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She looked like a pile of swans.


I was about to comment this 😌🦢


I was thinking the same thing😁


Sheldon with the [perfect reaction](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9166eglAlKs). Granted it was when she was trying it on but still.


I also love how *no one* mentioned the bad luck thing.


Both of them aren't people who believe in those stuff and I think they did a good job by showing that like this


Seeing each other before the wedding worked for them! They won a Nobel Prize! I guess two scientists can crush a superstition. I think the wedding episode is my favorite.


It ain't perfect but this show is good at not using tired tropes.


Scientists aren’t typically believers in superstitions


Superstitions begin traditions.


Thank you so much for the link. I just love this so much. They are just so beautiful together.


So glad she actually wore her Princess tiara at her wedding and also at the Nobel Prize ceremony!


Such a good touch that she used it for every big event she could possibly wear it for after receiving it


And as maid of honor at Bernadette and Howard’s wedding


The episode where they win the nobel prize was another big example of how beautiful Amy really is.


Omg the new Amy was just hot! Styled right! Loved it!


Their vows always make me sob like a baby.


You and Mark Hamil!


I agree, but it bugs me when women have to take their glasses off to achieve this. I wish they had let her keep them. Amy would want to see her husband!


I had so many people complaining that I wanted to keep mine on for my wedding, but I have worn ryem since I was 3 and would have felt wrong without them on


Contact lenses exists That aside the whole Clark Kent to Superman removal of glasses thing is a bit played out


Yes, but if you’ve never used them (and we have no reason to believe she does since we always see her with glasses), one doesn’t just pop some in and magically be able to function. Not everyone can wear them and they sure as hell aren’t something you can just go buy off the shelf.


Okay but people practice and plan for a wedding? Like girls practice wearing whatever shoe they chose, or will practice the makeup a bunch of times. Making a drs appointment and learning how to wear contacts is believable. Plus we don’t know that Amy’s mom hadn’t already made her get them. She just never had someone she wanted to wear them for.


People who wear glasses their whole life don’t really give a rats ass if the person with them is “worth” wearing contacts for. I’ve had mine since 2nd grade, my husband fell in love with me while I was wearing glasses, I wore a kickass pair of horn-rimmed glasses for my wedding and he still thought I looked beautiful, and I felt awesome. I feel weird and naked without my glasses, like people aren’t seeing the real me.


Same same same! I love my glasses, and I think I look better with them on, and my husband thinks I'm beautiful in them.


Okay I wore glasses from 3rd grade but would still wear contacts on dates as I got older. Not everyone feels like switching between glasses and contacts is “betraying” their true self. Amy doesn’t spend a lot of time on her appearance in the day to day but I could see her wanting to look different and feel special on her wedding. Clearly the writers agreed.


There was also no indication in that episode that she couldn’t see https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AI2kB3eqa8Y


The fact that this https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/UxoI1RYYNj was the next post in my feed is too perfect 😭😂


Maybe contacts? My husband can’t see in the distance well but didn’t want glasses on or for somethings to be blurry so he chose to wear contacts for the first time. Glasses wouldn’t have bothered me including photos but he didn’t want them on.


Contacts just aren’t her style though


I think the glasses and hair was a huge factor for her looks. Simply removing her glasses in a scene (e.g. going to bed) and/or tying her hair make a huge difference, at least for me. The stylist really did a good job in transforming her into Amy!


BBT tried very hard to make us think that Amy and Raj aren’t absolutely stunning people!! They’re both drop dead gorgeous!!


Leonard too - Johnny Galeki is super sexy when he lets his natural charisma flow...




Team Amy. She had better comedic timing than half the cast


Also todays episode about them moving apartments- she handles Sheldon so gently when he is trying to figure out staying in his old room Vs staying with her she just GETS him


Although when he pushes her out the bed and she takes a flash photo of him is hilarious


Are you talking about when they’re in the hall as she’s coming home? That was the best interaction between them. She genuinely didn’t apply any pressure and simply provided a different perspective before going inside.


Exactly. Such a tender moment Edit: Here have an eggplant




Yeah she was pretty. I really liked when Sheldon said “I really did think you looked pretty, so much so it made me panic”


Personally, I thought Amy was stunning when she and Sheldon were playing doctor...Star Trek style. Also in general, Amy is attractive but it's her clothing that makes her look frumpy.


And the little wink!


She did look absolutely stunning!! I also think she looked beautiful in the Prom episode where Sheldon first said he loved her.


I also loved how Amy looked when she was dressed as Snow White. She looked even prettier than Penny and Bernadette


No..just no.


Also, she did indeed look fantastic in all those dresses.


She really did. I preferred the first one she tried on with all the lace.


I love how Sheldon said she looked beautiful yet Penny and Bernadette didn't like the dress, Sheldon did, he understood her beauty 🥰


When j was young and used to watch blossom I literally thought they was the coolest prettiest girl. With her leather jacket.


It’s the classic trope of nerdy girls taking off their glasses and letting their hair down. The actress is quite pretty, and the normal character is her styled as atrociously as possible. Basically the style for that day was “remove the standard -100 attractiveness stuff we do to her, and apply +10”.


Still just Blossom to me.


Just... JUST!? JUST BLOSSOM!? Have you ever seen blossom? Maybe I'm JUST an eternal 16 year old girl but there's a reason Raj mentions her for their group early on in the series.


I wasn’t that into it, but it came on after Fresh Prince I think it was and I had a major crush on Six.


She’s so gorgeous


I fully agree and it's one of my favorite episodes. She is so completely lovely! And the episode is outstanding! Life advice: Do not read the article where they interview her about this episode. Do not read it. I was low-key traumatized and almost couldn't watch the episode again. Dance damages women. Please don't read it. I wish I had been told.


I tried looking for it, can you share a link?


https://ew.com/tv/2018/05/10/big-bang-theory-wedding-mayim-bialik/ You were warned


Nice bait


I hope you're right. But my fear is that it was real.


My husband loves her and thinks she was the perfect addition to the group. She’s incredible!


For most of the series, they went with making her look dowdy to emphasize her nerdiness. I understand that was kind of necessary to define her character; I just don't think they always knew where to go from there. They gave her far too many oddball bodily self-references in the dialog, IMO. Unfortunately it came off as a bit misogynistic.


Another wedding in a comedy sitcom, blecch!


She looks the exact same.


Yeah, I wasn't saying she looked bad before. She just looks "glam" in the wedding specifically. Like, all dolled up. The actress is a very beautiful woman.




Mayim bialik is really the worst actress. She drags down the whole show


I like her look because it isn't the "standard romantic glow up." Yes, she took off her glasses, but her look remains conservative and very much fits with how I picture Amy dressing herself. It would have been easy to have had Penny dress and style her like a mini Penny. And while she may have enjoyed being penny briefly, I think this representation feels like Amy planning her own day, and that's beautiful.


I still think she’s ugly


To each their own, I guess. She never looked good, much less 'perfect'.


This dress was so freaking ugly that it wouldn't matter if Aishwarya Rai wore, they'd still look heinous