my future. 


Yes and no. If you think boss will take it on board sure. If not you can mention it to Hr but I know from friends HR doesn't care unless there is a liability to company. In one case two friends quit in space of two weeks over a manager and both mentioned his name in exit interview HR said to second one never heard anyone else complain about this guy. That's how much they will Gaslight you. But if it helps you get it out and feel cathartic do it. Life is too short People are full of shit and fear saying it will affect future. Never seen it affect anyone negatively.


ehh... you know people are so worried about 'consequences' i did it where i moved from public to private sector... and i'm never going back to public service so who gives a fuck? didnt need their reference, had a job to go to with more money anyway also i did it when i felt like i'm 'done' with this 'era of my working life' eg. i'm never going back to into logistics so i dont care what happens with that part of my resume ever again in fact i'm so close to retirement and i dont rent dont have much liabillies so... i'm working part time now and could give it away i get that this is reason i'm so blaze about this because the risks are so minor for me i've been working for decades, you seen it all, i'm financially ok so...¯ \ _(ツ)_/¯


Did you win a lottery?


20m tatts last night


Australia has way too small a population for me to ever take such chance sadly.


Sure have! I have antisocial personality disorder. I don’t take anyone’s shit, don’t care if it’s the ceo of the company. You speak to me like a dick I’ll tell you to go fuck yourself and burn everything to the ground. One job a senior manager tried to speak down to me and I said “who the fuck do you think you are talking to like that” he started to get lippy and speak to me like more of a piece of shit so i said “I think you’re a cunt and you can fuck off” he the threatened to fire me and I said “ok go for it asshole” he fired me. HR called me up and I told them what happened and outlined how he spoke to me and how he speaks to others and pointed out that it was bullying. Got changed to suspension with pay, he got reprimanded, I got offered my job back and I refused to work under him. They asked me to resign, I refused, they offered me 6 months pay to resign and sign my rights away I took it and laughed all the way home. Know your rights, know what you can and can’t legally get away with and don’t ever take anyone’s shit. Fuck bullies that wouldn’t speak to you like that outside of work.


'I’ll tell you to go fuck yourself and burn everything to the ground.' - I am realising that in certain circumstances this is warranted.


You have to be really careful that you are within your rights. Like I said in another comment, workplace bullying is illegal, telling someone to go fuck themselves is not. I’m reckless and don’t take anyone’s shit ever, this hasn’t always worked out for me outside the workplace. But I know my rights and I will stand on them no matter what. I’d rather be fired than go to work everyday being miserable. I haven’t been in the corporate world my whole career but one thing I’ve noticed is bullying and verbal abuse is rife and they often get away with it. Not to me and not on my watch, I’ll gladly stand up for coworkers and have before. The amount of women I’ve seen in years by being spoken to like dirt by male managers is honestly disgusting. I worked in construction for quite some time, if these assholes spoke to someone like that on a work site they would be going home in an ambulance. Most of the time the person doing the punching will get away with it as well because no one will dob on them and the guy being an asshole will be the outcast of the industry. It’s pretty crazy the shit that actually goes on in the corporate world. I do understand it’s not as easy for others as it is for me though that’s why if I deem someone to be getting bullied by the legal definition I’ll go in for them.


Are you available for hire lol? I'm having problems with my boss...


6 months pay lmao thats like winning the lottery.


Na I wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of knowing they affected me so much. I’d just say I’m leaving for a more senior role with more money even if I wasn’t.


Yes, went to go quietly until he tried to shake my hand and I refused. He got upset and told me to leave. Led to some expletives on my part. Bloke was a massive arsehole, hated by everyone. A duplicitous narcissist. I’m just glad my feedback managed to get him fired.


No, but I have savaged former managers in exit interviews.


No, however I had a boss who quit - and told us all what he thought of the new boss replacing him in a group meeting and it was not pretty lol Apparently they previously knew each other.


Tried once. The guys ego was so fragile that he kept talking over me at the faintest hint of criticism.


I had an all you can eat Mexican night then used my bosses desk as a shiiter the next morning


If it wasn't for the need for references...


Anyone can pretend to be your reference or any senior sounding role can. (check job searching tips on reddit about this. I used to worry alot about this too until I saw that)


Ugh I wish that was always the case. I have a new job lined up, but they're asking for a reference from my current supervisor, who is an incompetent, micromanaging, condescending asshole who has consistently blocked me from doing my job to industry standards, all while complaining to anybody who will listen that I'm the real reason our project is going poorly. I don't have any doubts whatsoever that he'll sabotage my new role if he can.


Not on the way out but I drove past my old workplace and my ex called my old boss a fat assed cunt as she was walking to her car. The only reason is she drove past a manager that quit and did the exact same thing to them.


Yeah. Got hired to setup a team. After a year of hassling my boss to start the hiring process for the team I went in and handed my resignation. He was shocked and asked me what could be done to get me to stay. I told him that if he resigned I'd stay. He wasn't impressed. Found a new better job right the next day.


Yes. I said “Life is very different outside these walls *boss’s name* I pray that we never cross paths outside of them, won’t be good for you.” Needless to say security escored me out of the building and I will never work there again. Doesn’t matter anyways coz after my one and only corp job, I became self employed. This whole BS isn’t for me.


I sure have! It involved an external HR guy managing the ‘conflict’ and spouting off an email of untruths. When I responded I went point by point with evidence & even he conceded most of the points! Best part is that the exchange is in writing so I can reflect on it when I question my worth!!


Yes, wrote them a letter and called them an absolute nightmare and expressed how toxic and incompetent they are. I also said that if they continue the way they treat teachers, their child (who I taught) is going to need an advocate at school.  I also emailed all the parents expressing that the reason I was leaving was because of her mismanagement and disrespectful treatment. That didn't go down well.


Yup. I got the punt from a company some years ago, was performance managed by a manager who clearly didn’t like me. I told her and the HR boss what I thought of the company and its policies as I was leaving the building.


Nah but I told him he pissed me off sometimes with his requests and we just laughed so there’s that


Thank their peers but exclude them. No need to tell them directly, only through your omission.


Yep & it was glorious! He was the CEO of a small government company that was very toxic from the top down. He was the worst micro manager I ever met & a terrible bully, regularly making people cry & treating everyone like they were complete morons. I finally snapped one day after he went behind my back on a project I was running. I drafted a very specific & detailed email about some big things he had done & said. I went for a walk to shake it off & was still seething when I got back so I hit send to himself & the office manager. It felt SO good & I didn't regret it for a single second. I just wish he was in the office so I could've seen his face when he read it because no one ever dared to speak back to him.


On the way out?? Pathetic. Do it while you're there!!! One boss pulled me from a project because another suckhole had sooked to the GM that he was a better fit for the position.... Of course he cocked it right up, a total panic and shit storm seeing the head Australian tech flown in to rectify it.... Anyway as the damage and debris was becoming glaringly obvious I strolled into the bosses office: "remember when you asked my thoughts on being removed from the project and replaced with Employee X? And how I said nothing? I said nothing because (raise voice so others could hear) **I didn't think you were so fucking stupid"** He just waved "get the fuck out my office".... Haha, he wouldn't even see me on a Friday "you're not wrecking my weekend". Pathetic little man he was.... wife left him, took the Investment Property, kids wont talk to him, and his imported girlfriend then proceeded to empty his super to get fake tits etc. LOL... what a dumb ass. He now works back on the floor earning FA.


Yep, well he wasn't actually my boss, it was my bosses husband who, even though it wasn't his business, controlled everything. He is the definition of a narcissist. Anywho, I was not in a good place in my life and tried to leave amicably. The dude went off and since I was not my normal self lost my sh*t. Told him exactly what I thought of him. Tried to work out my notice period, but couldn't do it. Left my stuff on my desk one day and walked out. Props to my actual boss. She was sympathetic even though I was laying into her husband.


No, that would be a huge mistake 


Only when I’ve respected them as a boss. In which case the feedback I’ve given is positive. On the one occasion I left due to a boss I didn’t like, I didn’t tell him. I did have several (6 or 7) of his peers asking why I was leaving and I was honest. All of them offered to transfer me to their own teams which was really nice of them. Turns out, they also didn’t like him and were aware of how he treated his team. I toyed with the option but ultimately declined. Unless justice was going to be served I didn’t see the point. I was not the first casualty in his team but given my rapport with the executives and body of work my exit was enough to get the attention of a few C-suites.


Nah, it exhibits a weakness that they live in your head. Indifference is more powerful.


Yep. And took off my company branded work shirt and literally told him to shove it up his ass.


The best ever thing you can do is just treat them like dirt and completely ignore them as you leave; like blank them; it drives them crazy.


A woman I worked with had a go at everyone on the way out. Gave everyone including me a serve. 3 years later she applied for a job with the company I work for an I told the hiring manager how she sprayed everyone one the way out. Didn’t get a second interview.


If I win powerball next week, I'll tell everyone I work for in my day job they are a stupid c--t and I hope there is a special place in hell for them Whilst I walking out to my Lambo giving them the peace sign, then flipping them the bird one last time




I know someone who, through a scathing and detailed exit interview, caused the exit of their manager and their manager's manager. Make the exit interview count, good or bad - it is the most valuable culture feedback a business can obtain, and it's free. Businesses who don't conduct exit interviews with an independent party, don't care about culture, or don't want to invest in making it better.


I was all ready to. I had a whole bit planned (I had a lot of time to think about it) but unfortunately it was an anticlimax- the boss didn’t come in for the entirety of my notice period for various reasons, and I really wanted the face to face element.


I did, and I loved it. The best feeling ever.


No but always got my buttons pushed because I have health issues. Wasn't afraid to speak my mind which got me fired. Told one manager/team leader that we're both just humans outside this place and he shouldn't talk to me like that. I didn't mean it as a threat but I guess he took it as one. Just because you're in a better position than someone doesn't mean you can talk to them like a shitsmear.


I wrote a long letter about my boss to the CEO and delivered it by hand.


I have. I did it officially and professionally in the context of turning down a promotional opportunity and simultaneously orchestrating a transfer to a different department. It felt great and it was ultimately good for my career after the shortcomings of my previous boss (all those things I’d said to them directly in a recorded mediation session) were proven a few months later and they were moved on.


I was working in sales in the electronics industry and left my job of 10 years after being poached by another bigger company. I had to buy a car to use on a lease for 3 years. 2.5 months into my probation. I was called into the CEO'S office and told they were downsizing and I was being let go. As I was in the probation period they owed me nothing....and left me paying off a car debt. after telling the CEO he was a dirty fucking scumbag. I walked out. Go forward 3 years. I was working as procurement manager for a much much larger company. Easily the best job I had ever had. This shithead came around looking to sell raw materials to us.... I made them do dozens of quotes wasting their time. I had no intention of EVER giving them any orders... managed to do this for 2 years before they stopped trying... I kept dangling the carrot in front of them for ages, while bringing up what dirtbags they were... I loved every minute of it....


Sounds a low EQ thing to do. People don’t realise how small professional circles are in Australia and people talk.


Congratulations on a job.. done.


I’ve seen people do it, honestly it makes them look like a unstable loser even if they are in the right. The type of thing people would egg you on to do for the entertainment even though behind closed doors they’re laughing at you not with you.


I my experience, if you think your boss is an ass, they probably already know. On top of that, unless they're truly clueless (and if so there's no point in telling them off anyway) they likely already also know why you're leaving. If they ask for feedback on the way out be honest without being biting, that's the best hope of actually changing behaviour and making others experience better


I thought I would when I left Woolworths as a check out. But nah. Just said "bye". I think Dave Hughes had a routine on this too.


Do it, feels great when they have nothing to hold over you anymore and their rage will warm your heart. Tell them exactly why they such and how they fail as a leader and make sure others hear it. I did and it’s still talked about 20 years later


I told an ex boss (also co owner) to eat a bag of dicks on the way out the door Not corporate though The other owner offered to rehire me at another site but I declined


Not as much as I should have.


I briefly worked at an auction house, I thought it would be fun. The other girl that worked there was so unnecessarily mean to me the first week, I was actually so surprised by her behaviour. In the meantime a friend of mine has referred me for another role which I was offered and accepted, which meant I needed to quit this auction house job. The GM who hired me asked me sincerely why I was leaving and so I told her the truth about how unwelcome I felt. :) 


Ask yourself why. Why do you want to? And will you get what you want out of it. I’ve done it once before, I did because it meant that the teams she managed would see a change. It also put her behaviour on the raider of HR and her manager. But there was another manager, who was a monster. And I wanted to give him a run through before I left, but ultimately it wouldn’t have made me feel better, and he wasn’t going to change. So I just left.


I not only told my ex boss I was sick of listening to her yell at everybody ( to which she said well I never yelled at you lol) among other thing, but after I stormed out I actually turned around and went *back* and told her I also did not appreciate her trash talking me behind my back, accompanied by lots of finger jabbing in her direction. I was so pissed and the looks on everyone’s faces was priceless lol.


I got close. In my farewell speech I made sure to add a bit about looking after your own mental health, because it's the most important thing. CEO didn't meet my eyes. They knew.


I have played this scenario in my head over and over. In reality, when I leave, it won't go as slick as I fantasize. My boss has a MASSIVE complex where she cannot self reflect, despite talking all the talk and doing all the self care/mindfulness/HR courses as nauseum. This is why managers keep leaving for the SAME reasons. I will probably say my piece and crumble emotionally, like my brittle empty soul


Yeah I did over an email. I added a few others into the email. It was a casual job and they reduced my hours to basically zero that week and that was the final fuck you. I told the manager you don't fuck with a person's ability to feed themselves no matter what message you want to send. I CC'd a few people into the email. Told him I wasn't the only one who thought that he was an ass kissing ladder climber.


Yeah, but that was just me saying I'm gonna kill someone if I stay here And it probably won't be me that I kill, He was a smaller athletic (cyclist) accountant who had like a real nasty side at times but other times he was really quite cool. But if he was in a foul mood and I was not up for his shit I would try biting my tongue as long as I could but a few times I couldn't take no more Then we would have to have a 1 on 1 meeting where I think he was apologizing but it was in the context of You can't say things like that in a professional environment or something idk Never hit him but damn was down to hit it with his wife


Wow everyone is crazy negative. Scrolled a bit far and didn’t find any positives, so I will say that I cried out of bittersweetness when I left my last job. Both when I told my supervisor (overseas) and my former supervisor who was in the same office as me. I loved working there but the pay just wasn’t cutting it and I found a better paying role. If it wasn’t for the money, I’d probably have become one of the “furniture” employees there. In my current role though, my current senior I’d love to give a piece of my mind to, but everyone above (semi-manager, manager and director) are great.


We have all rehearsed our lines many, many times. However the economy in this colonial outpost is but a speck of fly shit in the global context so unless I was leaving the country never to return again I wouldn’t bother


Burning bridges is never a good idea


My boss was paranoid I would trash his reputation when I quit from him and asked me on my last day 'what I would tell people about him' and I told him 'ill them them your an arrogant cunt' and walked out. Didnt effect me in anyway and never thought or spoke about him again”


Yes and I recorded it and posted to TikTok to give others the courage to as well.


When I was still a chef I gave one of my head chefs a piece of mind, he was a grumpy old bastard counting down the days to retirement and driving the bosses business into the ground


No, never and I've had plenty of short term contracts. It might momentarily make you feel good,but it's not worth it in plenty of different ways.


Yeah, as I resigned from a retail job I called my boss a cancer on the business I worked for. Felt good. He was a real douchebag.


World is too small of a place for that.... or maybe it's just consulting is too small


Yes. Yes i did 😊 Moved across the country after being offered a job in "healthcare clinic". Unfortunately i was working for two of the most unconscientious, predatory and mortally-bankrupt people i have ever met. I regularly got called into her office to be grilled about why i hadn't upsold my client 100's of dollars of useless crap. Finally stood up after 9 months and told her exactly what i thought of her: ".... and the way you treat people is absolutely effing disgusting....". I was escorted off the premises, and then stomped all the way home! Man that felt good to tell her what i thought of her! Pity i shot myself in the foot financially though 🤷‍♀️


I was called in to what I thought was a routine 3 month probation meeting only to be absolutely read for filth by the general manager and my direct supervisor. It was such an awful and unfair pile on from an ex-army sergeant whose management style was “tough love.” Sitting there totally blindsided asked for a piece of copy paper, wrote my resignation and said “I don’t need to listen to this.” I think actions spoke louder than any words I could have said in that moment. That psycho wouldn’t have been capable of any self reflection anyway. I didn’t go into work that day with a plan to quit and had nothing lined up and negative money but that night was the most peaceful I had felt in months.


Unless your boss is a sociopath they'll have a good idea of what you think well before you quit If they are a sociopath they wont take anything you say seriously


Yes I’ve done it twice. Once when I was 23 - basically a fuck you here’s my resignation letter. 10 years later he’s offered me a massive opportunity to return because he loved my ‘brand’ I brought to the company and that I told him ‘fuck you’. 2nd time 2 years ago as a far more mature adult, I diplomatically told my boss his management style did not support me as an employee so under those terms I quit. He was shock - he was a wanker. I’ve since returned to this company under a different team and was told last week he was made redundant effective immediately. Rumour has it everyone thought he was a wanker.


I had an all you can eat Mexican night then used my bosses desk as a shiiter the next morning


Yes. It was cathartic and awesome.


Yep and broke the managers door when I was leaving.


My mate sent an email to the whole public prosecutor’s office telling them where to shove it. 10yrs later he’s now a judge lol


Yes. A few times, I had really great bosses, and I made sure to tell them how great they were. The rest were crap and I told them in my mind, lol. There is no point in burning bridges.


I once told my boss that he is delusional and the fact that everyone hides thing from him and are afraid to report to him about incidents and that living in denial will only help him so much


Yes. Told her that I don’t get paid enough to do her job and talk to her leaders,


I walkined up to him and said "who thr fuck is in charge here?!" he didn't say it was him and then proceeded to tell me how much he wanted to quit. I'm still there somehow. I think the company is fucked and they know it. 


i once quit a security job after 3 weeks because shifts where rescheduled far too often (10 shift changes in 1 week) I told the boss calmly that he was unprofessional and did not display the loyalty and consideration he always said was so important. i didn't raise my voice or sware but I was still pretty shore I had burned that bridge badly, and wasn't going to include the job on my resume. he called me a week latter and asked me to do a shift.


I did, a couple of times. It was basically career suicide but I'd had enough anyway. It was pretty scary and out of character for me, but it was over an issue that I felt so strongly about. When I look back, I have a good old chuckle and I'm so proud of myself for not getting walked over.


Me and my boss(Caucasian male) have a pretty good relationship. While walking to our cars after one of our Christmas parties and too many drink I was screaming at him(his wife beside) "white trash, white trash, is that your white trash car you're walking to?". Good times and yes I still have my job. It's not on my way out but it will be the last words I say to him when I leave.


Yep, and I regret it. Despite being a crap manager he is still a human being. I was going through a pretty bad time in my personal life and I took it out on him bcos he was an easy target. Lesson learned.


If they are well connected in the industry or with people you know, or in a small location I wouldn’t. If they were far away, not well connected or not necessarily in the industry you will go to next I would say go nuts! Tell them what you think. People sometimes deserve the truth even if it’s not great.


nah i leave it for the anonymous glassdoor review. Does far more damage that way. Hit them where it hurts the most. Their pockets.


No. Not worth it. Best to tell HR or their manager if they're really that bad. And remember, the industry isn't that big. People know people.


Yes. I told him that his sexism and telling me that he should put me in a short skirt and high heels to sell more (among other things) may be tolerated in America but I would not tolerate it in Australia. I was a marketing manager for a software company and this was all said when I was in another country with only male staff. I had to see them from breakfast to dinner. It was incredibly uncomfortable. Especially because I couldn’t just leave. One of the board members was in the exit interview. I ripped into the CEO and then said to the board member “I want you to be aware, that if you keep him, you are just waiting for a sexual harassment lawsuit. You need to do better.” Absolutely nothing happened. They still have the CEO and they now have 0 female employees.


I have a speech ready in my head. I don't think I'll say anything other than 'this is the worst place I've ever worked, and if I were you, I'd get out too. All the best!'


Yep. I had a boss that didn’t like me for whatever reason and it was soooo obvious. We got into a big argument and I told him specific examples of his horrible treatment with receipts so he had no rebuttal after each example and would move on to some other thing he didn’t like about me and I’d prove him wrong again. He then said “well I’m sorry you feel that way” and I said “my feelings are a direct result of the way you treat me”. We then just stared at each other. I then said “what the leave policy on my contract” and he said “I’d have to check” and I said “well you check, and I’ll check as well, but you can take this as my official resignation”. I was close with the assistant GM and they went out to lunch that day to debrief my resignation and he brought up all the stuff I said and asked her if he “really treated me that poorly” and she was like yep. You treat her like shit. Im shocked she didn’t quit sooner.


Don’t burn your bridges. I’ve lost customers who came back after a while and I was re-hired after being made redundant. Neither would have happened if I had not resisted the urge to make some smart ass comment. Leave those for your friends


Not to my boss but it was to HR during my exit interview. Adios.


I did it prior to my way out, but HR made sh*t so bad after I had to walk.   🤣


Yep. Told my nursing director that she’s a cunt, she is why she can’t keep staff and that everyone hates her. And threw my swipe card across the desk as I said it. Then I bawled my eyes out in my car, but I have no regrets. She was a monster 😂


I wanted to but instead chose to use my morning tea speech as an opportunity to have a stab at him without doing it directly. I had a number of people comment afterwards that they picked up what I was putting down so that was pretty satisfying but I would have loved to tell him to fuck all the way off.


Sent this absolute pearler to my last boss, and CC'd everyone in the company so the other guys could be more aware of their rights. *Hi [***] Please accept this as my notice of resignation. As per my contract I'm providing 1 weeks notice. But also I wont be back, as I dont want to be here. You have communicated that employees who take personal leave will have amounts deducted from their share of incentive programs run by the company. This is both concerning and unlawful for a number of reasons. Employees have a right to take their personal and carer’s leave under the Fair Work Act. Under section 340(1) of the Act, it is unlawful for an employer to take adverse action – including loss of, or threatening the loss of benefits or incentives – against employees who exercise their workplace right to take personal leave. It’s also unlawful for an employer to use coercion through fear, intimidation or threats to force a person not to exercise a workplace right. By the by, it’s also unlawful for an employer to take adverse action against employees who exercise their workplace right to report issues to the Fair Work Ombudsman for investigation. Please refer to the Fair Work Ombudsman’s website for further details: Protections at work - Fair Work Ombudsman In addition to breaching the Fair Work Act, this policy is potentially a breach of number of discrimination laws. A rule relating to personal leave effectively disadvantages some employees because of their personal characteristics – illness can be considered a temporary disability, and carer’s leave is related to a person’s family responsibility. Employers have a legal responsibility to take reasonable steps to prevent discrimination. Your policy has the opposite effect Thankyou for the horrifying experience these last few months.*


The best way to do it is to write your boss a letter, preferably hand written, not typed. Refine it over a period of time until it’s as scathing as you want it to be. Then read it aloud to yourself and then burn it, imagining the fire is consuming your boss. That way, you get to express what you need to for your own sanity, but don’t burn any bridges or give them the satisfaction that they had such a stranglehold over your emotional wellbeing.


Did it without being on my way out. Some people just need to be told. He didn't appreciate it initially, but got over it and sorted his shit out for a while


Yes, when I left my last job, I sent a multiple page essay on exactly all the ways they were failing themselves and the business they had bought. Long story short, they had purchased a beloved jazz bar, and with no hospitality experience, decided they knew better than their management team, which had an unprecedented 60+ years of experience amongst them. Slowly pushed them all out one by one, until I was the only one left. Given I was the chef and they knew they couldn't run a kitchen on their own, they were always nice to me (but horrible to all their other staff) Anyway, I sent the essay and then followed it up the next day by letting them know I was well aware of the dodgy accounting they had done on my accrued leave and that they owed me $1500.


Yeah I did though it was not in finance it was in an office setting (for everyone else) while I worked out back in warehouse The best time i quit I’d had enough of bullshit rules and the last one was about me having coffee in the warehouse They decided to create a rule due others within the office spilling drinks on files etc I’d decided enough was enough and received a first warning for something (can’t remember what exactly) though I felt it was unwarranted and unreasonable I decided to push them over the line and gift me another 2 strikes for free So as I was being cautioned that I could no longer drink coffee in the warehouse I proceeded to get onto the stock picker, spun a 180° so I was facing backwards, stepped on the dead man pedal, jammed it into gear with my elbow as I casually sipped the cup in one hand while casually extending my middle finger of the other (hence my elbow) ☕️😘🖕 *in my final exit interview as they were issuing me my ‘bonus strikes’ I can only remember stating how useless of a manager he was as he couldn’t even manage to order office supplies for an office*


Yep but through creative ways. Such as exhausting my leave while we didn’t have an HR person, missing both disciplinary meetings, ensuring that they are forced to fire me after my 1 yr anniversary. Pocketed my $16k annual bonus, 1 month left of annual leave, $7k ish while exploiting the policy that the company have in place which allows employees to 2 months of pay if they are fired for ANY REASON. Left without about $30k


Every day I walk past my boss's and say you guys are Awesome. They are in fact Awesome husband and wife owners they are the best people I have worked for.


Everyday. My line was. So what are you going to do, sack me?


I wish I had done this at my last job I worked for a Super Fund for 12months and there was 1 total bitch that caused nothing but trouble for me. Constantly making up lies and rumours about me and fucking up all of my work whenever she got the chance. One day she went mental in the office and screamed in my face. I put in a complaint to HR and, wouldn’t you know it, I was performance planned out of the place. If I had my time again I would’ve told her what horrible c&@$ she was and there was a reason her husband works on the road for months at a time.


Worked for this complete asshat manager in a restaurant, when my colleague quit she said “I’d like to tell you to get fucked and walk out but I’m going to finish my shift”. Effectively telling to get fucked and sit in her presence while she smiles. It was wonderful.


I stormed out one day and called my manager a spineless maggot, still working here lol, go qld health!


The GM asked what it would take for me to stay as there was a project I was a key member of (an SAP rollout, and I was the only one that had worked on it at an inventory mgmt level before) I replied “your resignation would be a good start” He wished me the best in my future employment


Yes ! I was in my first job as a tradie. I told the manager ( who for some reason never liked me . I was told by an office worker ) He came around on his walks and said something being sarcastic. I told to fuck off before he got my hammer as a momento , everyone looked up and thumbs up from all the guys . I said I want to see my pay in my bank account at the end of the week . I really enjoyed doing that. He was a smart ass pom .


Yup but with the help of HR so everything is documented, he got fired after I left


I did this a couple of times when I was younger. The thing is, no one is ever on your side. They just think you're the crazy one and everything is fine because they'll never admit how awful they/the company are. Also your colleagues are too worried about their own jobs to give a shit what happened to you, they may act like friends/they care but will lick boots and throw you under the bus at the first opportunity. Now I'm older and after doing it I realise it just makes you feel worse when the whole office hears about it and you're labeled the unhinged one and still no one gives a fuck. I suggest screwing them over in a smart way instead of emotionally.


No. But once I got a job managing a store over Xmas/NY. One casual employee would arrive 15 mins late to a shift, refuse to use the Company system for his availability & when he was at work had an attitude. I gave his shifts to two people who would turn up on time, let me know when they were available using the correct avenue & had a positive attitude while at work. I hired someone new also. This guy gave me a piece of his mind, so I gave as good as I got. As a short-term manager, my job was to get the store through the busy season. Thats it. It wasn't my life, or my passion, and I certainly wasn't going to coddle an entitlrd a*hole for 3 months.


Years and years ago when one of my mates worked at coles, he grabbed the PA system phone and while the store was packed, he said " Stephen, you're a little bitch. Suck my dick. Fuck you and I quit" Stephen was the store manager.


I have. She was a great boss who encouraged me to find a career path that was fulfilling and paid well. I told her that in front of a decent sized audience.


My BIL decided he’s had enough and was going to focus on his other PT job in a new country and let the uni here know he wouldn’t be working by remote anymore. In his last week his immediate boss had a conversation with him and I don’t think it was an exit interview but my BIL at some point said “tbh it’s you.” And just plainly explained how hard it was to work for him - shifting timelines, loops he’s left out of, the transferred stress, how it just wasn’t worth it any more so, yup, he’s out. His boss was reeeeeally nice to him for the rest of the week, but I made no difference in the end. BIL runs his own brewery in Sweden now.


Had an issue with my boss that got so bad I had to go to HR, all external HR reps who had never met any of us before. Made formal reports, had statements from other staff and other coordinators like myself, and sat down with our area manager and the head of VIC HR to give my side. Boss starts spouting shit about she believes I’m being dramatic and have been communicating disrespectfully, HR makes a pretty small comment of ‘I’m not here to get anyone in trouble, we’re just here to learn how to respectfully communicate to one another’. I had a complete breakdown, ended up shouting at the HR rep all the way from the back offices to the main office, threw my gear on the desk and told my boss, the HR manager and the area manager that ‘I refuse to work here for as long as this cunt is in charge, and you two are a pair of fucking pussies for not doing something about this piece of shit’, among some other frankly pretty nasty stuff. Stormed out shouting at the AM the whole way and called my husband in the car on the way home just sobbing my eyes out and yelling nonsense. Now blacklisted by being hired again by the company or their parent company, but it was honestly, genuinely worth it to see the look on her face! Has never ‘come back to bite me’ and my health improved like crazy as soon as I left.


No. But I told HIS boss


I got asked for an exit interview. First question, why are you leaving?. Answer "because I want to work for people I like to be around". Interview finished early.