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It depends on your teeth, honestly. If they are not very crooked, and your bite is already aligned, then Invisalign is a great option. If your teeth are extremely crooked, or you have a severe over/under/crossbite, I would suggest metal braces. They are more aggressive about moving teeth compared to Invisalign. I’m not a dentist or orthodontist but I’m a dental assistant at an office where we offer both. I have seen patients with crossbites and extremely crooked teeth refuse to go to the metal braces route solely for aesthetics…. And Invisalign can only do so much.


My teeth weren't super crooked, I went with Invisalign. 4 years later I had to get a $5k MAGO to fix my jaw because Invisalign caused my bite to settle improperly. Still wearing it, and I'll have to get traditional braces after because now my teeth have shifted back exactly the way they were. Please don't get Invisalign (or similar) unless the correction you need is very minor, and if you do get it, have it done through an orthodontist and not a regular dentist. Just my advice.


Yes please get invisalign through a orthodontist!


You need to talk to a professional about it. When I mean professional, I mean an ortho not a dentist.


I think it depends on the severity of the corrections needed. I recently completed 9 months of Invisalign, mainly for my bottom row crowding. I never had braces as a teen. Invisalign definitely works but make sure you ask A LOT of questions and are disciplined enough to wear the aligners 22 hours per day. I was unaware that most people need “attachments” cemented to their teeth in order for the aligners to shift your teeth. Think of the attachments as handlebars that will guide your teeth into the correct direction. These attachments are much more noticeable than I expected and ended up bothering me more than expected. You might also have to do something called IPR during your Invisalign treatment which is basically filing between some of your teeth in order to make room for the necessary adjustments. I didn’t know about IPR and they basically take a very thick dental floss that acts to sand down some of your enamel to make room. I’m very happy with the end result, however I do not think I would have gone the Invisalign route if I knew what I know now.


IPR would be necessary even if you used metal brackets. It's not an invisalign only thing. They should have explained that to you because it's to get rid of the black triangles between your teeth which is how your teeth are shaped. Braces don't change the shape of your tooth.


Thank you for sharing! I learned something new!


My teeth were crowded so I needed braces. I went with metal ones. I was 34-35 at the time so I was kind of self conscious about it in the beginning, but the amount of people who had no idea I had braces on even a year or more into treatment was really satisfying. Or people who didn’t notice when I got them off. People never pay as much attention as we think.  The best solution (Invisalign or metal braces or ceramic braces or other braces options) is the one recommended to you by a qualified orthodontist. Preferably after visiting at least 2 and getting multiple opinions.  You can also visit r/braces 


Thank you for sharing! I also didn’t know there was a braces forum! Thanks😊


Braces are going to fix your teeth faster. If it’s just a minor correction Invisalign will work but I would just get braces. If someone judges you or thinks you’re weird for that, they’re the ones being a weirdo. Good luck 💕


I appreciate you sharing! Thank you🤗


I had both done. (38f) started with braces as I had two stubborn teeth and my bite needed adjusted. I had these for 1 year. I did it during lockdown so I wasn’t self conscious about having braces at my age but tbh I would do it again no issues and where them with pride. Once they were taken off I wanted some more movement so immediately had Invisalign fitted and had those for a year too. This created a smile I NEVER thought I could achieve and is the BEST thing I ever did for myself.


I’m happy reading this☺️i love that for you!


I got invisalign about 8 years ago. For me it was just to fix the gaps in my teeth. I had a lot of spacing. Ive heard its more complicated with crowding or overbites, etc. for me it was a great choice and I was really happy with the results. Plus as an adult I preferred not having the metal braces for aesthetic reasons. With invisalign vs metal Braces i think one neg I can think of is having to take them off everytime Id eat. There’s that risk of losing them at restaurants.. a very small negative.


Just went through the consultation two weeks ago. And my dentist told me that because my bite needs fixing aswell that braces will be best because it's easier to make small adjustments as we go. Had I had a better bite and it was only my teeth that needed moving or just minor adjustments to the bite then I could have picked whatever one I wanted. That's my experience, so far.


Thank you for sharing!☺️


Everyone I know who has had Invisalign ended up with braces after.


I would say one thing is it depends on your age. I think you can pull of braces until early 20s after that it can be a bit weird cause I have seen people making fun of adults with braces. Also I think when I was getting mine done I was told traditional braces are a quicker option so if you just wanna get it over with it might be better. Getting braces is the easy part. Maintaining the correction throughout life is way harder.