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Scarecrow or Pyg. Two most nightmarish bastards in Gotham.


This would be a great opportunity for Zaszz, who Batam gets to catch in the beginning or middle of the movie and brutalize.


Por que no los tres? Scarecrow, professor Pyg, Zaszz, a real Batman horror story movie. Throw in Calander man around halloween time.


Did we learn *nothing* from Raimi’s Spider-Man 3..??!!


That the only true antagonist was Peter Parker. Where he has to combat his mistakes of betrayal, greed, and wrath.


I was a fan of Zaszz (and Black Mask) in BoP, not really a batman movie, but shows those characters can easily be done.


Funny enough I think mask would work better for Pattinson Batman if he got a sequel


A horror film from the perspective of Zaszz, while Batman menaces throughout. Have Batman be the source of scares throughout the film, while Zaszz provides the psychological/slasher aspect. A film in the style of Gasper Noe would be insane with drones.


Or, Nazi Tits from TDK


Put some respect on Brunos name. /s /s again for good measure


I believe it's Swastitka.


Das Boobz


[The Dark Knight series from 2011](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman:_The_Dark_Knight) was fairly R-rated. Some pretty disturbing stuff in there, like [this](https://assets1.ignimgs.com/2012/11/21/bmdtk145jpg-3b66dc_640w.jpg?fit=bounds&width=1280&height=720) and [this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fx26la0c0b1e31.jpg). Scarecrow in that one was pretty terrifying. Edit: I'm remembering that the third volume, [Mad, was about the Mad Hatter](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fyujrchop7lk91.png%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5ec153788c7e4b0811c47c793a38c05084c2ad81). You can imagine how dark a story about a villain's obsession with young girls can get... He'd be a good choice too.


Yeah, Mad Hatter was my first thought. You wanna go very dark and very R-Rated, the creepy guy with an obsession with young girls would certainly do it.


For some reason, this reminds me of an old sketch from SNL: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0NgUhEs1R4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0NgUhEs1R4) The way you interpret the assignment can take you in very dark directions.


With zsasz as a minor antagonist


That's what I was going to say


I’d say both. Have it be more of a noir story with Pyg being the villain of the first arc but then Scarecrow is the real villain behind the scenes.


Or maybe Pyg is one of Scarecrow's nightmares.


Pyg would be a great body horror type of Batman movie


I want proper mind fuckery scarecrow, like Batman is losing his grip on reality type shit. And have Pyg as a minor antagonist


Flamingo. Dude eats people's faces. That's pretty R-rated


Flamingo is one of the most R-Rated Batman villains ever.


Pair him with Dogwelder for some gruesome horror.


Probably Scarecrow. Let him be THE guy for once and not just a lackey.


Arkham Knight?


Was overshadowed by joker and jason


He was hardly overshadowed, he was menacing the whole game and outsmart Batman a few times, that’s impressive


Did he? I stop the game after the third time Batman caught him but suddenly joker magic blood took an effect and he escaped


It was actually fear toxin mixed with the joker blood but the whole joker blood really didn’t make sense in the plot bc he literally got cured in Arkham city


My head cannon is that the cure worked and the only reason the whole joker thing happened is that the fear toxin played on Batman’s paranoia. A small part of Batman’s mind was afraid the cure hadn’t worked, and the fear toxin took that and ran.


Honestly this seems more like a believable explanation because I always felt like it was playing on the fear that he’s afraid of becoming like the joker while also feeling the guilt of joker dying consume him into believing that fear


I mean this has to be canon right? Joker doesn't makes his appearance until Batman gets dosed for the first time. Also I get that "he's Batman" but eventually overcoming the fear toxin through sheer willpower makes more sense than overcoming a legit biological virus operating at a cellular level.


100%. The blood was NOT turning Batman into joker, the joker in his head was allllll just Bruce’s fears. If you pay attention to the dialogue, the stuff that comes from joker could only have come from Bruce’s subconscious. (Think back to the trippy coyote from that simpsons episode: “I’m just your imagination Homer, I can’t give you any new information.”) What puts a hole in this theory is that those joker knock offs in the movie studio *were* indeed getting turned into joker because of the blood. I just write that off as a plot hole because this whole theory suits my head canon a whole lot more.


I think the explanation is because he had half the cure he has a bit of an immunity that slowed the effects but didn’t stop them. His body is still fighting them off.


thats why the bad blood theorys so popular


Just the jason and scarecrow bits, could imagine the scenes for jason rn


I mean, you're not wrong


Joker was dead and still more popular than the main antagonist lmfao


Nah, he may have been called the main villian but it felt more like he is doing a podcast. Scarecrow in Asylum was a man of action, you only knew he was around when it was too late.


True, but boi did also engulf all of Gotham in fear gas


All of evacuated Gotham. Though I want to be fair: The plan was to empty out Gotham so he can do his Cloudburster (?) move and Fear-Gas the entire coast


After Fear State story arc I'm absolutely convinced that Johnatan Crane is the greatest Batman's villain. When Scarecrow is used on his full ponential, he is as dangerous as Joker and Bane combined.


Scarecrow, Victor Zsasz or two-face


Batman hunting Zsasz for two hours in a movie could be really amazing. We need less Bat-god and more of the world's greatest detective.


Definitely condiment king, that movie would be absolutely terrifying.


Sick fuck would put mayo on fries


and make stains on the batman suit


Batman: "I swear it's Mayonnaise on my suit! Catwoman and I were just play fighting that's all."


That monster.


i know right? hes worse than joker


Hey aint notn wrong w mayo on fries


found the dutchman


Makes me wonder what in the ungodly hell you're doing with that cucumber.


I am dipping it in mayo


Mayo on fries is delicious. I am from Belgium, it's the only way to eat them


That's what I'm saying


Make it a horror film but from the perspective of a patient at Arkham during a riot/takeover. Have Scarecrow release his toxin trhough the aslyum so the person sees batman as some creature thats hunting them or something.


I’m down with this, only show glimpses or shadows of Batman until it’s too late.


Exactly. Similar to the style of the original Halloween, where you saw glimpses of Michael outside of his pov.


Even better that when bats does appear he appears monstrous due to the toxins. Make fake ones too so the audience knows just as much as MC on who the real bats is, if it's even him.


Kinda like the Assault on Arkham animated movie where its a Suicide Squad movie with very little Batman.


I’ve actually had a similar concept as this for a Batman story except it’s still from Batman’s perspective. Dr Crane, not yet known as scarecrow, unleashes his fear toxin throughout Arkham making everyone go insane and Batman is slowly losing his mind not knowing what’s going on. All the villains will be like their comic versions since the fear toxin makes them seem more powerful than they are to Batman. Like Poison Ivy would be just a crazy botanist like BTAS but Batman sees her as having plant powers. Or Maxie Zeus could appear to have lightening powers.


That would be dope af


Your idea reminded me of this [interview tape from the first Arkham game](https://youtu.be/tTI0ZY-2NP8?si=Qc-xlDQV3EewBu3G&t=210). If you're not familiar, these interview tapes are little snippets into the pre-game canon and this one documents Crane's creation of his fear toxin, testing it on patients/Asylum staff and initial defeat by Batman.


Cool concept.


Batman as a serious horror film would be amazing in general.


I thought of a similar concept where the movie follows a rookie cop working undercover in gotham gangs, batman shows where this cop is sometimes like a invisible ghost from hell stalking the criminals from the shadows and beating them up, everyone is super fucking afraid of "shadow thing from hell", the cop always manage to flee unharmd because batman knows he is a cop, would work really wel as a horror type movie imo.


That could work. I feel like this type of film with batman being the shadow creature could work very well.


Unfortunately nobody ever doing a batman movie where batman doesn't show up, very unlikely with any horror elements aswell. But its a cool concept to think about, and imo the best interpretation of the character.


Yea it would be a great elseworlds movie.


Serious House On Serious Earth is something of a horror TPB that takes place during a riot at Arkham. The art style is absolutely beautiful. I've always thought it would make for a really cool animated film.


Dude I love this


Thanks Dude


That would be amazing as a special episode!


This sounds perfect! Show just how horrible things can be when the Batfamily can’t quite get there before it’s nearly too late


So maybe we can use Great White Shark as the patient?




Hugo Strange. Make the asylum feel a bit more authentic 


Mad Hatter and Professor Pyg could be pretty menacing if done right


I’m with you on Mad Hatter


Man-Bat 100%


Scrolled way too far to find this. 100%


I've been terrified of Man-bat since that arkham knight jumpscare


Whilst we're going R rated, probably Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn and Catwoman.


Boy that’s X rated


"What are you doing step-batman?"


Underrated comment


I think you and I were on the same R Rated page.


Wait... I’ve seen this before


R Rated Gotham City Sirens? Shut up and take my money!


You mean X rated


Did I think it? Yes. Was I gonna say it? Hard maybe.


This guy knows what he wants.


Ivy tries to seduce Batman, Harley to kill him and Catwoman to keep both of them away from her Bats? Could be a great comedy for sure. Add Talia and it would be even more hillarious.


You are so lucky I cant post the stupid image of Spy TF2.


Everyone in this thread is going "R Rated means gruesome!'. You know what's up.


Poison Ivy. I believe she has the potential to be one of the most gruesome Batman villains. Like Harley Quinn, I prefer her as a villain. I want to see her as more plant than human, her eyes are completely lacking any whites, maybe just dark green, almost black. Her skin is pale with a slight green tinge. Her hair is weedy and coarse. To the unaffected eye, she is almost alien, an Eldritch abomination. But with her pheromones, people will see the most beautiful woman they’ve ever seen. She controls horrible plant monstrosities, her mind-controlled minions are made of sinewy vines, being eaten alive by carnivorous yet symbiotic plants. Even the dead can be used as hosts, walking corpses animated by her plants. I think the plot could be something along the lines of Ivy breaking out of a secret underground lab, hidden below Arkham Asylum, where Hugo Strange had been conducting experiments on her, exacerbating her condition. She eventually became too powerful and was driven over the edge, becoming a vessel for the wrath of Mother Nature. Either this or Court of Owls with brutal murders at each crime scene, very faithful to the comic.


I'd recommend the new Poison Ivy comicbook by G. Willow Wilson for some body horror


Just clicked in my mind that Ivy is basically a siren


Ye a horror movie nymph type thing


I’ve wanted this for a while. I feel like Ivy is capable of being a massive planetary threat. And has the ambition and hate to get there. I always liked the idea of her killing Swamp Thing and have access to the green with zero safeguards. What she could and would do with that. 


I agree! If her consciousness wasn’t limited to one body like Swamp Thing, she could be a threat to even the Justice League. What is Superman gonna do? Burn down the Amazon? Raze the Congo? If Ivy got ahold of all the world’s jungles and forests, the League couldn’t just destroy her plants.


Incorporate mind controlling mycelium


Ohhh. That episode of TAS where Ivy made those 'plant clones' had a few horrific implications.


Yes! That was definitely what I was thinking of.


House & Garden was the scariest episode from TAS. would love to see a more grown up version. I'm thinking those botanic zombies that appear in some of the Resident Evil games could be good inspiration for some plant based scares.


There is something so f'ing terrifying about those babies talking as soon as they just wake up out of the little pods. Like some kind of nightmare cabbage patch kids


Same answer but solely because I'm a degenerate.


I bet you like the injustice 2 skins then! Yeah, I still think with everything she has had she's still a walking calamity that keeps calming down all the time Also why is it still so far fetched to think she'd enthrall most or all criminals in the asylum when she escapes?


Enjoy the language of "becoming of a vessel for mother nature." I love when poison ivy swamp things herself, becoming a part of the green without knowing or understanding how. Definitely would add to the horror factor.


Poison Ivy as a combination of the Borg Queen and the Gravemind would be sick




Condiment King


That’s too much man you’re going too far


We need it R Rated, not glorified PG-13


Damn bro I think you are right. No more little kids Batman


Hell yeah


If they work together, they could ketchup bomb the city!


Hell yeah


Professor Pyg. A brutal, demented, and weirdly queer serial killer + surgeon trying his best to reshape humans into his ideal image of beauty. Supporting cast can include Ventriloquist, Kite Man (hell yeah), James Gordon Jr., Nightwing, Batgirl (pre-wheelchair and **definitely in a relationship with Nightwing, and not Batman. Ever.**), and maybe Riddler.




Sounds really badass. Can imagine Bruce investigating with a southern accent lol


That might the perfect opportunity to finally have a black actor for Bruce.


I'd pay to watch this


Team up with Solomon Grundy


I’d maybe open with Grundy or have him as a mid-movie enemy to emphasize the magic of that specific world. But yes, Croc would absolutely have a cabin out in Slaughter Swamp and I wouldn’t be opposed to Grundy showing up. Jones/Croc would likely have a scene where we see him wade out into the swamp and swim with crocodiles to prove to himself the magic was working. We, the audience, wouldn’t know if it was or he was just lucky and crazy. His version of dancing with rattlesnakes.


Bloom would be nightmare material.




Mad Hatter and Deacon Blackfire. I'd love it if they did a fusional story that was a combination of Batman: The Cult and the episode Perchance to Dream from BTAS... It'd let us have a nightmarish R rated batman and a character story


Mad Hatter could force innocent people to do some absolutely terrifying things.




That was my pick too. Theres some potential for some really brutal fights and crime scenes there.


Scarecrow. The lengths you could go with Crane, even a normal rating, is endless.


Ooh, and then at the end of the movie he gets a dose of his own fear toxin. Has that ever been done before?


I believe it has. But the Fear Toxin is just chemistry. There are almost certainly mental or physical defenses or an antidote of some kind. Unless Crane is a crackbrain like The Invisible Man who injected himself with a drug - long before - he understood its dangers or had an antidote. Crane is something of a one trick pony and it is fair to suggest that not everyone responds to fear in quite the same way. He reminds me of some incarnations of the Joker when the joke backfires on him.


Victor Zsasz. Have it being Batman catching a violent serial killer.


Love it


Yeah, I figure keep it simple and easy.


Agree. Zsasz is terrifying and it’ll leave room for it being very detective-focused which I know people crave from Batman content


Pyg or Mad Hatter, crime based movie that would show off Bats detective skills at full work with the whole city looking for the killer and the murders getting worse and worse


Any of the medically trained villains working together would be good for a story.


Vandal Savage - I don't need the movie to be full gore throughout, but one on or two moments, he'd do something pretty barbaric.


I’d put all the gore in the prologue during the Paleolithic period. Some real brutal cave man shit to prove how Savage is… well, savage.






Clayface great potential for some epic body horror their


Hear me out: Batman. Take it from the perspective of an Arkham inmate who was put in there by, say, Lex Luthor because Lex didn’t like them, so he accused them of psychopathy and got them sent to Arkham Asylum. They have to find a way off the inescapable island while being hunted by not only all of Batman’s rogues, but also Batman himself.


Batman is the antagonist of the film. From the point of view of different street level perspectives in Gotham. Street kids, crooks, corrupt/rookie cops.


I like this, and this is a bit after Bruce Wayne has returned to Gotham but just before Bruce starts working with the established infrastructure of Gotham (GCPD & the DA office) Like a The Batman (2022) prequel


Catwoman and Ivy… Going a different direction for that R rating


I would take advantage of the more mature tone to fully exploit a more psychological oriented antagonist like Hugo Strange or Dr. Simon Hurt. Having another psycho killer wouldn’t be a big change I think


Hugo Strange or Pyg


My Top 5 Picks: 1) Deathstroke 2) Scarecrow 3) Ra's Al Ghul 4) Hush 5) Man Bat


Mad Hatter. In a lot of the media he’s in, he’s portrayed as a rapist, a kidnapper, and just a creep overall. In an r-rated film, they could play into that. A serial killer who sexually assaults his victims and themes the murders around certain nursery rhymes and poems and fairy tales. The Mad Hatter could be such a deplorable and hateable villain if given the room to be it.


Victor Zsasz would be good.








The Court of Owls


Mad Hatter for sure


Scarecrow, Professor Pyg, or Zsasz.


Condiment King


Pyg is a good choice, dude looks like and definitely act like he is from a R rated horror movie


Yeah I’m going with deathstroke. I want a fucking brutal fight between the two of them, no holds barred.


Blob Clayface


Mr Zsasz or Pofessor Pyg


Deathstroke hack and slash the fuck out of people.


Batman would be the "Villain" the main character would be a normal thug who's doing what he's doing for his family. This Batman would be a Batman who snapped. He doesn't hold back anymore. He kills. He's brutal. The only thing is he still doesn't use guns. He wants to keep it close personal. He wants to bring pain to every criminal in Gotham. Our poor main character lucks his way through every interaction. Then again I want this to be a horror video game to be honest. Alien isolation except its Batman


Condiment King.


Clay face or the Court of Owls


Scarface with Zsasz as a secondary villain.


Professor Pyg for sure. I'd go for a grounded detective story.


Scarface or Clayface Really lean into the dark parts of each person, not just violence For example could you imagine dark scenes with Scarface in a rated R movie? Even just Scarface arguing with himself could be pretty dark Clayface could be Brutal but also shapeshift and do some very naughty things


A r-rated movie with the scarface/Ventriloquist imo would be sick. He is one of the most unique, creepy villains in batman rouge gallery. It would be sick. So many batman villains that have yet to be utilised other than Joker. It's sad tbh




Imagine that. Batman is fighting his regular vilains, like usually. But suddenly someone starts killing them. And i mean gruesomely. Focus on Batman as a detective, trying to find who kills literally every criminal in Gotham. You could even go a step further. Make Gotham congratulate the killer and turn it's back on Batman who is trying to save the worst of worst.


Similar to what someone else said on here, I’m a huge fan of the idea of seeing things from a grunt/thug’s perspective. The Batman is supposed to be akin to a cryptid; he’s supposed to be a myth, a boogeyman. His theatrics is intended to shroud himself in disbelief. Don’t put the Batman in armor and appear bulletproof, make it seem like he can’t be hit by bullets. Make him ethereal, a living nightmare that festers on the fear of criminals


Calendar Man, Pyg or Dollmaker


I would try to make it a semi-horror film. Even Batman wouldn't necessarily be shown fully and made to bring jump scares when he appears. The full reveal would most likely be at the film's climax where he has to fight the villain's henchmen or main tough guy. Anyway, I would like to up the creepiness factor of the movie, so obviously rogues like Scarecrow or Zaszz would work, but for that extra horror element, I would make the main bad guy Scarface. The actual puppet would be all mangled and look somewhat like a dead gangster, obviously with a huge scar cut out of the face. The actual villain, the ventriloquist, would be essentially a non-threatening, frail old guy that the Scarface personality took over. The movie could be a combo of a detective/horror story where Scarface kidnaps/tortures/kills random people and Batman has to follow the trail from video vignettes and/or other clues. I'm thinking maybe a combo of Se7en and Saw




Victor zsasz and make it a slasher horror flick.


Gotham has had a series of murders happening. At some point we find a man who's being attacked by people who are moving very strangely and wearing solid white masks that give them an almost dolllike appearance. After Batman knocks them out, he noticed that the man he just rescued wears a lot of makeup, which is a little unusual, but he says he's self conscious about his skin condition. At a later point Batman notices this man is being suspicious and it's revealed that the man's parents were abducted by the serial killer and that he received a note that said his parents were unclean and imperfect, but that they will come back to him rectified and perfect as they should be. But when they came back, they looked quite similar to the people who attacked him earlier. It sent him in a spiraling depression and he needs meaning, so he's looking for his parents killer. Batman sympathizes with this, but tells him he can't have him going around looking for a killer, then tells him to stay out of it or else there will be consequences. Revenge is not the answer. More time passes, Batman goes to more crime scenes and looks into GCPD data, and learns there are actually two serial killers. Much later, Batman has finally tracked down the psycho in a pig mask and confronts him, but out of nowhere, the man with makeup sneaks up behind the pig man and slits his throat before Batman can react. Batman shouts at him, asking if he realizes what he's done. The man ignores the question and says that he wasn't completely honest with Batman earlier, as he wipes the makeup off of his face, revealing scars that look like tally marks. He says his parents death did depress him deeply, and he did think he'd find meaning in getting Pyg, but it wasn't about revenge, as he cuts a diagonal line across 4 marks on his cheek. It was about stopping the itch and feeling alive. I have no idea what would happen after that, but I'd make a more refined version of that because it sounds like a fun way to introduce Professor Pyg and Victor Zsasz into the same movie.


Onomatopoeia, partly because of the cliff hanger and partly because of how he played the master of contingencies but I think he could shine if he wasn't being censored.


Horror film in Arkham is how I’d go about it. I’d have Scarecrow and Hugo Strange do experiments on the inmates, and have Batman show up to deal with it but with an “Alien” vibe about it.






Catwoman, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy. Nobody said it had to get the R rating through violence…


Knightfall. I'd adapt Knightfall. Thus, it'd be Bane, primarily.


I would make it a bit of a detective Batman movie, where he is dealing with a horrific serial killer, i would use The Penguin but he is working with The Birthday boy as his henchman, for those who dont know Birthday boy is a big gigantic dude that wears a burlap sack and a party boy hat, He essentially brutally murders young girls in rooms that ressemble a birthday party. I feel like that would work its from Batman Earth one,i would cast Haftor Bjorson for the role of The Birthday Boy. Would make for some hellacious dark gritty content. That storyline with some tweaks would work wonder for a R rated film, i specialy like the fact that The Penguin is the Mayor too, so it would add an pretty cool dynamic with Uncovering Corruption and the need for The Batman. That would the first movie in the series, i would totally love a TV Show that was like that him going after darker takes of Batman characters with a True Detective meets Batman type of deal with cool gritty fighting sequenses, a unexperienced Batman, with rough fighting skills, over his head, using his smarts and deduction skills, Having to come up with Plans to overcome Though villains and being outnumbered, i would not make him bad a fighting what i mean he would just be physically limited by being worned down from all the constant exhaustion of fighting crime.


victor zaszz


Scarecrow, Arkham Knight, Zaszz or Hush


Prolly the riddler with saw like traps that are more visible and have Batman disarm them


I just want a really good, solid telling of RIP. Dr Hurt would make a great psychological foe for Bats and the third act is as R Rated as it gets.


Scarecrow and Professor Pyg.


i despise the way over the top grim and dark look people put on batman, gets old eventually especially when everyone is so ashamed of how silly his rogues gallery is. I'd feature clock king, full classic look, clock head and all. none of that "make them a creepy surgeon with a joker smile in a butcher's apron" which i feel half of the adaptations of older batman villains try to do. embrace the silly.


Some kind of trippy nightmare involving Scarecrow, and maybe Barbatos in a Dark Knight Dark City kind of way.