• By -


How long before we all devolve into self serving cunts who only exist to rob the public and support our mates?


see step 2


I dunno man, I'm at 7 members. 1493 short. This is why I don't want to talk about policies. omg why.


As you start to add people, eventually People will come with money in their pocket if people set their values and policies a certain way. If it doesn't start with good values, why the fuck sign up, it's just being set up ready to get converted into something even the members don't want.


Literally already 99% of the people in this subreddit.


Well, the Greens were founded in 1992, so... *Checks notes* Around about a couple of decades. It'll happen in our lifetimes, at least.


But I already love mining companies and think they pay far too many taxes. We all know we should be targeting warehouse workers and shop assistants for more tax


Funny cause it's true


If you are serious and rational, I'll front the 500 Buckaroos. I have not yet met anyone rational who want to be a politician.


Australia Rational Party (ARP)


Australian Rational societal engagement party. ARSE


The best thing about this will be if the party ever gets big enough to get in the news. “New polls reveal ARSE is taking a flogging in South Australia” “ARSE causes international incident with sloppy behaviour around Malaysian Prime Minister” “ARSE exposed by whistleblower in parliament today”


ARSE split by tax cut legislation ARSE dumps waste water management plan


“ARSE fingered by corruption watchdog”


Arse *probed* by corruption watchdog.


“Independent candidate rides ARSE to victory”


ARSE causes inflation


“Government secrets exposed by leak inside ARSE”


Rogue member crosses floor, votes with arse... "We must keep arse whole" - leader calls for unity amid talks of a possible fissure in arse ranks Arse cracks, supports government Vote for your local rep and help ARSE make Australia wHOLE again Arse shits it in - first government since ww2 not formed by alp or lnp promises to focus on wiping clean mess left by previous pms


Dick Smith gets behind ARSE 🍆🍑


ARSE tightens grip on fiscal spending Opposition say ARSE will receive preference vote


Anwar Ibrahim would like a werd sir


Upvoting to give ARSE a bump.


And that's how the tight friendship between media and politicians starts. You scratch my ARSE I'll scratch yours. Also anyone under 30 is asking themselves what is an ARSE...


Better: Australian Redditors Supporting Everyday Humans Over Largely Elected Society. ARSEHOLES


[That’s already taken…](https://spaceaustralia.com.au)


I’m wearing the Pluto shirt right now


Oh wow. I'm def getting one of those T-shirts.


Australian Rational Societal Engagement, Wonderful, Intelligent Party Extraordinary


"Take my vote, and shove it up your..."


I can get behind a good arse.


Rational Australia Party. Our slogan can be Let’s RAP for Australia. We need a song.


You glorious fool, now you have me interested! It is what we need.


I have been contemplating how we can change our country. I had this name in my mind for quite a while now I am a PR but not a citizen so I can’t really do much politically. Yet, i can at least contribute to the name, which explains what the party does and set a good direction


If only there were enough people serious about taking on the major parties.


We need to have our policies announced by the [honest Australian government ads](https://youtu.be/7FLqYpD6eYw?si=mI4rBerc-RAnXcLY) lady


Sounds great I'm in


I believe NOT WANTING to be a politician should be one of the prerequisites to becoming one. Hear me out! Nobody would owe any lobbyists or industries favours for campaign "contributions" or promises of cushy, high paying jobs post their time in office that way! We should just randomly ask people on the street. If they say "Hell no! I don't want to be a politician!" Then they're in for the next four years! It can't be any worse than it is right now, in my opinion.


If you have extensive career history and experience in politics, we don’t want you. 🚩🚩🚩🚩


You have a resume? No thanks.


You’re a proud member of the ___ Party? Bye! 👋 🥾


I genuinely think that replacing the senate with a bunch of randos chosen by sortition would improve things a lot, be more democratic, and makes a whole lot more sense than just filling both houses with party politicians.


Well that's two of us. Now if we could just get the other 26 million of us on board...


People won’t even do jury duty mate good luck


Like jury duty, I guess. Though even that isn't perfect. You want busy people who have a full schedule of useful, productive activities. Short term limits? For me, the nanny state would have to go. The opposite of where we seem to be currently headed. No fake, Orwellian agencies like the "eSafety commission," for example. Definitely no CBDC either. Anything with "net zero" in it. WHO, wants it? Bill Gates likes it? Big no. What power wants is control. Not difficult to spot. But that's me, I don't imagine there's too many Redditors interested in that angle.


Absolutely agreed. I'd take it further. We should just randomly draft people into politics when they turn eighteen, and I'd set a maximum age limit of at most 25 years old.


I ran as in a minor party a few years ago, and wanted to get back into politics at some stage in my life. I've almost resigned to the fact that I may need to join a major party to get even close. I had figured you'd rather have a logical and rational person within a major party to attempt to influence a little bit. It's a giant slow turning cog and any change is important. If there is another option, in the future it is definitely where I would lead to. The teal independents were inspiring how they dominated the last election. Will be interesting to see if there is another option moving forward.


More conviction politicians who have a vision for the country and less 'I was a Lawyer' or 'I was the Leader of a Union '


You need to tell us more. If I wasn't so angry with the current state of politics in this country, I could be rational.  At the moment no so much.


I ran for the animal justice party, because I wanted to make a difference. This was my insight into political parties and politics in general. It was futile. But at the time I thought there could be real change. There was a lot of virtue signalling and people with power trips. It was looking back a waste of my time. After that, I thought, one day I would get back into it. But it would have to be in a major party. E.g. it would be easier to get changes for animal cruelty coming up through the major parties, from within. As time has gone by, I have always known how fucked the state of our country is, it is far too Right V Left politics, just disagreeing to disagree. I feel there needs to be something in the middle, something logical and rational. For example, my motivation in the past was to try to help animals. But there are bigger issues and cause for concern that should be at the forefront of focus. Which is something I couldn't see in the past. All I wanted was to help the animals. There are so many issues we need to fix first. The world is in disarray, our leaders are self interested and don't understand the Internet and future technologies. No one keeps it real. But how do we make the change. I don't know. But I sure want to try.


I am sure I voted for that party in my electorate. I hate PETA bullshit, but the AJP were in the right track.  And yes I understand your frustration. It takes a long time to change the course of a river, or something extraordinary to change the course of a mob. It would be wearing. But you did the right thing at least. I would buy you a beer anytime.


Where have you seen Left vs Right? Currently it’s Centre Right vs Far Right. Labor vs LNP is a battle of bad vs very bad. 


It's the same problem with the police force. The job tends to attract a certain demographic that is all about the power. At any cost.


People who want power don't deserve it.... people that do deserve it don't want it


100% although rather unfortunate for the rest of us


Right on the money there. I wish we had real police. Not a 'force' or any other wanker term for compliance officers.


Yep. I'm in HK. Today I watched a policeman stop, get off his motorbike and start manually changing the traffic lights because of gridlock. Literally serving the people. Not writing tickets because you've been naughty. It was refreshing.


Il give 500 Thats a start


Total Potential Members (5)


I’m in with this dude. Happy to front the money. But the difference being….ive had enough of working in Fin tach…specifically in investment management…..that I’d be irrational enough to join


Our first stated goal once in power must be to change the name of our currency to dollary-doos.


Hey thankyou, I'll count you in anyway, -- Total (3) (This'll demonstrate how pointless this is)


Anyone who seeks power is the exact person who shouldn't have it


The two are mutually exclusive. As the wise philosopher Douglas Adams once put it, “The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.” I’m convinced that a lottery system is the only viable form of government. Anyone who actually wants to be a politician should be automatically excluded from the lottery.


I’m rational, and I don’t want to do it by choice, but I’m at a point where I can’t see any other way to solve the problems we have at the moment. My issue is the cost of living, which is driven by the housing crisis. Build more houses, just do it. It will make the price of houses plummet, which will piss off the politicians who have property portfolios, it will piss off property investors, it will piss off all councils, all levels of government really. If house prices become reasonable, the cost of living will drop.


So your plan is to piss off the majority of the voting public? Man, you are going to hate it when you find out what you need to win an election.


This is why I will never get in and it’s why our cost of living will keep going up. The current “Solve the problem”, just bring in more people, that will increase demand on housing, and people who own property, and all government levels will be happy at the expense of those renting or looking for a place to live. Currently we are fucked


Single issue parties very rarely make any actual impact beyond funnelling votes back to Labor through the preference system. Both majors have also passed legislation and rules to make it basically impossible to actually have a third viable option. Through changing the rules around raising finances but exempting themselves from said changes through existing establishment, they have effectively locked Australia into a two party system : Shit vs Also Shit


That’s absolutely true


You do realise that your plan would cause the extinction of many of our precious & iconic native species that evolved here over millennia? Like koalas, greater gliders, powerful owls, & so many more. Don't they have a right to exist? Massive pro-development policies are not the solution to our problems. We really need a new perspective in our politics, but wiping out our precious wildlife to keep up the unsustainable population ponzi isn't it.


Focus on urban density rather than urban sprawl.


Environmentally speaking, this is the way.


I'm in! May I suggest that one of the new party values simply be; "Don't be a cunt"? Edit: Btw, I also have graphic design know-how and I'd be willing to contribute a logo if this actually gets off the ground.


Lucky everyone agrees on what cuntish behavior is, or this'd be embarrassingly naive!


I think this guy is being a cunt. Get him! /s


We might need to come up with an official definition of cuntish behaviour for this to work, true, haha! 😂


And agree on it


I can feel some factions being formed.


Maybe event representatives who we vote for and they can meet in a room and negotiate it out for us?


That's ... SEVEN so far. Wicked, pretty sure one of the crusades started with like two dudes. Not a greaat example. but, Total Potential Members (7)


That's 3 and a half crusades so far!


Define *cunt*.


I love the message behind it, just not the language itself


Sounds like google origin but aussie


Reminds me of Google's former "don't be evil" motto, only more australian. I like it.


Can’t wait to see the don’t be a cunt logo.


What about “Don’t be a dumb cunt”?


I’ve been looking to join a political party that wants to increase politicians pay and bonuses, allows me to give cushy contractor and consultancy jobs to my mates, funnels everyone’s tax money to those that need it the least and ensure that corporations aren’t paying any tax. Can we do something like that?


sounds like the Liberal Party?


Sounds like every party, honestly. They're all about the free ride.


For name, how about Australia Rational Party (ARP)?


What about the Rational Australians Party for Everyone?


So the options are ARSE ^or RAPE? Flying start here people.


Hey! This is a serious discussion for adults!


Australian National Amazing Legends Best Unionised Mates Party?




Psh. You can't spell. It's ANAL BUMP. anal bum... smh


Let me share a bit on what we can do differently then all party before: The issue about politician is that we can support them for a few ideas, then they do things completely different in the parliament. Politicians are the representatives of the citizens for what the society needs. By setting up an upvote karma-like system, the actual policy and the priority can be determine. Our party’s politicians can (and only) push bills that are critical to the public. This is a new dynamic that can be achieved with modern age where citizen can micro-vote policies for true time-sensitive democracy - Calling for upvote/downvote to determine the right actions


Let’s do it




I'm not interested in the slightest about politics. But I do know the people that are in positions of power are doing a shit job. Sign me up.




We're on our way to the new world order!


This sub couldn't organise a root in a brothel.


But I could. Which one?


Perhaps you have heard of the term idealism before? Basiclly put... A poltical party needs a base and established group it should represent. Electorially speaking asking Reddit to make a party won't work due to how preferance laws work. If you want to involve yourself in politics, do it through an established party, not just thinking you can do it all by yourself and some redditors. For myself who has tried and does some rather limited online organisation things, its worth noting how many different challanges there are and you would need a dedicated and motivated niche of supporters. Thats fine if you set a realistic scope. But you don't seem to be setting a realistic scope. Speak with a local independant or something, you're not john rambo of politics.


I am setting a realistic scope. I expected 20 meaningless reddit yes's because it's soo easy to write yes on a social media website. I refuse to talk about policies or take a step past getting 1500 people to say yes on one of the most popular social media sites in the world. In a forum where politics is the major focus of **most** of the discussions. And I've got THIRTY people to say yes so far. Honestly 50% higher than what I expected. Good result. I might try a poll again in a week to confirm to myself the level of actual interest will never shift. Probably won't though. I don't view myself as a negative person. Just realistic.


Count me on board! To hell with these clowns in Government ripping us off left and right with no re-course! It’s time they got a taste of reality!


a political party with members from reddit who have the most brain dead takes might as well just flush the $500 down the toilet


I've spend money in worse ways. Can we get someone with an entertaining mental illness and scandals to represent us?


Exactly this. This majority in this subreddit suffer from the dunning kruger effect.


It probably wouldn't. It just won't get more then ten people to say they would do it. And of those ten, why bother? If 1500 people did go to the actual **effort** of at first, saying yes here, contacting each other to sign the forms and front the money, They would also probably take some time to write policies out, and being open about it, would quickly discover how stupid some of our most personal political thoughts are. It's the internet, if we say something dumb, it will get pointed out. And people hate looking dumb more then they're married to a lot of their political opinions. It might even just be a slow way of finding out we agree with a lot of the major parties opinions. It wouldn't be as braindead as you assume, because the kind of people who would do it, just aren't on reddit anyway, if they happened to be passing through and joined this. It would be okay.


Is English your second language?


Call it the Democracy Manifest Party and you have my vote


Democracy Manifest Party : A succulent Chinese Meal if you get your hands off my penis!


So a maybe, 13 I guess.


The Party McPartyface party


I am seriously in if we are going down this route


Well I wanted to include everyone, but this cost me one member. Still 7.


I call dibs on Faction McFactionyface!


If we use the money from our natural resources to improve every Australians way of life and build infrastructure rather than lining mining CEOs pockets then I’ll register


14 people.




Only if we can put coke and lemonade in all the school bubblers


Do we have to smoke as much cock as possible, like normal pollies?, or can we skip that part and be above board?


I'm down. I'll drop money.


You son of a bitch im in




I’m half way there Hand job United party Looking for members


What was the Mrs. Palmer United party about then, if not handjobs?


I'm only down if we do it in a dark room with a ceiling black light. This way we get to see a volley of fireworks during the party meetings.


Science Party Making policy based on reality


Isn’t that the Secular Party who are already in existence!


They both fall under FUSION party due to the 1500 member requirements


And Reason for a while.


“Reason will prevail”


You know what, idea as good as any, count me in


We are all just slaves to the current governments. Australians are spineless. Good luck


Simple, charge each of the 1500 people 35 cents to register, you'll have money left over. Although you'll probably need to add 30 cents + 12% for paypal fees. Maybe your first policy could be to reduce fees for credit card transactions.


And we could call it the Redditors and E-Citizens Transformative United Movement (or RECTUM, for short).


I’d rather a house full of independents than see more identity politics playing out as another party.


Call your party "Tax the Rich" and you'll probably have a bit of success


Include churches in "the rich" and heck yes.


Much better chance with " You'll be rich".




Maybe the Greens should change their name to " Tax the Rich" then


Why don't you consider foremostly running as an independent to see how your policies fare up in practicality and popularity? I don't mean to downplay your sincerity or anything, but I say this as that's what I'm doing.


I honestly know nothing about running as an independent, and I would feel weird arguing about what I would change in the country, when even if elected as an independent, I couldn't do anything. If I wanted to be a spokesmen for ideas, this seems stronger. Go you though!!


I vote we call it the Large Member Party.


If that dude actually puts that money down I'm one of those 1500


The Fair Go Party. Count me in for four members


Doesn’t work. I tried it.


The Australian Peoples Liberation Front


I’m in! The Central United National Troupe


This has been plaguing me for the last couple of weeks, I've had several people close to me say I should get back into politics. What sparked this line of thinking was I was called up by someone I previously worked with in politics (I did 5-6 years back before covid), I haven't spoken to them in years, and I knew they wanted something because he acted like we talked last week. They wanted me back, initially, I'd work in the office as an aide prepping for campaigns, and when they came around I'd move over and resume my position before I left (I left like five years ago now.) I was interested, however, I had started a new job and so I said okay, if you can beat my current salary I'll come over, I'm already working 90 hrs a fortnight, and I'll probably be doing that for you guys, so if you're able to pay me better than what I'm on I'll come over. The response I received was a scoff and him saying "(my name) you know we can't pay our volunteers..." I erupted into laughter on the phone, he said "This isn't a laughing matter it's a legal matter, you know this." I shook my head and said no thanks, but I might still get involved, this is the conversation to my memory as follows: Them: Don't tell me you'll go over to the other side, they won't win again, they've had their fun, don't join a sinking ship. Me: I don't know, I might do my own thing, I think I could run, maybe as an independent, or I might try to start something up myself. Them: \*laughs\* don't do that, why would you do that? you know the connections we have, we'll destroy you, you'll never stand a chance, (my name) we go way back, I've been in this a lot longer than you, don't ruin your chances by doing something stupid. Me: Stupid is calling me up, expecting me to come back with no pay, no benefits, nothing to offer me. I don't even agree with you on policy anymore. So please unless there is a serious offer, don't call me again. I hung up as he went to say something, I haven't heard from them since. Anyway since then, I've been working on policies of my own and stuff, looking into it. Thinking about it, having worked for them, it is intimidating, and scary thinking about going up against them, but I fight.


!remind me one month (I want to see if this turns out true)


Fuck it, I’m in. Where do I sign?


Im in lmaooo


Fuck it I'm in. I can talk about what I want later


If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, then beat 'em. I'm in.


United community political party


DSP can cover the costs


I would join if it was genuine. so sign me up mate


You want to start a political party but can’t figure out how to even come up with the starter fee ? Hahahaha good luck mate lay off the shards and get some sleep.


You want policies? I’ll give you policies. 1. Right to Privacy. End private corporations from harvesting data and selling it on to third parties. End access to your private data without a warrant. 2. Right to Free Speech. Let’s just get it done. 3. Make it unlawful for businesses (especially tech companies) to alter their terms of service after they have been established. 4. Outlaw planned obsolescence. 5. Change the entire government fleet to electric vehicles, including emergency services vehicles where possible. 6. Establish and invest in electric vehicle manufacture in Australia. 7. Legalise marijuana, DMT, Salvia, Acid, ecstasy, speed and tax the fuck out of them. 8. Legalise vaping and tax less of the fuck out of it. 9. Increase money to Medicare. 10. Severely increase mental health funding. 11. Mandatory military service for all from age 18 to 19, *with no option to serve in combat.* (So youths can’t be bullied into serving.) 12. One minutes silence in the early morning on Australia Day for the Aboriginal people, followed by a party. 13. A new public holiday around August, too much of a gap between holidays. 14. Subsidised mandatory Solar Panels and Solar battery manufacturing across the country, aiming for the end of fossil fuels and free energy for everyone. 15. Reduce Police powers to not have the option to stop and take personal details without a reasonable belief an offence has been committed. 16. No luxury car tax on *any* electric vehicles. 17. Limit the amount of properties a person can own as investments. 18. Work for the dole. 19. Mental health assessments, work for the dole assignment and temporary housing for the homeless until they get back on their feet. 20. Increase and enforce penalties on dishonest Real Estate agent practices. 21. A Law that states that dishonesty in news reporting will cause news outlets to lose their status as “News” and the inability to keep causing themselves news. This will keep honesty in news reporting without violating news media freedoms. I’ve got more too.


7 would be difficult to convince people of. Speed is already legal, it's just under prescription. One also needs to consider the implications of widespread drug use. North America is already seeing what fentanyl can do. 8 is already legal. Reducing the tax doesn't make sense because 9 and 10 require all possible taxation measures to happen. The tax is also meant to be a disincentive, which needs to be in place because 9 will only need more money when people present with health problems later on in life as a result. 9 itself is hard to achieve without an insane amount of taxation. People bring this up all the time (and I personally support it, of course) but money doesn't come out of thin air without destroying the economy. The current levy only covers about a quarter of Medicare's cost. We'd need to be paying almost 10% flat on our income to break even, and that's without adding on the costs involved in implementing number 10 (which definitely needs to happen - add dental while you're at it) 15 already exists, though it's poorly enforced. If it's a federal party, it wouldn't have any jurisdiction outside of the AFP but whether we're talking about a federal party or not could affect a lot of these policies as not all are able to be changed by the Commonwealth. 18 has existed in the past and wasn't very well received. I'd be interested to know your thoughts on changes to it. 19 is a great idea, though the money for temporary housing needs to come from somewhere. Every state already suffers from an extreme shortage of public housing. 20 exists and has been increasing, thankfully. 21 is a bit difficult, mostly because while you say it won't violate media freedoms, there would be concerns over who is actually determining what is 'dishonest'. That issue exists already today, where different bodies tell people what is true and false, and while some things may be almost objectively so, other things can be quite subjective. Overall, surprisingly rational and well thought out policies. I'd just be interested to know how you'd go about some of their implementations.


7 is enough to not get them voted for i don't think people on reddit realise how unpopular a policy like that would be you would struggle with weed alone in this country and they want to have dmt lsd speed and pingas legal as well


42. Churches are taxed, with a deduction only on money directly used for charitable purposes (like everyone else).


I used to agree with this; not anymore. It’s a pretty edgy idea, the majority of the nation doesn’t support it. The Catholic Church is the worlds latest writable organisation anyway. So long as they’re not a cult, and not forcing their views on anyone, it’s fine.


Mandatory military service is a terrible idea. The army isn't a day care and no soldier should have to serve with someone who doesn't want to be there.


Mandatory civil service... idk doesnt have to be milatary.


Service to the country guarantees citizenship and voting rights. Help the elderly, serve the country in the military, plant native trees in plantations, collect rubbish from the river to the sea....there's plenty of civil type service. Then people might give a damn where there votes go.


The first point alone is laughably unachievable. How can we expect the government to protect our privacy when there was bipartisan support for the Identify & Disrupt bill (i.e. the government invading our privacy)


Need to add something about political funding, deals to give politicians boardmember roles after they finish up in canberra, etc Money out of politics Otherwise pretty solid list


This person is senior policy officer


I prefer the term “Emperor”.


Your policy on immigration numbers?


A good start👍


I'd debate a couple of those. But I would like to expand on government vehicles. All government vehicles, local, state, and federal, in all departments must be manufactured in Australia by a 90% Australian workforce using a minimum of 70% parts manufactured in Australia.


Awesome, so a law to make someone manufacture it all too?


Yep, I can agree with that. Australia desperately needs to rebuild its vehicle manufacturing.


We don't have the electricity grid to support the charging or manufacturing of these vehicles (at the moment)


Free education for all Australians including their 1st degree.




> Traditional Australian heritage FANTASTIC idea a party of indigenous people to represent what real Australians want and need. Great thinking.


That already exists with United Australia and One Nation.


Bro just join an actual party there are plenty of smaller parties that agree with you. We don't need another meritless person in power


Cheap petrol and beer party. ⛽️ 🍺


Just dropping a comment here in case it actually happens


Yip I'll help/sign up




The Barber Party. Cutting away all the unnecessary shit.


Ok let's do it


Ok I’m in as long as I’m the leader


Oh heeey. Ok sure thing.


RemindMe! 7 days


I'm keen as mustard, let's go


Just remember humans also will overwhelmingly avoid voting for Austerity...