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That creek looks pretty wet to me.


It's like a Greenland/Iceland thing. Supposed to throw off people not in the know


While there is a Dry Creek in SA, Dry Creek Road is on Glenelg River (which is nowhere near Glenelg). Note that after the weekend rains Dry Creek is currently wet.


It’s called Glenelg river because it runs through the Glenelg shire in Victoria


It's called Glenelg River because the river looks the same forwards as it does backwards.


> It's called Glenelg River because the river looks the same forwards as it does backwards. i chuckled :)


The shire is named after the river. The river is named after Colonial Secretary Baron Glenelg Charles Grant, a man with too many titles. It was given this name by explorer Major Mitchell, who was named after a cockatoo.




Nah, they're just trying to up their real estate prices by making people think it's beachfront adelaide. /s


The creek isn't wet, the things it touches are...


So does a creek go dry or just the things it doesn't touch?


Looking at the place, just the creek.


Water is wet


It’s like pure wetness


This is my least favourite point of pedantry.


Especially since it's wrong. [Merriam Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/wet), definition 1a: > Consisting of...liquid (such as water) If you're going to be pedantic, at least be right about it!




> Most scientists define wetness as a liquid’s ability to maintain contact with a solid surface, meaning that water itself is not wet ... > But if you define wet as ‘made of liquid or moisture’, as some do What a garbage "scientific" website.


Maybe you could get them for false advertising?


Boat house, up for grabs! Close to water and plenty of light.


'one of the wettest from the standpoint of water'


Just a drainage issue, nothing a trip to bunnings wont solve! Ps Dry creek rd lolz




Just some silicone in a few strategic places will do, thank you.


Look at you with your fancy silicone, I was just gonna duct tape and WD40 it


Don't forget the cable ties


What is this? An engineering job? The painters just need to come in and give her a coat.


Do you want a houseboats because that's how you get house boats.


Or perhaps several hundred tons of silicon 


I'm sure Ozito have a kit, probably what was used in this example. *"Do your best and silicon the rest"* -Site Inspector


"go to Bunnings, buy some timber, build a bridge and get over it"


Don't forget to get council approval!


[listing:](https://www.realestate.com.au/property-other-sa-donovans-143284988) "Sec 843 is a Crown Lease with an interim 3 year lease, a long-term lease is available once planning conditions are met" what does this mean?


I'm not a legal expert but did some reading, disclaimer some of this may not be correct. It looks like a general lease under crown land act, which means by buying this property you're essentially purchasing a lease of the land, because it is still owned by the crown. But if you sufficiently develop the land (what is sufficient is not documented and is case by case), then you have the privilege of being able to actually purchase the land from the crown. So I believe by 'buying' this property you're buying a lease and the rights to purchase ownership of said land, should you spend enough money developing it. How the hell you're meant to get council approval to develop something half underwater is very questionable, and the disclaimers in that posting you linked makes me think the real estate agent knows this isn't going to be very achievable.


What land? All I see is water.


You have to look deeper.


look deeplier


Hang on, isn't it state property to the high tide mark? It's definitely beyond the high tide, so council approval doesn't apply! /jk


Based on the images, the house is in international waters; and thus none of the council's rules apply


Piracy. It’s A Wet Life, But A Fun One!


local council may not let you develop it due to water issues, so the right to buy may be moot


Some properties in unusual areas are on crown land (i.e. public) so you'd be buying the building only. I highly doubt the "land" under this place will ever be available for purchase though for environmental reasons. Not to mention this place would be an insurance nightmare


Basically, all land below mean high water mark (MHWM) in Australia belongs to the Crown, ie government. Private individuals can’t own it. But, there are lots of structures used by private individuals below MHWM like jetties, boathouses and the like, so the Crown leases them out. So you own the structure, but not the land under it. In this instance, I would imagine that the planning conditions could be to knock and rebuild higher given that it’s falling apart and looks to go underwater at king tides. Whatever, it’ll take a long time, cost a rake of money, and I doubt you’d be legally allowed to live in it, generally structures like this don’t have proper sewerage and so aren’t suitable for full time living. I’m in NSW so don’t know the area, but that does seem like a helluva price to pay given the location.


Is that like buying a cabin in national parks? Sounds similar to people who sell cabins in camp grounds and national parks.


This place is literally between a camp ground and a national park. When you go down the Glenelg river, the moment you cross the border from Victoria (National Park) to SA, these little fishing shacks are all lined down the riverside.


I think to qualify for a 50 year lease you need to install a grey water system. Most of them have nothing.


Before covid 2018/2019 there was this commercial shed I looked at for 600k. Vacant, rundown, old, but not terrible. I laughed at the price thought it should have been under 500k. They wouldn’t even entertain lower offers. It sat vacant and unsold this entire time, and now has literal holes in the roofing and looks like a demolish and start again situation. Now they want offers over 950k.


Land value?


Yeah that’s my guess, im guessing they are waiting for some developer who is willing to put in the effort to subdivide and get the zoning changed. We are not in a big city, and it’s in a shitty older area so I don’t think they will get it.


what land


The commercial shed, not the shack


This was sold in 2015 for $557,000 ... wtf was that buyer thinking


Thought it was a boat shed until I spotted the fireplace.


Excuse me, i think you will find that is now a fishing hole


It is a boatshed.


You're totally right, it actually would be pretty neat if you were into the boating / fishing scene and didn't keep many valuable there. I found the listing: [https://www.realestate.com.au/property-other-sa-donovans-143284988](https://www.realestate.com.au/property-other-sa-donovans-143284988)


Boats need to stay warm too


Will come in handy to dry the place out after every flood


Why isn't the "shack" on floats so that when the water level rises the building rises with it? As long as your pilings are long enough and strong enough then you can outfloat any amount of flood waters...


Because it says **Dry** Creek!


If we don’t get some policy to start to correct the shit show which is the Australian housing market from which ever party they will need to buckle up for some real civil disobedience. A society cannot survive like this long.


Bill Shorten had some mild negative gearing policies and was roundly spanked by Australians, so no one is going to touch that until we wheel out the guillotines


They should have waited until after they won government. Within the first 12 months of the term - announce institute the NG changes then. Three - Four years is enough time for the wider public to accept the changes and the outrage machine to have moved onto half a dozen different things. No one would be marching through the streets for Landlords.


The media would’ve torn them to shreds anyway. Not sure when they would get into government again due to “betraying the Australian home owner” or some shit that Murdoch would come up with.


Our media needs a complete overhaul. I no longer trust mainstream media to actually report; I trust them to present conservative bias.


I think you underestimate just how many 'normal' Australians have an investment property. I'm not talking your average 'boomer' than everyone on Reddit despises so much, but you average 40-55 year old. A huge minority of them have an investment property and a political party would get destroyed if they fucked with NG, even though it desperately needs to be fixed. https://theconversation.com/three-charts-on-who-is-the-typical-investor-in-the-australian-property-market-81319 your average housing investor is a 42 year old with one or two properties, not a boomer with 100 of them.


All thanks to several decades of government policies designed to generate large profits for property owners/investors/speculators rather than ensure all Australians have access to affordable housing. We now have a society that is split between a sizable landed gentry of property owners and investors, and a permanent underclass of renters who must slave away to pay their extortionate rents. Neoliberal policies have put us on a speed run back to medieval feudalism. The egalitarian spirit of Australia is dead and buried.


One must admit, it's a brilliant scheme. Create conditions that mean it's vitally important to buy a house and have the value of that house outstrip your ludicrous mortgage, so that there's always enough voters holding onto their houses (home and investment) to slap down anything that might threaten their aggressively leveraged assets. I feel like a lot of Australians would love house prices to collapse, but would want them to skyrocket if they own even just one let alone two.


I have it on reliable authority that over 90% of rental properties are owned by private, not commercial, investors - so that stands up.


Yes thats correct


We no longer live in a society, but an economy.


Only to the point where the people allow it. History is full of examples.


I love the idea of revolution but australia is the bitch of america, and in the past when australia has tried to put more actual leftist policies in the US got the prime minister kicked out (whitlam). And look at history, it never ends well BECAUSE of US involvement. i do wish change would happen but now im not certain.


I dont want a revolution where people are harmed. I want a social and political one even if it means many many many minority govts that are forced to serve the people.


How would we do that? Because people have been protesting a lot of things, peacefully, and it hasnt worked. Im not saying violence is acceptable but it is always what happens if people know its the last chance they have to make change. i hope it doesnt come to that but if it keeps going like this it could. More and more people are becoming homeless.


Honestly I think we left it too late. According to the ABS home ownership has fallen from 66% with the boomers to 55% with millennials. It'll probably drop under 50% with gen Z, and that's probably where change will happen.


I just don’t see how this keeps remaining a long term problem. As more houses are purchased in the name of profit and investment and more people are living rough this can’t be an ongoing problem for the next 5 plus years can it? Do we need to wait until we have row or three million people homeless whilst we can empty investment / money laundering properties, or houses just occupied by foreign ‘students’?


Canadian here - same situation and we are about to elect a spiteful man child who refuses to submit to a security background check to become the Prime Mininster - primarily on rising anger at housing prices which are spilling over into anti immigrant sentiment.


Yes both Canada and Australia have put themselves in very bad situations. Its like we are twins with bad judgement issues.


What bad judgement? Politicians and their donors made lots of money! /s


Everything got worse here under conservative rule for a decade so at least we are trying giving the better guys a go now.


I dont think the "better" guys are gonna help much. Albo is a pushover and i genuinely dont see much change happening with him.


No change is better than change for the worse


But having no change is still leaving the worse change in place. They havnt done much to change the issues that were created.


No no, it's fine. We're only spiraling into failure. We're not nose-diving!


> primarily on rising anger at housing prices which are spilling over into anti immigrant sentiment. You can’t add 1.3 million people each year and not expect that to put pressure on housing and social services.


I’m deliberately not buying an IP because I assume that’s who the revolutionaries are going to lynch first.


Don't worry, you'll be found on the second sweep.


Just move overseas and let the wankers have their over inflated housing market.


To add to this gem, it's basically in a free camp ground (I camped there overnight) which doesn't seem to be mentioned in the ad. It's why the bathroom is a public toilet just outside. To be fair, it is on the (insanely beautiful) Glenelg river, did a canoe trip through here and it's gorgeous, and so much wildlife! Just not sure it's gorgeous enough to make up for the flooding...


Lived in SA my entire life and had no idea there was a river in the south east (had to google it - automatically assumed Donovans was some weird tiny town in the Riverland aka on the Murray). Thank you for this little bit of learning!


You're welcome! Highly recommend a canoe or kayak camping trip there - the canoe hire places can drive you up river from Nelson, then you just make your way back down as slow or quick as you like stopping at campsites on the way. Really beautiful area!


I don’t rate this place. I pulled in to camp overnight recently. It felt really off, the people in the shacks didn’t seem friendly and just stared at us. Was creepy. The campsites were packed and most spots were on sloped ground. We left and found a much better spot to ourselves just over the border


Totally agree, it's not a great campsite - I just meant the river and the actual national park campsites are beautiful!


You're paying for the location! What a deal


Also free water supply. Don't underestimate how those water bills add up otherwise.


And it's bushfire resistant!


Well, the fukken road name doesn't check out, that's for sure!


Sold for $557K in 2015, ooft


Waterfront at Donovans is EXTREMELY rare and desirable.


Drier than most Sydney apartments.


You can literally see the water line marks on the photos on REA.


Donovan's is a beautiful part of SA, used to go fishing off there as a kid /teen. Good Mullet. Used to enjoy floating g down the Glenelg also. There's a bunch of shacks along there but used to have to forfeit them rather than sell them. Anyhow... As beautiful a joint as it along there - no thanks. Edit: thought it was just over, not just inside border. Easy 25 minutes drive from Meth Gambier of you're ever down that way in the summer


Can 1 up that There's a house in Windsor in NSW It's in the last 3 years,4 times been under 60cm of water,in a direct flood path. It's renting currently for 750 a week,and the owners asking 1.1 and will prob get it 1.1 Million for a home that floods,that you Literally can not insure it,or ur car on... There's an entire new housing development going up there,all 45 of the homes are in a flood zone,but because the Developer Sorry i misspoke "PROPERTY consultant" is dating the mayor,it got approved it's fucking insane,frankly shouldnt even be able to sell a home if you can't even insure it


This is what the boomers mean when they tell young people to just move to somewhere more affordable.


Surely posting this comment once was enough but 3 times seems excessive.


I only posted it once?


First pic is in dry creek rd. Second one is from the one down the street Wet Creek rd.


Comes with huge inground pool


However, props to who made that pontoon jetty.


What a nice boathouse.


Pretty sure this is 250k yen.


I'm mostly confused with the address. https://maps.app.goo.gl/LzjdHLS4gLdQEq387 This is the Google map view of an actual property just up the street but very clearly on land. This is the actual listing, which shows exactly what the OP posted and pictures etc of a shack on the water. https://www.realestate.com.au/property-other-sa-donovans-143284988


Last sold Sold May 20, 2015 for $557,000 https://www.realestate.com.au/property/6-dry-creek-rd-donovans-sa-5291/


What idiot paid of half a mil for that?


I always wanted a water bed


Just put a french drain in dude


It's a nice location and depending on the boundaries of the property it could be worth quarter mill.


There's a place up the road far more livable and literally cheaper by 9 - 29 grand [https://www.realestate.com.au/property/lot-799-dry-creek-rd-donovans-sa-5291/](https://www.realestate.com.au/property/lot-799-dry-creek-rd-donovans-sa-5291/)


Unbeatable water frontage. Don’t let this opportunity float away! Enquire now.


I’ve always wanted a house with an indoor pool


You know you can purchase houses around the central coast (NSW) for 35-100k, but they are somewhat in a horrendous zone where all junkies live. But at least you can guarantee a house with a pleasant sea view.


Deep waterfront and deep waterback! They are stupid, they should have said it has a moat.


It's a fishing shack, not to live in.


I feel like even a fishing shack should be designed to be above water at all times.


That's the genius of it - now the fish can swim right in!


what's your hourly rate for detective work? need a job done and I'm looking for the best.


Any tackle is floating away, then.  Them fishermen must've really liked Austar/Foxtel going by that dish.  Kicked their feet up to Rexhunt no doubt on the couch - but no livin' fellers, gotta get them fish. 


More like a spearfishermans shack


Dry Creek road hahah


It's a DRY creek, geez so picky


Its pretty much a mooring


Quick! before a crew member from the Russian warship Moskva snaps it up.


They call it an indoor pool system


Couple of industrial sump pumps… 345,000 days later you might have resolved the issue assuming you redirect to your nearby dam. Think of it as an long term investment in debt


Very misleading road name


Always wanted a boat in my house NOT


Water views and water shoes.


Holy crap Dry Creek Road you can't make this shit up, hilarious.


How's the rot coming through from the floorboards hahahahahah


Internal pool... it sells itself@!


Floorplan lol. Does it even have rooms?


1st rule of real estate, Location, location. 2nd rule of real estate, location, location.


It's been reclaimed by the "creek". Can that even be considered land anymore?


Looks like a nice place, waterfront can get wet, location actually about 2 clicks north of Donavan's near dry creek camp ground.


I knew that was the glenelg river. Mouth must be closed up. Those shacks cant be built new anymore and ur barely allowed to fix up the ones that are there.


Well you get seasonal pool access and seafood access too.


😑 Ffs. 🤦‍♀️


Offering $200k and spend the $50k on renovation


Fucking joke


If they don't mention waterfront views they've missed an opportunity.


*6 very Wet and Big Creek Road*


At least they’re being upfront about serious issues😇


That looks like a small motorboat dock that you need a motorboat for to reach.


Oooh in floodwater, gimme gimme


This is not a starter house, this is a finisher house!!!??


Dry Creek Road 💀💀💀


Uh well...it depends on the surveying I guess. Reckon you could build something on stilts...


floatervated seller


Did you mean *indoor swimming pool*


Ooof, someone’s taken a big hit on this place, sold for almost $600k back in 2015 so they’ve lost serious money, but the owner before that sold it then only paid $26k for it. I reckon it’s worth a punt at the right price.


According to the listing “it is a house”.


Its better to build your own home


Road dry, house wet


I kinda love this place…


This is insanity!!! Let's lie flat in Coober Pedy instead


Just waiting for a drain


Given I bought a great 3-bedroom home in a small beach town for not much more than that, I’ll pass thanks. 😂😂😂


If you knew where this was, yes it’s a steal.


Absolute bargain 🥹


Whose grandad thought it was a good idea to build this steel and asbestos monstrosity…


I know this is a joke post, but would buy that everyday of the week.


With water views, that is a bonus. AirBnB lookout, a new listing on the way.