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It's this kinda stuff that makes me not care about micro plastic, it's obviously everywhere, We Get It. My man hood is like, part dildo now. Can we just focus on the solutions?


Stop eating any food grown anywhere. Stop using any sort of health and beauty products. Don’t wear clothes. Also don’t breathe. Whatever you do, don’t drink water. Then you should be pretty much immune to microplastics. Oh sorry, did you mean *actual* solutions? Uhh… live with plastic-filled testicles until we die, I guess.


I mean you can always move to another planet


Yeah til the billionaires show up and ~~polite~~ pollute that one next Edit: fixed typo


>polite that one next Better than rude-ing it.


We understand this already. What we need is a more comprehensive understanding of what microplastics do in our body, how to alleviate buildup and effects.


I’m pretty sure the only way I’ve heard to remove them is bloodletting, but idk if replacing the lost blood would require consuming more microplastics than you lose.


Plastic is stored in the balls?


Plastic body = greater toan than wood


Whatever you do, don't!


What irks me is it’s just throwing around “25,000 particles”, as if that’s a meaningful number. Is that a lot? A whole lot? 4-5 cubic shitloads? I have no idea. I’m pretty sure my nana’s cupcakes have avogadro’s number of such particles…


I ain't doing any extra shit just cause some asshole in the 60's wanted non-stick pans. Evolve or die


They’re giving you a pretty good solution for avoiding microplastic. Don’t drink hot beverages from paper cups


So you wanna go full dildo now?


Only if I can still feel and it helps with ED in like 20 years (Fingers crossed)


What’s the negative affects though?


but has your manhood always been micro orrr....


Not after the plastics bud.


I wonder what the content is in those plastic water bottles that are left sitting in the sun in front of grocery stores.


That's why I don't buy bottled water anymore. Even if it's not in front of a grocery store, it sits in a hot ass warehouse until it gets delivered. I don't think there is any commercial water sold in plastic that doesn't sit in excessive heat during transport/storage. I just use a brita filter.


Guess what the brita filter is made from?


There is no way to get drinking water that hasn't touched plastic. Even if its not bottled, basically any filter it might go through will have plastic housings or hoses. I would hope that the plastic my ro filter is made from is somehow special but, who am i kidding with that lol


Even before the filter. How many houses have PVC water lines? Hell, even at the city level. How many municipalities use PVC for the supply lines? Lots.


Charcoal filters, natural filters like sand and stones


Then you're trading plastic for cow poop and who knows what, and those filters aren't good enough for that


I now understand why they sell water in cardboard cartons


those usually have a plastic lining


Oh.. can't win lol, happy cake day


thank you i didnt even notice


Whats the acceptable amount of microplastic particles?


Something around zero. We still don't know the full extent of damage, but we know they aren't healthy at all, being their most known effect to provoke and help on spread cancer.


Where do you cave the cancer claims from? I'd love to see some studies. I'm trying to collect a bit of evidence, but I've never come across studies linking plastic that is vetted for keeping food ( in the west) to cancer.


Certainly! Here's what I found: 1. **Microplastics and Health Risks**: - Microplastics are tiny plastic particles that can be found in the environment, including our food, air, and water. - A review conducted by UC San Francisco researchers found that ingested microplastics may reduce fertility and increase the risk of cancer, particularly in the digestive tract¹. - Chemicals in microplastics, such as BPA, phthalates, and PFAS, can mimic human hormones and have been associated with various health issues, including cancer¹. - Studies in cell cultures, marine wildlife, and animal models indicate that microplastics can cause oxidative damage, DNA damage, and changes in gene activity – all known risks for cancer development². 2. **Occupational Exposure and Liver Toxicity**: - Another study reviewed 34 studies on the occupational health effects of microplastic exposure and found a relationship between polyvinyl chloride (PVC) particles and liver toxicity³. 3. **Current Evidence and Caution**: - While definitive evidence linking microplastic consumption to human health is still lacking, correlative studies and model experiments suggest potential effects, including reproductive and developmental toxicity⁴. In summary, microplastics are a concerning environmental issue, and their impact on human health, including cancer risk, warrants further research. It's essential to minimize exposure by avoiding plastic use where possible and advocating for better regulations. If you have any more questions or need additional information, feel free to ask! 😊🌱 Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-06-23 (1) I’m a Microplastics Researcher. Here’s How To Limit Their Dangers. https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2024/02/427161/how-to-limit-microplastics-dangers. (2) Microplastics Everywhere | Harvard Medicine Magazine. https://magazine.hms.harvard.edu/articles/microplastics-everywhere. (3) Two studies associate microplastic exposure with cancer. https://www.foodpackagingforum.org/news/two-studies-associate-microplastic-exposure-with-cancer. (4) The potential effects of microplastics on human health: What ... - Springer. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s13280-021-01589-9.pdf.


Come on man. You think I don't know how to use copilot? Micro plastic in itself can OBVIOUSLY be linked to cancer. I specified research on plastic that is approved for storing food in the west. Because that's what the discussion was about. We have different types of plastic approved for different food related storage for different lengths of time in different temperatures. I haven't come across any research linking those (with the correct use obviously) to cancer.


Eric rolling in hot with sources 🥵


More like chatGPT


Dang you're probably right with how it's formatted. I need to be more skeptical of stuff with all the chatgtp sourced comments. I'm not saying the info is wrong but I'm not into having conversations with machines that determine my world view.


It literally says “Conversation with Copilot 2024-06-23”


"timmy it says here you wrote in your history project that george washington and abraham lincoln had a fun time playing volleyball in your report on ww2 would you like to explain?" "Certainly! Here's what I found - Conversation with Copilot 2024-06-23" the new version of "I just remembered it"




Also; it's copilot, and it's not answering what I asked him.


A co-worker of mine died from Micro-plastictic-fibrosis. Terrible way to go.


Couldn't you say that about literally anything? Selenium is an extremely toxic poison let's make there is zero of it! Oh wait there is like 0.1 parts per million in water along with a dozen other harmful things. I guess we just stop drinking water eh?


Those things are there for millenniums, we have developed a certain tolerance to them up to certain concentrations during our species development. Plastics are man made compounds, quite recent, so no species has developed any kind of expelling system or tolerance to them, so they're a total new challenge caused by ourselves.


Whatever DuPont tells you at the time.


I always just assumed they were lined with wax


I'm made of wax, Larry. What are you made of?


Ha, I get this reference


It's an A Day to Remember reference


Oh thank you I didn’t understand the reference. 🤪


That's what big paper wants us to think. *Tightens tinfoil hat*


If it’s a paper cup why is it made of plastic, What about hot water in a plastic cup


The liner to keep it from tasting like paper


I thought that was wax. Why does it feel like wax. Or are there different paper cups


Apparently there are two types of paper cups, the ones for hot coffee would like be plastic lined vs the wax ones for cold water


Or a papercup in a plastic cup


Think of all those microwave meals


And those plastic bristles on your toothbrush just grinding away on your teeth


And floss apparently is coated with it too.


Now regulate the companies that leave the water bottles sitting outside in the front hot sun.


Probably not as bad as ramen noodles everyday. /s


What the fuck that's insane


That's why you bring your own cup everywhere


Look, this kind of thing just makes me happy I have a liver. It’s everywhere. Pollution is bad but part of life, and while the impact on the environment can’t be overstated, the primary impact to our health has been life expectancies that have doubled in the last 200 years.


Because of advances in medical technology. Plastics in everything has really only been a thing for 30 years, and we don't know the consequences.


Can our livers remove plastic? I was under the impression plastic doesn't break down precisely because most organic processes can't really interact with it. How would the liver remove plastic if your cells can't bind to it?


Starbucks and other hot coffee on-the-go drinkers are up to 2% of their body weight in plastic from all the micro plastic they imbibe, yet worry about gluten and dairy. The world we live in.


Do you have a source for that? Kinda seems like bs


It was an ironic half-joke comment based on the article above! But joking aside, if you drink 25,000 pieces of microplastic every time you have a hot coffee on a Starbucks (or similar chain) cup, surely that must add up to simply huge amounts over someone’s lifetime? I know some people who have three of these a day or more! Most of these microplastic things stay in the body based on the studies I’ve seen, because the body doesn’t have a natural way to remove them. They’re tiny and round. They just lodge themselves everywhere.


I don't believe you


Doesn’t sound good if you ever drink coffee in paper cups


Yeah I’m screwed


Has there been a case of micro plastic related heart disease yet?


WHO. THE FUCK. CARES.  It's like saying something will give you cancer. Just being alive will give you cancer.


How else are supposed to get our daily microplastics?


The consequences of washing clothes.


Thats why home coffee and take out coffee taste different


And how many do you get from brushing your teeth? 8 trillion? I can’t care anymore.