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I sent a mass text of me holding the baby and said "Life got crazy. I had a baby."


I did the same including reassurance to my friends that the baby was not stolen and in fact mine since I had been so uninterested in having a baby for so long. It was actually kinda fun to pull a baby out of a hat. đŸŽ© Behold!


Tell them you got into ‘body building’ since you last saw them 😂


đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł My husband used this line to tell his friends that I was expecting. "She's into body building now!" Got some good chuckles out of it.


Just got a big lump removed at the hospital, the doctors even let me keep it!




Hahaha I did this with my first baby. I was very very private about it because I just wanted to be I guess. I made a few people mad when they found out but once they understood that I didn’t exclude them from a baby shower etc, I just didn’t DO any of that they were fine with it and wanted to see pictures, lol.


I did a "lol surprise" post on socials for friends and acquaintances when I had my kid. It was the height of the pandemic and I saw no one and then it was third trimester aaaaand well it was funnier to just wait till kiddo was exterior to tell people. Tl;dr embrace the awkward. It's funny.


This is my angle this time. No pandemic, just a plain awkward person getting awkwarder with old age.


Send them a text with the baby and something along the lines of
”surprise, we added a new friend to the group!”


You're obviously not close to these people so why even expend energy on this?


That's what I'm confused on. OP didn't talk to them for 9 months.. why worry about it? If it's one of those friendships you just pick up where you left off even after a long time, then just say how it you would say anything else like a new job.


I think she only said she didn't see them in person for those months


Which makes it really weird if she’s been talking to them and didn’t mention it. Clearly they aren’t actually friends.


Idk man if she considers them/wants to call them friends that's fine, she's just asking for fun ways to tell them


Agree. If I were on the receiving end of a random text of a baby from a supposed friend I’d be a little confused. And slightly annoyed. If OP’s friends reached out first, I’d say sorry I didn’t tell you earlier but I just welcomed a baby. But after 9 months of I assume no or limited contacted I don’t get the point. Maybe doing a general Facebook post if OP has Facebook is the best approach here.


That’s not a correct assumption. I did talk to these people, it just never really came up I was pregnant. I also avoided telling anyone until like 4-5 months in.


It seems like if you talk to someone regularly without it “coming up” to tell them that you’re pregnant (did they never ask “what’s new with you?” Or “what’s up?”) for 9 months it may not be a very close friend. Or you chose to not tell them when they asked about you and your life, in which case it still seems like you aren’t that close. If they ARE close and for whatever reason you just chose to hide your pregnancy from them, then they’re going to find it weird no matter how you tell them now.


Idk, sometimes at first you want to keep things to yourself and then you get into a bit of a spiral of how to bring it up as the pressure builds and it gets progressively harder/more awkward. I’ve been there. Especially when it’s not a topic you usually talk about.


No not for everyone. I literally was 8 months along before some of the people I worked with in person found out and it wasn't from me telling them (my body didn't show really at all for my first, they just thought I was getting fat thanks to water weight). I also didn't tell my therapist until I was quite far along, she was surprised to say the least (who I found out then happened to specialize in pregnancy and post partum). I think for me it comes from a place of not wanting to seem like a "look at me" kind of person. It was probably a trauma response to the emotions that come with pregnancy too, I mostly avoid strong emotions. I also get that this is not a typical response to pregnancy but it's not uncommon. To the OP I would say maybe just own up to it. "Hey! I wanted to let you know that I just had a baby, they were born at some hospital at a healthy X lbs. I realize I didn't mention it before but I wanted to wait until second trimester and then felt it would be awkward to blurt it out (this is totally my mistake). I apologize and hope you can forgive me. I know this seems sudden, and I didn't mean for it to go to the end like it has."


I feel like saying 'I hope you can forgive me' seems a bit much. Why should OP apologise for not sharing her personal news? Did the friends ask if anything was new and she actively hid it? It doesn't sound like it. It sounds like it didn't come up on either end, so I don't think OP owes an apology. It's no one's right to know this kind of news.


That's a fair point.


Since it never came up so you didn’t mention it, why aren’t you waiting for the topic to just come up now? Why the sudden urge to announce this part? I agree with the other commentor that it’s a bit offensive if these people are considered friends.


I think it’s relevant for people to know I have a child and I’d rather be the one to tell them myself rather than them find out from someone else.


I also never announced publicly anywhere and there was a handful of people that I didn’t directly tell (I live far from home). But at the same time I do think it is awkward to send a “surprise I had a baby” text out of the blue, especially if you’ve seen these people while pregnant. I tried to deal with it more organically by letting word of mouth spread and if I happened to be chatting to that person I would let them know then.


You didn’t seem to care if they found out you were pregnant from someone else.


Then you should have told them sooner. Is it because you want gifts or something? You didn't care before the baby was born, why do you care now?


I get where she’s coming from. The child wasn’t there physically so she didn’t feel the need to mention it, and now the child is here and she probably feels like they deserve the respect of being known about now that they’re earth side? đŸ€š OP, this was me. People will be excited and surprised when you mention it.


Yeah it was me too! I felt like I didn’t owe anyone disclosure of this bit of information unless I wanted to tell them.


You don't owe anyone anything, but that doesn't mean they won't be hurt and potentially think you're not as close as they might have thought.


Exactly! I was focused on growing a human and getting the house ready. I didn’t want anyone making a fuss or trying to throw a baby shower. I’m very introverted. Plus with adult friendships it is so common to go months without seeing or speaking to each other so sometimes you just have big news to tell people. I think with social media people are just used to having access to each other’s personal lives so they see it as odd when you choose not to share something until you’re ready. I’ve also gotten texts from friends I hadn’t seen in awhile before being like “ Hey look I had a baby!!” And I was super excited and surprised for them. It didn’t occur to me to be like “ how dare they wait to tell me!” It wasn’t about me.


No I don’t want gifts. I’m not sure why you’re so triggered by this.


No one is triggered. They’re being honest that it would be rather offensive. Sorry that the truth triggers you so much.


Because I commented on your post? Why did you post it if you didn't want responses?


The same thing happened to me too OP. Now I’m 6 mo pp and STILL haven’t told some people. I was so venerable being preg that I didn’t want to tell everyone. Now that my hormones are evening out I think about posting my preg photos and maybe a birth announcement to get it out the way but it never feels like the right time. Idk. I’m with you.


It just never came up. No, you chose not to tell them. You made that decision, so deal with it. You're going to offend people.


It’s so confusing. Was OP waiting for someone to ask “anything new with your uterus?”


I’d definitely be hurt if someone I was supposed to be friends with, who I’ve repeatedly talked to multiple times in the last 9 months, just never told me about a huge thing going on in their life like that.


And with all the posts here about being offended by being asked if they're pregnant when they're trying or even not trying... Obviously nobody would ask that but she's blaming them for not asking?


I had similar people, just send a cute pic, "guess who's here!" People I am actually close with responded great. One that is always a bit weird...was weird lol. Honestly though, if baby is only 2 weeks old your emotions are probably high, don't stress, reach out when appropriate 


Hey, I haven’t seen you
and this is crazy, but here’s my number, I had a baby?


Just send a photo of baby and say “say hi to , it’s been a busy year. What’s new with you?”


So I told very few people I was pregnant. After I gave birth I posted a picture of my daughter with a caption “phew that was hard work.” Everyone was shocked but it was a good way to get the news out to people I didn’t tell.


I had a friend who I had drifted away from over a year or so and she texted one day “so
I recently became a mom!” It was kind of a joke because when she got engaged she showed up to brunch and showed us our ring and said “so
I recently became engaged” I was 7 months pregnant at the time and hadn’t told her either (she had a miscarriage and then had trouble conceiving after so I felt weird dropping the bomb since we hadn’t talked much or seen each other in a year). I was overjoyed and got to send a pic back saying I had a friend coming for her baby in a few months. We’ve now texted each other pictures every so often. I’d say just rip the band aid off and send a pic!


This is adorable đŸ„č


The only people we've told are people we've seen in person. Plan on posting a photo when he's born. I'd love to get one of my eldest and baby snuggling but I'm not sure he'd sit still lol


I did this. Nothing on social media and then suddenly "Oh btw I had a baby".


Did this too except I didn’t specifically point out the baby and just said merry Christmas from the __ family, with a pic of all of us but baby was really tiny. We were all wearing matching jammies and she blended right in so it was like a Where’s Waldo. 😂 A couple people went, “wait, are you holding a real baby?? lol


This is what Facebook announcements are for. Lol


Hey OP! I’ve been there and I understand how news like that can become a spiral of awkwardness. I’m really glad you’re looking for a way to confront it head-on instead of cut ties or sidestep with some sort of general announcement. I would say something along the lines of: >“Hi friend! I wanted to share some important news with you. I’ve been anticipating it for a really long time, but I didn’t tell anyone at the beginning and wasn’t sure how to share the news later.” >*“What is it?”* >“I’ve been pregnant and two weeks ago I gave birth to a baby girl/boy.” Hopefully your friend is empathetic and will excited for you :) I think being honest about any awkwardness or anxiety you felt trying to break the news will help them understand that **you did care about telling them**, but your brain got in the way.


I really like this suggestion!! Thank you so much


I’m glad I could help!


I'd make a joke like hey I had a medical condition where I grew some extra limbs and then send a pic of the baby lol 


As others have said, if you haven't seen them for over 9 months how close are you as friends? It's announce it on social media. FYI I hid my last pregnancy from everyone including parents because I'd had many previous losses. I just stayed at home for 9 months. On the day of his birth we called the grandparents and told them, they then announced to the extended family.  I made a comment on a Facebook group two weeks later and didn't realise my 'friends' would see the comment on their newsfeed. Suddenly I received multiple screenshots from my work colleagues who I hadn't seen and they didn't know about the pregnancy, so that was my announcement.


Some of these people do not live anywhere near me which is why I haven’t seen them. It’s normal to not see friends who live in different parts of the country/world for 9 months. One of my close friends who I did not tell was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and then found out she was infertile in her mid-20s; she was absolutely devastated by this news so I had trouble telling her I was pregnant bc I didn’t want her to think I was rubbing it in or anything like that. I did want to find a way to tell her, and made multiple efforts to get her on the phone toward the end of my pregnancy to tell her, but we just kept missing each other’s calls.


Just be truthful and say exactly this. Tell her first then do a joke for the rest of you feel like. I also held my pregnancy back a long time because I was scared in case it went wrong and had a lot of anxiety about it. I'd go the emotional route as people will understand and not feel like you were being facetious.


This friend I think you need to be really honest with. It’s a super delicate situation and truthfully I think she will be a bit hurt because you hid it. My good friend was also in the throes of infertility when I was pregnant and believe me I wanted to do the same and not say anything. So this friend in particularly I would take a dedicated bit of space and be really humble with.


Normal not to see them, but we live in a society where you can easily ask thousands of strangers online how to approach your dilemma, yet you couldn’t easily text them you were pregnant. đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž Just tell them you have a kid. If you didn’t make a big deal out of it then, why should you now.


This pregnancy only told those closest to us, then after baby was a week old posted a picture on social media announcing his birth. So many were shocked, it was fun 😆


I just texted people a pic and said "here's Baby2!" I didn't do a social media announcement that I was pregnant with either, but I told close friends and family with #1. I discovered then that I hate telling people I'm pregnant, soooo I didn't tell most people with #2. 


My acquaintance did a video where you saw her first two kids playing in a rotating recliner and when the chair turned another time you saw the baby being held by the older siblings. Super cute. Honestly though, it was just jarring that they didn’t feel the need to tell all of us. Like these are not close friends but we’ve spent lots of time together over the years and it was a little bit of a slap in the face that they told some people but not all people (which they made clear in their follow up comments). I don’t feel I have the right to be offended (and I would never say anything negative about it to them of course) but it was an odd feeling and I want you to be mentally prepared that people might feel some type of way!


If you have all of these friends on social media I would just do a generic post about “suprise, I had a baby” That way when there is an emotional bomb drop, It’s not directly at you. Hopefully they will all be level headed by the time they reach out to you.


I “surprise I have a baby”d everyone with my second. I hid it for fun. What’s funny to me is that I went to a friends engagement party 22 weeks pregnant and even managed to have no one notice there. My first was a Covid baby so similarly, the only reason anyone knew is because my mom tagged me in a Facebook post excited to be a first time grandma. I think at this stage in life if you don’t see people often there’s the expectation that life milestones happen without them there. So just bringing it up when asked what’s new is usually acceptable to people


I just sent them a picture of my baby with no context and my husband posted on fb. The only people who knew I was pregnant were close family and people who saw me in the last 4 months of pregnancy when I started to look pregnant.


“Look what I made!” was my go-to. 😂


Just do a newborn shoot on your own or professional and put up pretty pictures announcing the arrival of your Little one on face, Instagram and WhatsApp status đŸ˜ŠđŸ± no need to overthink.


My wife and I didn't tell anyone she was preg for the first 7 months and after that only our parents knew. It was super fun video calling are friends and just be holding a new born


“We haven’t talked in a good while but here’s what I’ve been doing (insert picture of baby.”


I would go humorous: Look at this cool thing I made!


"Hey dudes and ladies, I just popped out a pup!"


I don’t tell them. Unless, they ask if anything new or something like that. But in my experience, the ones who did ask and I told them, couldn’t care less.


Yeah you just gotta get over the awkwardness and do it. Or say "I have a surprise announcement, folks"


I did this. When people struck up conversations with me I’d tell them I had a baby. But aside from my immediate family and best friends, I didn’t tell anyone. There’s nothing on my social media either. I just let it happen in conversation naturally. >what have you been up to? >had a baby and moved to the Middle East, you?


i didn't tell most ppl i know either. i remember a convo i had with one of my closest friends abt 2 months after i became a mother who was talking abt how fast time is zooming by and that her cousin has a whole BABY and i replied with "oh yeah,,,,,,me too" she was like WHAT. it was a hilarious convo i told her "I FORGOT" and she was like im never letting u forget that u didnt tell me u had a baby for APPROXIMATELY SEVERAL MONTHS. she was v good natured abt it. i told one friend through text on the morning i was to have my c section done. she hosted a high school get together abt 9-10 months later and i asked if i could bring my kid along and she gave an enthusiastic yes. my classmates from abt a decade ago cooed at the baby and loved her sm and THEN my friend told em "no this isnt my niece this is [my name]'s baby" they were GOBSMACKED 😂 I told another v good friend a few weeks into my pregnancy and i felt vvv awkward anw bc it just doesn't seem like the thing i might go around announcing "oh btw i got knocked up and now im preggers" haha,, i was so uncomfy in fact i didnt even bring it up with my own sister, who knows me molecule by molecule, until more than a week after i found out im pregnant, but she'd already known from my mother who found out from my HUSBAND. i was of the opinion "nooooo dont tell anyone they'll find out 9 months later when i pop it out anw". she'd been beyond worried i hadn't mentioned it yet she thought she'd done something to make me distrust her or sth. i asked my mom not to tell anyone but after she got off the call with me she ran to my sleeping sister's room, covered up her mouth so she wouldn't yell and woke her up with "UR SISTER'S PREGNANT" there's still a few ppl that don't know abt 2 years later but ig they'll know when they'll know haha


I was kind of in this position when I had my baby. It was people who I would text here and there and we would keep up with each other on social media. I think what I did was just kind of text them out of the blue and see how they were doing and then just let them know. I didn’t announce my pregnancy on social media so some people who I obviously wasn’t close to found out with everyone else lol


I didn’t say anything and just showed up with the baby places. I found that to be the most entertaining way to deal with it and they couldn’t even be mad because cute baby. 😂


I told very few people outside of family. We weren't chatting so no big deal on my part! Same with my engagement AND wedding đŸ€· i put up a a 'close friends' post on insta when I felt like it after the fact. The irony of it being called close friends when they're obviously not all that close! But I included people I'd feel weird meeting in the shop with a baby without them knowing she existed.


I had to do this because I kept my second pregnancy off social media. I have some friends that I’ve been friends with since we were like 7 years old, but due to life and careers and living states apart, we don’t talk super often anymore. I basically sent a text with a picture of me and baby in the hospital and said something like “life update! Husband and I wanted to enjoy this pregnancy private due to [insert prior trauma here]. We’re pleased to announce Baby arrived this date and both of us are doing well” and left it at that. Then made a social media post once we were home saying something similar. Don’t overthink it.


I have a friend who was "outed" as a mother on social media when her daughter was TWO YEARS OLD! You can do whatever you want. Your true friends will congratulate you.


Until I read your expanded post, my first thought was “surprise! I had a baby!” 😅 I guess I’m just awkward like that. đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


I just put it on Facebook. Folks who I didn’t speak to for 9 months were all “I didn’t even know! Why didn’t you say something?!” It was pretty perfect.


Instagram post 


I announced the birth of my second by explaining that I had a large uterine mass removed, and I would likely be recovering for the next 18-25 years. Then also his name and a cute photo lol


I sent cards to people announcing the birth of my baby. We had a trio of photos and his name, weight, and DoB. We sent it to the extended family who probably never knew I was pregnant (we didn't really do a big announcement) but we wanted to introduce the new family member.


We told the least number of people possible with both children until they were born, then announced on social media. Got a lot of "OMG I didn't know you were pregnant" but no one seemed offended by that. I had RPL before my first and a lot of sketchy prenatal diagnoses with my second (who's totally fine) and I was really afraid of having to UNtell people.


I made a social media post that said something along the lines of “I kept meaning to post here about xyz things going on in my life, but life kept getting away from me. Anyway, so I had a baby.”


I totally understand and have done the same. I didn’t share my pregnancy with many until 30+ weeks due to previous losses. I also live in another country and don’t post anything on social media, so I’m generally pretty private. Some people I never told until after I had my baby, some still have no clue! For those that I’m telling now, I am just sending msgs that start with, “I’ve got some big news
” I think everyone has been surprised and genuinely happy. No need to give further explanations!


One friend I hadn't talked to for 2 years suddenly messaged me one day pp and asked me what I'm up to. I replied with an image of my new baby 😅. The rest of them got to know on Facebook. I just hadn't had the energy to deal with people for 8 months and had to rip the band-aid off eventually


My friend was in the same situation, she ended up sending a text that said “btw meet *name*”


Birth announcement


Ha, this happened with a friend of mine because I got rid of my social media and that was how we sort of kept in touch. After a while she texted me and asked how I was doing, so I replied and ended with "Oh and y'know, the usual crafting projects when I have the time. This one took me forever!" And sent her a pic of my baby 😅


I did no pregnancy announcement and only told the few friends I invited to my baby shower. I posted a birth announcement about a week after he was born. I think the phrase a used was “If you’ve seen us in real life then you knew this was coming
 but here he is!”


Someone I knew just posted a pic of her and her baby. She didn’t tell anyone except close family. Just say surprise! Don’t worry about it if these people weren’t talking to you regularly you don’t need to feel bad about it.


So this was me, but I intentionally hid my pregnancy from many people because I have health anxiety and I was worried about something happening to the baby. Luckily it all worked out for me. You’ll be fine, if they’re good friends, they’ll be happy for you.


I didn't do cute or funny. I disappeared for a few months and reappeared with a baby. So yeah, it's kinda funny at times when someone who hasn't seen me in a year sees me with a 5 month old baby. Plenty of people didn't know I was pregnant including coworkers and clients. It is what it is. I've had friends pop back into my life with kids and it wasn't awkward.


When my friend (more of a close acquaintance) told me she had a baby I was surprised but laughed and was happy for her. she moved and we arent close anymore so I didnt feel entitled to know. If a FRIEND told me this way, I would assume we are not friends anymore.


Both of my last 2 babies, I only told my very close friends and family, and I put nothing on social media until they were actually born. I never felt awkward about it. It is kind of fun to surprise a bunch of people with a whole baby.


“Look what I made” *holds up baby*


I just stuck a photo of him on my instagram haha


I didn't tell anyone I was pregnant until the 3rd trimester and then it was during random meet ups or convos. If they're not people you thought to tell before then maybe you don't really have to tell them intentionally


Are they even your friends if you haven’t seen or spoken to them in 9 months?


Send a picture and be like 'look what popped out of my crotch!' If these friends of yours don't appreciate that type of humor and then just send a picture and be like 'surprise! I had a baby!' No way to tell them other than just telling them lol (Edit: when I say send a picture, I mean of the new baby.)


Thanks for clarifying. In hindsight I did get a mixed reaction when I announced the birth of my child with a postpartum crotch pic!


đŸ€Ł Gotta make sure no one else makes that same mistake.


Right?! 😭😂


Agree with everyone else you are going to offend these people if they are friends of yours, who wants a surprise I had a baby text from a so called friend who never told you they were pregnant all of the nine months. 


I don’t think there’s a way to reduce the awkward, it feels weird because it is weird. If I had a friend that I’d spoken to multiple times while pregnant tell me they’d had a baby after they had the baby, I’d congratulate and ghost because that exceeds my weird tolerance threshold lol


This is just strange. Sorry. I waited 5 months to tell my friends because I had many losses. If they’re your “friends” you should be excited. You kind of screwed up dude. I’d be upset if a friend did this to me. Not the answer you wanted. Rip the bandaid off and send a picture and say you had a baby and kept it secret from everyone I guess?


you didn’t talk to them for 9 months
they aren’t friends


Untrue..it you ever had life long friends you can easily go months on end without talking and pick things up where they last left off


I’ve gone a few months without talking to friends. But when we were expecting, all my friends were texted/called. If it was someone that I’m not close with but know from our circle, when we connect and ask “what’s new?” or whatever I would say “we had a baby!”. I don’t see why a random announcement to a friend about a pregnancy was a no-go but a random announcement for a baby is a go.


Totally agreed. There's a lot of never-went-to-summer-camp energy in this thread. 


To a point where you wouldn’t tell them you were pregnant? Nah


You are wrong in assuming I didn’t talk to them. I did. It just did not come up that I was pregnant.


Why would it come up if they didn't know? You're the one that would have had to bring it up. Own your choices.


It’s not that it “didn’t come up”, it’s that you CHOSE not to disclose it. It was your prerogative not to mention it, but that was still an active decision you made, possibly because you aren’t that close or you were trying to avoid an awkward situation. Though now it’s definitely a lot more awkward. You might need to apologize or explain to them why you didn’t deign to let them in on such a major milestone in your life. If they're more casual friends you could be lighthearted about it and try to reassure them you simply didn’t want to make a big deal about it, but if they are close friends you may need to have a heart to heart as to why you didn’t tell them before, don’t spring it on them without explanation or they could feel hurt


so you chose not to tell them about a huge life event. still don’t sound much like friends


“I had a baby”