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Neko rigged craw or worm, or a texas rigged lizard. Those should piss them off and trigger a bite while they are bedded.


They are definitely in the shallows hunting/eating. I’ll watch them chase these little bait fish damn near onto the bank. I’ve tried the Texas worm with luck in some deeper water but they don’t seem to want it in the shallows


I believe you have your answer then


Try to learn what types of baitfish and crayfish are in your local lakes and rivers. The perfect match is not necessary. I find size is more important than colors. Also…if you see them, they could see you as well.


This is the bulk of your problem, if a bass can see you they will be on high alert and won’t want to trust what your throwing. The key to shore fishing especially during the pre spawn and spawn is to fish parallel to the shore in front of you so by the time you walk up you have already fished that area and don’t risk scaring the fish off. One of the best shallow water lures is a weightless plastic rigged weedless. Good luck


Could not have said it better myself. I thought he might bank fishing but did not want to assume it.


Honestly I think this is the issue and the answer…..Every time I’ve caught one in my honey hole, I’ve fished parallel about 20 - 30 feet off to my left where they can’t see me.


Sight fishing I like to throw a fluke or senko a decent ways in front of them, like 10-20 feet. If they are moving towards the lure, don't move it, when they move away, small twitches until they move towards it. Repeat


Yes! This right here…..exactly what I like to do too and has worked! I’ll throw it a few feet ahead of them and if they turn and give it attention, I’ll let it sit and wait…..that’s when they bite. Another time I did the same but as soon as I twitched it he struck.


I can never get a fluke on the hook right….is there a trick I’m missing? I honestly think they would love it at this spot


Here's how I do it. There's audio to it [Rigging a Fluke Texposed](https://www.reddit.com/u/Ottomatica/s/ceXK9kG2Dv)


Awesome video! Great info! Thank you sir


Sight fishing? Glide bait is fun, depending how deep or clear the water is you could throw a jerkbait too. I caught my first jerkbait fish over the weekend, I watched my life come in and paused right as it deflected off a submerged branch so it wouldn't come up. As it deflected there was a flash of light green and I couldn't see my jerkbaits anymore, it wasnt a tank by any means but it was a wicked fun catch


Sounds like a damn good time


I like using a green pumpkin jig with a pretty decent sized green pumpkin craw. They are trying to pin fish against the bank. So, I like a big green profile to emulate a really dumb bluegill.


Great advice!


Where are you at? Are you sure they're not guarding fry? Down here in Texas the spawn is basically over and a lot of the males are guarding fry right now. If that's the case, I would move on. A bass guarding bait is significantly harder to get a bite out than one guarding a bed.


In Georgia. I can get them to bite but it’s more of going through the whole tackle box trying to find what they want


Stop trying to target spawning fish. They aren’t actively feeding. You’ll drive yourself crazy.


It can be different every day and different between bodies of water. If you’re not having much luck with moving/reaction baits go more finesse. T-rigged worms, jigs, and other finesse lures can work really well especially during the spawn. Recently I’ve had a lot of luck with weightless flukes while they’ve been chasing baitfish. What i like to do is literally try most of my tackle box and see what’s getting bites. From there you can hone in on what they’re biting. And remember that downsizing can get way more bites if they’re being skittish, you just need to try things out and see what works for you.


lol that’s my issue! Trying my whole damn tackle box gets tiring. I have started to downsize and it has been working great!