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They’re completely shameless. Profiting off their kids toilet movements now 🤦🏽‍♀️


I saw this and felt so sick. So inappropriate to broadcast to the world for likes. Poor kid.


Ew. What’s it gonna be next? My daughters are learning how to use tampons. I’ll keep you updated. Like????? They have no shame


Do you think Lo will elect Tanner to be in charge of the whole period thing too? I wouldn’t put it past her…


There was a creator that posted about this. Felt so bad for her kids


A partnership with Tampax wouldn’t be too off brand


Oh god, I can totally see them doing this in a few years! Those poor kids - they really have no privacy or safety that every child should have. What's worse is that other adults in their family are equally bad so they don't even have anyone else to support them.


They are lucky she didn't choke!


Right? That’s my biggest fear as a parent


Who the hell takes selfies of something like this? Fucking odd.


Yeah like for thousands of people to see. In a family group chat? Sure. But not the fucking internet


How does a 5 year old do this?


My grandmother once swallowed a sewing needle because she was holding it in her mouth while working on a dress she was making.... things happen. That crystal looks like candy and Oz probably got curious


Tbh Kids have stupid ideas…that’s how


Cool that’s great Tanner … now please throw that away because it’s now considered a biohazard 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


“I deserve a raise” When you’re profiting off doing nothing but exploiting your children online how do you get a raise? 🤔


Omg 😳😳 have no shame 🫣 poor girl


OH MY GOODNESS. i would be absoutley MORTIFIED if my parent posted this on the internet. Holy shit


Just when I had 🤏🏻 much sympathy for him/thought he wasnt as bad as the rest. Nope that’s gone. He is JUST AS BAD as the rest of the exploiters. This is just gross and unnecessary.


As much as this post p\*sses me off for literally telling the interwebs he had to dig through his daughter's crap (good lord the invasion of privacy of it all)... ...I guess I have to give him a bit of props for actually doing it and to making sure she passed it without injury to her colon/intestines. Lo would have NEVER. He stepped up and did a parent's job. Did the internet have to know about it, NO. Will she google herself one day (or worse yet, will her classmates!!?) and see her dad talking about sifting crystals out of her crap? Yep. I hope her parents are saving some of their "exploit their kids for coin" money to pay for her and her sister's therapy.




As a mom, what a dumb thing to post. His daughter is a child. What privacy?!


I call bullshit. I think the whole story is made up for clicks and drama. Five years is a bit old to swallow a pointy, hard, crystal rock. But ok, anything is possible with kids but still not buying O swallowing that. I also think if my child swallowed any foreign object I'd be concerned and calling the pediatrician. I'd probably be trying to comfort my kid who had a rock in their system that they needed to pass. I'd never be giggling, filming, and exploiting my kid for content 🤪 Tanner looked like such a clown. Gross I think it's all a big dumb lie that Lo (especially) and Tanner made up for content and views. Another day of exploiting kids for clicks. Ridiculous


No way she swallowed that. That sharp end could of tore up her insides!


She’s going to get into school and kids are going to call her the Crystal Crapper now. Yall love Tanner so much idk why, he talked to women outside of his marriage and exploits his kids just like Lo and the rest. Dude is lowkey shit and either he hates social media or he doesn’t - which is it Tanner? Smfh


content creators really don’t realize when they’re crossing the line do they 😅these poor girlys.


Do we think this is real? I can see them making this up for content.


Why did he try to find it?? Straight up of ny kid swallowed something, and the doctor said they would pass it and they would be fine, there is nothing that would make me go searching for it. I don't understand these weirdos at all. Why on earth would you post any bathroom habits of your children anyway, let alone something weird like this??


They have to make sure it has passed through . My cousin swallowed a coin, and my aunt was told to do the same thing, he was 3 at the time. I'm pretty certain it was only a few family members that knew about it and not the whole village though.


you're acting as if this isn't normal for a parent ? yall need to touch grass and get a life


Normal yes but NOT normal to post to thousands of followers online. Imagine Ozzy in a few years when kids come across this shit and torment her because there will be some




Why are you here? Wtf?


i don’t like them but acting as if this isn’t normal is funny to me stay mad 🤣