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Are you buying Gros Michel a lot and letting it die of natural causes? Because if not, then you’ll never see it. Cavendish may be common but with those prerequisites you’ll probably see it less often than most rare cards.


I only see it about half the time I have Gros Michael expire in the first 2-3 antes anyways, unless you have the economy to spam the reroll of shop big time it's not guaranteed at all. I don't recall ever getting it when I have Gros Michael expire around ante 6+.


Oh well I have that in every run unless I get completely fucked on economy jokers.


I am! For the first 10 hours or so I would sell it and not know about Cavendish but I buy it every time it comes up specifically for the big banana to be in the pool


Does the Gros Michel expire?


It does


Do you save up a lot of money to reroll? You could have some money generating jokers/cards/vouchers and allow yourself to reroll upwards of 5 times a shop, increasing your chances if finding it after gros mike has expired. That's what I would do


It has a 1 in 6 chance to go extinct at the end of each round


I'm aware. I was trying to ascertain why they wouldn't be getting Cavendish. Only thoughts were it never expires despite 1/6 or they sell it before expire.


I went a looooong time without seeing it as well. I got it in my first few runs before I knew what I was doing and then never again until about 60 hours later. Just bad luck. Now I feel like I get it a lot.


went from ante 1 to ante 7 once before I was forced to sell it for a better joker, the 1 in 6 can be brutal sometimes


OP said he was letting it die in the comment you responded to


Or they get it sacrificed by dagger


Well, hang in there, banana bud!


Quit going for all the tags! Shops are valuable!


you gotta make a wish (for tha dish)


How big is ur penis and how big do you expect it to be after cavendish?


That depends, do I have Gift Card and Scallywag when I unlock it?


No you get a used gift card to longhorn. Good clarifying question though




Would you rather get laid or get cavendish?


I'd rather get laid *by* cavendick if you know what I mean, ty for asking!


Honestly, at this point? Banana


I feel your pain 😭 I'm still waiting for my big banana to come be part of the fruit salad


200 hours in, buy Gros Michel every chance I get, and still have never seen Cavendish. so... get ready for a possible long ride


That sucks. If I get a Gros Michel that expires, I get a Cavendish like 90% of the time after a handful of shops, and I’ve probably got similar hours in.


It took me almost 50 hrs to see one lol


I found it for the first time the other day - as a perishable


The more things change, the more they stay the same.


I feel that. Went almost 90 hours without seeing it. I would go out of my way to acquire the banana as early as I could and the stubborn fruit was always with me until ante 7/8, then I simply never saw Cavendish.  Meanwhile the partner gets it on their 4th run ever without being aware of its existence. RNG is a cruel mistress.


It took me until 110 hours or so to get my first one. It's so painful.


I just found Cavendish and it changed my life. Fuck you Violet Vessel.


I have way more than 86 hours, I have every Legendary, my collection is 149 Jokers, I always buy banana, it always expires, and I've seen it maybe once or twice. I'm also missing the 100 million scoring hand Joker/achievement despite golding some decks with crazy builds. I top out at 98 million. The law of standard deviation and random chance across this many players, there's always going to be someone who defies the odds in good and bad ways. For every screenshot of 5 Polychrome Stencils, there's a guy who can't unlock Stuntman.


I got my 100M point hand the same game I got my $400 at one time. I *think* I had Bull, Rocket, Hiker, Arrowhead, and Hanging Chad with Bonus aces. So just get the perfect shops and you’ll be fine, it’s easy.


Ahhh, makes sense. Many thanks for the tip!


I am looking to get a Cavendish too. Yesterday I got a Gros Michel in the first shop, it didn't die until ante 8 LOL It was immortal. Of course, I lost the run in the round after it died.


Just enjoy the Michel for itself. Chasing Cavendish is not worth it. 


To be fair it was a lot easier to get cavendish before the nerf to gros michel (1/4 chance to expire to 1/6)


99 hours here, same...


Do you like pancakes?


Yes. I prefer them over waffles.


Just get 3 Oopses with a gros michel to speedrun extinct it smh


I have about 80 hours in the game, i have discovered every single thing in the game except stone joker, im getting stone cards in my deck and it still isn't appearing so i dont know why it isn't, i think im just cursed.


It used to appear much more often on the first patch


I mean, you’re lying, but cool post ig


I mean, I’m not, but cool comment ig. I’m missing 3 jokers: Cavendish, Hit The Road and Seeing Double.


I have like 20 less hours than you and I’ve seen Cavendish probably 50 times. You’re not the .000000748901 percent buddy.


And you’re going to tell me what I’ve got unlocked in my own save file? Be serious


I have 60 hours and haven't seen it


Ur not in the .00000000748901% buddy don’t post on Reddit apparently




Brother, let me tell you a thing about probability and 140 other jokers being in the pool. It’s okay that you’re annoying, just stop subjecting other people to it.




Dude, did someone who claimed to not have Cavendish unlocked kick your dog or something? Why are you taking this to heart like it’s some weird impossibility




Clearly you don’t give a shit and that’s why you’re still interacting. I’ve stopped playing for the night and I don’t care about you enough to turn my PlayStation back on. The summary of your comment and all your others is that you’re in disbelief over a simple fact, and your feelings are hurt that someone posted something to be funny as if the imaginary internet points matter.


Post/comment removed due to abusive behavior. Please keep this rule in mind moving forward.