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I am so sorry for your loss. Avocado was very loved ❤️


Goodbye Avocado. I hope you find peace in your happy memories. I lost my 7 year old, Lou, 2 weeks ago. 😔


I’m so sorry. I lost my first exactly the same way. Since then I’ve raised seven from spawn and I’ve learned tanks need lids! If you’re in the UK I can give you one of my babies as they’re too big to co-habit soon. Don’t blame yourself.


So sorry for your loss((


ugh i’m so sorry. i just had my axolotl fall 3 feet or so onto the ground too. i was so scared she was a goner. rip avocado, and sending you love OP. 💔🥺


I’m so sorry this happened. I lost my axolotl Puddin’ a few years ago and ended up turning him into a wet specimen. I put him in the freezer to preserve him and got hypodermic needles & formalyn off Amazon and did a few small injections (easier to read other forums about the process) but now I still have him in a jar 2 years later. It was hard to lose him and throwing him away felt.. off. Hugs during this time.


I understand this impulse and wish I didn't. My bio prof friend did this to her favorite Zebra fish. She weird but a good person




Jesus christ dude read the room


I freeze my cichlids. Thankfully my axolotl has a lid


And this is what happens to people who never learn how to let go. Yikes.


you should see what some animal hospitals keep in jars. 😬 this isn’t as weird as you’re making it out to be.


Womp womp 🥳


What an odd response


Yes, yours was. Shaming a random person for keeping a small amphibian as an anatomical specimen doesn't seem called for


Comprehension of a morally grey area is too much for some people RIP Avocado and Puddin'


So sorry about this OP…. I don’t want to be inconsiderate but how long did you have her and had she ever jumped before? I just want to prepare for this kind of thing with my girl


The best way to prep is with a lid! Screen top if you need to ventilation, will still prevent a tragedy. It's rare but not enough to not be worth having a top


Yeah luckily I saw that axolotls jump out before getting one so I’ve always had a lid on my tank. I got a screen lid that was meant for a reptile tank because then I can still have a fan on the top. here’s a link to a 40 gallon one as an example [Screen Tank Cover](https://a.co/d/e04loZC)


I had her for about a year and a half, she never jumped out like this before. I think what happened is a moth landed in the water and when she tried to get it she fell out. My advice is to always keep a lid on to ensure that they can't get out, as well as making the water level at least a few inches away from the top of the tank. I hope this will help you not learn this stuff the hard way.


I'm sorry for your loss, rest in peace Avocado.


So sorry for your loss, OP. May she rest in peace in lotl heaven.


I’m sorry for your loss 😔


Anyone give advice on preventing this in the first place?


A lid?


So sorry for your loss 🩵


Sorry for your loss 💙


much love, sorry for your loss 💙 fly high Avocado


Sorry for your loss 🙏


so sorry for your loss 💔


I am sorry for your devastating loss 😢 my tank came down with a terrible case of fungus and I lost two young axolotls and couldn't stop crying. Unfortunately, the vet thought they were okay the day she saw them and it turns out that the fungus came back and furious and it was too late to see her again 😢 I will never recover from it either 😢


I am so sorry for your loss🥺💔🙏🙏