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“60 large” is the reduced price lol


I read that in Captain “Boat Daddy” Lee’s voice.


😂 love that


Still too much in my opinion "lol"


I agree. Considering that the bulk of their awake time is spent pouring alcohol down their faces and sitting at the table, waiting for food to be served, it sounds like a lot of money that could be spent on way more fun pastimes. When the show is over, I am always left wondering, “so is this all there is once you’ve achieved a certain level of success?”


I mean when you think about the alcohol consumed, the ones that want a wedding, anniversary or birthday party they get by pretty good.


Yeah, I read that unlike regular charters, BD pays for all the provisions, and I think I've seen a few guests drink their weight in alcohol while shoveling caviar into their faces. Real alcoholics and foodies get the best deal out of all the guests for sure.


I mean, don't get me wrong, it does look like a good time. But I think you could spend a fraction of the price for a holiday thrice as long and have an equally as good time. I suppose it's just the idea of having a massive crew of people looking out for just you and also the gimmick of being on a boat.


a boat isn't a gimmick, it's an experience at any size, the ocean is beautiful


that's just because you're a poor


probably true.


From what I've read, they get 50% off the charter, plus flights to & from the destination. They also get their mugs on TV, which for most of them, is what they want.


Haha, yes, god know why because a lot of them get made out to be awful 😖 50% off don't sound too bad though.


I have emailed with production before. You email them if interested in being a guest and they send you the info and if you want to do it then you have to do a zoom meeting. Basically they are looking for people who are outgoing or high maintenance. If you are just going to lay around or sleep like a normal charter guest then they don’t want you LOL. The price is around 50k with flights and hotel included. All food and drinks are included as well. You do have to pay the tip though.


Divided by 8 people that’s pretty good, even if you add a tip.


I wish I could go on so I can give them the most boring episode ever on TV. I would just nap, lay on a raft in the ocean napping, nap some more, etc. They would have to feed me the most basic food every day. I am basically more plain and boring than my 5-year-old nephew when it comes to food. I don't drink, so there is no opportunity for excitement here. The ratings would be so bad someone would likely get fired for airing it.


My friends, family, and myself all work in the service industry so we're polite to a fault. A server could probably set me on fire and I'd apologize. We'd make for horribly boring TV because all of us would be afraid to request anything of the crew, and we'd just chill and read all day.


I work in hotels, so I'd be the same way!  I'd probably offer to sleep on the deck so they didn't have to worry about my linens, lol!


Same. We have a few fam members in the service ind. including cruising. I think the people running these franchises pick mostly young inexperienced people as deck and inside crew on purpose because they know young inexperienced have a low threshold. Older experienced usually let most BS roll off their backs because they know at the end there is usually a nice payday.


Me too but I probably could conjure up an imaginary friend Chomp to be co-primary who insisted that the crew help him play on the slide all day while I reminded them that Chomp is paying half the tip so they better make sure he has the time of his life.


Would Chomp have any food allergies? It’s amazing all the food allergies at sea..


Chomp doesn't eat food except an occasional olive or pearl onion. He lives off booze and is very thirsty.


Aha, same. I would absolutely love to go with a couple of close friends or even alone and just eat burgers and chill in the hot tub with a glass of champagne.


Same! Breakfast at 9, lunch at 1, dinner at 7, we’ll be in bed by 10. We want to swim and relax. Did I mention we don’t drink alcohol? Bravo would hate us!


OMG someone else like me!!! I was thinking the exact same thing!!!


No water toys? No excursions? No birthday or life celebrations? Seems like something you'd do to celebrate something...


Hmmm your right I probably would mix some of that in.


I have personally talked to them about being a guest on the show. They give you a list of dates that have not been committed. They tell you the price for either a two or three day Charter and the expected tip. They also ask for you to do a zoom call with them prior to being selected.


Can you tip at your own discretion? It is there an expectancy that the guests will pay the usual rate for tips?


Minimum is 15k they said to us


Ahh. Good to know. Thanks!


If you search this sub you will see a lot of posts with all the info about it.


I really don't understand the motivation to pay so much to be on a private boat with honestly nothing to do. Small jacuzzi, 6-8 friends only, 2+ hour dinner service, what are you paying $60k for 3 days for? The food? You could hire a chef like the BD chefs to work for you for MONTHS for that. They take you snorkeling or let you use their jet skis? Great. The trips honestly look very pretty but also just seem boring, especially for the astronomical price you paying for the personal service. Unless you have a serious fetish for people serving you rather than walking to the bar to get a drink, I don't see the point of these charters at all.


Doing the math, 72 hours on these yachts at the discounted price of $60k comes out to $833.33 per HOUR. $13.83 per MINUTE. $.23 for every second on the charter. Ca- ching!!!


> I really don't understand the motivation to pay so much to be on a private boat with honestly nothing to do. There are 2 motivations. 1; you have so much money its literally like you spent nothing to do it.(aka the system is broken and some people have too much money) 2; you want to project the image you have so much money its nothing for you to spend it


I really really don't understand the ones who have paid all that money for a charter and are then hell bent on leaving the boat for some on shore activity. If I paid all that money for a private boat I wouldn't even be setting my pinky toe back on dry land until the absolute very last minute.


Hell I’d do it if I had that type of money…trip of a lifetime. I’d be nice to all the crew though…


I started losing interest in BD once I realized that most guests have some level of established "social media influence". The guests aren't regular rich folks looking to spend a discounted vacay by allowing cameras. They are seeking the broader audience to boost their social media following.








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I would love for Captain Kerry to give using the details of exactly how it works with the guests who are filmed.


Jill Zarin said she paid $45k for two nights for two people plus tip. Not discounted enough!


I would pay $45k to not have to be around Jill Zarin.


Jill was the guest, not the primary. She didn’t pay anything. She still acted like she did though 🙄


She did pay. She was on Jeff Lewis radio and said she paid. She gave details.


No, she said she paid for her airfare and they all split the tip. Her friend, the primary, paid for the charter. Jill tried to play it off like she paid but she did NOT.


There’s no way these primaries pay for the whole trip. I think they are the ones who organise it and get the gig so get the title of being primary. I think they all split it and that’s how they afford it


Not always.


Yes they are aware