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It won't matter if you shop at PLE, they will still take weeks to go through the whole rma process of testing and returning item to manufacturer. Then wait for them to do more testing and confirm fault, before giving you a replacement/repair/refund. The process will take anywhere from 2-6 weeks depending on their backlog/shipping times and distance to manufacturer and back etc. It took them a full 6 weeks+ to replace my 1 faulty fan that just had some dead LEDs. Even when I was able to show them it didn't work on the spot.


I currently am making the same decision on these two pcs, I made a post earlier and had conflicted replies so if you want you check out some of the reasoning you can, Eva tech supposedly has great customer service and nebulas 7800xt comes with two games as part of a promotion, I spoke to nebula pc on live chat and they seem very reasonable another person said they allowed them to swap out a part after a new deal was listed etc.. both are future proof and depending on intended performance you probably won’t notice much difference, Eva tech does have a comment in the post explain why they are essentially “better” they use better parts for mother board and ssd is faster etc and better case.


Thanks for the valuable infos. Still, it's a stressful situation for me since ordering online from such a long distance really put a burden on my mind.


If your concerned about warranty check this thread! [https://www.reddit.com/r/bapcsalesaustralia/comments/1dg7vtc/choice\_between\_evatech\_and\_nebula\_pc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/bapcsalesaustralia/comments/1dg7vtc/choice_between_evatech_and_nebula_pc/)


what did you end up choosing? Considering shipping i’d go for the echo


You can't go wrong with either option. I don't often see a bad word about techfast/nebula/evatech from the thousands of members that buy stuff regularly in the sub reddit discord. Anytime I've seen or helped guide someone though trouble shooting, the sellers have all been fair and fast helping people get outcomes. From stuff like psu replacements, to overheat gpus being swapped for other branded products. Where the person just pays the difference in gpu cost etc.

